The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One (5 page)

Read The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One Online

Authors: Beth Wright

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Erotic Fantasy, #Humour, #BDSM

BOOK: The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One
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Garret watched as his warriors all looked to him with confusion written in their eyes. “He has a HOT date.”

Alex laughed as he turned his attention back to Darren, “A hot date? Are you sure you have the right Demon King, Garret?”

Garret cringed as he saw Darren’s expression turn to rage. Trying to save his oldest warrior’s life, he jumped into the conversation with a joke of his own. “Yeah, he just doesn’t know how HOT it will be.”

Darren’s eyes went from rage to pure delight, as he thought of Taby. Someone shoot me, the woman is HOT as Hell, but….Damn…he was right. She just may burn him into a sea of fire if he didn’t think of a way to cool himself down. His eyes glistened with mischief as he spoke to Garret, “You’re just jealous, Old Friend.”

“Damn you’re right…I am.” Garret mischievously glared back at him, “For the first time in my life…I am jealous of you and not the woman you are with.”

That brought the Demon King down from anger to laughter. His laughter filled the room as well as all of the warriors. “You got me there.”

A loud explosion broke the happy atmosphere. The ground and walls around them shook from the force of it. Darren watched as the warriors raced out of the room. He turned and asked Garret, “So, what did you do to piss of Kalmar?”

Garret chuckled softly before answering him, “I refused to be his fuck buddy.”

Darren’s chuckles consumed him as they walked out into the hallway. “Shame on you, Garret, I never heard of your refusing a piece of male ass.”

His friends grin grew as he spoke, “His ass is not as sexy as yours….or the one waiting for you to return.”


Their laughter ceased as they came upon the battle at hand. Many warriors laid upon the hallway floor, bleeding and groaning in agony. Some were Garret’s but many others were Kalmar’s. As they approached three were ganging up on one of Garret’s warriors, they jumped into the battle. Within seconds the warrior who they were aiding was the last one standing. Darren saw Kalmar out of the corner of his eye, he knew how tricky the Demon King could be, and he especially knew he did not fight fair. As he fought off four warriors he heard Kalmar yell out for all of his men to attack Darren. Garret stood by Darren’s side and battled with all of his strength as the arms of Demons came down upon them. Their warriors were outnumbered even with Darren’s who just now arrived. All warriors were now fighting to the death to keep their Demon King alive, while Kalmar’s laughter came from the shadows. That bastard tricked them, he knew Garret was Darren’s best friend and knew Darren would come to his aid. Now he had the Demon King where he wanted him. Surrounded by hundreds of Demons with no escape, his strength and power were fading from him as he fought on. He didn’t even have enough strength to make a portal and escape back to his own castle. The battle was about to be won by Kalmar. Somehow Kalmar had managed to gain many warriors apparently from other Demon Kings, to aid in his battle to kill Darren and Garret. Garrett’s great blue crystal castle was now starting to show signs of collapsing. Glass shattered as warriors fault with the demon magic and brute force. Claws sliced through Darren and Garret’s bodies as they kept onward towards the evil demon king.

Taby awoke to a full body force of fear. Never in her live had she feared anything as much as she did right then. Something was bringing the fear on, yet she did not know what. As she scanned the room she felt safe, yet for some reason her body still felt as if she was being over powered by millions of enemies. A shock-wave hit her full force, sending a terrifying scream out of her. The doors flew open; five guards emerged, yet stayed near the door entrance, as they scanned the room. Once their eyes turned to her, she felt the need to yell out for help, her throat grew dry as the air within her lungs left them. Death was pulling at her but her strength and will to live fought onward. She didn’t want to die, especially from a battle she did not even seem to be in.

Two of the guards bravely ventured closer to her bedside. As they looked into her eyes, they noticed her struggling to breathe. They started to yell out to the others to retrieve a healer as Taby screamed out once again. This time her scream was high pitched and glass shattering. Each of them hit the floor covering their ears as it continued. After two agonizing minutes it finally stopped and Taby was trying to climb out of the bed. She nearly fell over as she stood. The first guard grabbed her shoulders gently and lightly pushed her back down upon the bed. “Please don’t move…we sent for a healer. Lie here and try to calm down.”

She wanted to fight him, yet knew he was right. Something was wrong with her and she needed to know what it was. As the pain intensified, so did her fear. Darren’s sexy grin surfaced deep in her mind as her body screamed out for his touch and soft words. Just as she thought about giving into the pain, the door flew open. A tall, handsome man stood by her bedside now. His long dirty blonde hair drifted down over his shoulder as he knelt down to study her. His masculine voice, made her shiver, “Where do you hurt, Beautiful?”

She tried to speak, yet her voice refused to obey her command.

Studying her eyes he noticed and even heard her struggling with her mind and body. Finally he asked, “How far along are you?”

Her beautiful green eyes teared up, as she tried to speak again. This time he heard her mental message loud and clear.
What do you mean?

He jerked his head back away from her as if he had been burnt. After a few minutes of silence, he finally spoke aloud to her. “You are pregnant. I need to know how far along you are.”

One of her hands flew up to her mouth as she thought about what he said. The only person she has had sex with was Darren and that was today. The last time she ever had sex with anyone else was over six months ago.

The man’s haunting silver eyes gleamed with knowledge as he took in her thoughts. Softly he spoke for all to hear, “Well it seems King Darren has finally decided to have children.”

The guards stood silently behind him. Ever so softly one of them asked the man, “Is she and the baby going to be alright?”

The man’s silver eyes turned to the guard as he whispered-softer than before- so that Taby wouldn’t hear him, “They will both die…if Darren dies.”

All of the guards jumped and jerked their heads back towards the door. It finally struck them, their King was dying. They had to save him, in order to save her and the baby. Without another word or even looking to Taby, the guards rushed out of the room to go to their King.

The man’s cold hand softly clamped over Taby’s right hand as he stated to her, “You are feeling Darren’s pain.” Looking down to her shaking hand, he continued, “You two are connected because of your baby.”

Taby’s heart broke as she noticed the sad expression growing upon the handsome man’s face. God, help her, the baby was dying. Was it because she’s a human? Or is she destined to never have a child?

His face turned serious as he spoke to her, “It is nothing like that, Taby. Your body is just fine in that way. The problem is….” Silver eyes bore into hers as he continued, “You are connected to Darren completely. If he dies….then so will you and your baby.”

The tears drifted down her face as he said the last of his words. She and her child were going to die. Darren was dying? How? Why? She thought he had guards and others who would defend and protect him. Yet, now here he was dying all of a sudden. Yeah, the Damn Demon King pissed her off, yet…she didn’t want him to die. Nor did she want her unborn child to lose his or her chance at life. She had to do something. What could she do? She was only a human, nothing special there. How could she stop something so powerful?

The man’s eyes teared up as he whispered, “You are more special then you realize. There is something you could do.” As he raised his hand to her lips, she watched his eyes turn red. “I am a vampire, Beautiful. You do not have to fear me, for I will never harm you. Let me aid you.”

Her tears trailed down her cheeks as she begged and pleaded mentally for his help.

His heart broke as her tears drenched his fingertips. He had to do something. The only way to help them was to use his strength to let her and him communicate mentally with Darren or Garret. Letting them know what was happening to Taby may help change the outcome of the battle. As he mentally connected with Taby, he felt her bond with Darren. The link to Darren’s thoughts was not gone, yet it was very faint now.

As he drew on his own strength, he fought to connect her and himself to Darren’s mind. It worked. Suddenly he felt Darren’s pain, heard his growls and commands, and even saw some of the bloody battle as it still raged on. His mental message shocked Darren so much, that it sent him off balance for a slight second.
Taby is bonded to you.

Darren’s mind blacked out for a second as he realized what Samuel said. They must have bonded the last time they had sex. Damn it! Now if he died, he would be losing not only his life but hers as well.

Garret caught Darren’s distressed look as he fought on beside him. “What’s wrong, Darren?”

Darren’s words were nothing but a soft whisper, “Taby is bonded to me.”

Garret’s heart stopped for a second as he too knew what that meant. Finally he encouraged his friend, “Then we shall not lose this battle.”

His friend’s eyes shown with tears as he whispered, “I don’t understand. We haven’t done the ceremony yet.”

A demon sword materialized into Garret’s hand as another opponent advanced on them. As Garret’s sword sliced through the enemy’s neck, he yelled out to him, “She is your soul mate, Darren! Soul mates don’t need a ceremony to bond together.”

Darren’s sword came to him in a rush of hell fire. The fire consumed it as he sliced through another demon warrior. His sword dripped with blood as he held it out towards another enemy demon. Darren’s words echoed throughout the large hallway’s walls, “Even then it would have been a month or two before the bond became complete. The only way for it to have been done so soon is by her becoming……” His voice froze as he realized how the bond took hold of her so soon. Never in his life had he ever let a woman’s womb have his seeds, but with Taby he did not hold back, nor did he desire to. His sexy Kitten was pregnant! Not only were their lives on the line, but so was their son or daughter’s life as well!

Garret’s mind and heart went out to his friend as he felt and listened to his mental battle. Taby was pregnant and now three lives were on the line. Pride and joy slowly covered his old heart as he thought about Darren’s first child being born to the sexy woman who held his heart. The poor man was nearly in tears as his fear built by the knowledge of possibly losing both of them. “Darren, keep your mind on the battle at hand. We cannot lose this battle, too much is at stake.”

His friend’s eyes brightened as he shouted back to him, “Yeah, we have two people waiting for us! Let’s end this damn battle…NOW!!”

Battle cries covered the area as more allies joined into the battle. Darren turned slightly and caught a glimpse of some of the guards who were supposed to be watching over his woman. Rage was building, yet settled down as he heard them mentally tell him, they couldn’t let Taby and the baby die. Pride laced with honor sorrowed through his aching, bleeding body as they all worked together for the same goal, to save HIS woman and unborn child.

Kalmar coward in fear as more allies joined in to save King Darren and Garret, never in his life had he seen so many come to the aid of one Demon King. Yet here he was watching them do just that. As the five Demon Kings appeared by Darren’s side, Kalmar withdrew from the battle and shouted out for all to retreat. The portal opened and closed within minutes as the last of the enemies left through it.

Garret growled out to Darren as he held him on his feet, “Don’t you die! Dammit, Darren, you have a mate to get back to!”

Darren’s eyes were clouding over with death as he struggled to stay alive. Blood covered him from head to toe. Most of the king wounds were deep and seeping with blood as he struggled to stay on his feet. His words came out in a loud growl, “God Dammit, Garret! I know that!”

Garret held onto Darren as the other Demon Kings directed their attention fully on making the portal to Darren’s castle. Darren’s strength was felling him; he needed rest and aid of many healers to make it through. That’s just what he would do to; he had to live for his Kitten and their child. Nothing else mattered. The portal opened up within his personal chamber. His eyes connected with Samuel’s as Garret and two other Demon Kings helped him walk to his side. “How are they?”

Samuel heard and even saw Darren straining to stay on his feet. He waved the Demon King over to Taby’s side as he held the comforter back for Darren to climb into the bed with her. Demon king Yungal used his magic to cleanse Darren’s body as he approached the bed. Everything within Darren’s mind froze as he saw Taby lying on the bed. Her body was so still, she looked as if death had already taken her. His eyes teared up while he approached her side, with the aid of the other Demon Kings and his best friend. As they released his arms, he crumbled down upon the bed. Slowly he drew her body against his. Hearing her gentle heartbeats helped him drift off to much needed rest.

Garret and Samuel watched as the Demon Kings stayed by the bedside. Each one of them was staring at Taby. Something about their expressions brought uneasiness to the two men. Finally Demon King Yungal spoke in a deep dark voice, “Are you staying to watch over them, Garret?”

Instantly Garret replied, “Yes.”

Yungal’s dark emerald eyes stared into his as he stated to him, “You must keep them safe, Garret. At all cost.”

Garret didn’t need the Demon King’s order to keep his best friend and Taby safe; he knew he could never live with himself if he didn’t.  Something about the way Yungal said it, the words sounded as more of a plea then an actual command. What was Yungal up to?

Yungal’s soft laughter drew Garret’s eyes back to his. “Do you really need to know everything, Garret?”


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