The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War (107 page)

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Authors: David Halberstam

Tags: #History, #Politics, #bought-and-paid-for, #Non-Fiction, #War

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Cho Man Sik

Chongchon River; maps

Chosin Reservoir:

and Funchilin Pass; map
Marines at; map
retreat from; map

Christensen, Thomas

Church, John

Churchill, Winston

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency):

and Chinese entry into the war
enemy movement noted by
MacArthur and Willoughby blocking of
and Ridgway

Civil War, U.S.

Clark, Mark

Clemons, Joe

Cleveland, Harlan

Clubb, Edmund

Cold War:

anti-Communism in
arms race in
atomic weapons in
Berlin airlift
collective security in
confrontations avoided in
Containment policy in
Cuba as pawn in
domino effect feared in
escalation of
Iron Curtain speech
Korean War considered in light of
post-colonialism of
and two Koreas
as U.S. political issue
and U.S. responsibilities
and Vietnam

Coleman, J. D.

Collins, “Lightning” Joe

as Army chief of staff
and Inchon
and MacArthur
and Ridgway
and U.S. entry into the war
and Walker


American Communist Party
in Cold War,
Cold War
Soviet vs. Third World types of

Congress, U.S.:

and China
and defense budgets
and expansion of war
and MacArthur
and onset of war
Truman as senator

Connally, Tom

Connelly, Matt

Cooke, Alistair

Coughlin, Father Charles

Coulter, John

Craig, Ed

Crittenberger, Townsend

Crittenberger, Willis

Crombez, Marcel

Cromwell, Oliver

Crowder, Enoch


and Cold War
and Spanish-American War

Cumings, Bruce

Curtis, Wesley

Custer, George Armstrong



Dabney, John

Dai Ichi,
Tokyo headquarters

Daniels, Jonathan

Davidson, Rusty

Davies, John Paton

Davis, Arthur

Davis, Ray

Day, Philip

Deakin, Harold

Dean, William

Democratic Party:

and China
and midterm elections (1946)
and New Deal
opponents of
and Truman
and war

Deng Hua

Deng Xiaoping

Dewey, George

Dewey, Thomas E.

Dillard, Pic

Dirksen, Everett McKinley


Dixie Mission

Djilas, Milovan

Donovan, Robert

Donovan, William (Wild Bill)

Dorn, Frank

Doyle, James

Drumwright, Everett

Duggan, William

Dulles, John Foster

Dumaine, John

Dupras, Paul



Edson, Hal

Edward, Idwal

Edwards, Jim

Egeberg, Roger

Ehler, Erwin

Eichelberger, Robert

Eisenhower, Barbara Thompson

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

administration of
and army network
and Bonus Army
and defense budget
and ending the war
honesty of
and MacArthur
and Marshall
political skills of
and presidential elections
as supportive of subordinates
and Walker

Eisenhower, John

Elsey, George

Emerson, Hank

Engen, Millard

Epley, Gerry


collective security in
Western alliance in

Europe First

Everist, Carroll



Fairbank, John

Faith, Don Carlos

Fall, Bernard

Farnum, Larry

Fehrenbach, T. R.

Feis, Herbert

Fellers, Bonnie

Fenderson, Maurice

Fergusson, Robert

Feuerwerker, Albert

Fitzpatrick, William

Flying Tigers

Fockler, Richard

Foot, Rosemary

Foreign Affairs


Forrestal, James

Fort Leavenworth

Foster, Ralph

France, and Indochina

Franco, Francisco

Frank, Bemis

Frankfurter, Felix

Freeman, Paul:

and Almond
on Anju road
at Chipyongni
at Chongchon River
at Kunuri
and MacArthur
at Naktong
at Pusan Perimeter
relieved of command
and Ridgway
and Twenty-third Regiment
at Twin Tunnels

French Foreign Legion

Fromm, Joseph

Fry, Charley

Fulbright, William

Funchilin Pass; map

Funston, Frederick



Galloway, Thomas

Gao Gang

Garvin, Crump

Gascoigne, Lord Alvary

Gavin, Jim

Gay, Hobart (Hap)

Gerow, Leonard (Gee)

Gibney, Frank

Giroux, Frederick

Glasgow, William

Glass, Bob

Goldman, Eric

Goldwater, Barry

Goncharov, Sergei

Goulden, Joseph

Graham, Harold (Bull)

Great Depression

Great Society

Griffith, Paul

Gruenther, Al

Gruenther, Dick

Guderian, Heinz

Gunther, John



Hague, Frank

Haig, Alexander

Haislip, Ham

Hall, Robert

Hamburger, Ken

Hammel, Charles (Butch)

Han Liquin

Harriman, Averell

and China Lobby
and Inchon
and Kennan
and MacArthur
and onset of war
and Ridgway
and Truman

Harrington, Bill

Harris, Field

Harsch, Joseph

Hart, B. H. Liddell

Hartell, Lee

Haskins, Jesse

Hastings, Max

Haynes, Loyal

Heath, Charley

Heath, Thomas

Hechler, Ken

Hector, John

Heefner, Wilson

Heinl, Robert

Henderson, Loy

Hendricks, Ed

Henschel, Richard

Hersey, John

Herzstein, Robert

Hettinger, Richard

Hickenlooper, Bourke

Hickey, Doyle

Hiers, Johnny

Hill, John G.

Hinton, James

Hiss, Alger

Hitler, Adolf

Ho Chi Minh

Hockley, Ralph

Hodes, Henry

Hodge, John

Hoffman, John

Holden, Maury

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Hoover, Herbert

Hoover, J. Edgar

Hope, Bob

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Howard, Roy

Huff, Sid

Huk guerrillas (Philippines)

Hulbert, Homer

Hummelsince, Carlise

Hussein, Saddam

Hutchin, Claire

Hyon Chun Hyok




amphibious landing at; map
briefings on
command of
and MacArthur
and North Korea
planning for

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