The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (1364 page)

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Law, William
Christian devotional writer. He was fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, until deprived of his fellowship as a Nonjuror (see
…) at the accession of George I. After a period as tutor to the father of the historian E. Gibbon, he retired in 1740 to his birthplace, Kings Cliffe, Northants., where he gave his remaining years to writing and local social concern, increasingly influenced by
and becoming much more idiosyncratic.
His most famous work, published in 1728, was
A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life
. The simplicity of its teaching and its vigorous style soon established the work as a classic, which has probably had more influence than any other
spiritual book except
Pilgrim's Progress
Law Code of Manu
Law of Return
The Israeli law which gives every
the right to settle in
as an immigrant. The Law of Return was passed by the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) in 1950. Various legal problems have arisen concerning who counts as a true Jew.
Law of the Fishes
(political assumption):
(Skt., ‘melting’). The merging of the soul with
in Hinduism; the dissolution of the cosmos at the end of a

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