The Corporate Escape (9 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Drake

Tags: #romance

BOOK: The Corporate Escape
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“Where have you been?” asked Paul.

“In the shower,” she replied. “Nice to hear your voice too.”

“I'm sorry Lynn. But why didn't you call?”

“I don't know where you are staying remember?”

“Didn't Sandra call you?” he asked.

“No messages,” she replied.

“I see,” said Paul, although he truly didn't. “Let's start over.”

Lynn laughed, “Hi Paul! I am so glad you called!”

Paul laughed in reply, and they talked of their days. Paul told her of the beauty of Cairns. The tropical gold coast was splendid in the summer .

“I wish I could see it,” Lynn sighed in response.

“Maybe next trip,” said Paul quietly. “If I would have thought about it, I should have asked you along this time.”

“That would have been lovely,” she sighed.

“You mean you would have come?” he asked.

“I am on vacation,” she laughed. “Remember? I can do anything I want on vacation.”

Paul chided himself at his stupidity.

“What?” asked Lynn.

“Sorry,” said Paul. “I just didn't even think about it.”

“It is O.K.,” teased Lynn. “By the sound of your schedule you certainly aren't playing much. What are you trying to do? Squeeze two weeks worth of meetings into four days?”

“Exactly,” Paul said absentmindedly.

“You really are, aren't you?” she asked amazed.

“I want to get back to see you,” he replied. “We don't have much time left.”

“Paul, if you keep running like that, you won't!” she chided. “Now slow down a bit! That is an order!”

“Yes, dear,” he teased. He gave her the number at his hotel in Cairns and she promised to call him after the Coleman's left on Thursday night. Their farewell was quick and painless, and Lynn slept dreaming of Paul and palm trees and sun.




Lynn slept in and then had planned to spend a relaxing day at the beach. She was excited to spend some alone time with the Lord. She loved nothing more than sitting on the beach, watching the waves roll in, and talking with the Lord. She knew she needed time in prayer to regroup and refocus. Lynn grabbed her Bible, her journal, and her towel, and set out for the beach. She found many years ago that journaling helped her to organize her thoughts and keep focused in her prayer time. She spent most of the time at the beach processing her emotions with the Lord. How she valued these precious alone times with God.

She returned to the hotel in the late afternoon feeling relaxed and re-centered. She chose a simple outfit for the evening and began getting ready for dinner. Katherine and Doug were the first to arrive.

When Lynn met Doug she felt herself immediately on guard. She found herself at a loss for words. The more he spoke, Lynn sensed that something about him was not upright. He was every bit as handsome as Katherine had describe, yet he was not at all what she had expected. After all the wonderful things that Katherine had told her she was surprised by her reaction.

Doug was attractive with sandy brown hair, and green eyes. His freckles made him appear younger than his 45 years. In some ways he resembled a mischievous little boy. He was every bit as outgoing as Katherine had described, but somehow he reminded Lynn of Christine! Surely he wasn't just interested in Katherine for her money?

Lynn shook her head, and told herself she was overreacting. Perhaps she was just tired. She committed to herself to find all the things she liked about Doug, for the sake of her new friend Katherine.

Barbara and Duane arrived just minutes later, and they all left for dinner in Manly. The evening passed quickly. Soon they were saying their good night's, and Katherine promised to call Lynn on Saturday. Duane and Barbara invited Lynn and Paul to brunch after church on Sunday. Lynn accepted, pending verification.

Paul was not in his room when Lynn called. She felt a stab of jealousy, and she wondered where he was. She wondered if she should call his cell phone but quickly dismissed the idea. She did not want to interrupt his work meetings, so she left a message with the hotel.

She felt the usual anxiety of waiting for a phone to ring. She wrote postcards and attempted to read the novel she never got around to picking up on the beach that afternoon. She found herself staring at the phone with the foreboding of future nights, back in the states waiting for Paul to call. Premonitions of things to come, waiting for the silent phone to beckon. Nights filled with emptiness and longing.
















Chapter 8


Lynn was awakened by the phone at 3:00 AM. Her book still on her lap, her clothes wrinkled and untucked.

“Sorry it is so late,” was Paul's first remark. “I had a late dinner meeting and then Christine showed up throwing a tantrum.”

“Christine!” said Lynn suddenly wide awake. “What in the world is Christine doing there?”

“Pursuing,” he said calmly.

“You?” she asked.

“Of course,” said Paul irritated. “She has this uncanny act of showing up, seemingly by chance, wherever I happen to be.”

“Like Auckland?” asked Lynn.

“Like Auckland,” replied Paul.

“Well?” Lynn prodded.

“Well what?”

“What happened?” Lynn asked, her heart suddenly in her throat.

“Do I detect a hint of jealousy showing itself?” teased Paul.

“Of course not,” said Lynn, “Why should I be jealous of an absolutely beautiful, sensuous, sexy, blonde bombshell with no morals or scruples, who happens to follow you all over the world?”

“You shouldn't because she has no morals or scruples,” replied Paul.

“So what happened?” Lynn asked again.

“I fought her off with whips and a chair, and told her to get back,” teased Paul.

“Paul,” pleaded Lynn, “Please.”

“Really,” he replied. “I told her to get out of my life, and stay away from me. I don't love her, never have and never will.”

“And?” Lynn prompted.

“She threw a fit. She went into a rage. She started throwing things in the restaurant and screaming at me,” he said calmly. “It caused quite a scene, not to mention a very large bill, and she left pledging revenge.”

“How are you?” Lynn asked feeling relieved and concerned.

“A bit angry, a lot embarrassed, and extremely tired,” he replied.

“Get some sleep then,” said Lynn. “I'll see you tomorrow night.”

“Thanks Lynn,” he said.

“For what?” she laughed.

“For being insanely jealous, yet compassionate and practical,” he smiled.

“You're welcome,” she replied. “Now, say your prayers and get some sleep.”

“Yes, sir,” he teased. “See you tomorrow. I mean, later today.”

Lynn laid awake picturing the scene. She wondered how Christine knew where Paul was, and what her revenge would be. She prayed for kindness and forgiveness. Hoping that somehow, God could find away into Christine's heart to ease the pain and anger. Release her from her plans for revenge. She remembered the hateful looks that Christine and Paula had given her in Auckland. Lynn knew that revenge could be one of the things Christine did best. Lynn shivered at the thought and pulled the covers around her neck. At last, she fell into a fitful sleep.




Friday Lynn slept until noon. Even then she hadn't slept a full eight hours. She thought of how exhausted Paul would be, and wondered if she should call his office and see if they could change the reservations at the Sydney Opera House to Saturday night. She decided that should be his decision, and went to the beach for a few hours of relaxation and prayer. Her afternoon at the beach was wonderful.

She returned to get cleaned up for the evening. She read the rest of her novel, as she waited for Paul. She was ready a full hour before he arrived. She was wearing the one non-formal evening dress she had brought with her.

Their reunion was joyful. He looked tired, yet seemed to be rejuvenated at the sight of her. He remarked how beautiful she looked all dressed for their night out. He then sheepishly asked if she minded waiting until Saturday to go to the Opera House. She laughed at the similarities of their thinking. He returned to the lobby, as Lynn changed into slacks for a more informal outing. Paul had come straight to her hotel from the airport, and suggested they eat at his house. She teased that she thought he would never ask.

Lynn was not sure what she had expected, but she clearly was not prepared for Paul's home. She had known he was successful, and known he was financially secure. She had no idea he was filthy rich. Paul lived in the fashionable Palm Beach, located on a small peninsula about 20 miles north of Sydney. His home was equipped with all the modern conveniences that Americans take for granted.

In Australia, often only the super wealthy could afford to live in “Palmy” as the locals called it, with his two complete kitchens and the view of the Ocean. Both Kitchens were filled with the top of the line conveniences such as, a freezer, dishwasher, garbage disposal, and microwave. His house also had central heat and air, along with a expensive washer and dryer, which many considered luxuries in Australia. But, it was not any of these that impressed Lynn.

It was the beach location that captured Lynn’s heart. Paul's house was directly on the beach. Including a full wall of plate glass windows across the living room and master bedroom, looking out over the ocean. The deck from the bedroom had a hot tub next to the table and chairs. On the side of the house was a full size swimming pool.

The rest of the house was equally as grand. The fireplace in the living room, attached to the one in the master bedroom. The walk in closet was as large as Lynn's spare bedroom at home. The sunken extra large tub, next to the shower fit nicely into the huge bathroom. The vaulted ceilings made the rooms appear even larger. The formal dining room sat twenty. The main kitchen was large enough for three or four cooks to comfortably be in attendance.

Downstairs the two spare bedrooms looked out onto the beach. As did Paul's library, with it's big expansive fireplace. A small kitchen, large den and three car garage completed the lower floor.

Paul ended the tour and went to his room to change. Lynn was flabbergasted. Paul lived in a mansion. She walked out on the deck and stared out at the sea to try to calm her nerves. Paul came to the deck through the sliding glass door from his bedroom. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and stared with her at the ocean.

“You're shaking,” he said “Are you cold?”

“No,” she confessed. “Overwhelmed and scared.”

He turned her to face him. “Why?” he asked.

“You're wealthy,” she said. “Really wealthy. This place must have cost millions. Paul, I had no idea.”

“But you knew I had money. Does it really matter how much?” he asked perplexed.

“Paul, this is so out of my league,” she replied. “My entire townhouse would fit in your living room.”

“You don't like it?” he misunderstood.

“Oh, Paul. I love it,” she said. “Your house is everything I've ever dreamed of. I just don't know how to handle it all.”

Paul seemed openly relieved. He had so many women that had fallen in love with is money, his success. Yet, Lynn had not even been aware that he was wealthy. She was visibly disturbed.

“You knew I drove a Mercedes,” he said. “And you knew I owned my own company.”

“But, Paul, I drive a Porsche. I owned a convertible Mercedes right out of college. Those never tipped me off to this!” She searched for the words that could explain her confusion. “Plumbers own their own business, Paul. America has tons of entrepreneurs that barely make ends meet. You must own half of Australia.”

Paul laughed at her exaggeration. “Lynn, does it really make you uncomfortable?”

“Only that I feel so comfortable,” she confessed. She wanted to ask him who he really was. What did he really do? Where did he get all this money? “Saved by the bell,” she teased as the phone began to ring.

Paul went to answer the phone, and Lynn tried to decipher her feelings. Why was she so disturbed by Paul's wealth? Was it because she loved him, and hadn't told him yet? Would he think she was saying it simply because of his money, and his house? Why didn't she guess? He had stayed, as she had, at the best hotels in both New Zealand and Australia. They cost money, lots of it. But she was so use to staying in the best hotels on business trips, that even that didn't clue her in. And her hotels had been booked and paid for by her company. She hadn't thought of her own cash flow the entire trip.

What would he think of her? Had he assumed, as she had, that they were in the same social standing? What would he think when he found she was barely upper middle class in the States? Had she given him the wrong impression? All Lynn's insecurities found their way to the surface. She felt inadequate. She prayed for strength and guidance, and vowed to have a wonderful evening. She refused to waste a night with Paul, worrying about such trivia.

She turned to Paul as he returned from the phone, and gladly gave him the encouragement that he needed to take her into his arms.




Their weekend together was splendid. Touring Sydney had been delightful. The show at the Opera House was superb. They had been given a special tour back stage, and ate on the balcony overlooking the water.

On Sunday they attended church with Duane, Barbara and Katherine. They spent a quiet afternoon at the Coleman's house in Double Bay. Sunday evening Paul and Lynn strolled on the beach by her hotel and talked of their dreams and desires.

Monday Lynn talked to her office, and spent the afternoon in Sydney's Chinatown. It didn't compare in size or atmosphere to the one in San Francisco, but she enjoyed it just the same.

Lynn had agreed to meet Paul at the Dillard Corporation International Corporate offices in Sydney. When she arrived, Lynn was a bit taken aback by the building. It was not just an office, but an entire skyscraper that comprised their headquarters.

She was pleasantly greeted by the security guard in the Lobby, and was reassured that her name was indeed on the list of people approved to enter the building. She was informed that Paul’s office was on the top floor, and was shown to his private elevator. As Lynn rode up the elevator she prayed for wisdom and guidance.

Paul’s offices were impressive, by any standards. Lynn was beginning to understand the magnitude of Paul’s wealth and influence. Again she questioned her ability to rise to his social standing.

Arriving in the inner office, past the huge Mahogany doors, Lynn was met by the probing eyes of Sandra. Lynn had not anticipated the impact on her of the unpleasant experience of meeting Paul’s infamous secretary Sandra. She was visibly rude to Lynn, yet changed her attitude and demeanor entirely when Paul came out of his office and ushered in Lynn. Paul's office was very elegant, with the most expensive office furniture Lynn had ever seen.

“Wow!” she stated a bit overwhelmed. “This is an amazing office!”

Paul laughed at Lynn's continued discomfort with his social standing. He found her attitude endearing. He finished up putting a few papers away, and was ready to leave.

They left for dinner was at Elizabeth Bay. Paul had made reservations at the most famous restaurant in the area. It prove to be as exquisite as Paul had described. Lynn was quiet and somewhat pensive during dinner. Paul was distracted by some of his business dealings that day. It was a somewhat solemn, but pleasant evening.

The mood seemed to change on the drive back to Lynn's hotel. It was filled with laughter, and Lynn fell more desperately in love every mile. Paul was more than she could have ever dreamed of, and her feelings were deeper than she could have imagined. She prayed that somehow something would work out between them.

She was surprised when Paul claimed fatigue, and asked to walk her to her room. Yet, she realized it was quite late, and he had to work in the morning.

Paul reminded Lynn to be ready at 6:00 PM the following evening. He had invited Duane, Barbara, Katherine, Doug, James, Bob, and their wives, to a barbecue at his house. He wanted to show Lynn a true Australian barbecue. Lynn offered to go early to help, but was informed Paul's housekeeper and cook had everything under control. Lynn felt strangely rebuked, and agreed to be ready when he arrived to pick her up.

Lynn shopped in the morning, and bought a new outfit for the barbecue. The afternoon was spent once again on the beach with her Bible and journal in hand. She tried to focus on prayer, but found it hard to concentrate. She spent most of her time watching the waves and trying not to think of their shortening time together. One week. She thought. One week and Lynn would be on the plane back to San Francisco. She wondered how she could live without him. She worried that he was already beginning to pull away. She loved him more than life itself. Yet, she had no alternative, but to leave him. He had not even suggested that she stay. The sun lulled her mind, and Lynn drifted in her daydreams.




Sandra was having a busy day. Her plans seemed to be working. Even though the set up she arranged with Christine in Cairns had not gone as well as planned, it had brought Sandra the complete aid of Christine. Lunch with Paul and Christine was set up for later in the week by Sandra, in exchange for Christine’s complete allegiance to Sandra’s plans. Christine had agreed to Sandra’s schemes, and she had helped tremendously by planting doubts in Paul's mind about Lynn during her brief time in Cairns.

Sandra had been doing her best as well. Christine had started the process in Cairns. There, Christine revealed to Paul that Lynn had inquired of Sandra about the companies standing to confirm Paul’s wealth. Christine shared that she was concerned for Paul as she felt Lynn’s objective was simply to capture Paul for his wealth. The conversation had not gone well. The plan had backfired. Paul did not listen, instead he told Christine off and literally had her thrown out of his hotel. Yet, Sandra realized the conversation had started the wheels of doubt turning when she learned that Paul, the very night of his return, he had taken Lynn to his home.

Sandra thought smugly of the conversation with him that evening at home when Paul had mentioned Lynn's presence. She knew her boss well. Paul did not take women to his house, as he was an extremely private person. Sandra had never been there. Christine had only been there once, during the brief time they were dating. Paul confided in Sandra that the visit was to see how Christine would react to the splendor of his estate.

Paul had broken up with Christine the next day, after she had bluntly stated that she could live there, and indeed began to discuss how she would redecorate. Sandra felt that Paul had taken Lynn to his home to examine her reaction to his wealth. Sandra was certain of it. She knew of his fear of money hungry women, and knew he would want to test her. Unfortunately, Lynn appeared to be somewhat uncomfortable with his wealth, and Paul's fears had been appeased.

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