The Corporate Escape (3 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Drake

Tags: #romance

BOOK: The Corporate Escape
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“You must promise to come to church with us on Sunday. And you can come to dinner at least one night. My wife Barbara will positively dot on you, but by then perhaps a good home cooked meal will sound exciting.”

Lynn accepted the offer. She gave him the number and address of her hotel in Sydney and promised to call her first day in town.

Duane was exhausted, as was Lynn, so they ended their conversation and both nodded off into their dreams. Lynn smiled to herself. She had been concerned about being lonely on a vacation by herself. But realized that she need not have worried, as there truly are nice people everywhere.

After her short nap, and another meal, Lynn was being instructed to buckle up for their landing. She was there! Lynn and Duane picked up their conversation where they left off, as the plane circled.

“I was thinking,” Duane mentioned pensively. “The company I am meeting with is having a party tomorrow night. If you wouldn't feel too out of place, I would love to have you come.”

“Thanks for the offer,” she said gratefully. “But if your work parties are anything like ours, it isn't exactly a gala event.”

“Actually,” smiled Duane, “This is going to be quite a party. Formal event. It is the Annual Sales Conference extravaganza.”

Lynn thought of the conference her team was having that same night, and felt a twinge of homesickness.

“And besides,” he added. “The men down under are always eager to meet and entertain a beautiful Yank.”

Duane continued to persuade her by filling her in on the details. The party was to be given in the grand ballroom of Lynn's hotel.

“We'll be so loud that you won't be able to sleep anyway,” teased Duane. “I have some friends I'd like you to meet, too.”

Lynn laughed, “Alright. You've closed the deal. I'm sold.”

They shared a taxi to their hotels, as Duane's was very close to hers. Lynn waved a fond farewell as the Bellman carried her bags into the hotel.

Lynn’s hotel was considered one of the premier hotels in Auckland, situated close to the Harbor, business and shopping districts. Lynn's room was spacious and included a mini-bar for entertaining. Lynn had to smile, for soon she would fill it with cola's, to support her habit of drinking cold caffeine in the morning having never quite acquired a taste for coffee.

She was tired from her long journey, and decided to start the vacation with a luxurious soak in the tub. Lynn rarely found time for such frivolity at home. Lynn couldn't quite get the time change straight, but was quite aware that it was now Wednesday night. She had lost Tuesday over the date line.

Soon her exhaustion lead to the plan of a quiet day by the pool tomorrow.
















Chapter 3


Lynn woke with a noted awareness of her strange surroundings. She rose with the excitement of seeing a new land. It was a beautiful day in Auckland, New Zealand. Lynn looked over some of the tourist information in her room. She decided the pool could wait, and she would spend the morning shopping and seeing a bit of the surrounding area.

Lynn strolled towards downtown and found herself at the lower end of Queen Street at a shopping center. It was a modernistic building resembling a single large store. Yet, inside were a collection of 70 odd shops dispersed on three floors. She stopped in one store and poured over the collections of Maori carvings. She proceeded down to the leather store and perused the coats, jackets and other leather products. In one shop she found a delightful selection of sheepskin clothes hangers and decided to purchase some for Susan. The nearby Book Shop caught her eye, and although she had brought adequate reading with her, Lynn could not resist.

After leaving the center, Lynn found her way down to the hotel where Duane was staying. The wood paneled lobby with wine carpet, was dominated by a heroic statue of Captain Cook. There was a magnificent marlin mounted over the elevators. She felt herself smile to the local flavor of the surroundings. She shopped there at a store creatively named 'The New Zealander.' Lynn purchased some postcards to write by the pool that afternoon. Deciding on a light lunch, Lynn was directed back downtown. She decided on a local favorite of meat pie and gave into her craving for a milkshake.

Returning to her hotel, she passed many Arcades. Feeling her jet lag again taking over, Lynn was pleased that her plans had included a leisurely afternoon by the pool.

Lynn grabbed her Bible and her journal, and went to find a lounge chair. The sun was hot as Lynn lay by the pool. She read for an hour or more and then closed her eyes for just a moment. Soon she drifted off to sleep, and awoke relaxed and a bit sunburned. She swam for a while and went to go change for the evening.

Sooner than she realized it was 7:30 PM. She had not eaten yet, and was now out of time. She hurriedly produced one of the formal dresses she had packed. It was a beautiful black silk. Simplicity was the key to it's elegance. A high neckline and fitted waist, gave sophistication while the backless design afforded sensuality just at the edge of properness.

Lynn added the Greenstone necklace she had purchased that morning. The perfectly polished stones gave an elegance she did not anticipate. The green of the stones accentuated the green of her eyes. Lynn could hardly believe the effect when she looked in the mirror.

Lynn looked stunning. She had often been told that she was attractive. Yet she rarely, if ever, thought she was more than that. Tonight was different. She was truly amazed at the woman in the mirror. The sun had kissed her cheeks, and slightly lightened the dark brown of her hair.

“Once again you're working your miracles,” she said out loud to the Lord. There was a new life to her soul, and a joy in her heart. She prayed the evening would be fun and interesting. She felt a strange excitement in her stomach. She realized it had been years since she had gone to a party simply for the fun of it. She was going to have a wonderful time! She could just tell. With that she left for the lobby.

Duane Coleman saw Lynn at once and rushed to her side. “Lynn, my dear, you look radiant!” he smiled with fatherly affection. “How you do remind me of my Katherine!”

“And you Mr. Coleman look simply regal,” she replied.

“A tux has a way of doing that for a man,” he smiled.

“Come, you must meet my associates,” he said.

Lynn was soon introduced to Mr. Bob Johnson and Mr. James Spect. Both were close to Duane's age. She was also informed that Mr. Dillard would meet them in the ballroom. As usual he had several phone calls to complete. Not knowing Mr. Dillard, Lynn took them for their word. Bob Johnson remarked how Lynn reminded him of Katherine and Duane laughed in agreement. Lynn felt sure that the evening would be a pleasant one, filled with plenty of good conversation and no possibility of misplaced advancements. Bob and James were treating her with the same fatherly respect she had grown so fond of in Duane Coleman.

The ballroom was exquisitely decorated. The theme for the year's conference was tastefully displayed and quietly reinforced. Lynn took mental notes and compared this to similar events she had either planned or participated in.

The band played a variety of music and Lynn was delighted to learn that her companions were all excellent dancers. Quite a coup, she thought. Graceful men dancers in New Zealand and Australia were supposedly harder to come by than they were in the States. And Lord knew how many times she had her toes stomped on by men back home. Tonight Lynn was blessed with three men at her table, all great dancers and all quite gentlemanly.

Lynn was introduced to everyone who stopped by their table. And that seemed like just about everyone. She was at the table with the top executives, and was use to the expected hello and congratulations of the position.

But Lynn spent most of her time dancing. Her dance with Bob Johnson, to 'In the Mood', was marvelous. She was thrown around the floor with a fervor, yet with the expertise of a trained partner. She laughed and smiled and could scarcely remember enjoying herself more. Out of breath and slightly dizzy, Lynn and Bob both remarked on their partners talent. True gaiety surrounded them as they returned to the table among the applauds and cheering from those watching. Lynn had known they had been the center of attention. But, having trained in her younger years to be a professional dancer, Lynn felt no awkwardness or embarrassment.

Yet, Lynn had felt that there had been a piercing stare emitting from the area of their table. She was curious to what had aroused that feeling. She was gasping for breath as her eyes set on the object of her discomfort.

Standing beside Duane was the most stunning man Lynn had ever seen. His hair was coal black, and his dark grey eyes stared at her with a mixture of intrigue and curiosity.

Paul Dillard stood tall and proud. His broad shoulders and long legs were accentuated by the formal black tux and crisp white shirt he wore. He resembled a model for a sensual mens' cologne from the glossy pages of G.Q. magazine. Lynn found herself leaning on Bob for support.

Trying to hide her discomfort she said, “I believe I am getting too old to dance the night away.”

Bob beamed, “You flatter me Lynn. Old indeed.”

“Probably more jet lag than old age,” laughed Duane.

All the while, the grey eyes never left her face.

Paul Dillard was astounded at his own reaction. He had seen Lynn the moment he walked into the crowded ballroom. He had felt a stirring in his soul as he watched her joyfully and gracefully twirl around the dance floor. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He had longed to be the man of her attention. Only then did he notice that Bob Johnson was her partner. He had stood on the sidelines, not even looking for Duane. He was totally transfixed by the sleek beauty in black with the glowing brown hair and the radiant green eyes.

As he looked at her now he realized they were eyes to get lost in. He couldn't tear his glance away. When Duane had fetched him from the doorway, Paul had been a reluctant recruit. Afraid that he would loose sight of her, and she would slip into a corner of the large ballroom and disappear from him forever. Duane had noticed his attentions on Lynn and commented on her abilities on the dance floor to gain his ear.

“Who is she?” Paul had asked seriously. He was secretly fearing that she was simply part of the crowd invited to parties to help in the entertainment.

“Lynn Eastman,” replied Duane. “She's from America. I had the good fortune to sit next to her on the plane yesterday. Lovely girl, don't you think?”

“Girl?” thought Paul. “Not an accurate description at all. She is a beautiful woman. Every inch of her.”

“Lovely,” was all he replied and continued to stare.

Now as they were standing face to face, Paul found himself uncharacteristically at a loss for words. Duane pretended not to notice, but was acutely aware of the intimacy of the glances being exchanged. He was pleased as could be with himself. This was exactly what he had hoped would happen. As soon as he had seen Lynn, he had thought what a striking couple she would make with his dear friend Paul Dillard-Thompson.

Paul Dillard-Thompson was the President of a conglomerate of companies. He was also one of Duane's banks most respected client. At 35 years of age, Paul was probably the wealthiest bachelor in Sydney. His rise to the top had been accomplished completely through his hard work, perseverance and the fact that his Grandfathers, Paul Thompson, and Ralph Dillard had started what were now the two largest companies in the Corporation.

Yet, Paul's father Mr. George Dillard, had been of moderate wealth, as had his Mother, Ms. Jane Thompson. Their family companies were both small up until the time that Paul took over the leadership.

Paul claimed to have God on his side, and Duane was inclined to agree with him. Paul was now the President and CEO of the multimillion dollar Dillard Corporation which was started by his Grandfather Ralph Dillard. Paul's Father, George, remained the Chairman of the Board.

Paul was named after his Maternal Grandfather who had started the Thompson Company, when his Mother was a child. His Mother was still actively involved as a Board member of the Thompson Company, now the main International Division and a subsidiary of the Dillard Corporation.

In Australia, Paul was known as Paul Dillard. Yet, world wide he carried on his grandfather’s legacy. He was know as Paul Thompson in his International business dealings.

Duane Coleman had been a friend of Paul's father. He had at one time longed for his daughter Katherine and Paul to become a couple. But years ago he had given up on the idea, when neither cared to change their close friendship to anything more. Now, however, Duane was glad that there was no attachment of his daughter to Paul. The mutual attraction between Paul and Lynn was obvious, and he was pleased for them both. Duane noted with alarm that a pregnant silence had fallen over the group. Lynn and Paul both appeared unable to sit or speak.

“Paul Dillard,” he said quickly. “May I introduce to you a new, but dear, friend of mine, Lynn Eastman.” Lynn automatically extended her hand in a very business like action. Paul seemed slightly amused and took her hand firmly. He was impressed by the firmness her handshake returned, yet was vividly aware of the electrical shocks traveling up his arm as soon as their hands met. Lynn appeared unmoved.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Dillard,” she said with much more calm than she could confess. The connection between the two was undeniable. She felt the skin on her arm tingle and a long extinguished fire in her heart began to burn.

“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Eastman,” Paul replied, almost seductively.

Duane saw that Bob and James were as amazed as he by Paul's behavior. Paul and Lynn sat across the table from one another. The interruptions they had experienced throughout the evening seemed to only increase with the arrival of Paul. Every woman at the party, whether they had been by the table before or not, seemed to find their way to Paul's side. Each was greeted warmly and affectionately by Mr. Dillard. His charm was not lost on them. Every woman seemed to leave the table beaming. Each occurrence, Lynn found herself being introduced, and felt her smile would soon break if the onslaught continued. An extremely sensual blonde, in an outrageously risque gold lame dress sashayed towards the table. Lynn could take no more and gave her excuse to dart to the ladies room.

Lynn was shaken. She could not believe how jealous she felt. She had just met the man! Yet, she could feel the green headed monster looming all around her. Each time Paul said her name it felt like a caress. He had introduced her to every passing admirer of his, and every time he said her name with affection. He said her name with so many different inflections over the last hour, and each one had a different meaning. To make matters worse, Lynn was unable to take her eyes off of him. What a strange effect this dark haired man, with the intense grey eyes was having on her. She wondered if the admiration and longing showed on her usually poker face.

She had sensed amusement in his voice, when he introduced Lynn to Ms. Paula Sampson. It seems Ms. Sampson was not at all pleased by the introduction, and was indignant when Paul continued to draw Lynn into their conversation. Lynn had been polite, kind and engaging. Paula had left in quite a huff and Paul had laughed out loud. James and Duane seemed to share his delight. No one had filled Lynn in on the little joke, and she could only draw her own conclusions as to the relationship between Paul and the lovely Paula.

The bathroom door opened and Lynn realized she had been daydreaming far too long. She hurried into an empty stall to avoid another required pleasantry to strangers. She overheard the two women, who had come in, talking.

“Well, she certainly is getting what she deserves don't you think?” one rather high voice squeaked.

“If you ask me,” replied the other, slightly lower voice, “They both are. Paula and Christine both deserve what ever they get!”

At the mention of Paula's name, Lynn became attentive.

“He is such a wonderful man,” said one. “He deserves better than either of those money hungry vixens.”

“Types like that, with no emotions,” said the other.

“I’ll never understand them. And Christine has all the money anyone could ever need. She just wants to make sure she can spend someone else's too.”

“But Ms. Eastman seems so totally different. Friendly, open, congenial. She is so refreshing.”

“Yes, a fine lady,” the second woman agreed. “I wonder if he met her on one of his many trips to the States?”

Hearing her own name mentioned made Lynn freeze. She didn’t dare make a sound and embarrass the women who were discussing her. The women were washing their hands, as Lynn heard them continue.

“I hope that Paula and Christine don't start their vengeful techniques on Miss Eastman. She seems like such a nice girl.”

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