The Corporate Escape (2 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Drake

Tags: #romance

BOOK: The Corporate Escape
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“You might as well each take these now,” he said. “Sleep in them tonight or wear them tomorrow, or both. Charge anything else you need for the night at the gift store.”

Jeff’s involvement on the contract was critical and invaluable. Having him by her side while trying to complete this overwhelming task brought a sense of security to Lynn. As she had watched his tall frame bent over the conference table, she once again thanked God for their friendship, and that she had stood firm on her convictions to not date him. What a mess that could have been!




An hour later John suggested they call it a night.

“What time should we all be back tomorrow?” asked Susan, who had returned two hours before.

“Let's all shoot for 9:00 AM,” said Steve. “That should give us enough sleep and time for breakfast and still get everything done in time for Bruce.”

There was a murmur of agreement throughout the room. The “war room” as the hand drawn sign on the door stated, cleared in a matter of minutes. But Lynn was reluctant. She pulled Steve aside and told him that she would be going home, as she had to feed Cassie, her cat.

“She's been fed,” Steve replied. “What do you think took Susan so long to return tonight?”

Lynn looked at her secretary questioningly, “You fed Cassie tonight?”

“Sure,” smiled Susan. “You told me to keep the key to your house for emergencies. I figured this was one of them.”

“Was I really that awful tonight?” Lynn asked.

“THE worst!” exclaimed Susan.

Jeff threw a T-shirt at Lynn, and a protective arm over Susan, as he called to the almost empty room, “Let's go!'




Lynn laid in bed and stared at the lights of San Francisco. The view from her room showed there was still a lot of activity in the city. Another weekend night which she had spent working. Yet tonight had been so different. It had been a true team effort. She thought affectionately of her co-workers.

Steve Long, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. 62-years-old, married with 2 children and one grandchild. He had almost 40 years with the company. He was well respected not only in their field but in the banking industry and Financial World as a whole. He had started as a CPA, fresh out of college, and had worked his way up through the ranks. He had become a VP because of his expertise, years of dedication and hard work.

Tonight Lynn had watched as Steve had reviewed the financials of his analysts with ease and precision. He knew how important this deal was to the financial success of the company. The Bank agreeing to fund the acquisition was the only detail left. Yet they were asking the Bank to finance a rate that was significantly below the going corporate rate.

The P.D. Thompson Corporation was ripe for a take over, and the business had too much synergy to let this one get away. Tonight Lynn had seen more enthusiasm in Steve than ever before. He looked 10 years younger and seemed to truly enjoy rolling up his sleeves and being one of the gang.

John Stewart, Vice President, Support Services. John was 49-years-old, married with 3 kids. He had the “catch all” office of the company. Not only did his organization include Executive Graphics, but also Procurement, Systems Support, Mail Services, Building Maintenance, Advertising, Expense Control and Legal.

Having Jeff, the Senior Corporate lawyer there tonight, right beside John, was a true sign of their teamwork. She once again was so thankful for their friendship.

Jeff and Lynn had been through much together. This weekend was another reminder of the great man he was becoming. She recalled the dinner they shared when he accepted Jesus.

Jeff had been going through an exceptionally difficult time, and Lynn had simply volunteered to pray for him at the restaurant. He reluctantly agreed. There, in the crowed San Francisco bistro the Lord touched Jeff’s heart. He quietly had asked Lynn how he could keep the peace he felt at that moment. She shared with him about Jesus, and he had been growing in his faith ever since.

Jeff had suggested tonight that John arrange for the special home delivery mail runs to Lynn and Bruce for the weekend, so Lynn could have a few moments at home. John agreed, and truly seemed to have enjoyed getting back into the thick of things tonight, and working beside Jeff.

Lynn sighed as she thought of all of them, and their concern for her. She thanked God for their friendships and the specialness of their actions. She still needed to set them straight about that vacation. But Monday would be soon enough. Now she needed to sleep.
















Chapter 2


By 8:00 PM Saturday night the package was complete. Everything had been proofed and re-proofed, to ensure every ‘i’ was dotted and every ‘t’ crossed. There had been a resounding cheer from the team when Lynn had announced that it was complete. A small group agreed to meet back at the office Sunday afternoon to produce the final document. Lynn agreed to call everyone to confirm the time involved.

“Thank you all so much,” she said to Steve, Jeff and John. “It meant so much, to have you here this weekend. I couldn't have done it without you!”

“We know that,” smiled Steve. “But don't think this is going to become a habit. I put in my time several years ago!”

“Even though we did enjoy ourselves,” laughed John. “I agree, this is not going to become a regular thing.”

“You all are wonderful,” Lynn replied.

“Well, don't let it get around,” Steve smiled. “I, for one, have a reputation to uphold!”

“Come on,” said Jeff. “We'll walk you to your car. My last white knight effort before I return to the world of the legal ogre.”




Cassie was waiting impatiently for Lynn as she unlocked the door.

“Hi Cassie,” she said absently. “Sorry about breakfast and dinner being so late.”

Lynn proceeded to tell Cassie all about the last two days, while her cat gobbled the food placed before her. Within minutes Lynn had gone through the mail and was changing for bed. It was already past 10, and church started at 8:00 AM. As she laid down to sleep she prayed, 'Dear Lord, help me to stop focusing on work. It has gotten to the point of consuming me. Help me to see what you want from my life. And thanks so much for the team that worked so hard. And Lord, let the revisions be manageable.' Lynn giggled to herself, 'That truly would be a miracle Lord!' Soon Lynn drifted off to sleep, tired yet satisfied, Cassie purring away at her side.

The sun was shinning for the first time in weeks. It had been a grey winter in the San Francisco area. Winter had hit hard. Yet it was mid-January, and the skies were blue, as the sunbeams awoke the flowers in the window box. Lynn drank it all in and thanked God for the beautiful day. She was walking out the door as the phone rang. She hesitated, debating whether to let the answering machine take the call or not.

“No,” she thought. “I'm sure it is Bruce, and I wouldn't be able to concentrate in church if I was wondering what he wanted.”

“Hello,” she answered.

“Lynn, Bruce. I just wanted you to know I loved the package and only want to change a couple of things.”

“Praise the Lord! It is a miracle!” she thought.

“I'll call the mail room and have them drop it off this morning,” he continued.

“No rush,” replied Lynn. “I won't be home from church for a couple of hours anyway.”

“Oh,” Bruce replied suddenly uneasy. “I forgot it's Sunday. I'll have it at your house by noon.”

“Great,” said Lynn. And with that he was gone. Lynn smiled to herself. Bruce always felt uncomfortable when Lynn mentioned anything about her faith.

“A couple of revisions,” Lynn said out loud. “Probably just the front half, and the back half.”




Lynn loved her time at church. It was always the high point of her week. She felt renewed and reconnected each and every time. She knew God had a plan for her life. And even though she had been uncomfortable lately, with where she was, and what she was doing, she knew she was exactly where she should be.

When Lynn returned home her inspiration continued. Always confident of the Bigger Plan for her life, Lynn had taken previous set backs as an event that would move her closer to who she needed to be. A growth experience to learn from. Now she recognized that her recent problems were bringing her to realize the priorities in her life were out of line. She needed some time for introspection and re-calibration. She needed to give God some room to move in her life. As it was, she had every second planned, and was quite miffed if anything changed her plans or expectations. She had been spending way too much time trying to stand on her own two feet, and much too little time on her knees.

She was still giggling about her realization, when the doorbell rang, announcing the mail run. When the carrier had left, Lynn proceeded to the desk in her study. As she leafed through the proposal, she was amazed to note that Bruce truly had made minimal changes. Lots of notations, yet no major revisions. She was elated. The changes could easily be done in less than an hour.

Quickly she called the people scheduled on the team and informed them that she would only need two others to meet her in the city.

Four hours later, Lynn was back at her house finished for the day. And the weekend. All the changes had been made, and the fresh copies were waiting in Bruce's conference room.

She felt a wave of relief and then an overwhelming exhaustion. She made an easy dinner and decided to call it an early evening. She had a 7:00 AM meeting in the city. And she still had to deal with the nonsense about her taking a vacation. For a MONTH! But tomorrow would be soon enough to fight the battle. By 9:00 PM Lynn was asleep.




It was 6:45 AM. Lynn could see that Bruce was already in his office, as she waved hello to his secretary. Lynn dropped off her briefcase and coat, picked up Bruce's edited copy of the proposal, and headed for the conference room. Steve, Jeff and John were seated discussing the meeting to follow. Bruce's review was precise and they realigned on the strategy for the meeting.

By 8:30 AM they were on the way to the Bank’s office building in Concord. Although their headquarters were still downtown, their President had a speech in Concord following their meeting so he was able to squeeze them in if they were willing to meet him over in the East Bay.

The meeting went so well, that Lynn felt light headed. They had gotten everything they had proposed with the only modifications actually being to their advantage. Bruce was on cloud nine. He decided to take them to lunch to celebrate. At the restaurant, Steve presented Lynn with an envelope of information that she would need for the next day. Lynn was momentarily confused.

“Is there a meeting I've forgotten about Steve?” Lynn asked. “I don't remember anything on the calendar for tomorrow.”

“No,” smiled Bruce. “There is nothing on your calendar for the next month.”

Lynn looked at the four of them with horror. Could they really be serious? She opened the package and saw a brochure, along with a plane ticket made out to her, including a complete itinerary.

“What!” exclaimed Lynn. “You can't be serious!” But the look on her co-workers faces told her all she needed to know. They looked like a set of Cheshire cats, all grinning from ear to ear.

“But, I can't, Lynn stammered.

“But you must,” said John. “Orders from the top. Right Bruce?”

“That's right Lynn,” smiled Bruce. “You are officially on vacation as of this moment.”

Lynn sat back in her chair, filled with many mixed emotions. Questions were swimming in her head. There were so many things to take care of at the office.

“Now come on,” said Steve. “That scowl will not win you any points. All your work commitments have been taken care of. Susan is going to be feeding Cassie, watering your plants and bringing in your mail. A limo is taking you to the airport tonight and John and his wife are picking you up when you get back.”

Lynn was truly speechless while the men continued to smile at her smugly.

“Well, I've go some work to do,” said Bruce. “And Lynn, you leave in about 10 hours. I believe you have some packing to do.”

“I guess I do,” said Lynn recognizing they were not going to change their minds. “A month is quite a long time to pack for.”

“But Australia is at the hottest point of their summer,” smiled Jeff as they got up to leave. “And at least swimsuits don't take up too much space.”

“Australia,” sighed Lynn dreamily. “I've always wanted to visit there.”

“We know,” said John. “Susan told us. That's why you're going there. And you can't do Australia justice in a couple of days.”

“And, you have to promise me that you will not even discuss work while you are gone,” stated Jeff.

“You must be kidding,” Lynn laughed.

“No,” replied Jeff. “I am completely serious. We are working on some sensitive international contracts at the moment, and as your legal counsel I require that you not speak of your job or your position the entire trip.”

“That should help to keep you from thinking about work,” laughed Steve.

“Can you do that?” asked Lynn.

“I just did,” smiled Jeff. “And I mean it Lynn. Not a word to anyone.”

“So what do I say that I do when asked?” Lynn replied.

“Say you are a business woman. You work at a big firm in America, and legally can’t say anything else.”

“You are serious!” exclaimed Lynn.

“Totally serious,” replied Jeff. “So, promise me, here in front of witnesses.”

“I promise,” Lynn laughed.




Lynn was beginning to get excited. This was the opportunity of a life time. An entire month to tour, lay on the beach and truly get to know the Australians. How wonderful.

By the time Lynn stopped by her ban,k and arrived home, all her concerns had completely disappeared. She took out the brochures, itinerary and maps to see exactly what was in store for her.

First she would fly to New Zealand, spending six days in Auckland and Christchurch. From there she would fly to Melbourne for a week, and end her trip with 14 days in Sydney. Susan had brought by a beach bag filled with suntan lotion, new sunglasses, and five romance novels. Lynn had remarked that it was the perfect Bon Voyage gift. Susan had simply beamed.

An hour later Lynn was on the phone informing all her friends and relatives of her upcoming absence. Her parents were elated, as they felt it was not only a much deserved, but also a much needed, vacation. They were concerned about the hours she devoted to work and her current lack of social life. Her friends were all green with envy, and made her promise to send postcards. Her pastor was encouraging. He had assured her that she would be greatly missed, but that he was certain the vacation was a good idea. She had only persuaded him to continue to use her house for their Tuesday night Bible study by insisting that Cassie would be lonely and need the company. She gave him her detailed schedule with all the numbers where she could be called in case of an emergency.

Finally, she was ready to start packing. It didn't take Lynn long. She decided not to take any business suits, only play clothes. Her summer wardrobe was in the spare bedroom closet, and quickly Lynn selected her favorite outfits. She packed two formal evening dresses, just in case. But mostly she had jeans, shorts, cool casual summer dresses and pants, and of course, swimsuits. She could feel her mood lightening more each moment. She began daydreaming of the beach, as she packed her passport, camera and makeup in her carry-on bag. The ringing doorbell brought her back to the real world.

Her minister and his wife were smiling at her when she opened the door.

“We decided to drop by with a little Bon Voyage gift,” Pastor Wilson smiled.

“Actually it was just an excuse to come by and say good-bye,” confessed Alice, his wife.

“I'm so glad you did,” Lynn said sincerely.

“Thought you might get a chance to do some reading,” Pastor Wilson said. So, we brought you these.” He handed her two Bible study books and added, “Alice said you would rather have romance novels, but I told her we could at least try.’

“Well, you could have at least made them paperbacks instead of these heavy things,” teased Lynn.

“Excuses already,” smiled Alice.

They went over Lynn's brochures and itinerary. They shared in her excitement.

An hour later Alice got up, “We really must be going, we have a baby sitter at home. And you have a very long flight ahead of you.”

Lynn hugged the Wilson's good-bye and felt a sense of calm that had been absent for months. No big meeting tomorrow, no presentation to prepare for, no anxiety. Just a Limo arriving with in the hour, to whisk her away.




As Lynn waited at the gate for her plane, she rechecked her possessions. Her passport was in her purse next to her ticket. She glanced again at her boarding pass, and heard them announce her plane was boarding.

She took her seat in first class, and thanked the Lord for Susan. She had one of the longest flights of her life in front of her, and thanks to Susan she had plenty of room to stretch out. She planned to sleep most of the flight. The movies were some of the few she had seen that year, and the quiet allowed her to sleep soundly. The flight attendant woke her for breakfast, so she reviewed her schedule again. She was truly going on vacation for a month! She smiled to herself and thanked God for the adventure.

The man across the aisle from Lynn was an Australian Banker. He had been to the States on Business and was eager to get home to his family. Yet he had a meeting to attend in New Zealand and would be stopping there first.

Duane Coleman was 59-years-old, married with three children. He told Lynn that she reminded him of his oldest daughter Katherine, who was a lawyer in Sydney. As usual, Lynn found it easy to carryon a conversation. By the end of the flight Duane knew more about her than most of her work associates. Since Lynn was restricted about talking about her work, they had discussed all the other subjects of her life. The usually taboo subjects of politics and religion were the two which they found they had the most in common. Lynn and Duane shared a deep faith in the Lord, and a semi conservative view of politics. Lynn had shared her itinerary and he was pleased that she would be spending a good deal of time in Sydney.

“You must meet my daughter Katherine,” he said enthusiastically. “I know she would love to show you all the great places to shop.”

“That would be wonderful,” Lynn replied. But, she was a bit skeptical. She knew how parents often committed their children to things they would really rather not do. Duane proceeded to give her both Katherine's address and the family address.

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