The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War (106 page)

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Authors: David Halberstam

Tags: #History, #Politics, #bought-and-paid-for, #Non-Fiction, #War

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Searchable Terms

Acheson, Dean

and Asian defense perimeter
and Chiang
and China
and Cold War
and Congress
and defense budget
and expansion of war
and Hiss
and initial invasion
and Kennan
and MacArthur
and NSC
political opponents of
and postwar world
and racism
as secretary of state
and Truman
and Vietnam

Agnew, Robert


Allen, George

Allen, Lev

Allen, Norman

Allison, John

Almond, Edward (Ned):

ambition of
and drive to Seoul
enemy underestimated by
flawed planning by
and Freeman
and Inchon
and MacArthur
and Operation Bluehearts
and Operation Roundup
and politics of command
racism of
refusal to face reality
and Smith
special privileges of
and Tenth Corps
and Twin Tunnels
and Walker
and western front
and Willoughby
at Wonsan
in World War II

Alsop, Joseph

Alsop, Stewart

Altman, Robert

America First Committee

American Communist Party

American Legion

American Mercury

Anderson, Allan

Anderson, Clarence

Anderson, Vernice

Appleman, Roy

Asia First

Atkinson, Brooks

Attlee, Clement

Austin, John

Ayers, Eben

Ayres, Harold (Red)



Badoglio, Pietro

Baillie, Hugh

Baker, Newton

Bao Dai

Barberis, Cesidio (Butch)

Barbey, John

Barkley, Alben

Barnett, Larry

Barr, David

Barrett, Dave

Barrett, John

Barth, George

Barthelemy, Maurice

Bartholdi, Cyril

Bataan Gang

Battle, Lucius

Bay of Pigs

Beahler, Lee

Becker, Henry

Beech, Keyes

Bennett, Raymond

Bererd, Serge

Beria, Lavrenti

Berle, Adolf

Berlin airlift

Bigart, Homer

Billings, John Shaw

Bin Yu

Blair, Clay

on Almond
on Crombez
on MacArthur
on Ridgway
on Walker

Blumenson, Martin

Bohlen, Chip

Bolt, Jack

Bolté, Charles

Bonus Army

Bowen, William

Bowers, Faubion

Bowles, Chester

Bowser, Alpha

Boyd, Ben

Bradley, Omar

and Joint Chiefs
and MacArthur
and Ridgway
and Truman

Bradley, Sladen

Brandeis, Louis

Braun, Otto

Brezhnev, Leonid

Bricker, John

Bridges, Styles

Brinkley, Alan

Bromser, Paul

Browder, Earl

Brownell, Herbert

Bruce, David

Buck, Pearl

Bulganin, Nikolai

Bundy, McGeorge

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

Butler, George

Butler, Hugh

Butler, John Marshall

Butterworth, Walton

Byrnes, James F.



Cain, Harry

Camel’s Head Bend

Capps, Arlie

Capraro, Michael

Carley, John

Caro, Robert

Castro, Fidel

Cates, Clifton

Central Corridor; map

Chipyongni; maps
Twin Tunnels; maps

Chambers, Loren

Chambers, Whittaker

Chen Jian

Chennault, Claire

Chiang Kai-shek:

and China Lobby
and civil war
decline and fall of
Guomindang Party
and Hunan Provincial Army
and Korean War
and MacArthur
in Taiwan
and United Nations
U.S. government support of
U.S. journalists in support of
U.S. politicians in support of

Chiang Kai-shek, Madame (Mayling Soong)

Chicago Tribune

Chiles, John


civil war in
and Cold War
Communist Party,
Mao Zedong
Communist takeover of
Cultural Revolution in
effects of war on
entry into the war
Great Leap Forward
and Japan
and Kim
Long March
see also
Chiang Kai-shek
Nixon’s visit to
and North Korea
poverty in
as rising world power
and Soviet Union
and United Nations
U.S. aid to
U.S. missionaries in
as U.S. political issue
U.S. public interest in
U.S. recognition of
warnings from
and World War II

China First,
China Lobby

China Hands, State Department

China Lobby

aid to China promoted by
and anti-Communism
on appeasement
as Chiang supporters
and China White Paper
and expansion of Korean War
influence of
and Kennedy
and Koo
and Luce
and MacArthur
and Marshall
recognition of Communist China opposed by
Republicans in
Truman administration opposed by

China White Paper (U.S. State Department)

Chinese army:

adaptation by
advance south; map
ambushes by
capabilities of
in Central Corridor; maps
changes in command structure
at Chongchon River; maps
disappearances of
Fourth Campaign
intelligence and rumors about
at Kunuri; map
military intelligence of
movement on foot at night
music of
Northeast Border Defense Army (NEBDA)
as POWs
sheer numbers of
Third Campaign
at Unsan
volunteers in
on western front; map

Chipyongni; maps

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