The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One (3 page)

Read The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One Online

Authors: Beth Wright

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Erotic Fantasy, #Humour, #BDSM

BOOK: The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One
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The guard closest to him stood tall and asked in a pissed off voice, “Should we kill her, my King?!”

Darren’s hand wrapped tightly around the guard’s throat as he spoke, “You lay one finger on her and I will kill you.” The candles lining the hallway walls flicked out then right back on as he growled at the guard.

The guard’s body crumbled to the ground as he dropped him. He coward back in fear as he whispered, “Yes…my King.”

Darren’s glare went to all of the guards as they turned to look away. “That goes for all of you!” He waited for each one to answer in fear that they would never touch his Kitten. Finally satisfied with their answers, he continued on to his Kitten’s bed chamber. One of the guards heard him whispering under his breath as he walked by him. “That woman…hhmm…I think I need to get her something nice and sexy to wear. Then I shall make her whither and scream with pleasure as I ram my dick in her sweet…tight….hot…wet….God dammit! There she goes again…taking over my mind.”

Once his King left the hallway he softly whispered to the others. “Boy, she really does have him whipped.” His face jerked back to the hall from which his king went down, just in time to see him glaring back at him. The deep growl that echoed throughout the hall froze him to his spot. He waited to get his ass beat for that comment, but was shocked by what he saw and heard next.

Darren glared at the guard after his growl froze him. He wanted to tear the demon apart, but then it hit him as he stood there. His voice laced with surprise as his lips turned up into a perfect smile as he said, “God, she really does have me whipped.” He chuckled to himself as he continued to speak to no one in particular, while he turned away from the guard and went to find his Kitten, “She would look Hot in white fur and black leather…”

Just as he approached the door that kept him from his beautiful Kitten, he heard her yell out. “You stinking, crazy, sick bastards better set me free…Now!” The grin that covered his face as he entered the cell, made Taby’s pulse race. She tried her hardest to pull her eyes away from his, but failed as he continued his walk to her bedside. A small gasp came from her as he grazed his fingertips over her arm. Even though she desired him more than the air she breathed, she still fought it. Her voice echoed once again throughout the dungeon walls. “Don’t touch me!”

Darren’s eyes stayed upon hers as he bent down to her. Their lips were only an inch apart and her beautiful scent filled his mind as he whispered, “Kitten, you need to behave.” The desire built deep within his body as her eyes flared up with defiance. His soft chuckle startled her as she pulled at the chains for freedom. Taby kept the fight up, she didn’t want to lose her heart to a sick perverted Demon King, especially this one…but in all honesty…she did. Her pussy dripped with excitement as her eyes trailed down to his taunting lips. A visible shiver went down her body as his left hand glided up to her rock hard nipple. She bit her lip as he taunted and teased it. Ever part of her that wished to fight against him, started to drift into the back of her mind, out of reach and sight. Then the memories of him letting the demon female suck his dick brought her back to being a wild and disobedient female once again. “Go find that Demon Bitch if you want to get off!’’

Darren’s rage started to cloud his own desire as he heard the hurt within her words. He pulled back away from her bedside and watched as she struggled on with the chains and cuffs. The rage built even more as he noticed her raw wrist and ankles bleeding. “I do not desire her! I desire you!” His fingernails lashed though the cuffs on her wrist, within seconds they fell to the bed and his eyes stayed upon her bloody wrist as she started to rub them with her hands one at a time. “A spanking is due, Kitten.”

She struggled to grasp what he just said to her. As she gently rubbed her bloody right wrist, she asked in a whisper, “Why am I being spanked now?”

He sliced through her cuffs on her ankles before answering her, “Because you harmed yourself.”

Anger started to show within her green eyes as she whispered back at him, “It’s your fault. You are the one who chained me to the bed.”

Darren’s hands trembled with need and anger as he grabbed her arms and forcefully rolled her over onto her stomach. His words echoed throughout the dungeon walls, “You will never harm yourself again! Is that understood?!” As the last of his words left his mouth he brought his hand roughly down across her beautiful bare ass. She cringed but stayed in that position. Darren’s heart raced with rage, desire and pure ecstasy as he listened to her soft moans. Then he remembered what he wanted to do with her.

She listened and soon relaxed as she heard him walk away from the bed. The pain was starting to become unbearable as he stayed by her side. Once he moved away her pain of desire started to ease up, not a lot, but enough for her to catch her breath. As she turned to face the direction she heard him walk off to, a sudden shock of surprise took over her. Within his arms he was carrying white fur and black leather. Fear built in her mind as she watched his expression change from anger to pure desire. Oh my God, he was bringing her something to wear that most likely was some kind of sex outfit. As he approached the bed, she flashed over to the other side of it and coward against the headboard. Looking to the guards she knew she would never be able to escape the room. Darren’s soft seductive words drew her eyes back to his. “Kitten, I have something for you.”

She hissed out at him, trying her best not to sound frightened, but failing as it came out in nothing but a small hushed voice, “I don’t like leather.”

Darren’s eyes widened slightly before he caught the scent of her desire once again. He knew it, his Kitten loved fur and leather. His dick hardened as he gently laid the clothing onto the bed. Laced with dark desire he commanded her, “Come over here and get dress, Kitten.”

Her fingers played over her soft long locks of hair as her eyes started to cloud slightly with need. She didn’t want to put the clothes on. Taby fought the battle of getting dress or not getting dress for a few minutes before she finally squeaked out, “But…I don’t want to.”

He knew she feared putting on the clothes would bring her to a whole new level of desire, but he just sat and stared into her burning eyes and waited for her to bring that fear down on her own. After a few minutes of silence, he heard one of his guards mentally relay a message to him that his best friend Garret was in his visitor’s chamber wanting help with a battle at hand. As he watched Taby’s eyes light up slightly with more fire he finally gave her a choice. “You put this on or stay naked, Kitten. Either way is fine with me, but you will be coming out with me to my visitor’s chamber.”

Taby’s heart dropped all the way to her stomach as she realized he meant it. He was going to force her to be seen in the sex outfit or completely naked. Her soul lit up with rage as the thoughts of many Demons seeing her naked started to play within her mind. No way in Hell….Damn, that is where she’s at. Ok, no way in HELL period…was she going to be seen naked by a bunch of sick perverted Demons. She raced to the other side of the bed as she watched him walk towards the door. Ever fiber in her body screamed out to her to follow him, but she needed to get dressed first. She soon found out that the top was nothing but a black leather bikini top with white fur trim lacing the top of it and the bottom of the outfit was a mini skirt in the same design, black leather with white fur trimming at the bottom of it. After pulling the skirt into place she felt his warm gentle fingertips dragging around her waist. Looking to them she found him placing a golden chained belt around her waist. When his fingertips left her skin a soft yet noticeable moan came from her lips. Her eyes slammed shut in fear to see his desire filled red eyes. Soon his fingers started to trail around her neck, bringing another short lived moan from her. Slowly she opened her eyes to find herself looking into a full body mirror. Her breath caught within her throat as she took in the sight of herself. Her beautiful pale skin shimmered with a gleam it had never had before. Looking to her hair she noticed the shine within the long wavy black locks trailing down to her waist. Her face brightened with a soft blush making herself groan as the realization of how erotic and needy she looked. A gold chain collar hung around her neck with a long thin chain trailing down to his hand, which was now upon her waist. She saw his eyes glisten with desire as he whispered into her ear from behind her. “You are breathe taking, Kitten.” A moan came from her as her eyes trailed down the knee high golden boots. She hated high heels but she had to admit these boots were amazing in every way. They molded to her legs as if they were a second skin. His breath was still at her ear as he whispered, “We need to go, Kitten.”

Suddenly her dark side lashed out at him. “I will not be your show-and-tell object of the day!”

His laughter sent chills climbing up her spine as he spoke, “You are my prized pet and you shall always be on display.” As he tugged on the chain his words brought her pussy to attention. “Your sweet, wet pussy may be my downfall.” Darren struggled with his anger as he watched his guards grin and eye his sexy kitten. If he couldn’t hold down on his temper now, how the Hell would he do it with visitors. Taby trembled beneath his touch as his hand gently glided up her back, encouraging her to move onward. He loved having her on a leash and collar but they were manly for show, unlike other sex pets he has ever had, he really did not wish harm to this one. Damn her and her sexy angered expression. His dick stood tall and strong within his leather pants. Her sweet scent of being ready and willing was not helping it go down neither. Grrr…he needed to take her, but now was not the time. As they trailed down the hallway, he watched as Taby took in her surroundings. So his little Kitten was trying to figure out how to escape was she? He chuckled inwardly as he watched her eyes widen as they approached the large doors to his visitor’s chamber. The guards stood tall and proud, then suddenly they crumbled with need and joy as they watched her move towards them. Darren’s eyes flared up with fire, bringing them all back down to who she really was. His angered words sent them all into physical agonizing pain as he spoke aloud, “This is my beautiful Kitten; none of you shall ever touch her! Is that understood?!” The guards nodded their heads as they gasped for air. “Good…now open the door.”

Swiftly they opened it in fear of another agonizing attack from their king. Just as they passed the guards Taby whispered out to them, “Is he always an ass?”

The one whispered back with a smile, “Not always.”

She smiled back to him as Darren growled beside her, “Apparently you don’t know him that well.”

Darren’s growling stopped as he heard her words. He chuckled slightly as he told her, “Kitten, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

The way he said it made her blush and shudder visibly. Excellent…that was the result he wanted from her. He ushered her onward to his throne. As they got within five feet of it, two of his guards approached them. The one to the left had been serving Darren his whole life. He bowed and knelt before them, in a hushed voice he asked as he raised back up to his feet, “Should I place your pet in the back of the room as always, King Darren?”

The second guard went to grab Taby’s leash before Darren could even speak. His words brought the guards to attention; even those around the room froze, not only with fear but confusion as well. “She will be sitting with me!” The one guard nodded in agreement while the others fingers stayed close to Taby’s leash. Darren growled as he spoke to him, “Do you wish to lose a finger?” Instantly the guard’s hand retreated and he silently followed the other to their spots near the throne.

Taby had no idea what was going on. The one thing she knew for sure was she did not wish to find out how many pets he really had. God help her, she was feeling the jealousy rise by the seconds as they continued onward to his throne. Damn, perverted Demon King, needs his ass beat down. She would be glad to be the one to do it. Her fingers flexed as she thought of chaining him to his throne, then beating him with a whip. 

His growl of need startled her as he sat down on the throne. Worst yet, his words made her body burn with a new desire. “Kitten, I would be glad to get you the chains and whip once we are done here.”

Racing heart and wild images started to distract them both. She didn’t know which was worse, the thought of having him chained down, or the thought of him sweating and growling with need as the whip made contact upon his sexy body. Dammit! Did she just think of him as sexy?! God, she really was going to burn in Hell.

A small chuckle came from his kissable lips. She watched as his tongue trailed slowly across his top lip before he spoke to Garret. “Isn’t she amazing, Old Friend?”

Garret’s voice startled Taby. She didn’t even notice the blue skinned Demon till now. His muscle bond body glistened with sweat as he approached the throne. His long dark blue hair seemed to be painted upon his chest muscles as he sighed then spoke in a hushed voice. “She is a very amazing pet, Darren.”

Darren noticed Taby’s eyes transfixed on Garret’s chest muscles. “She seems to enjoy the male body as much as you do Garret.” His words had the affect he wanted them to. Taby’s eyes shown bright with shock as she gasped then turned to him. He chuckled softly as he spoke to Garret, yet kept his eyes upon hers. “I heard you need my help with a battle?”

Garret laughed inwardly, he had never seen his best friend get jealous before. It made his heart race as he thought about all of the women Darren had been with, yet finally he had found the one he was destined for. He cleared his throat before answering him. “Yes, I need your aid in a battle against Demon King Kalmar.”

Darren’s eyes stayed upon Taby’s as he asked, “So he is causing you and your people trouble again?”

Taby’s mind was racing around with all kinds of thoughts. His friend is gay? Well, Duh, of course he is gay. I mean how many times do you see a hot guy just to find out he’s gay, plenty now a days. God, Darren, would look HOT in chains and sweating upon that large throne of his. His gay sexy blue Demon friend would add wonderfully to the picture. Yes, have Darren chained to the throne and Garret holding him down…yummy…oh what I would could do to this Demon King.

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