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The Israel-Arab Reader
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Walter Laqueur
The Israel-Arab Reader
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Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Introduction to the Seventh Edition
Part I - From the Bilu to the British Mandate's End
Bilu Group: Manifesto (1882)
Theodor Herzl: The Jewish State (1896)
The First Zionist Congress: The Basle Declaration (August 1897)
Negib Azouri: Program of the League of the Arab Fatherland (1905)
Sir Henry McMahon: The McMahon Letter (October 24, 1915)
British and French Governments: The Sykes-Picot Agreement (May 15-16, 1916)
British Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour: The Balfour Declaration (November 2, 1917)
Emir Feisal and Chaim Weizmann: Agreement (January 3, 1919)
Emir Feisal and Felix Frankfurter: Correspondence (March 3-5, 1919)
The General Syrian Congress: Memorandum Presented to the King-CraneCommission ...
The King-Crane Commission: Recommendations (August 28, 1919)
Winston Churchill: The Churchill White Paper (June 1922)
League of Nations: The British Mandate (July 24, 1922)
British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald: The MacDonald Letter (February 13, 1931)
The Palestine Royal Commission (Peel Commission): Report (July 1937)
British Government: Policy Statement Against Partition (November 1938)
British Government: The White Paper (May 17, 1939)
The Jewish Agency for Palestine: Zionist Reaction to the White Paper (1939)
German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini: Zionism ...
The Biltmore Program: Towards a Jewish State (May 11, 1942)
The Arab Office: The Arab Case for Palestine (March 1946)
The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry: Recommendations and Comments (May 1, 1946)
UN Special Committee on Palestine: Summary Report (August 31, 1947)
UN General Assembly: Resolution on the Future Government of Palestine ...
Part II - From Israel's Independence Through the 1973 War's Aftermath
State of Israel: Proclamation of Independence (May 14, 1948)
UN General Assembly: Resolution 194 (December 11, 1948)
UN General Assembly: Resolution 303, On the Internationalization of Jerusalem ...
State of Israel: Law of Return (July 5, 1950)
UN Security Council: Resolution 619, Concerning Restrictions on the Passage of ...
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser: On Zionism and Israel (1960-1963)
United Arab Republic: Manifesto (April 1963)
Palestine Liberation Organization: Draft Constitution (1963)
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser: Speech at UAR Advanced Air Headquarters ...
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser: Speech to Arab Trade Unionists (May 26, 1967)
Muhammad Hassanain Haykal: An Armed Clash with Israel Is InevitableâWhy? (May ...
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser: Speech to National Assembly Members (May ...
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser: Resignation Broadcast (June 9, 1967)
Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban: Speech at the Special Assembly of the ...
Israeli Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin: The Right of Israel (June 28, 1967)
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser: We Shall Triumph (July 23, 1968)
UN Security Council: Resolution 242 (November 22, 1967)
Palestine National Council: The Palestinian National Charter (July 1968)
Y. Harkabi: Fatah's Doctrine (December 1968)
Fatah: The Seven Points (January 1969)
Muhammad Hassanain Haykal: The Strategy of the War of Attrition (March-April 1969)
PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat (Abu Ammar): An Interview (August 1969)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: Platform (1969)
Soviet General Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev: Position on the 1973 War (October ...
Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad: Speech (October 15, 1973)
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat: Speech (October 16, 1973)
UN Security Council: Resolution 338 (October 22, 1973)
Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir: Statement in the Knesset (October 23, 1973)
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat: Speech (April 3, 1974)
Palestine National Council: Resolutions (June 1974)
The Agranat Commission: Report (1974)
George Habash: Interview (August 3, 1974)
PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat: Address to the UN General Assembly (November 13, 1974)
Y. Harkabi: The Meaning of “A Democratic Palestinian State” (1974)
Egyptian-Israeli Accord on Sinai (September 1, 1975)
Part III - From Camp David Through the Madrid Conference
Harold H. Saunders: U.S. Foreign Policy and Peace in the Middle East (November ...
The Likud Party: Platform (March 1977)
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat: Peace with Justice (November 20, 1977)
PLO: Six-Point Program (December 4, 1977)
Arab League: Summit Declaration (December 5, 1977)
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin: Autonomy Plan for the West Bank and ...
U.S. President Jimmy Carter: Statement on Palestinian Rights (January 4, 1978)
UN Security Council: Resolution 425, on Lebanon (March 19, 1978)
Camp David Summit Meeting: Frameworks for Peace (September 17, 1978)
Egypt and Israel: Peace Treaty (March 26, 1979)
Arab League: Summit Communiqué (March 31, 1979)
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko: On the Camp David Agreement (September ...
PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat: Interview on Camp David (November 19, 1979)
Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad: Speech (March 8, 1980)
European Council: Venice Declaration (June 13, 1980)
Israeli Government: Fundamental Policy Guidelines (August 5, 1981)
Saudi Crown Prince Fahd ibn Abd al-Aziz: The Fahd Plan (August 7, 1981)
West Bank Palestinians: Reactions to Camp David (August 30, 1981)
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak: Egypt and Israel (October 14, 1981)
U.S. and Israel: Memorandum of Understanding (November 30, 1981)
Israeli Law on the Golan Heights (December 14, 1981)
Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon: Israel's Security (December 15, 1981)
Israeli Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir: Israel's Role in a Changing Middle ...
Egyptian Foreign Minister Boutros Boutros-Ghali: The Foreign Policy of Egypt in ...
U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz: Congressional Testimony (July 12, 1982)
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin: The Wars of No Alternative and Operation ...
U.S. President Ronald Reagan: The Reagan Plan (September 1, 1982)
Twelfth Arab Summit Conference: Final Statement (September 9, 1982)
Jordanian Crown Prince Al-Hasan Bin Talal: Jordan's Quest for Peace (Fall 1982)
The Kahan Commission: Report (February 7, 1983)
PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat: Speech to Palestine National Council (February 14, 1983)
Palestine National Council: Political Statement (February 22, 1983)
Barry Rubin: United It Stalls, The PLO (March 21, 1983)
Jordanian Government: Refusal to Join the Reagan Peace Initiative (April 10, 1983)
Lebanon and Israel: Truce Agreement (May 17, 1983)
Said Musa: Interview on Internal Dissent (May 26, 1983)
Khalid al-Hasan: On the Dissident Rebellion (May 27, 1983)
King Hussein of Jordan: Speech to the Palestine National Council (November 22, 1984)
Jordan-PLO: Joint Communiqué (February 11, 1985)
King Hussein of Jordan: Ending the Jordan-PLO Initiative (February 19, 1986)
Israel and Jordan: “The London Document” (April 11, 1987)
PLO Executive Committee: On the Intifada (December 1987)
West Bank-Gaza Palestinian Leaders: Fourteen Points (January 14, 1988)
Unified National Command of the Intifada: Call No. 6 (February 4, 1988)
U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz: Plan (March 6, 1988)
PLO Executive Committee: Statement on the Intifada (April 1988)
United National Command of the Intifada: Calls No. 12, 16, and 18 (April-May 1988)
King Hussein of Jordan: Disengagement from the West Bank (July 31, 1988)
Hamas: Charter (August 1988)
Palestine National Council: Political Resolution (November 15, 1988)
Palestine National Council: Declaration of Independence (November 15, 1988)
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak: The Inevitability of Peace (January 21, 1989)
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir: Peace Plan (May 14, 1989)
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak: Ten-Point Plan (September 4, 1989)
PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat: Speech on the Intifada (September 1989)
U.S. Secretary of State James Baker: Five-Point Plan (October 10, 1989)
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein: Speech to the Arab Cooperation Council ...
PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat: The PLO and the Gulf Crisis (December 13, 1990)
Palestine National Council: Political Communiqué (September 28, 1991)
U.S. Letter of Assurances to the Palestinians (October 18, 1991)
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and Palestinian Delegation Leader Haydar ...
Part IV - The Apparent Approach of Peace
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: Inaugural Speech (July 13, 1992)
PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat: Speech for Fatah's Anniversary (December 31, 1992)
Mahmoud Darwish: Resigning from the PLO Executive Committee (August 1993)
Israel and PLO: Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government ...
Israel and PLO: Agreed Minutes to the Declaration of Principles on Interim ...
U.S. President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and PLO ...
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: Speech to Knesset (September 21, 1993)
Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad: Reaction to Israel-PLO Agreement (October 1, 1993)
Hani al-Hasan: Opposition to the Israel-PLO Accord (October 9, 1993)
West Bank-Gaza Palestinian Leaders: Memorandum to Chairman Yasir Arafat ...
Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad and U.S. President Bill Clinton: Statement on ...
Israel and PLO: Cairo Agreement (March 4, 1994)
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat: Speeches at ...
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: Speech to Knesset (April 18, 1994)
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: Accepting the UNESCO Peace Prize (July 6, 1994)
Israel and Jordan: The Washington Agreement (July 26, 1994)
King Hussein of Jordan and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: Speeches on ...
Israel and Jordan: Peace Treaty (October 26, 1994)
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat, and Israeli ...
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