The Everything Theodore Roosevelt Book (55 page)

Read The Everything Theodore Roosevelt Book Online

Authors: Arthur G. Sharp

Tags: #History, #United States, #General, #Biography & Autobiography, #Americas (North; Central; South; West Indies)

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Safari experiences, 180–82, 183, 185, 186

Saltonstall, Richard, 26, 52

Santiago (San Juan Hill), Battle of, 113–14, 117

Schrank, John, 201–2, 203–4, 206

Seal, dead, 6–7

Seton, Ernest Thompson, 224

Sewall, William W., 15, 64, 65, 67, 72

Sewell, Anna, 222

Shafter, William R., 115

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 92, 99, 141

Siblings, 2–3.
See also
Bamie (Anna


Sims, William S., 106–7

Sites to visit, 280

Skating, 17–18

Smithsonian Institution, 167, 180, 182, 272

Sorbonne comments, 184, 185

Spanish-American War, 102–3, 104, 107–8, 117


collecting and studying, 7–8, 180, 181

donating, 272

Spinney, George, 40

Square deal, 39, 133, 187, 189

Steel, William G., 268, 276

“Strenuous life,” 2, 11, 16, 64–65, 242, 257

Striking down strike, 138–41

Strong, William, 92, 93, 96

Suicide, of Kermit, 258

Suicide thoughts, 210–11

Taft, William Howard, 163, 183, 188, 190–91, 193–96, 204, 240, 247

Tammany Hall, 40, 47, 49, 93–94

Tariff issue, 194–95, 199

Technology, using, 265–66

“Teddy bear,” 58, 60

Theodore Roosevelt’s Letters to His

(TR), 83

Thompson, Hugh Smith, 88, 90, 99

Thucydides, 22, 26

Tilden, Samuel J., 16–17

Tolstoy, Leo, 67–68, 72

Trevelyan, George Otto, 80

Trustbusting, 141–43, 152.
See also

Striking down strike

Tweed, William, 40

Typhoid fever, 57, 60

Vice president Roosevelt, 119, 128–30, 132

Vision problems, 5–6, 7

Ward bosses, 46, 49

Wardwell, William T., 78, 79

Washington, George, xi, 264, 271

“Welcome Home” parade, 188

Welling, Richard, 17–18

Westbrook, Judge Theodore, 40–41

Wilson, Woodrow

campaign of 1912, 198–99

on navy and defense, 269

recording speeches, 200

Republican leverage against, 217

TR offering to raise army for, 215–17

TR opposing, 199, 211–12, 213–15, 217–18

as university president, 220

unprepared for war, 213–14

winning presidential elections, 203–4, 214

women’s suffrage and, 197

World War I and, 212, 213–18, 259

Wister, Owen, 61, 72

Women, in politics, 195, 197, 205

Wood, Leonard, 109, 117, 236, 242–45, 248

World power, creating, 269–70

World War I, 213–18

challenging administration on, 213–14

lack of preparation for, 213–14

offering to raise army for, 215–17

sinking of
and, 212, 259

Wright, Carroll D., 139–40, 141

Wright brothers, 190

Writing and literature, 221–34.

also Outlook Magazine; specific

book titles

about insects, 8

about: overview of, 221

American Historical Association

(AHA) and, 225–26, 234

animal behavior controversy and, 222–25

books written, 278–79

breadth of contributions, 229, 232, 234

challenging Jefferson, 230–31

critiques, 229–30

in Dakota Territory, 66

early work, 8

eclecticism of TR and, 222

at Harvard, 20

last article written, 219

on losing loved ones to war, 261

Metropolitan Magazine
articles, 218–19

National Institute of Arts and

Letters and, 227–29

post-presidency writings, 231–32

“yellow journalism” and, 234

YMCA, 16, 26, 157, 259

Young, Valentine, 38, 46–47

Zahm, Father John Augustus, 208–9

Table of Contents

Title Page




The Top 10 Facts About TR’s Life



01 - Inaction to Action: TR’s Pattern for Life

A Man of Action
A Civil War at Home
Early Health Problems
Developing an Interest in Natural History
Thee’s Misgivings
More to Education than Classroom Training
Moral and Religious Training
Building the Body

02 - From Home to Harvard

Entering Harvard
Muscular Christianity and Masculinity
Pushing the Physical Bar
A Loud Attention-Grabber
Tragedy Strikes
A True Liberal Arts Education
A Photographic Memory
There Is More to College than Studying
Graduating with Honors
TR’s Most Remarkable Friend

03 - Law School at Columbia

Learning to Recognize Opportunity
Avoiding the Law
Becoming a Dropout
Republican by Default
Turn Off the Machine
The First Step in TR’s Political Career
Two Law Degrees Are Better than One
A Law Degree 127 Years Later

04 - Serving in the New York State Legislature

First Run for Office
The Youngest Legislator
From Legislator to Leader
Working for Social Justice
Touring with Gompers
The Third Year Is Not a Charm
One More Controversy
Disillusionment with Politics

05 - A Significant Person Exits Theodore’s Life

Thank You, Richard Saltonstall
Alice Hathaway Lee
A Long Courtship
First Marriage
A Daughter Is Born; Two Mothers Die
A Devastating Death
Burying Alice—But Not the Memories
Enter Bamie
Leaving New York

06 - There Is a New Sheriff in Town

TR’s First Trip to the Badlands
Buying a Ranch
Pursuing the “Strenuous Life” Anew
Wearing the Badge
Respect for the Law—and Books
Social Life
Losing the Ranch
The Winter of 1886–1887
Return to New York

07 - TR Learns How to Gain from Losing

New Marriage
Edith’s Opposition
The Mayoral Race
In a Fog
Honeymoon Adventure
A Babysitter for Alice
Edith the Money Manager
The Family Grows
Pine Knot
Turning Two Losses Into a Win

08 - Mr. Roosevelt Becomes a “Job Hopper”

New Opportunities
Commissioner Roosevelt
Spoiling the Spoils System
Joining the Police Force
Beer, Telephones, and Walk-Arounds
The Innovative Hiring Process

09 - TR Tacks and Sails in a Different Direction

TR the “War Hawk”
Running the Navy
TR’s First Year in Office
Pushing for War
From Navy to Army
Leading the Rough Riders
Battle of Santiago
The Aftermath of the Battle
TR’s Medal of Honor Controversy

10 - From Governor to Vice President to President

Looking for New Fields to Conquer
TR Finagles the Nomination
Corruption Becomes a Target
Taxing Public Franchises and Platt’s Patience
A Rift Develops Between Platt and TR
Next Stop: Vice President of the United States
Vice President Theodore Roosevelt
President of the United States

11 - TR’s First Term

Newlands Act
TR Is Taken for a Ride
The First Bird Reservation
Striking Down a Strike
Trustbuster Extraordinaire
Building the Panama Canal
TR Grabs a Shovel
Elected on His Own Record

12 - His Second Act Is Better than His First

1905 - Is a Busy Year
We Have Responsibilities
Ode to Mothers
Peace Between Russia and Japan
Streamlining the Executive Office
Winning the Nobel Prize
Immigration Restriction Act of 1907
The “Great White Fleet”
End of Presidency

13 - Conserving Natural Resources

A “Bully Pulpit”
Early Efforts
A Slow Start
Too Many Commissions
Congress Balks
Ending Exploitation
Signs of Success
The Aftermath

14 - Leading a Safari

No Rush to Get Home
Stirring Up Controversy
Putting Off the Pope
Back Home
The “New Nationalism”
The “Square Deal”
Riding an Airplane
Really Resting

15 - TR Starts His Own Political Party

Disenchantment with Republicans
The Primary Elections of 1912
The “Bull Moose” Roars
On the Campaign Trail
Attempted Assassination
Another First in Defeat
The End of the Progressive Party

16 - The Final Chapter

Staying Active
Exploring in Brazil
The Presidential Campaign of 1916
Trying to Return to War
Running Again
The Final Editorial

17 - Theodore Roosevelt’s Literary Bent

“Nature Fakers”
American Historical Association
The National Institute of Arts and Letters

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