The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One (4 page)

Read The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One Online

Authors: Beth Wright

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Erotic Fantasy, #Humour, #BDSM

BOOK: The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One
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Garret chuckled as he answered Darren’s question, “Yes, but I do think your new Pet has some wonderful ideas starting to arise within that sexy little mind of hers.”

Taby’s gasp startled her more than the guys. She swallowed the lump that was starting to grow in her throat as she whispered to herself. “Damn, Mind-readers…” Drawing her eyes from Darren’s she turned to see Garret’s bright smile shining back at her. Damn them all to Hell. She stumped her foot after thinking that. “Never mind, Damn you all to Heaven.”

Everyone within the chamber laughed as she gave Darren a sexy pissed off look. Darren grabbed her wrist just as she was about to plop her butt down beside the throne unto the floor. “Now… now, Kitten, if you would like to sit…” He patted his knee as he winked at her then continued, “I have the perfect spot for you.” His charming grin made her cringe.

She stumbled over her words as she hissed out to him, “I…I….fuck you, I will stand.”

Darren sensed her fear. She didn’t want everyone to see her panting with need upon his lap. Well shame on her, for that was exactly what he wanted…and needed. His jealousy was rising by the minute, especially each time she turned her eyes to Garret and stared at his body. He had to admit it, his friend does have an amazing body. Damn him and his sexy body, Taby was his not Garret’s. Garret winked at Darren as he caught his thoughts. He grinned then softly said to Taby, “I am sure Darren and I could make your pussy wetter than what it is.”

Taby’s beautiful green eyes glistened with confusion and wild fantasies all at the same time. Hmm, she probably could chain them both back to back and tease the hell out of them.

Darren growled at Garret, “Do you want my help or not?”

Garret’s grin grew as he replied, “Yes.” Then mentally relayed to Darren,
You love those fantasies just as much as I do, Old Friend.

Maybe…but that doesn’t mean I would ever let you have my Kitten.

Darren, I never said I wanted to take her from you. I just think she would make a wonderful sex Master for both of us.

Darren’s eyes slightly widened as he thought about that, then he coughed lightly to draw Taby’s eyes back to his. “Kitten, come…sit with me.”

Taby growled out, “Over my dead body.”

Darren’s heart glazed over with pain before he realized something. His delightful Kitten was still very wet and now shivering physically with need. Even his guards were now glaring with a smile at her short skirt. He back handed both of them before yelling out to Taby. “Get your sexy, wet pussy over here, NOW!”

Taby shied away a little bit as she collected herself again. Her sassy remark made his dick tingle. “Why don’t you take your hard dick and shove it up….” She turned and pointed to Garret before continuing, “His sexy ass!”

Garret’s laughter brought both of their eyes to his before he asked, “Is that what you really want, Kitten?”

Darren glared at his friend, then turned to face Taby once again. He watched as her legs started to weaken beneath her. Yup she wanted his dick in something, but it sure wasn’t Garret’s ass. Just as her face turned red and her knees buckled beneath her weight, he managed to grab her by the waist and forcefully place her upon his lap. Her shocked expression came to her as she watched his hands glide down her bare legs. His hot breath upon the back of her neck made her squirm with delight against his chest. “Much better….I have my throne and now you have yours.”

Her heart raced faster as she whispered, “I am on your lap, not a throne.” His dick jumped while she squirmed to try to pull her back away from his hard chest. She felt every inch of it as he pulled her tightly against him.

“Are you sure about that, Kitten? You reek with power as you sit upon my lap.” Taby’s flushed face blossoms more as she felt Garret’s eyes upon her breast. His searching eyes and Darren’s rooming hands turned her body into a living inferno. She felt Darren’s fingertips trailing up her inner thigh as she heard him hiss into her ear, “You’re steaming hot, Kitten. I can feel your heat even though I have not even touched your hot pussy yet.”

She soon realized looking into Garret’s eyes was the biggest mistake she ever made. His eyes shown bright with need, turning her attention down to the ground below his feet was her next biggest mistake. As her eyes trailed downward towards his feet she got distracted by his enormous hard dick begging to be released from his tight black pants. Damn, nothing could help her now. She was so on fire; she swore the fire would soon turn her to ash. Darren’s fingertips startled her slightly as she felt them dipping into her womanly lips. She was so wet his fingers had plenty of lubrication to do as he pleased. Soon two of his fingers dived into her core, sending a surge of desire sorrowing through her mind and body. She needed his dick and he was using her as a sex toy for his fingers, all the while his friend was watching their every move.

Garret’s eyes gleamed with joy as he watched Darren’s fingers fuck her wet pussy. Her soft moans brought his eyes back up to hers. She was the most beautiful female he had ever seen. No wonder every male within the room was now panting and begging inwardly for their desires to be taken care of. As Darren’s fingers continued to fuck her sweat, hot pussy, Garret nearly forgot why he had even came to Darren in the first place. His mind was starting to cloud over with fantasies of Taby bending over Darren’s lap while he plunged his own rock hard dick into her mouth. Her beautiful mouth opened wide taunting him with its emptiness as he struggled to gain his control. After her breathtaking orgasm he finally asks Darren in a rough needy voice, “Will you help me?”

Darren’s eyes held his as he asked, “To release your need or to aid in the battle?”

In a hushed whisper Garret finally answered, “Both…”

Darren’s mind wonders on his friend’s request. Finally he decides the fantasy he saw within Garret’s mind was exactly what they all desired. In an instant his pants dematerialize as he positions Taby over his throbbing cock. He winks at Garret while he bends her over slightly. “You get her mouth, while I fuck her pussy.”

Garret jumps at the invite and soon stands before Taby with nothing on but a very needy grin. His rock hard dick bobs in front of her luscious lips as Darren grabs her waist and shoves her down the length of his own rock hard dick. Her scream is soon taken away as Garret’s tip enters her mouth. She pants and squirms as Darren moves her body slowly upon himself. Garret gently takes her head into his hands as his length slowly glides over her tongue.

His pre-cum taste so sweat it nearly puts an urge in her thoughts to suck him like a lollipop. She struggles to let her defiant side loose once more, but fails as both men pick up their pace. Soon the bliss takes over every inch of her body and soul. God, she loved everything about Darren’s dick being in her and to top it all off, Garret’s dick brought her need to a higher level. As she sucked and licked him from top to bottom, she heard his groans and moans growing louder. Darren’s own groans and growls soon join in as her core tightened around him. The orgasm hit her so hard she swallowed Garret’s dick down into her throat, taken his full length. His cum burst out and coated her throat as she continued to be fucked from behind by Darren. Darren’s cum burned deep within her womb as he released every ounce of it, which seemed to go on for longer than the last time they had sex.

Garret pulled slowly away from Taby’s skilled mouth, while battling to catch his own breath. His eyes focused back to normal and took in Darren’s joyful expression. Taby was so exhausted; she passed out on him and now lay silently asleep within his arms. “She is wonderful…I will aid in the battle…after I place my lovely Kitten in our bed.”

Garret watched in anger as the guards jumped at Darren’s words. He knew the men was about to say something they shouldn’t.

The oldest guard firmly spoke, “I can carry her back to the pet dungeon, My King.”

Darren’s glare made the guard stumble backwards a little. “She is going to be in my personal chamber and I will be the one to place her there.”

The youngest guards steps in with his own words, “But, King Darren….No one is allowed within your personal chamber…especially not your sex pets.”

Garret’s voice rings out through the visitor’s chamber’s walls.  “He is your King, yet you question his orders?”

Darren’s eyes turn to fire as he stands holding Taby in a protective manner. His own voice sends pain into the guard’s bodies as he speaks, “I shall do whatever I desire with my Kitten.” He turns to leave the room, as he walks to the doors he yells back at the two guards, “Never…Ever!!! Question my words again!” He lowers his voice and softly soothes Taby back to sleep. His shouting seemed to have awoken her and even frightened her, but he knew she felt none of the pain the guards felt. Darren made sure to project his painful words only at the guards and shielded her from it. “It’s alright, Kitten, I will never let them touch you.”

As Darren left the chamber and the doors closed behind him, Garret watched as the guards gained their strength back. He chuckled softly as they both turned to face him. “What’s the matter, Boys? Never seen your King in love before?”

Both guards nodded their heads at the same time. Garret even knew the answer. Darren has never loved anything in his life, and now here he was all love struck and acting unlike the King they have always known. His voice crackled slightly with rage as he spoke once again to them, “Don’t ever touch her and NEVER treat her like a normal sex pet, EVER!” The guards both bowed their heads and nodded in agreement with his command. He was not a Demon King, but he was more powerful than any Demon King alive, that alone brought fear to them.

As Darren approached his personal chamber, he noticed the guards staring at Taby in his arms. His rage was already on high alert. If even one word of having her sent away came out of any of their mouths, he would burn that guard to ashes were he stood. The guards heard his mental thoughts and all of them backed away as he grew closer to them. Not one of them asked a question or ever spoke one word to him.

As the two guards at the door opened it for him, he heard Emma yell out from behind him. “King Darren! Do you need any help tonight?!”

Darren never allowed anyone within his personal chamber, not even his guards. Emma knew this, but she always tried to find a way past that law and has always failed. Even today she was destined to fail once again. Darren’s voice was soft yet firm when he turned and answered her, “You know you are not allowed in my chamber.”

Emma glared at Taby sleeping in Darren’s arms. She hissed out at him, “Then what are you doing with her?”

His growl shook the walls as he yelled at her through clenched teeth, “Get the Hell out of my sight now! If you don’t I will kill you!” She coward backwards a few feet before turning and running down the hall out of sight.

Taby’s eyes started to open as fear drifted in and out of her mind. She felt Darren’s strong arms around her, holding and caressing her as he spoke softly, “It’s alright, Kitten, you are safe with me.” She wanted to tell him to go to Hell, yet again realizing that wouldn’t have any effect on a Demon King. Suddenly, without warning her body calmed down and started to drift back off into her lovely dream state. As her mind drifted into a wonderful dream of her sitting in a lounge chair upon the beach in Hawaii, she heard him chuckle softly and whisper to her, “I will take you there when I get back.”

Darren watched Taby’s lips turn up into a peaceful smile as he laid her down upon his large bed. Her paled skin shimmered in the candle light against the black silk sheets and comforter. His body hummed with excitement while he watched her dream carry on about the beach and her sexy body covered only by a very sexy bikini. Damn, he needed to get out of this room before his dick called the shots once again for him. He already broke down and shared his sexy Kitten with Garret; he would never share with another. It took him by surprise when Garret got turned on. Never in all the years has Garret ever showed any signs of being interested in a female. Darren was so proud to know his Kitten had that effect on the powerful blue Demon friend. It also turned him on more than normally seeing Garret’s dick ramming in her mouth, gently yet very forceful as well. His ass felt empty and very needy thinking of Garret’s dick. Many times has he helped Garret relieve his sexual tensions, and many times Garret had done the same for him as well. Darren could enjoy sex with males or females; it didn’t really matter to him, until now. Now he wanted sex with his Kitten nonstop. Even Garret’s dick would not be able to help relieve the tension he had from just seeing his Kitten.

He turned towards his door wondering if he should place two guards in the room with her or not. As he stepped out into the hall, he sensed all of the guards tensing up. They all had a hard-ons and their eyes shown their desires. Turning to them, he finally placed a command that would hopefully keep them from even thinking about his Kitten. “Do not touch her! Don’t even think about her! If you need sex find one of my female servants and have sex with them!”

The guards yelled out to him, “Yes, My King!”

Good, now he had to get back to Garret and get this damn battle over with. The beach was calling to him and his sexy Kitten. To get there he needed to have his full attention on her and her alone.

Garret watched as Darren sat back down upon his throne. He felt his tension and saw the beach scene flow through his thoughts. “Your Kitten would look lovely on the beach.”

Darren glared at Garret, and then a smile grew on his face as he stated, “Yes, she would.”

“I think we should be going now, Darren, especially if you wish to be back when she awakens.”

“Alright, Garret, let’s go kick some ass…so that I can get back to the sexy ass lying within my bed.”

Garret’s laughter filled the chamber as Darren waited beside him. The blue Demon’s hand flew up and outward opening a portal to his castle. As they walked through it, he yelled out to Darren, “Now…now, Darren, you need to learn to be patient!”

His growl brought more laughter from Garret. “I will be patient as soon as my Kitten is back within my arms!” The first to greet them as they exited the portal was Garret’s bravest warriors. The twenty blue Demon’s bowed as they saw Darren enter the room. He grumbled under his breath, “Get on your feet, Dipshits, I don’t have all day.”

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