The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (1366 page)

BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
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Lectio Divina
(Lat., ‘divine/holy reading’). Attention to the scriptures (or occasionally to a spiritual text) in an attitude of prayer and devotion, leading to communion with God.
A book containing, or listing, passages from the Bible appointed to be read at public worship.
Lee, Ann
Lefebvre, Marcel
Former archbishop of Dakar and leader of a traditionalist movement within
Roman Catholicism
. He rejected the changes brought about by the second
Vatican Council
, proclaiming that ‘our future is the past’. After an unauthorized ordination of thirteen priests in June 1976, he was suspended from the exercise of his priestly ministry by the
. Cardinal Ratzinger, whose extreme conservatism recognized virtue in Lefebvre's position, negotiated a protocol of reconciliation, which Lefebvre signed in 1988; but he withdrew his signature when he realized that a Commission of Inquiry would have a Vatican majority on it.
Left-hand Tantrism
BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
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