Tank Fallen Angel's MC 2 (8 page)

BOOK: Tank Fallen Angel's MC 2
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“So if anyone else sees what’s mine, I’ll have to kill a motherfucker.” Cher smiles but I am dead serious. I never want anyone else to touch, see, or think about what belongs to me.

Before I can bitch at her more, she starts to ride me hard and fast. Who knew she was that damn horny!

“God, Tank.” She cries out as she moves faster. I lay back and let her enjoy the ride. She feels too damn good to say anything else to her right now.

My hands stay planted on her hips pushing down just a little to let her take me deeper. I don’t think I can get deep enough in her.

“Fuck me Cher!”  Growling at her, she does just that.

Her little hips buck and slide against me. I slide one hand under her shirt to play with her nipple while the other slides between her legs.

Finding that sweet swollen bundle of nerves, I barely touch it before she screams.

“Yeah, you like that don’t you?” Groaning as she moves faster, I keep rubbing. Hard circles that have her tightening up her pussy around me.

“Make me cumTank!” Oh, fuck I like hearing her scream that! That is one thing I can do over and over again.

“You want it darlin’?” Faster and faster, I rub her clit. She has me wrapped up so fucking tight I can barely hold on.

“Yeah! Do it. Just like that!” Feeling that all too familiar burn, I cum hard filling her so full it flows around us.

“FUCK TANK!” Cher’s body shudders and shakes as I pull her lips to mine. Pressing my lips to hers, I want to keep her right here forever. There is nothing in the world better than being balls deep in someone that you never want to let them go.

Breathlessly, she nibbles at my bottom lip.

“How do you make me feel so important?” Her pussy clenches again causing my muscles to contract. Fuck, she’s good.

“Because you are important. You’re important to me.”


             Chapter 18


“Hey Creed, got a minute?” After being fucked out by the lake the name Cher gave me has been gnawing at the back of my mind.

“Yeah, what’s up brother?” Jada makes a not so happy face but I have to figure this shit out. She’ll get over it.

“Sorry Jada. I’ll return your man in a minute.” She smiles over at me but I know she’s mad. I can see they were having a moment but I need to get this out of my head before I do something stupid with it, like hunt his ass down.

Walking out onto the back deck, I light up a cigarette.

“What’s goin’ on brother?” Creed steps up next to me as I look out over the sunset.

It’s beautiful here. Peaceful and calming. My heart feels settled when I’m here. Like a piece of me is at home, at peace within myself.

“Cher gave me a name and it’s botherin’ me. I swear I know it from somewhere.” Blowing out a puff of smoke, I turn to face him.

“Thomas Finch.” I watch as his eyes go wide. Yeah, I knew that name meant something.

Taking another puff, I turn to look back out towards the lake.

Bella is out there playing in the water with one of the other girls around her age. I can’t stop the smile on my face as I look at her.

She looks so happy and carefree right now. Just the way I want her to always stay.

“You know we know that name right?” Nodding my head, I just can’t place it.

“Yeah, couldn’t place it but I know it.” Creed blows out a breath before he sits on the table next to me.

“He’s the son of Marcus Finch. Never met the motherfucker but heard plenty. He went off to join the army when he was 18. Went missin’ for a while. Marcus started up the Wolves while he was away. I heard once he came back he was mixed up in some shit with his dad but then disappeared again. No one has seen him.” I look over at Creed as my heart speeds up.

This can’t be good but things are coming together in my mind.

“Thomas is Cher’s ex. When everyone thought she was off at college, that motherfucker had her. He kept her locked up brother. He called her before we came out here.” Creed throws his beer bottle as we watch it shatter on the deck.

“Son of a bitch!” His screams pierce the night. The girls even heard it. They all look up at the deck but I just wave them on. No reason for them to get worried.

“How did he find out she was with you? Or does he know?” Creed turns his attention to me.

“Couldn’t say. I just know that he told her that he was comin’ for her. That she’s always his.” Blowing out a puff of smoke, I stand and look Creed in the eyes.

“I won’t let that motherfucker near her Creed.” Creed scrubs his hand across his face before looking back at me.

“No way in hell brother. Let’s fuckin’ enjoy our time with family but as soon as we get back.” He nods his head not needing to finish that sentence. I know what comes next.

“Thanks Creed.” Slapping his shoulder, he smiles.

“No need for that. You’re my family Tank. We take care of family. And right now you might want to go down there and check on your kid. Joey’s down there.” Creed laughs as he walks away and I look over the edge of the deck.

“Son of a bitch!” Growling between my teeth, I head towards the little shit that’s after my daughter.











              Chapter 19


“What the fuck is this shit? I leave your ass alone for a few minutes and you’re back on this shit?” I point at Joey as I yell at Bella. I thought I told that girl to stay away from him. I don’t know why he rubs me the wrong way but he does.

“We are playing in the water dad! What the hell?” There’s my little smart mouth coming out in full force. I knew she was still in there.

“Playin’? What kind of game?” Looking between the two of them Joey opens his mouth. I’m not sure if that was a good idea or not.

“We weren’t doin’ anythin’ we shouldn’t be brother.” Did this little shit just grow a pair?

I look around to make sure he was actually talking to me when Torch laughs.

“You see this shit brother? The prospect thinks he’s grown a pair of balls.” Torch nods as he laughs harder. I turn my attention back to Joey now.

“You watch who you’re talkin’ to prospect. This is my kid and I said hands off.” Reaching for Bella she pulls away glaring at me.

“We weren’t doing anything. I’m not a baby anymore dad. You missed that part!” Her words sting me. I take a step back a little wounded by that one.

I didn’t leave her. I didn’t want to miss out on that part of her life. Her mother didn’t leave me the choice. I hate that I missed so much of her life but it still wasn’t my fault.

Turning around I start to walk away when she yells again but I don’t listen.

I keep walking until I get back to the cabin. Thoughts of her when she turned one float through my head. We didn’t have much back then but I did the best I could.

She had her little pink party dress on. I remember it like it was yesterday. She threw her cake everywhere. I think I laughed more than anyone else there. She was such a funny little thing.

I let out a slight laugh as I remember the little girl I lost. It seems like I still don’t have her back a lot of the time.

“She didn’t mean it.” Cher’s voice comes from behind me but I don’t turn to look at her.

“Yeah she did. It’s ok though. She’s right. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough to find them. I lost a lot when Candy took her away from me. I lost myself.” Cher’s hands rest on my back before she comes around to stand in front of me.

“She didn’t deserve to be ripped away from you like that. I know you’re trying with her but she is too Tank.”  I know she’s right but it’s still hard for me.

The door opens and I hear Bella tell Joey thanks for walking back with her. Yeah, love it up you little shit.

“Can I talk to you dad?” Releasing my grip on Cher I turn to face Bella.

“You know you can talk to me anytime.” Bella smiles slightly before Cher moves around me.

“I’m going to sit outside.” Nodding I watch as Cher walks out onto the back deck before I turn back to Bella.

“I shouldn’t have talked to you like I did. I’m sorry Bella.” She smiles as she walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

“Me either. I’m sorry dad. I know I’m a pain in the ass a lot. I know what mom did; she wasn’t shy about telling me. I hate her for taking me away from you.” My heart drops into my stomach. I think this is the first time that we have ever had a talk like this and I don’t want it to stop. I want to know more. I want to know everything there is to know about how she grew up.

“I don’t know what went on when I wasn’t there Bella. You’re my daughter and I have no fuckin’ idea if you grew up happy. I want to know, I want to know you.” Bella pulls back and looks up at me.

“You do?”

“Of course I do. I missed your whole fuckin’ life.” Her eyes sparkle as she watches me. The look on her face says she didn’t expect that from me.

“I missed you. I always asked about you. Mom said you didn’t want me anymore as I got older.” My chest clenches as she says the words. I always thought about that. I always wondered if she told her that.

“Once I got older I asked about you more. She always told me the same thing though. She had a lot of boyfriends and once they found out who my dad was they hated me instantly.” What the hell? She actually told her about me? About my lifestyle?

“What do you mean?”  Now I’m confused as hell. What would them knowing who I was make any kind of difference to them?

“They hated me. As soon as the word Tank came out of her mouth, they lost it. They said you were with a rival and no bastard child of a rival was accepted. They hit me. They didn’t like me and I don’t think mom did either.”

“FUCK!” I scream. I can’t help it. It makes sense now. Bella jumps back when I scream and Cher rushes in the door.

I scrub my hand over my face before I look back at Bella.

“What club Bella?” She looks between Cher and me like she needs help. Fuck that, I need to know who the hell hurt my daughter.

“There were a few.” Her voice is softer now as she looks to Cher for help.

“Why don’t we calm down and sit.” Cher puts her hand on my chest but I brush it away.

“What the fuck do you mean there were a few? How fuckin’ many is a few?” The louder I get the more the rage fills me. It runs through me like the blood in my veins. I feel like I’m losing my mind here.

“Tank! Stop yelling at her!” Cher tries to help but it only makes it worse.

“Answer me Bella!” Taking a step towards her, tears run down her cheeks.

Cher moves around me and wraps her arms around Bella before she speaks.

“First was the Avengers. When we left from there we went to Saints and ended up with a chapter of the Shadows.” That last word turns me into a monster. The fucking Shadows had my daughter?

“There was a guy there that helped me find you. Dougie I think his name was.” That’s it, my world just fell apart.













              Chapter 20


I walk around the lake drunk off my ass. What the hell else could I do?

None of it makes any sense to me. Dougie isn’t a Shadow. What the hell would he have been doing with them?

How had I not known that Candy was that close to us?

My mind wanders and it’s never good when that happens. I end up off the grid and with a death wish like Creed used to.

“Need a refill?” Creed’s voice pulls me back to reality. A reality I don’t know if I’m ready to handle.

Nodding I take the beer before he speaks again.

“I talked to Cher.” Huffing, I figured that woman wouldn’t keep her mouth closed for five minutes.

“Why didn’t you come to me?” Glancing over at him, I want to slap Cher for opening her mouth.

“I wanted to think on it first. Didn’t want to drag you in just yet.” Creed nods like he gets it. I don’t care if he does or not. This is my child we are talking about here.

“What are thinkin’? You’re my family Tank don’t you dare push me away. That little girl in there is my motherfuckin’ niece and you know damn good and well I will lay my ass on the line for her!” I never thought that Creed would have it any other way. We have been close since the day he stepped foot into those clubhouse doors.

“I know you would brother. That’s why I needed a minute to think it over.” Creed huffs but nods his head. He knows how I am.

“So we know Dougie was somehow involved with the Shadows but don’t know why.” Nodding my head, that seems to be the question.

“I don’t understand this shit brother. I mean, what the fuck was she doin’? Why the hell was she club hoppin’ with my fuckin’ little girl!” Screaming seems to be the best option for me right now. I don’t know what it’s going to help but I need to take this frustration out somewhere.

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