The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (1361 page)

BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
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(Lat., ‘the fallen’). Christians guilty in varying ways of
under persecution. Could such persons be readmitted to the Church? After the Decian persecution of 250–1, the Church, guided by the view of
(expressed in his work
De Lapsis
), decided to do so after penance and a period of probation.
La-shanah ha-ba'ah bi-Yerushalayim
Last Gospel
A second
reading which until 1964 came at the very end of
. It was usually John 1. 1–14.
Last of the Just
Last Supper
The final meal of Jesus with his disciples before his death. In the
Synoptic gospels
(Mark 14. 12–26 etc.) it is described as a
meal. John 13. 1–11 mentions only a supper at which Jesus washed his disciples' feet, and places the crucifixion before the time of the Passover meal, which has the effect of relating the death of Jesus to the slaughter of the lambs for Passover.
Lateran Councils
A series of
of the Roman Catholic Church held at the Lateran Palace in Rome from the 7th to the 18th cents. Five are considered
, of which the most important was the Fourth (1215), with a definition of the
in which the word ‘transubstantiate’ was used for the first time, and annual
for all Christians was prescribed.
(training, exercise):

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