The Billionaires Mistress (13 page)

Read The Billionaires Mistress Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #love, #romantic, #love story, #sex, #romance, #adult, #sexual

BOOK: The Billionaires Mistress
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“Fine have to do what you think is best”.


With her heart torn apart she had been unable to speak, as she had nodded before making to move past him towards the stairs. However, on drawing level his hands had reached out and pulled her to him, Jenna gasping in surprise.


“What........” had been all she had managed before his mouth had descended on hers, his kiss full of fire and passion.


Jenna had tried to hold back, but as always, the feel of him, the touch of him and the way his hands ran down her body had caused all her defences to collapse as she had clung to him before returning the kiss with as equal a passion.


Their tongues had caressed the others, his hand moving to cup her cheek as she had felt the need for him rise like a tidal wave and engulf her, just as he had pulled his mouth from hers, her body swaying against him.


Opening her eyes slowly, she had seen as he had looked down into hers, for a moment something so warm deep within them, before coldness had replaced it and he had stepped back.


“Like I said this morning Jenna, nothing has changed. I will be back in two hours, pack light we will be shopping”.


With that he had moved away from her, moving towards the door, before stopping and with his voice hard throwing back.


“Or leave your key on the table...........choice is yours”.


Before he had pulled back the door and once more left.


Jenna had fallen back against the wall, the emotions swamping her as she had slowly sank down to the ground, her legs drawn close to her chest as she had allowed the tears to finally fall, her whole body shaking with the hurt that invaded every part of her. She had remained like that for over fifteen minutes willing her body to calmness, knowing that he would be back so soon, knowing what had to be done.


Slowly she had made her way up the large staircase and retrieved the backpack she had arrived with, before making her way back to the front door. With trembling fingers she had placed the keys on the table as he had requested, his words once more causing the tears never far from her eyes to move down her cheeks. Finally she had closed the door, knowing that it would be the last time she would ever set foot in his beautiful house that she had come to love so much.


Jenna had moved into the taxi that she had ordered, sitting back as it took her to the airport, her eyes looking sightlessly out into the darkness not seeing the many bright Christmas tree lights that seemed to mock the sadness and loss filling her.


When she had reached the airport, she had purchased a ticket to Australia. Her schedule for her year around the world had been specific and planned to the last detail, all that thrown away as she had chosen to remain with Ryan at his home. Although late, by that time she should have been spending time with her old school friend Justin at his parent’s ranch, and a phone call earlier had confirmed that he would be delighted for her to still join him, his exact words being.


“Get here girl.......”


She had only just made it in time for the flight, and was soon sitting in economy, so different from the flight Ryan had intended for them, so different from the lifestyle he was so accustomed to she had thought sadly. The lifestyle that could have been hers had she chosen to stay, chosen to accept that she would be nothing more to him than a casual affair, waiting for the day that he would replace her with his next conquest.

Chapter Five

Four years later Jenna Long had sat in her rented apartment. For the past three months she had been living once more in New York, her work having sent her to assist one of their new partner companies. Her mind had briefly played over the events of those long years, the memory of how she had cut short her world trip because of her broken heart now a dim memory, though she had refused to allow the image of the man who had broken her heart to invade her thoughts.


She had spent three years in Britain working for a media company, quickly rising through the ranks to become a top executive, her organisational skills, knowledge and ability to work and deal with people seeing her flourish in her chosen career. She had changed little in those years, a little more worldly wise and a little smarter she had thought sadly to herself.


Initially the thought of being back in the city had filled her with foreboding, but she knew that New York was a large town, and not even her job would see her move in the same circles as Ryan Trudeau, this thought giving her some comfort as she had sat listening to the man before her.


Craig Johnston was the founder and CEO of the company she had been sent to work for and he had very quickly become a firm and close friend of Jenna’s. She had so admired him that she had poured nearly 25 thousand pounds of her own money into his company, money that had been her life’s savings.


It had been Jenna who had helped Craig to see potential in many new markets, and this was the reason that he was that evening sitting on her couch, his face alive as he had talked to her.


“They are saying that only those with certain standing can join the approved contractors list..........but we both know Jenna that those global companies do not have any idea how the local market works”.


She had nodded, having been the one to make him see that this was where his true strength lay, that this was how he should be selling his company.


“The man in charge of making the decisions is a guy called Allan Silverman, and he is in town tomorrow night to attend a gala party. They have one of the big artists...........Trudeau or something coming to they are throwing the party for him”.


Jenna had felt her heart beat faster, her eyes flying to his.


“Are you sure?”


She had asked softly, seeing as he had handed over a paper in which it reported the event, spending time talking about Tom’s many hit singles, Jenna once more feeling the pride rise strongly within her, a soft smile playing on her lips. Craig had sighed beside her.


“Jenna if I could find a way into that party...........I just know I would be able to talk him into changing his mind...this has got to be our best opportunity at getting into the global market “.


Sighing softly she had looked at Craig, her brow furrowing.


“What if there was a chance I could get us into that party” she had said softly.


Craig had looked at her his eyes alive with hope.


“ have a way of getting us in?”


Jenna had run her hand nervously across her brow before nodding softly.


“I can’t promise anything, but there might be one way”.


Craig’s eyes had shone brightly, his mouth curling into a smile.


“Then I would say it”.


With that Jenna had moved from the living room to her bedroom, hunting and finding a small book with phone numbers and addresses inside. She had passed over the two names she knew so well, knowing that both would have changed their numbers several times since they had met, one a name she knew she could never contact.


Instead she had found the number of Bruno, Tom’s bodyguard. With a small smile, she knew that the Luddite bodyguard would have kept his number, remembering the conversation they had had so many years ago in which he had scoffed at those who constantly changed their details.


She had considered phoning him, but had decided against it, nervous to speak to anybody from that time preferring instead to use text. As she had moved back to meet Craig she had typed out a message to him, taking her time to compose it, Craig silently watching her.


Hi Bruno. I don’t know if you will remember me, my name is Jenna Long. Do you still work with Tom, or know how I can get in touch with him


Biting her lip nervously, she had stared at it for a long time before hitting the send button, giving a long sigh as she had done so.


“I can’t promise anything, I don’t even know if he will remember me she had smiled was a long time ago”, her eyes finding Craig’s, who was surprised to see such doubt in her. However the noise of a received text had made Craig smile back at her.


“I doubt anybody would forget you Jenna”


He had been surprised to see how uncomfortable she seemed, her hands trembling as she had opened up the text, carefully reading the message, her body relaxing as she had smiled wistfully.


“Who could forget you Jenna Long........can I call you? Tom”.


She had given Craig a small grin, feeling suddenly so warm that he had replied so quickly, before tapping a ‘yes’ response. Seconds later she had found herself on the phone to Tom Trudeau, the years apart seeming to slip away as the two had spoken. He had demanded to know where she was, telling her that he would send a car around for her immediately when he had discovered that she was in the same city as him. Jenna however, had chuckled softly, refusing.


“Actually Tom, I am phoning to ask a favour” she had said nervously, hearing the surprise from him.


“Name it Jenna....although you lost your chance at my body, now that I’m loved up and all”.


Jenna had laughed loudly, Craig watching the whole conversation with interest. With a small pfft sound she had chuckled back.


“I will console myself with wine” hearing his laughter back.


She had then asked if it would be possible for him to organise for her and Craig to get into the exclusive party the following evening, glad that Tom had not pushed for a reason as he had assured her that their names would be added to the VIP list. After some more small talk, and Tom once more trying to organise for a car to bring her to him, she had rung off, telling him how much she was looking forward to seeing him the following day.


As she had flipped her phone closed, she had looked thoughtfully at it, realising that neither of them had brought up Ryan’s name, the memory of him, once more causing a small stabbing pain to fill her.


“So.......who is Tom?” Craig had asked, breaking her reverie, Jenna looking up at him in surprise.


“Oh.........Tom Trudeau” she had said softly, seeing the look of stunned amazement on his face.


“THE Tom Trudeau?” he had finally spoke, his eyes wide.


Grinning softly she had looked back at him.


“Yes. THE Tom Trudeau” she had confirmed, her lips quirking at his dumbfound expression as he had tried to get from her the details of how she knew him. Jenna however had looked at him with finality, stopping his barrage of questions.


“We met four years ago....He is just an old friend I used to know, and I am surprised he even remembers me” she had stated, before standing.


“OK.......we are in” she had sighed, Craig hearing the sound of concern on her voice, his mind wondering exactly how she knew Tom Trudeau, one of the world’s top singers. Instinctively he had known that there was far more to the story that she was not telling. However, he also knew not to push Jenna, and rising he had moved to give her a small kiss on the cheek.


“Thank you Jenna, I should go” he had breathed softly, pulling her close for a hug, before moving from her apartment.


Once more alone she had moved to a small desk, pulling from it a picture, the face of Ryan Trudeau smiling back at her, once more feeling the cold hurt filling her, chastising herself for caring anything after all the years apart.


However the truth was that in the past four years, she had been involved with only two other men, neither relationship coming anywhere close to the one she had shared with Ryan, both short lived due to her inability to feel anything for them. Now 26 Jenna longed to meet the man who would finally put the ghost of Ryan Trudeau to rest and let her move on with her life, let her do the one thing she most longed for, to be a mother. With a determined action she had pushed the picture to the back of the drawer once more, moving to her bedroom to sleep. However, that night her dreams were filled with images of the handsome man who had stolen her heart so many years ago.


Ryan Trudeau had woken with a start, his mind taking some time to register what was making the noise, groaning softly at the realisation that it was his mobile phone by the side of the bed. He had wanted to ignore it, but there were only a few people who had that number and so he had pushed himself onto his elbow, lifting the device.


Looking at the name of the caller he had woken quickly.


“Tom?” his voice full of concern knowing that it was not his brother’s habit to phone for no reason.

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