Read The Falling of Love Online

Authors: Marisa Oldham

The Falling of Love (22 page)

BOOK: The Falling of Love
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His last attempt ended with him not losing his life, but finding purpose to begin a new one. With his mind lost in the ecstasy of the drugs he took, Ian walked onto a freeway onramp in Las Vegas and threw himself at a passing vehicle. He was rushed to a Las Vegas hospital and due to his injuries spent a several months detoxing and healing from his injuries in a rehab facility. Most of his torturous time in the hospital was spent on devising a plan to find Grace and sweep her off her feet once again. It came as a surprise to him how easy it was to kick his drug habit and heal his physical wounds. Believing in his determination to find Grace, he found the strength he needed to push forward and get healthy.


“Grace, time to get up!” Michelle calls from the kitchen. “Do you want to go to the café and get coffee or should I make us some?”

Grace rolls over in her bed groaning. Michelle pokes her head around the partition. “Oh now don’t go pulling a Michelle on me. Get up! We’re going to be late if you sleep any longer.”

Michelle grabs Grace’s blankets and pulls them to the floor.

“Ugh, you’re such a brat!” Grace says, as she shoots Michelle a glare.

“I know,” Michelle says, as she casually walks back to the kitchen. “Le café or home brew?”

“The café,” says Grace, as she pulls herself out of bed.

Grace’s schedule for the day is jam packed. First, she has two art classes, and then a runway show later that evening. Since she moved to Paris, most of her days are spent this way. Filled with classes, modeling jobs, or castings. Her busy schedule helps her to keep her mind off the things she would rather not think about.


After the long day Grace had, all she wants to do is
onto her couch. She turns her key in the door and lets her backpack fall to the floor with a sigh.

“Hey!” she says, to Michelle as she walks in the loft door.

“Hey,” says Michelle without turning to look at her. “Jaden called.”

“Oh, he did?”

Michelle doesn’t turn away from her computer. “He said he would try to call you tomorrow.”

“What is so fascinating?” Grace asks, as she sits in the chair next to the desk.

Michelle moves her computer screen around so that Grace can see what she is glaring at.

“Oh wow, Missy! Is that me?”

“You know it’s you, stupid. Do you like it?” Michelle teases.

On the screen is a black and white photograph of Grace. She is wearing a garment that looks like a black leather bathing suit. Her curvy backside rests against the floor-to-ceiling glass panes in the loft. A bright light from the day’s sun conceals the panes of the window, making it look like she is floating in the clouds. Both of her arms rest pointedly, behind her head. Her long blonde hair is pulled back into a loose bun. Her bangs fall over her face, but do not conceal her smoldering gaze. On her feet she wears a pair of spiked, high heel, ankle boots. Using her tiptoes she elongates her legs and this helps to form her body in just the right way, making all of the contours of her body appealing. On her arm she wears a single, thick leather band on her wrist, silver spokes jutting out like tiny daggers. Around her neck is a leather strap ornamented with black feathers. The angle of her face and her dead-pan eyes, bring sexiness to the photograph that she is not used to seeing in herself. Grace notices that for the first time in her life she looks like a woman, not a teenager.

“It’s amazing, Missy. You’re a great photographer. Especially since you made my ass look ten times smaller than what it really is.” Grace laughs.

“Do you care if I use it in my show? Do you think it’s too sexy?”

Without hesitation, she answers, “No, not at all. It’s a beautiful photo. Use it!”

Michelle returns to working on the photographs.

“So, what’s up with Jaden?” Grace asks.

“Oh you know, same thing different day. He was chatting about some remodeling he’s done to the old house,” says Michelle, still not taking her gaze off her computer.

“I loved that old house.”

“I guess Jaden found a bank statement for an account that he didn’t know that Grandpa Joe had, and apparently Grandpa Joe left Jaden all the money that was in it.”


“Yeah, so he’s using the money to remodel the house and record an album.”

Grace thinks about the old house and all the glorious times she had there with Grandpa Joe, Jaden and with Ian. Her heart sinks as she thinks about Ian. How happy they were and how in love they were when they first moved in.
Will I ever be open to loving like that again?

“I hope he doesn’t modernize it,” Grace says, breaking the silence in the loft.

“I don’t think he would do that. He loves the style of that house too much. He just mentioned something about restoring the woodwork, new floors, and new paint.”

Grace can see that Michelle is too preoccupied with her photographs to have a conversation, despite Grace wanting to know every word that Jaden said.

“Well, I suppose I’m going to lie down,” Grace says, as she rises from the chair and heads for her bedroom. “Night, Missy.”

Grace heads to her room and changes for bed, all the while contemplating calling Jaden back. She decides that she’d rather not dredge up old memories tonight after such a long day and crawls in bed.


The sound of her cell phone ringing wakes Grace. She rolls over to look at the alarm clock sitting on her nightstand. “Midnight!” she huffs. “Ah hello?” she asks, with a raspy, tired voice.

“I woke you up, didn’t I?” asks Jaden.

“It’s midnight here,” she says, laughing. “How are you, Jaden?”

“I’m good. I’m sorry. I can never get the time difference right,” he says, in his smoky voice. “I can try to call later?”

“No, it’s okay,” Grace says, as she raises herself to a sitting position. “I want to hear about what you’re doing to my house.”

Jaden laughs at her. “Your house, huh?”

“Yeah, my house,” she says, laughing.

“So Michelle told you about my inheritance I take it?”

“Of course she did.”

“Ya know, I’ve just been redoing some of the old woodwork, the floors, got rid of that gnarly wallpaper in your old bathroom and stuff like that.”

“You’re not going to modernize it, are you?” Grace asks.

“Never! You should see what we did to the backyard!”

“We?” Grace asks.

“Oh ah, yeah, I got myself a new roommate,” Jaden says, with hesitation. “Anyway, I put a fire pit in and these righteous outdoor couches, and this thing that is like a bed, but for outside.”

“That sounds really nice, Jaden,” Grace says, with a yawn. It is not that she finds the conversation boring. She loves hearing from Jaden, but she is just exhausted.

“Michelle emailed me some of the photos she is thinking of using in her show,” Jaden says. “You look incredible.”

“You’re too sweet. How are you, besides being rich now?”

“I’m doin’ alright, yeah, I’m alright. My band is getting quite the following, and I’ve been writing a shit load of new songs. Mostly acoustic stuff,” he says, with enthusiasm ringing from his voice.

“Are you ever going to send me that CD you promised me?”

“Ah man I totally have it in a package ready to send, but I keep forgetting to. This construction crap can really distract a guy. Plus the one I record in the studio will be way better.”

There is a moment of silence between them.

“Grace?” he asks, apprehensively.

“I’m here. Sorry. I’m just so tired. I had school all day and then a runway show,” she says, with another yawn.

“You’re doing so well in Paris. I’m proud of you. I was wondering
I have a bit of money left over after all the home repairs and recording my album. I, ah…I would like to come and see you girls.”

“That would be fantastic!”

“Would you mind if I shacked up at your casa for a couple of weeks?”

“That would be perfect. When were you thinking of coming?”

“Maybe next week. I’d like to be there in time for Michelle’s gallery showing. It means so much to her, and I really want to be there for her.”

Grace is surprisingly overwhelmed with excitement at Jaden’s words.

“Anytime you want, Jaden. You’re always welcome here.”

“Awesome. Well, when I get my tickets I’ll call you with my arrival time and all that jazz.”

“Sounds great.”

“Grace, I guess I’ll see you soon. I hope you can go back to sleep.”

“I’ll be fine, trust me.”

“Bye, sugar.”


Grace pushes the button on her phone to end the call and slips her phone into the drawers in her nightstand. She is beyond excited that Jaden is coming to visit, but her eyelids become heavy as she falls to sleep.


Jaden hangs the telephone up and sits still while thinking about what he has just done. Ian would be devastated if he knew that Jaden knows where Grace is, and that he was not telling him. He would be further devastated if he knew that Jaden was going to visit her.

Jaden has grown immensely close to Michelle over the past few months via telephone calls and emails, and he has always been close to Grace. He cannot help wanting to see them. There is something inside him urging him to go to Paris. He needs to see with his own two eyes how the girls are doing. He yearns to be face to face with Grace, to see for
that she is truly happy.

It is probably a big mistake, but the girls are his close friends, his family.

He considers revealing the truth to Ian, but then decides once again that it does not matter. Grace is over five thousand miles away in another country. Even if he did confess to Ian that he knew where she was, nothing would ever come of it.

Jaden searches through the contacts on his phone and finds Grace’s phone number, clicks the edit button, and then changes her name to Meghan H. Searching for Michelle’s number, and the loft number, he changes the names of each of them, giving them aliases. He is mostly confident that Ian would not look through his phone, but wants to be sure there is no possible way Ian would find a way to contact Grace.

Jaden finds Ian in the backyard hammering a bench together. “That looks rad, man!” Jaden says, as he stands behind him.

“I’m almost done. I just have to put the other armrest on.”

a water
or something?”

“Water sounds great. Then do you think you could get your lazy ass out here and lay down the pathway to the pool?”

Jaden laughs. “Sure, man. I just had to call my mom. I’m going to go visit her next week.”

“Is she okay?”

“Yeah, I just miss her, and since I have some money left I wanted to go on a little trip.”

Chapter 19

Jaden only has one duffle bag slung over his arm when he walks into the loft.

“I can’t believe that’s all you brought,” says Grace, as she studies him.

“I like to travel light,” he says, as he puts his bag down on the hardwood floor. His head swirls around the loft in a stupor. “Man, you girls have a sweet pad,” he says, as he walks to the windows and looks out over the city. “I can see the Eiffel Tower from here!” he shouts. “You’re doin’ alright.”

“James did a great job finding us this loft,” Grace says, as she walks to the kitchen.

“And he pays your rent too, huh?” Jaden asks, in astonishment.

“And both of our tuitions at art school,” Grace says, as she pours Jaden a glass of soda.

“Is he
’ a bit guilty for kicking you ladies out or what?”

“No, that’s not it. I think he just wants us to live our dreams.” Grace sits on the couch and pats the cushion next to her. “Let me look at you,” she says, with inquisitive eyes flowing over Jaden’s entire body. “Your hair is shorter, you look skinnier, and…is
this a
new tattoo?” she asks, grabbing his arm.

, man, I got that one right after you moved out. This is my new one,” he says, and he rolls up the sleeve on his plain black t-shirt.

“You look really good. However, I think you’re in need of some of my cooking.”

“Oh, I couldn’t agree with you more,” he says, rubbing his hands together and licking his lips. “You look pretty damn good yourself, sugar.”

Grace’s cheeks warm. “Thanks. Are you hungry?”

“Nah, I’m good. I ate on the plane.”


“It really wasn’t that bad.” Jaden’s eyes circle the bright room again. “So, your rooms are behind those panels? Don’t you two need more privacy than that?”

“No. We do just fine.”

“What about when you bring your boyfriends home?”

Grace giggles. “We don’t have boyfriends. We’re too busy, besides…well, I’m not ready yet.”

“Ah, I see. I like the way you’ve decorated. It’s super girly though.”

“We’re girls, Jaden. How else would we decorate?”

“I suppose that’s true. I brought some pictures of the renovations,” Jaden says, digging into his duffle bag. Handing Grace a stack of photographs, Jaden’s eyes catch hers. She is comforted with him being by her side. Grace thumbs through the prints and is amazed at the difference the changes have made. “Wow, you did all of this yourself?”

“My roommate helps.”

“That’s awesome. Do you like him?”

Grace cannot make out the expression that has fallen over Jaden’s face as she waits for him to answer.

“He’s an alright kinda guy. Doesn’t cause too much trouble and keeps to

The two of them sit on the couch for hours talking, neither of them mentioning Ian. Grace wants to ask him so badly if he has heard from
and if he is okay, but at the moment she does not want to open her heart up to what Jaden may have to say. She would rather enjoy his company than dig up the past or learn truths from the present that would horrify her.

Michelle bangs through the door, almost weighed down with the camera bag and lights she carries in her arms. Jaden jumps up from the couch and runs over to help her. After he helps her with the heavy bag and lights, he wraps his arms tightly around her. “My famous photographer,” he says, as he hugs the breath out of her and kisses her on her head. Grace fondly watches them embrace and for the first time notices the closeness between them.

“My rock star,” she says, grinning. “I hope you brought more stylish clothes than this for your photo shoot!” She laughs, as she tugs on his t-shirt.

“You know it, baby! I brought all my cool outfits,” he says, smiling.

“Yeah and he shoved them all in that,” Grace says, as she points to Jaden’s duffle bag lying on the floor.

Michelle wrinkles up her nose and then they both laugh.

“Already ganging up on me and I just got here.” Jaden laughs.

Michelle takes his hand and leads him back to the couch and Grace
. She is made aware, just by simple gestures they make, that Jaden and Michelle seem to have grown very close.

“I’m going to make dinner,” Grace says, turning for the kitchen.

“Okay, thanks sis,” Michelle calls back to her from the couch.


After dinner, Grace and Michelle find blankets and pillows and make Jaden a bed on the couch.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay sleeping here?”

“I’ll be fine. It’s comfortable,” Jaden says,

“I can’t believe you’re here,” Grace says, starting at him lying on her couch, his dark eyes small from tiredness.

“Me neither. I wasn’t sure when I would see you ladies again and I never thought I’d see Paris.”

“I cleared my schedule as much as I could so we can show you around the city.”

With his eyes closed Jaden lets out an exhausted yawn. “That sounds groovy, sugar.”

Grace stands, walks to where Jaden’s head is, and bends down to kiss him. “Bonne
, my friend.”

Grace shuts off all the lights and then peeps in to check on Michelle. “Are you awake?”


“I love you.”

“Love you too, sis.”

“See you tomorrow. Wake me up if you two wake up before me.”

“Uh huh,” Michelle says, sounding half-asleep.

Grace climbs into her bed and turns the lamp off that sits on her nightstand. She snuggles into her comforter and closes her eyes with a smile on her face. Having Jaden around warms her heart.


Jaden spends his time in Paris with the girls showing him all over the city. They visit all the tourist spots and some unknown places the girls frequent, like their favorite café that is just down the block from their loft. Not once does anyone mention Ian’s name. Jaden has been fighting with himself the entire visit on whether he should confess to Grace that Ian is once again in his band, and living with him. As long as Grace does not bring it up, Jaden is content to let sleeping dogs lie.

“Two weeks sure has gone by fast,” Michelle says, somberly, as she takes the seat at her computer.

Jaden is in the chair next to her, looking through hundreds of photographs she has shot of him over his entire visit.

“Sure has. Oh, I like this one for my album cover!” He shouts as he points to a black and white photograph of himself leaning up against an old distressed door on a random Paris street, with a cigarette dangling from his lips.

“That’s one of my favorites,” says Grace as she slinks up behind the two of them.

“I’ll work on it and burn you a disc tonight…” Michelle pauses,
pouts with her lower lip out. “It will be ready before you leave tomorrow,” she says, still pouting. “Damn it!” she gasps, as she leaps from her chair. “I’m late for my shoot! I gotta go!” Michelle rushes to grab her camera bag then runs over quickly to Jaden and kisses him on each cheek, then does the same to Grace, and Grace does the same to her.

“You girls are so European now.” Jaden laughs.

Michelle gives Jaden a long warm hug and then runs to the door. “Au revoir!” She waves, as she rushes out.

Jaden and Grace continue looking through all the photographs that Michelle has taken.

“She really took some amazing shots of you,” Grace whispers while concentrating on what she is looking at on the computer screen.

“She’s bad ass!”

“Well, you’re not a bad model either, ya know.” Grace lifts her eyes from the screen and smiles at him.

For two weeks, he has been battling the temptation to kiss her. There were many moments while they were either sitting on the couch or on Grace’s bed in deep conversation where the compulsion crept over him, but he fought it. As she sits next to him wearing a pink tank top and sheer, pink cotton pajama shorts, he is sure he has never seen her look so beautiful. He can no longer fight the urge to kiss her.


As Jaden leans in close to Grace, moves her hair away from her neck, and kisses her softly there, she is surprised. Her body warms and tingles from the touch of his lips on her skin. Grace backs away and throws her hand over her mouth. He does not back away from her, instead he leans in again, and this time he brings his lips over hers.

“Jaden!” Grace pants, backing away again.

Moving in he stops his head near her neck. “Tell me you don’t want me and I’ll stop,” he says, whispering into her ear as he sucks on her lobe.

She cannot deny that she wants him, because she does.

Over the last few months, they have grown even closer than they were when they lived together, and over the past two weeks, her feelings for him have changed from ones of mere friendship, becoming stronger. When he looks at her with his dark eyes, he makes her weak in the knees. She is extremely attracted to him and finds herself daydreaming of kissing him. She realizes that she may have even worn the skimpy pajamas on purpose in an attempt to attract him.

Jaden reaches between her legs, rubs her thighs, and then pulls her chair closer to his. He places kisses on her neck, then kisses around to her chin and cheeks. Feelings of passion rush over her body. There is no use denying it. She has not been with anyone intimately since the last time she had sex with him, and the need to be touched is overpowering her wits. No one she has attempted to date has been worthy of giving this part of herself to. Jaden holds a special place in her heart, and he is more than worthy in her eyes.

He stands and pulls her from her chair, lifting her up into his arms. He carries her over to the couch and lays her on it, on her knees. Pulling her shorts off rapidly, then her panties, he kisses from the back of her neck down to her backside. She is becoming less and less logical with every kiss he places on her body. He rips off his shirt, his pants, and boxers, discarding them carelessly on the floor. His movements are abrupt and heated, which only intensify her hunger for him. He climbs onto the couch placing one knee on either side of her hips so that her legs go between his. His stiff erection touches her backside and a thrill of excitement shudders through her entire body. He lays his torso on her back and sucks on her neck, back, and shoulders. She moans in pleasure, the sound coming from her parted lips uncontrollable.

As he kisses her, their naked bodies move together in a similar motion. He rests on his knees once again and traces over her body with his fingertips, plaguing her with delicate caresses. His finger slides gently around the crease of her backside. She becomes wet at his touch. He bends down and licks around the crease of her bottom. Every muscle in her body contracts at the touch of his tongue. He delicately slips his tongue into her crack and flicks it slowly.

What is he doing?
She cannot dwell on the thought of how strange it is for him to lick her there for too long because she is enjoying every tantalizing movement of his tongue. Pulling her by her waist he lifts her body so that her bottom is pointing in the air, rising off the couch. He slips his fingers inside her and pushes them deep into her.

“Oh,” she weeps, as his fingers push and prod her in all the right places.

Grace has not been touched in this way since the last time she made love to Ian.
, the unwelcome thought of him forces itself into her mind, and she pushes it out just as quickly. Jaden moves his entire body at the same rhythm as his fingers moving in and out of her. He pulls his fingers out of her, and she can hear him sucking on them. Jaden spits in his hand and rubs the saliva on his erection, then deliciously eases himself inside her. She cannot control the gasp that escapes her lips. He is so large, it is almost painful. She does not recall this from the first time they had sex. He grabs her hips and begins an appetizing motion. Her body moves with his in this sweet sensual ride.

He pulls himself out of her and turns her body over so that she is facing him. He grabs each of her legs, puts one on each of his shoulders, and again plunges into her. This time he puts himself inside of her and then pulls himself out immediately, repeating this until she groans at him. He lunges himself into her with a heated passionate fury.

“Yes!” she breathes with a heavy, hot breath.

He pulls her up to his chest, her breasts smashing against his sweaty chest while he is still inside her. He sucks on her bottom lip as quiet moans seep from her open mouth, and then bites down.

“Ouch!” She cries, but the pain excites her.

He slows his pace as his mouth falls over her breast and takes her nipple into his hot, wet mouth. He brushes the hair that is stuck to her face by sweat aside, and stares into her eyes. She feels as though he is looking into her soul. As he nibbles on her nipple she loses all control and orgasms.

After he comes, he lays her on the couch and then sits on the other edge of it, trying to catch his breath. She sits up and changes the position of her head so that she is lying in his lap. Jaden brushes her hair softly with his fingers. “That was…” he seems unable to catch his breath and to finish his sentence.

“Extraordinaire!” Grace breathes in her best French accent.

“Extraordinaire!” Jaden says, miserably failing at his attempt at a French accent. “Let’s go shower,” he says, after standing.

Grace admires his tall, lanky frame, and the subtle six pack on his stomach.


Steam fills the bathroom as the hot water lusciously stings Grace’s skin, as it washes over them. Jaden’s body slides with ease over the back of Grace’s.

“This shower feels so good,” he whispers into her ear, his arms wrapped around her and his hands holding firmly to her breasts.

Grace turns to face him and rubs a
covered in soap on his chest.

“You’re still too skinny,” she says, as she washes him.

“I’ve gained ten pounds since I’ve been here.” He laughs.

BOOK: The Falling of Love
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