Read The Everything Theodore Roosevelt Book Online

Authors: Arthur G. Sharp

Tags: #History, #United States, #General, #Biography & Autobiography, #Americas (North; Central; South; West Indies)

The Everything Theodore Roosevelt Book (53 page)

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tariff issue and, 194–95, 199

women participating in, 195, 197, 205

Bulloch, Irvine, 5

Bulloch, James, 4, 5

Bulloch, Martha.

Martha Bulloch “Mittie”

Bullock, Seth, 236, 237–39, 248

Burroughs, John, 173, 174–75, 178, 222, 223–24, 272

Bwana, 180, 192

Byrnes, Thomas F., 95, 96, 245

Car, riding in, 136–38

Carow, Edith.
Roosevelt, Ethel


Catholics, Pope visit controversy and, 186–87

Chafin, Eugene, 199, 206

Cherrie, George K., 209, 211

See also specific names of


with Alice, 56

with Edith, 82–83

Cigar/tenement legislation, 44–45

“Citizenship in a Republic” talk, 184

Civil service

appointment to U.S. Commission, 88–89

challenges as commissioner, 91–92

national reforms, 90–91

Pendleton Reform Act, 43, 89

Civil War, 4–5

Clark, Elizabeth B., 225

Cleveland, Grover, 43–44, 45, 47–48, 88, 91, 99, 242

Coal strike, 138–41

Cody, “Buffalo Bill,” 128, 132

Coles, Russell Jordan, 33

Magazine, 194, 206, 224–25

Columbia Law School, 27–35

about: overview of, 27

dropping out of, 29–30

JD degree from, 33, 34

politics over law at, 28–29

reasons for attending, 28

Commission on Department Methods, 155–56

Concentration abilities, 22

Conservation and natural history, 165–78

about: overview of, 165

animal behavior controversy, 222–25

bird reservations, 138–39, 150

Boone and Crockett Club, 167

Brazilian expedition and, 208–11, 220

“bully pulpit” for, 166–67, 168

commissions established, 170–73

Congress balking at moves, 172–73

early efforts, 167–70

early interest in natural history

and, 6–8

encouragement to expand efforts, 173

enemies of, 176

Gifford Pinchot and. See Pinchot,


hunters and, 167

increasing awareness of, 173–75

John Burroughs and, 173, 174–75, 222, 223–24, 272

John Muir and, 32, 173–74, 247

legacy, 267–69, 270–72

National Forest Service

established, 152

National Park Service established, 178

national parks/monuments

designated, 176, 268–69

ongoing influence of TR, 177, 268–69

PIP (Palisades Cliffs quarries), 168–70

reclamation bill (Newlands Act), 134–36

recognizing importance of, 71

signs of success, 175–76

turning government focus to, 134–35

using governor position for, 168–70

using president position for, 170–75

The Conservation of Womanhood and

(TR), 153, 198

Convictions, 48

Corruption, attacking

as civil service commissioner, 90–91

as governor, 120, 123–24

as police commissioner, 92–93

as state assemblyman, 40–41, 42

Country Life Commission, 172–73

Cunninghame, R. J., 180

Curtis, George William, 47, 48, 77, 78, 79

Cutler, Arthur, 14–15

Czolgosz, Leon, 130, 132

Dakota Territory, 61–72.
See also

Ranches, in Dakota Territory

about: overview of travels to, 61

buffalo hunting, 62–63

dueling letters, 69

first trip to Badlands, 62–63

return to New York from, 70–71

Rough Riders and, 70, 71

social life, 68–69

Death and funeral of TR, 219, 274–75

Debs, Eugene, 92, 199, 206

Department of Commerce and Labor, 142

Deputy sheriff duties, 66–67

Dewey, George, 104, 107–8, 241

Dow, Wilmot, 64, 65, 67, 72

Dueling letters, 69

Early years

about: overview of, 2

birth of siblings and, 2–3

birth of TR, 1, 2

body building, 10–11

Civil War and, 4–5

dead seal experience, 6–7

education, 9–10

hunting guns and, 7

moral and religious training, 10

natural history interest, 6–8

writing about insects, 8

Eclecticism of TR, 222


books, reading, and learning, 20–22, 67–68

college. See Columbia Law School;

Harvard years; Law degrees

early years, 9–10

moral and religious training, 10

Egypt, British role in, 185–86

Elkhorn ranch.
Ranches, in

Dakota Territory

European travel and controversies, 183–87

Fair deal, 29, 39.
See also
Square deal

Family life, 249–62.
See also

specific family members

about: overview of, 249

background of family and, 250–51

books and, 256–57

Edith, TR and, 254–57

handing down values, 253–54

learning family values, 250–51

learning from father, 251–53

letters to children and, 83, 115, 180, 182, 232, 234, 236, 237, 253–54, 260, 261

military service and sacrifice, 258–61

perspective on mother, 251

pets, White House “zoo” and, 256

physical activity and, 257. See also

“Strenuous life”

Seth Bullock and, 238–39

young Alice and, 258

Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr.


Ferris, Joe and Sylvane, 62, 63, 68–69

Final years, 207–20

about: overview of, 207

offering to raise army, 215–17

opposing Wilson, 211–12, 213–15, 217–18

platform for planned 1920

campaign, 218

staying active, 208

Flying in airplane, 189–90

Forestry schools, 239, 248

France, trip to, 184

Friendships, forming, 236

Gaynor, William J., 188

Gompers, Samuel, 44–45, 49, 78

Gould, Jay, 40–41, 43–44

Governor of New York

campaign, nomination, and

election, 120–24

canal system reform, 123–24, 136

conservation efforts, 168–70

political rift, 126–28

public franchise tax issue, 125

public relations of, 126

state politics and, 120

targeting corruption, 120, 123–24

Thomas C. Platt and, 121–23, 124–25, 126–29

Grant, Frederick D., 93

“Great White Fleet,” 159–62, 164, 222–23

Grey, Sir Edward, 133, 220

Guildhall speech, 185–86

Gun, firing, 7

Hadley, Herbert S., 190

Hamilton, Alexander, 49

Harriman, Edward H., 142, 143

Harrison, Benjamin, 88, 90, 91

Harvard years, 13–26

Arthur Cutler and, 14–15

attention span and, 22

authoring book, 20

cluttered room, 24

death of father, 18–19

endurance contests, 17–18

extracurricular activities, 22–24

grabbing attention, 18

graduating with honors, 24–25

law degrees after, 32–34.
See also

Columbia Law School

liberal arts emphasis, 19–20

living quarters, 262

Muscular Christianity and

masculinity, 15–16

opinion of classes and textbooks, 19–20, 21

photographic memory and speed-reading, 21–22

preparation for, 14–15

purported rash/violent act, 17

social activities, 23–24

superiority complex and, 15, 23

transition difficulties, 13

TR legends from, 17

Hasty Pudding Club, 23, 26, 53

Hay, John, 145, 154, 265

Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, 146–47

Hayes, Lucy, 26

Hayes, Rutherford B., 16–17

Health problems, 5–6, 7, 115, 210–11

Henderson, David F., 269, 276

Hess, Jake, 31–32, 38, 39

Hewitt, Abram S., 76–77, 78–79

Hill, James J., 142, 143

Hobart, Garrett, 129

Homecoming reception (1910), 188

Honeymoons, 55, 69–70, 79–80

Hoxsey, Arch, 189–90, 192

Hunting Trips of a Ranchman
(TR), 66

Immigration Restriction Act (1907), 158–59

Inland Waterways Commission, 170–71

Isthmus of Panama, 150.
See also

Panama Canal

Japan, Russia and.
Russo-Japanese War peace talks

Japanese immigration, 158–59

Jefferson, Thomas, 230–31, 271, 276

John Brown Memorial Park, 188, 192

Johnson, Hiram W., 196, 206, 214

Kiel, Henry W., 190

Knox, Philander, 140, 142

LaFollette, Robert, 195, 196, 213

Las Guasimas, Battle of, 112–13

Law degrees, 32–34.
See also

Columbia Law School

League of Nations criticism, 218

Lee, Alice Hathaway.

Alice Hathaway Lee

Legacy of TR, 263–76.
See also

Conservation and natural history

about: overview of, 263, 264–65

creating world power, 269–70

embracing technology, 265–66

Mount Rushmore, 264

pushing reform, 266–67

role in history, 272–74

working across party lines, 267

Leishman, John G. A., 187

Letters, dueling, 69

Letters to children, 83, 115, 180, 182, 232, 234, 236, 237, 253–54, 260, 261

“Liberty of the People” speech, 199

Life of Thomas Hart Benton
(TR), 66

Lincoln, Abraham, xi, 5, 75, 164, 236, 264

Listening, benefits of, 237

Livingstone, David, 6, 12

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 93, 102, 227–28, 231, 236, 237, 240–42, 245

London, Jack, 192, 222, 224–25, 234

Long, John Davis, 105–6, 107, 108, 109–10

Long, William, 222, 223–25

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 56, 59, 80–81, 82, 84, 197, 258

Longworth, Nicholas, 197, 258, 262

, 212, 259

Luther, Flavel S., 33

Malaria (“Cuban fever”), 115, 210–11

Family life; Roosevelt,

Alice Hathaway Lee; Roosevelt,

Edith Carow

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