The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One (2 page)

Read The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One Online

Authors: Beth Wright

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Erotic Fantasy, #Humour, #BDSM

BOOK: The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One
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“I will find you…then you will be mine.”

Within seconds he was gone. Taby groaned as her desire built to a whole new level. She cringed as thoughts of jumping the Demon king entered her mind. He stood within inches of her in nothing but a very tight pair of black leather pants. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she licked them slowly. His abs taunted her sexually enhanced mind as he knelt down on one knee. Dammit, why was she so horny?

Darren chuckled as he answered her mental question, “You desire your master, Kitten, and since I am right here by your side…it makes your desire heighten.” She snarled as he gently took her arms and helped her off the ground. Her legs buckled beneath her as he crushed her body into his broad, muscle bond chest. His sex driven words came out in nothing but a hushed whisper, “Do you want to ride me, My Pet?”

As his erection pressed against her stomach a shiver of need took over her. Her mind swirled in ecstasy as she breathlessly answered, “Yes…Oh God…yes.”

His voice crackled a little as his own need built, “Then let’s get you home, Kitten.”

A large swirl of smoke and fire consumed them, within seconds they were within a large dungeon cell, with a very large bed in one corner. He looked to his demon guards and ordered them to leave, as he placed Taby upon the red, silk sheets.

She hissed as she took in her surroundings. The cell had a few candles lit on two small nightstands on each side of the bed. The walls were made of some kind of black stones that reminded her of black marble. The candle light bounced off the stones to enhance the romantic feel to the cell. The only thing that stood out of place was the solid wood door. It had different types of markings burned into it. She wondered if they were some kind of spell or curses placed there to keep the prisoners in. “So…I am now a prisoner?”

He chuckled softly, as his long fingernails traced her cleavage, “Just until you learn to obey my every command…”

He knew she would not like hearing those words. She bucked and clawed at him as he covered her body with his own. As he spoke, their clothes started to dematerialize, “See…My Pet…you still need a lot of training.”

A moan consumed her as his erection pressed against her very tender clit. Just when she was about to buck yet again, he started to move himself over her very sensitive bud. She gasped as her body burned and yearned for more. Inwardly she cursed at herself for even enjoying the Demon’s touch, yet she could not control her hands, they trailed up his chest. His large, black wings extended behind him, while he kept up his grinding against her now wet core. A small whimper escaped her lips as he pulled away, and laid himself down beside her. His erection was hard as a rock and bobbing within view, she looked over at it. Taby’s mouth watered as she watched it jolt, a small trail of pre-cum glistened in the candle light.

He watched as her eyes stayed upon his erection, he started to wonder if she was changing her mind, but before he could say anything his pet did exactly what he was waiting on.

She jumped up and straddled his waist. His hands rushed up and grabbed her waist as her wetness made him hiss. He wondered if he could even handle staying under her. Ever brush of her wet lips sent him closer to the edge. His hisses turned to growls of pleasure as her opening neared his throbbing head. A tingling sensation flowed through his mind, as he felt her hot opening take him in. With one fast thrust it went in all the way. A groan escaped her. She climbed higher and higher to the edge as she rode him. Never in his life had he ever enjoyed being ridden by a woman, but his new pet seemed to bring him beyond all boundaries. A loud, yet very rough growl came from deep within his chest as her riding increased. She rode him like he was a wild stallion trying to buck his rider off.

Instantly she felt her climax as it claimed her, she felt his join hers. The room shook as they both cried out in ecstasy. Both sweating and panting as they came out of it. She lied her body down upon his. He chuckled as he tried to catch his breath.

She couldn’t believe he was laughing, especially after the best sex she had ever experienced in her life. Her growl of displeasure shocked him slightly. He realized why she growled, then laughed some more. Taby hissed at him, “What is so funny?”

After a few minutes of nothing but his laughter, he finally stated to her, “You are by far the most skilled rider I have ever met.”

She moaned in displeasure as he removed himself from her still throbbing core. A sudden shock of awareness hit her when she felt something cold being placed upon her wrist. Looking up from the bed she came to find herself staring back at a very beautiful female demon. Her ice cold stare gave Taby the shivers, but more importantly, she was chaining Taby to the bed. Taby’s words echoed through the dungeon as she yelled out, “What the Hell are you doing?!”

The red haired female growled down at her, “The Demon King’s pet never leaves the dungeon.”

Taby bucked and swung her feet at the woman, but Darren caught them before they ever touched the beautiful Demon, “Now… now, Dear, you must be nice to my servants.”

She growled out, “Fuck you, Asshole.”

He smiled as he helped the beautiful woman chain Taby’s ankles to the bed post. “I believe we already did that, Kitten.”

Taby watched with jealousy, as the woman licked her way down Darren’s abs to his limp dick. She noticed his eyes were still upon hers as the female took him into her mouth. His evil grin pissed her off more. He groaned softly as the woman sucked harder.  Watching his Kitten get jealous aroused him once again. Darren decided to play the game a little longer, just to see what his Kitten would do if he came in Emma’s mouth. The thing that bothered him the most was Emma wasn’t pleasing him one bit. He had to put all of his thoughts on Taby to even get slightly hard within the Demon female’s mouth. She licked the base of his dick as he pictured Taby in her place. That did it, he was now rock hard and ready for his wild little Kitten once again. As Emma increased her suction, he pictured Taby’s mouth around him with her eyes staring up at him, begging him to fill her waiting mouth. That was all that was needed to get him to buck and cry out in pure bliss as his cum filled Emma’s mouth, he pulled her slightly away from him as he continued to cum. Her face was now drenched as she licked her lips and the tip of his limping dick. He groaned in need as he heard Taby’s racing heart. She was aroused and once again wet. His body shuddered as the thoughts of pounding his now hardening dick into her sweet pussy filled his mind. He needed her, not Emma, but he also had business to attend to elsewhere first. He roughly shoved the greedy Emma away from him as he ordered her. “Go clean yourself up.”

She moaned as she gathered herself off of the dungeon floor, “But you still want more, My King.”

His eyes blazed with fire as he spoke again to her, “I said to leave….Now!” Emma rushed out of the room as the Demon King approached Taby’s side. His heart broke as she gave him a look of disgust.  Why is she looking at me like that? Earlier she desired me, now she is disgusted with me? Women confuse me more than anything.

Taby pulled away from Darren’s touch. She hissed out to him, with tears threatening to spill, “Don’t you ever touch me again. Go find your Demon slut if you still need more.”

Again his heart ached, he had never, ever cared what a woman thought, but suddenly he did with this one. Just as his fingernails traced down her side, she jerked in the wrong way and they sliced a long bloody scratch along her pure white, silky skin. He growled out in a low voice, “See what you did!”

Her tears now came out, for the pain of the scratch alone burned her very soul. She hissed back at him, “You are the one who touched me!”

Darren couldn’t believe she was still talking; the pain alone should have had her screaming in agony. Pride grew in him as he reached out to her wounded side. His fingertips lightly traced it, healing it shut as it did.  “My, Little Kitten, you need to stop pushing me away.”

Her face turned up to his as she spoke, “Never.”

His heart and soul, both broken by her words, burned for revenge. He rushed his hand roughly up to her chin and held her face in a tight grip as he spoke to her, “You will learn, Woman, or I will forever have you chained to this bed.”

Taby’s eyes widened as he rolled her over onto her stomach. His words brought not just fear, but unexplained desire as well. “Until you learn to obey…you shall be spanked like a disobedient child.”

Her voice crackled with need as she snapped back at him, “You wouldn’t dare…”

Just as the last of her words drained from her lips his hand firmly came down across her bare ass. He hissed at himself for leaving a red mark upon her beautiful ass. Soon his hiss turned to growls of need as he heard her panting and groaning, not with pain but with her own need. He struggled to gain his control as he stood back up. His dick throbbed as she squirmed naked upon the bed. Pinching the head of his dick to calm it down only helped for a second which was all he needed to materialize his clothes back on. Her face turned to him as he walked across the stone floor. Taby cringed slightly as she saw the guards waiting for him at the door. Both of the Demons glared back at Taby as their master whispered to them, “Do not touch her, and do not let anyone else touch her.”

They nodded their heads before stepping into the cell. Just as Darren left the cell he heard his Kitten yell out, “You fucking, Coward, get back here!”

He chuckled softly to himself before yelling back at her, “Now…now, Kitten, no name calling!”

Darren’s heart broke again as the cell door slammed shut behind him. God, what was wrong with him? How was she able to make him feel this way? He had to clear his mind or surely he would go mad. Noises echoed throughout the hallway as he walked onward to his Visitors Chamber, the only place any visitors were allowed to be within his castle. All of his servants knew not to bother him while he was in the Visitors Chamber. A small nudge at his heart startled him as he went to open the doors. He missed his wild Kitten already. This was going to be a long meeting. As he shoved the doors open he smelt the blood of all of the wicked women within in. Normally the smell of evil pleased him, but now all he wanted to smell was his sweet Kitten.

Harold-the wizard whom he went in search of-stepped forward as he approached his throne. He glared at the evil wizard before stating to him, “Don’t come any closer, Harold.”

Harold backed up a little as he bowed his head. His voice broke slightly as he spoke, “You summoned us to find women for you…” He directed his hand to the three evil witches in which he was referring to, “We have found three evil witches to be yours to do with as you wish.”

Darren’s eyes directed to the witches as he whispered to himself. “That was before I found my Kitten.” As he looked back to Harold he spoke loud and clear, “I do not need them no more. Take them back with you.”

The three lovely witches gasped and pleaded with the Demon King. “Please, let us serve and pleasure you….” They kept going on and on till Darren heard enough.

“Shut up!!” He cleared his throat as he saw the visitors drop to the ground in a kneeling position. “Harold!”

Harold jumped to his feet, and then proceeded to beg to the Demon King. “I am sorry for their rudeness, King Darren, please do not kill me!”

Darren smirked softly as he watched the wizard tremble were he stood. Running his long claws over the golden arms of his throne he glared back the Harold, “Fine…but you need to get them the Hell out of here...Now!”

Harold rushed over to the three beautiful witches. As he opened the portal to earth, one of the witches tried to run to Darren. Harold grabbed her wrist and roughly whipped her body through the portal before turning to the other two women. They both struggled to stay, yet Harold’s strength made it impossible for them not to be thrown back to Earth. After roughly shoving the last woman through the portal, he turned to the Demon King and asked, “Anything else my King?”

Darren grumbled as he felt his dick throb once again. He let his guard down as he watched Harold throw the women through the portal. The rough grabbing and pushing of the women brought back the memories of his Kitten bucking beneath his body. As he rubbed his hands together he tried to push the memories down, then he remembered Harold was waiting for an answer. His voice echoed throughout the room, “No…just go!”

Harold bowed his head then silently left through the portal to Earth. As the portal hissed shut, Darren’s mind adverted back to Taby hissing and swearing at him. God, that little woman sure knows how to bring a Demon to his knees. That did it; thinking of knees brought him back to wishing to see his Kitten on her knees in front of him. His growl deepened as he was reminded there were other visitors waiting to speak to him. All of the visitors stared back at him as they mentally wondered what was wrong with the king today. He cursed under his breath, “I really need to just buy her a collar and bring her with me from now on.”

One of the silver armored Warlords started to approach his throne, he watched as the man trembled beneath his gaze. As he knelt in front of Darren he asked in a hushed voice, “My King, do you need help in retrieving the female from which you are speaking of?”

Darren’s chuckle startled him slightly. “Help…in retrieving a female…” The Demon King’s gaze stayed upon the Warlord’s bowed head as he started to think of what his naked Kitten was up to while he was trapped here with these stupid fools.  His mind drifted off to visioning her naked and squirming and in need upon the silky bed. His low growl startled all within the room. Seeing them all jump within their spots didn’t stop his fantasy. It grew even more wick as his mind drifted off to seeing her beg and plead for him to spank her sexy, sweet ass again. “Grrrr….that’s it! This meeting is done till tomorrow!”

All of the visitors nodded in agreement before leaving the room. As the last of the guests left he proceeded to leave himself. The doors slammed shut behind him, as the air within the hallway brought chills of ecstasy down his burning body. He needed her again; never had he imagined it would be this hard to leave his pet’s side. God, when did he ever need a sex pet more than once within a week? He stopped to think about that thought, and then it hit him hard. I never needed sex with anyone…Ever. Now I need it more than the air I breathe. Frustration and rage laced his words as he yelled out. “God dammit…this woman has my dick hard as a rock and my mind soft as mush!”

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