The Corporate Escape (5 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Drake

Tags: #romance

BOOK: The Corporate Escape
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“That little American vamp,” she said vehemently. “Sweet, caring and smart. That's what Duane said. I think he's crazy. He’s going to her room!”

“How blind men can be about true character,” Christine added confidently. “But don't worry, she still has a big battle before her!”

“How right you are,” smiled Paula. “She hasn't seen the last of us yet.”

The women left the Regency filled with schemes and potential destructive actions. Neither truly liked the other, but both despised their new opponent even more. They would bond together to defeat Lynn and then rejuvenate their war for Paul. For the moment, a treaty had been signed. They had to dispose of the American threat.




Lynn woke the next morning at 6:30AM. She was in high spirits and thanked the Lord for another glorious day. She had conquered her jet lag, and was eager to explore the sights of New Zealand. There were so many wonderful places to go, and she only had one day left in Auckland. As she dressed, her thoughts returned to Paul Dillard. What a wonderful man. Just the thought of that handsome face brought a sigh to her lips. Her though were soon invaded by a knock on the door.

“Good day!” Duane said enthusiastically. “All ready to go?”

“You bet,” said Lynn.

“Great. The rest of the crew is waiting in the lobby,” Duane replied. “You're going to love the tour we have planned today.”

“I never doubted it for a minute,” said Lynn, as she grabbed her purse and camera.

Lynn felt her stomach jump as she spied his tall lean figure leaning against the wall. His build was not that of a successful business man, but could be best described as a finely tuned athlete. His broad shoulders were accentuated by the nice fitted khaki pants, which showed off the leanness of his waist. His legs were long and muscular. The open collar polo showed traces of black curly hair that lead Lynn to imagine the sight of him bare chested. Paul's smile showed admiration and respect. Both led Lynn to quickly check her thoughts.

Lynn had dressed casually in a pair of light blue pants and a cotton shirt. The conservativeness of her attire could not hide the curves of the body beneath. Paul found his smile frozen and his breath withheld. Her green eyes sent sparks his way, and the shine of her hair looked radiant. His eyes traveled towards her mouth, and he felt himself being aroused by thoughts of his lips on hers. Their softness caressing his. The red fullness of them begging a suitable good morning.

Duane caught them smiling at each other. No words had yet passed between them. He nearly laughed out loud with delight.

“Well, one of you might at least say Hello,” he chided.

Lynn was the first to come out of the fog of remembrance and smiled at Duane.

“Good morning, Mr. Dillard,” she said. “I hope you slept well.”

“Fitful dreams,” he teased. “But not unbearable.” Bob Johnson and James Spect soon joined them and they set out for their shared vacation day in Auckland. Lynn remarked on her good fortune on meeting such a hospitable group. Each in their turn, replied that the pleasure was all theirs.

Lynn sat in the front of the rented car with Paul. He was a skilled driver and knew his way without directions. It felt strange for Lynn to be sitting in the “Drivers” seat and having the car on the wrong side of the road. More than once, Lynn felt a rush of adrenalin as she looked up from a conversation and saw a car coming towards them in the right lane.

“I am glad you're driving,” Lynn confessed to Paul. “I'm enough of a wreck just sitting here.”

“You'll get use to it,” he laughed. “We'll even let you practice when we get out in the country.”

Lynn declined the offer, but within the hour found herself driving the vehicle. It was odd experiencing the feelings associated with driving on the left hand side of the road.

The traffic was light for a Friday, and Lynn soon found herself enjoying the adventure. It was slightly before noon when they arrived at Paihia on the Bay of Islands. The beautiful ragged coast awed Lynn.

“Prepare for your history lesson,” warned James. Their first stop was the Treaty House, where the Treaty of Waitangi was signed between the British and the Maoris in 1840. They decided to eat in the town of Russell, and boarded the ferry to cross the channel. They went to a locals favorite restaurant for lunch. Lynn loved the smell of the salt air and the warm breeze that surrounded her.

Paul seemed pensive as James asked Lynn about her career. Duane beamed with fatherly affection, at Bob's amazement that Lynn was indeed Vice President of Marketing for her firm. Yet they also seemed respectful of her request to not talk about work.

“I am on vacation,” Lynn stated. “And I’d really rather not talk about work.” They agreed to not talk anymore about business on their return to Waitangi/paihia.

Duane suggested they take the famous four and a half hour launch cruise that would wind them through the islands of the bay. They agreed to try the shorter cruise instead, which was about three hour in length. That way they could start back to Auckland by five.

The cruise was phenomenal. Lynn held her breath as they headed towards Piercy Island. Her view of the “hole in the rock” was perhaps the best on the boat. She was intrigued, as they went through the middle of the hollow land mass. The islands were beautiful. Paul relaxed. He watched the excitement on Lynn's face, almost as much as he gazed at the scenery.

Much too quickly their day was ending. They had a three and a half hour drive back to Auckland. Duane had purchased tickets for them to see the New Zealand Ballet that evening, and they were very close to being late. They were extremely lucky to have been in Auckland the same time the troupe was stopped there during their tour.

On the drive back Lynn's mind was full of the memories the day had made. She had taken two rolls of photographs, but knew the pictures in her mind would remain the most vivid. The pictures of Paul. Paul, looking out into the vastness of the sea, with a longing in his eyes. Paul, laughing at her fright of going through the island. Paul, holding her hand, smiling at her as they leaned on the railing of the ship. Paul, as he smiled a knowing smile when she silently bowed her head before lunch. The photographs of the beauty all around her, would forever remind her of the Paul burned in her mind.

Lynn watched him as the men talked of their adventure. Paul admitted he was driving faster than he liked, yet the other men urged him to hurry or they would miss the beginning of the Ballet. Lynn remarked that she had never seen a car full of men so eager to get to a ballet. James laughed and teased that in reality they simply wanted to get there early enough to see all the women dressed in their splendor. Lynn was relieved she had packed two dresses suitable for evening. Tonight she would wear her forest green silk. It too, was simple, yet elegant. When she added her gold and emerald necklace, it was as sophisticated as any dress could be.

Duane continued to discuss the finer points of the ballet they would see that evening, and Lynn continued to stare unashamedly at Paul. Paul sensed her inspection of him, and smiled.

Quietly he reached for her hand, and said, “Today will be with me always.”

Lynn felt the warmth spread through her veins as he spoke the words.

“Always,” she replied gravely.

She squeezed his hand, not wanting to think about the future. Not wanting to even contemplate tomorrow. Tomorrow, when he returned to Sydney, and she continued her vacation by flying to Christchurch.

Paul dropped Duane, James and Bob at their hotel, and turned to Lynn before they pulled away. Taking both of her hands in his, he stared into her eyes, searching for the right words. Should he tell her that he recognized it was too soon for him to be experiencing the depth of emotions he felt? Or that he realized that their lives were half way around the world from each other? Or, simply acknowledge that he needed her and cared for her?

“The Lord has a purpose for events and people in our lives,” he finally said. “Let's be satisfied that we've connected and that somehow all of this will fit, someday.”

Lynn understood the depth of emotions behind the statement. She was feeling them too. She could sense his confusion about their connection. It was at too deep of a level for less than 24 hours. Yet, it was there. They had to believe it was for a reason. Lynn freed one hand and touched his cheek lovingly.

“God does work in mysterious ways. And no matter what happens, I am so grateful that I met you.”

Paul met her hand on his cheek with his own and moved her palm to his lips. Tenderly he kissed it. He reached to her to join his lips with hers. Their kiss was urgent, yet filled with uncharacteristic remorse. She wanted to know so much about this man, yet, she had so few hours. A desperation came over them and they were carried away in their embrace. Both wanting to give so much, and having so little time to give.

A honking horn interrupted their passion. Embarrassed by the reprimand, Paul turned the car towards their hotel.

Trying to break the somber mood, Lynn remarked, “Well, it's a good thing I don't need much time to get ready. But you Aussies sure push a woman to extremes.” Paul looked at her quizzically and saw her checking her watch.

“We've got l5 minutes to change and get to the theatre,” she continued.

“Race you back to the lobby,” Paul challenged.

“You're on, Mr. Dillard,” she said. “But, I bet I win.”

“You Yanks are so competitive,” he teased. “I'll bet you dinner in Sydney. I win, you pay. You win, I pay.”

“But, Mr. Dillard, I never loose,” Lynn replied. “How could your male ego survive a woman paying for dinner?”

“Not very well,” he confessed. “So don't take your time just to bruise it.”

“I never concede failure,” replied Lynn.

“Neither do I,” stated Paul. “That's what I'm afraid of. We're both too use to winning. “

“And I'm winning this one,” Lynn said trying to revive some of the levity that quickly fled, after Paul's last remark.

“You might be right,” Paul said, noting the double meaning of her words. And they rushed towards the elevator.

Lynn waited only a few seconds for Paul to arrive.

“Incredible,” he remarked, his voice filled with admiration. “You look radiant, beautiful, exquisite.”

“Do go on,” Lynn teased.

“I have never known a woman who could get ready faster than I could,” Paul said shaking his head in disbelief. “You look as if you spent hours!”

“Did I look that bad before?” chided Lynn.

“No,” Paul said hastily. “You simply look like a dream now.”

“Well, wake up quickly,” she laughed. “We have a Ballet to attend.”

Paul grabbed for her hand and led her out the front door.

“And you owe me dinner in Sydney,” she finished.

“Thank God,” Paul replied smiling.

The lobby at the Ballet was crowded. The sold out crowd was moving slowly to their seats. Duane remarked at how fantastic Lynn looked and his remark was echoed by the rest of the group. Lynn found, that unlike today, she was not the sole woman of the party. It seemed that Paula had somehow been included by James, and soon after arriving they were approached flamboyantly by Christine.

Lynn felt her disappointment rise as she realized that she and Paul would get little time alone the rest of the evening. Her only saving thought was that she would see him in Sydney. Her heart leapt at the realization. This would not be their last evening together! Paul's look was one of understanding and mutual frustration with the situation. He reached confidently for her hand and escorted her into the theatre. Both ignored the looks of jealousy and distaste they received from the other women.

They seemed to have just sat down when it was time for intermission. Paul and Lynn sat together in contentment. Yet, as the end of the evening grew closer, anxiety surfaced. Christine took full advantage of the tension. She confronted them in the lobby after the show. Her unsuccessful attempts to capture Paul's attention, only made her more aggressive. This, in turn, made her even less attractive. Duane and James diverted the attention of Paula and Christine long enough for Paul and Lynn to escape. They returned to the harbor where they had been the night before.

Lynn was intrigued at her ease in discussing intimate topics with Paul. They watched the boats float by and talked of the escapades of their youth. Paul was talking of feelings and emotions he had never mentioned to anyone. Some were realizations just as they were being voiced.

They laughed together over the unfounded fears they had experienced in life, and shared their deep commitment to the Lord.

Lynn was sheltered under Paul's shoulder. The weight of his arm brought emotions of dependency and a desire to be taken care of. Paul felt protective of her and pulled her closer to him. The intimacy of the evening strengthened by their mutual attraction. Lynn longed to stay in his embrace forever. She felt content, yet excited at the same moment. Paul's need for her increased and a soft moan emitted from his very soul. He pushed her away gently, looking deep into her sparkling eyes.

“When I am with you,” he confessed, “I feel desires I have suppressed for so long. I want to take you to new plateaus of happiness and protect you from harm. I feel consumed by you Lynn, and we've only just met.”

Lynn felt the warmth flow throughout her body. She was breathless at his confession of longing for that same sense of oneness. She was scared by her recognition of the needs she wanted him to fulfill. Her gaze returned to his eyes, and she saw compassion mixed with confusion. Desire, love and longing.

“Tell me I'm crazy,” pleaded Paul. “Tell me I'm a terrible person or a poor Christian. But at least say something!”

“You're human,” replied Lynn steadily. “I'm flattered. I'm confused. I'm feeling the same desires and longings.”

Lynn turned from his embrace, and slipped her hand into his. They walked together slowly.

“But we must be strong for each other,” Lynn said finally.

“My heart knows you are right,” Paul replied. “It's the rest of me that has other ideas.”

“Boy, do I know what you mean,” Lynn laughed.

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