Far from Blind

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Authors: S.J. Maylee

BOOK: Far from Blind
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Copyright© 2015 S.J. Maylee



ISBN: 978-1-77233-546-0


Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs


Editor: Melissa Hosack







WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal.
No part of
this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






To my sweet Jeffrey, for months before we met, you were right in
front of me. Once we finally met, I was no longer blind. That was all we needed
and it’s been a fairytale ever since. Thank you for loving me and supporting my




Club Blind, 2


S.J. Maylee


Copyright © 2015




Chapter One


Candy double checked the schedule and made notes
regarding a couple clients. She never would have guessed she’d enjoy event
planning. Parties weren’t a part of her wheelhouse growing up after all. The
shelter where she’d spent most of her youth had done a fine job of keeping her
fed and warm, but parties were hard to come by. That all changed the day Ivy
Reed walked into Candy’s life. One day they were sharing a meal through the
mentor program and a short time later Candy started working for Ivy. Life
hadn’t slowed down since.

had a career now as one half of the power team at Reed & Company. Her
future was as bright as she could imagine. She’d even collected things for the
dream house she knew she’d have one day.

turned in her seat and admired the matching set of sugar bowl and creamer jug
in her favorite china pattern. The whimsical black design on the creamy china
made a simple statement and she loved its uncomplicated look. The pattern was
new for the classic china company, traditional yet unpredictable, simply
beautiful. The set had one more piece, a large jug, and, now that Candy had
saved the funds, she was on a hunt for it. She had a good feeling she’d find it

now, she needed to concentrate on work. The calendar revealed how busy they’d
be not only this week but next as well. They’d had several repeat customers
lately and, from all the referrals they’d been receiving, they were booked for
months to come. Maybe Ivy would finally take Jane’s advice and expand. Regardless,
change would come. Nothing ever stayed the same for long.

checked her watch. They’d need to leave soon for their walkthrough at The
Drake. Mr. Marsh, Ivy’s husband had come into the office with her this morning
and the pair were still in her office. Those two lovebirds reminded her she
need to make some sort of move forward in her personal life.

never had a problem getting a date, but getting the attention of the one man
that had been occupying her thoughts for the last year had turned into a
serious lost cause. He was a client of course. She didn’t have a life outside
of work. Unfortunately, it was quite obvious he had a crush on Ivy. It didn’t
seem to matter that Ivy was now married. Brad remained smitten.

first day Brad walked into their office was a day she’d never forget. Sure, he
was a tall drink of water she could sip from him all night long. With his long
lean frame, trim haircut, and crisply tailored suits, he made her mouth water. But
there was something else simmering under the surface. Control radiated from him
in everything he did, from his choice of words to the way he moved around a

when they ran events they heard all kinds of gossip from support staff. It was sometimes
quite embarrassing to know personal details about the customers. But she’d run
into the opposite with Brad. They clearly respected him and Candy couldn’t help
to feel the same way.

was a gentleman, nothing remotely like any of the men Candy had dated. However,
Brad was simply a fantasy. She may crave Brad with everything within her, but it
didn’t mean he’d ever notice her.

was time to find a way past her infatuation. With her shoulders rolled back and
her back straight, she read through the latest email from Mistress Charlie.
Candy’s membership to Club Voyage was finalized and she needed to choose from
one of the ice breaker events they offered. Ivy thought she should try Club
Blind’s blind date service. Mistress Charlie had a pretty good track record at
matching Doms and subs for the new monthly event.

pulled out the invitation for Blind Date Night and rubbed over the raised
letters. Mistress Charlie already had a match for her. All she needed to do was
show up on Saturday night, remove all her clothes, and walk into a pitch black
room to meet him, a leap for sure to find a connection. However, the man would
already be vetted by the club and he’d for sure be into the kinky activities
that drove her wild.

bell on the front door woke her and in walked the man of her dreams. She hid
the invitation under her stack of paperwork.

Candice.” The man was perfection, nothing out of place. She adored his easy non
overdone smile.

Brad.” She attempted to fluff her hair, hoping it hadn’t already turned into a
fuzzy mess.

stopped at the corner of the counter at the front of her desk. The man knew how
to dress, from the dark charcoal suit, vest, crisp white shirt, and the silvery
blue tie to match his magical eyes. He was gorgeous.

let Ivy and Mr. Marsh know you’re here.” After entering a code on her phone
that would alert her boss to their visitor, she tapped her toes. It had been a
long time since she’d tested his interest. Maybe her new sex kitten heels would
do the trick.

you. Seth and I have a meeting to attend.”

got up and sauntered over to the sideboard, turned her sugar bowl, and then
shifted just enough to catch his reflection in the mirror. Her gaze locked onto
his. His focus was on her and her alone. Awareness woke her whole body, from
the damp heat coating her pussy to the intense need to walk to him and show off
any one of the positions Mistress Charlie had her practicing, but she didn’t
move. She waited.

put his hands in his pockets. “You must be very busy these days.”

we have three parties this week.” She took a deep breath.

sorry to be bothering you. I’m sure you’d like to get your work done.” His gaze
remained on her.

door opened behind her and she squeezed her eyes shut. “Damn,” she whispered.

Marsh came out, adjusting his tie. “Brad, thanks for making the time.”

a problem. Glad to help,” Brad said.

walked back to her desk and kicked her shoes off before plopping in her seat.
The most captivating moment she’d ever had with Brad and it lasted only a few

better get going. I do believe they’ll be waiting for us.” Seth checked his

let me say hi to Ivy at least.”

cleared her throat and tried to shut them all out.

Casanova.” Mr. Marsh stepped into Ivy’s office doorway. “Ivy, Brad’s here and
needs to remind you how charming he is before we can leave.”

coming,” Ivy called from her office. A second later she walked past her husband
and into Brad’s arms. “It’s been too long since we’ve seen you.” She stepped
back from Brad and took hold of his hand. “Isn’t that right, Candy?”

yes.” Heat flushed over her cheeks. Thankfully Ivy didn’t mention what else
they’d been saying about Brad.

know. I’m still adjusting to my new schedule.” He kissed Ivy’s knuckles. “You
look happy.”

well taken care of.” Seth’s voice filled the room.

all know you won the girl.” Brad leaned on Candy’s counter.

did, didn’t I?” He pulled his wife into his arms and gave her a look of love
Candy had only seen in her dreams. “I’ll see you at home later.”

a good day, you two,” Ivy said as the men walked out the door.

resisted the urge to watch them go. She twisted the ring her mom gave her last
year. A simple gold band her father, whoever he was, had given her mom shortly
before Candy was born. She needed to face reality. Brad was never going to take
an actual interest in her. “We better get going to The Drake.”

almost forgot. Do you have the list we put together yesterday?”

have it right here.” Candy set her tablet on her desk, knocking over her stack
of papers.

got an invitation to Blind Date Night.” Ivy took the card from the bottom of
the pile. “I love the dark stock they use. The ridges in the paper are so
sensual. After hearing Jane and Anne praise the club last weekend, I’ve been
thinking about booking a date night there with Seth. Hey, this invite is for
this Saturday. Are you going?”

don’t know. We have several events this week.”

don’t get you and Brad. The two of you are always working. You both need to
take time for yourselves.”

is still getting over you.”

he only keeps it up to tease Seth.” She put the card down and picked up her
purse. “I still think the two of you should date.”

don’t think he’ll ever think of me that way.” Candy picked up her old reliable
bag with the torn lining. “We have nothing in common.”

look at me.”

nice of you to think Brad and I could be a match, but it’s never going to
happen. I’m just not the right girl for him.” It was past time she faced
reality. Men like Brad were simply out of her reach.

that supposed to mean?”

completely out of his league.”

Brad would be lucky to date a woman like you.” Ivy dropped everything and clutched
Candy’s shoulders. “You’re passionate. You’re brilliant. You’re honest. Not to
mention beautiful.”


a catch. Brad would be lucky to deserve you.” She tapped Candy under the chin
before stepping back and grabbing her purse.

right. Of course you’re right.” Candy stood a little straighter. “It’s his loss
for not seeing what’s in front of him.”

Ivy shook her head. “You had me worried there for a minute. Don’t do that.”

One of the first things Ivy helped her with was self-respect. She knew better
than to sink into those worthless thoughts. “Those who can’t see me don’t

right.” Ivy handed her the Blind Date Night invitation. “You’ve been waiting
for this for weeks. If you’re done waiting for Brad, then what’s standing in
the way of your next big adventure?”

Ivy, you sure know how to get to the point.”


think I should go?”


picked up the phone and dialed. “Hi, Mistress Charlie. This is Candy. I’ll be
there Saturday night.”


Brad flipped through his phone looking for a
distraction. Having dinner with Seth and Ivy used to be the best way to end his
stressful week. Ever since he left the CPA firm, he not only had time to breathe
but he had time to witness what was missing in his life.

career change to the estate planning firm set him up to have the time he’d need
to treat his woman right, even have a family when the time came. Only problem
was he couldn’t seem to attract the attention of the one woman who’d caught his
eye. Seth liked to tease him about having a thing for Ivy and he’d encouraged
the abuse. How else would he be able to cover the real object of his affection?

was hard to approach a woman when in the office seven nights a week though.
However, now that he’d changed jobs, he couldn’t use lack of time as an excuse
for not asking her out. He needed to find a way to get a feel for her level of
interest, but he’d barely been able to get her to talk with him in weeks. Their
simple conversations and her smile used to light up his world. Now, he guessed
she’d figured out how completely dull he was. How could he possibly attract a
woman as alive as her?

whispered something into Ivy’s ear, and she blushed a deep shade of crimson.
Before long they’d be excusing themselves and he’d be on his way home, alone.
The waitress placed their last round of drinks on the table.

ready for the check.” Brad took a sip of his martini.

all taken care of.” The waitress smiled and walked away.

scanned the room.

Marcus.” Ivy kneeled on the banquette and waved her arm over her head.

man walked over and stopped at their table. “I hope you all enjoyed that fine
meal.” He reached out to Ivy and kissed her knuckles. “It’s always a pleasure
to see you, Ivy.”

too, Sir.”

didn’t have to buy us all dinner,” Brad said.

absolutely did.” Marcus patted Brad’s shoulder. “It’s the least I could do
after all your help with Gina’s mother’s will.”

to help.” His new career may have a different set of stressors, but clients had
a completely different reaction to the highs and lows in the business. “Have a

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