The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War (105 page)

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Authors: David Halberstam

Tags: #History, #Politics, #bought-and-paid-for, #Non-Fiction, #War

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was a dubious honor
: Caro, Robert,
Master of the Senate,
p. 372.

“with parochial interests and knowledge”
: Goulden, Joseph,
p. 527.

“the wrong war at the wrong place”
: Bradley, Omar with Blair, Clay,
A General’s Life,
p. 640.

“that were run off China in the first place”
: Goulden, Joseph,
pp. 534–535.

“destroyed the Truman Administration”
: Acheson, Dean,
Among Friends,
p. 103.





“the more he damaged himself
”: author interview with Bill McCaffrey.

“he just did not understand”
: Walters, Vernon A.,
Silent Missions,
pp. 209–210.

“in purple splendor”
: Eisenhower, Dwight D.,
At Ease,
p. 227.





“Why don’t you get a red flag?”
: Smith, Richard Norton,
Thomas Dewey and His Times,
p. 591.

“And don’t take us down that road”
: Manchester, William,
The Glory and the Dream,
p. 617.

“rather than opposes the White House”
: Caro, Robert,
Master of the Senate,
p. 525.

“little or no effect on them”
: author interview with Harold G. Moore.

“deserves a place in history”
: Marshall, S. L. A.,
Pork Chop Hill,
p. 146.

came back with 14
: author interviews with Joe Clemons, Walter Russell, and Harold G. Moore.





“a Stevenson with balls”
: Halberstam, David,
The Best and the Brightest,
p. 24.

never corrected Kennedy
: author interview with Leslie H. Gelb.

“a profile in caution”
: author interview with Allen Whiting.

“Jackie, we need the Bloody Marys”
: Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.,
A Thousand Days,
pp. 479–480.

“but dreaming different dreams”
: author interview with Bernard Fall.

“right wingers who had criticized”
: author interview with George Elsey.

“with poor George’s marshmallow mind”
: Brinkley, Douglas,
Dean Acheson,
p. 91

“the poor fellow who comes after me”
: Sorensen, Theodore,
p. 294.

“except as a practical need to be”
: Geyelin, Philip,
Lyndon Johnson and the World,
p. 17.

“raggedy ass little fourth rate country”
: Halberstam, David,
The Best and the Brightest,
p. 512.

“you can get along fine”
: Ibid., p. 531.

“Right up my ass”
: author interviews with Bill Moyers and George Reedy.


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