Tank Fallen Angel's MC 2 (16 page)

BOOK: Tank Fallen Angel's MC 2
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“I don’t understand.” Ally shakes her head before I grab head in mine.

“He kept most of his earnings away from the club. He wanted you taken care of. I put my number on the back of that. You ever need anythin’ you call me.” Ally breaks into tears as I pull her into me. It breaks my heart for her that she has to learn to live without her father.

“Get in there with your family sweetheart.” Ally pulls back wiping her eyes as she nods.

“Be safe.” With a nod, I watch her head inside while I start my bike. It’s time to close this chapter of my life.


Riding down the lonely highway, my thoughts wander.

I hated saying goodbye to Griff. I hate that he will no longer be there when I need him. He was like a father figure for so long.

I’m so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice the bikes that are now rolling up close behind us.

“SHIT!” Creed and Torch noticed them and both sped up. I’m pretty sure I know who the fuck it is but with that many, I’m not taking the chance.

I hear the shots before I feel it sting my skin. Another sting and I lose control of my bike.

I try desperately to keep it under control but my breathing is irregular and I’m light headed.

I feel the bike tip but that’s all I feel. I know I hit the ground and I know I hear Creed but that’s all I know at this point.

Everything else seems to slowly fade away. The pains gone, my breathing doesn’t even seem real anymore. I don’t know if I’m alive or dead. I don’t think that I really care right now either.

“Tank! Come on motherfucker! Don’t you dare fuckin’ do this now!” I hear his voice and as much as I want to respond, I have an overwhelming sense of peace. I think I like it. I think this is the most peaceful I have ever felt in my life.

With visions of Bella and Cher floating through my head, their smiling faces. I let it take me away. I go with it.




               Chapter 44


“Wake up motherfucker. Paybacks a bitch.”  I hear the voice but I can’t make out who it is.

I try to force my eyes to open but they feel so damn heavy I can’t stand it.

“Where the fuck am I?” My voice doesn’t sound like my own. It’s rough and hoarse.

“Think about that one. You remember that time I told you not to bring me to the hospital?” Holy shit its Creed. God, I don’t know that I have ever been so happy to hear that son of a bitch’s voice.

“Yeah, when you had that tube in your dick.” I hear his laugh and it hits me. Son of a bitch!

“Creed if I look down and there’s a tube stickin’ out my dick I’ll kill you motherfucker.” I can hear his laughter that asshole.

“There’s a tube in your dick brother!” Hysterical laughter fills the room and I want to kick his ass.

“You son of a bitch.” Finally forcing my eyes to open I look over at him.

“Where’s the fucker?” I watch his face as it turns into an evil grin. He didn’t take him out, he saved him I can see it.

“You better not have taken my shot.” His head shakes slightly before he opens his mouth.

“I saved that son of a bitch for you. Somethin’ I  need to tell you though.” His face falls and I know this isn’t good. It never is when he has that look.

“What is it?” He runs his hand through his hair.

“Someone fired off shots at the clubhouse. Everyone’s good but Joey got hit.” FUCK! I knew I shouldn’t have left the girls alone.

“How bad?” Creed shakes his head before he sits up straighter.

“He’ll be ok. He uh…. He took that bullet for Bella. Cher was up in the office with Jada. Bella was in the main room. Shots went off and he threw himself over her.” A small part of me rejoices that he was there. He protected my baby when I wasn’t there to do it.

“He’s gettin’ patched.” Creed nods not needing to say another word. He saved her life and that’s the end of that.

“Soemthin’ else.” Holy shit what is it with him today? Is he the good news fairy?

“What the fuck else?” He chuckles slightly before leaning with his elbows on his knees.

“When the guys went after the shooters, they got most of them but they also got Candy.  I got her held with her little boyfriend.” Something inside of me sparks. I will kill them all.

“Get somebody to get this shit out of me.” I don’t need to tell him twice. Creed’s out the door before I start yanking wires off of me.

“You two again? I never thought I would see the two of you together again.” The little nurse walks into the room with a huge grin on her face when I notice she’s the same nurse that Creed had. If I wasn’t in such a pissed off mood this would be a little funny.

“Get this shit off me.” Growling, I sit up a little when she shakes her head.

“Well I guess that he made it I assume you will too.” She walks over and starts taking the IV’s out as I lay my head back.

I will kill these motherfuckers.

Once they have all the tubes and wires out of me, I pull my bloodied clothes back on and follow Creed out of the hospital.

“I ain’t ridin’ bitch.” Out of breath and hurting Creed laughs. I’m not playing, I am not riding on the back of his bike. Fuck that shit.

“Hell no! I sent Torch back for the truck.” Torch pulls up as he says that and we all climb in.

“They know?” I look over at Creed but he just shakes his head. Thank fuck for that. I didn’t need Bella and Cher having a fit while I take care of this shit.

We ride in silence as we make our way to the old abandoned warehouse that we use for storage. I climb out holding my ribs. That shit stings like it never has before!

“You sure you want to do this?” Creed looks at me breathing heavily as I nod my head. No way in hell is anyone getting to take him out but me.


              Chapter 45


I walk in and instantly see Candy tied to a chair next to her little boyfriend. Fire floods my body as I look him over.

That’s the piece of shit that held my girl against her will, that hurt my daughter.

“Oh thank god Tank!” Candy smiles like I’m here to save the day. Stupid bitch. I don’t even acknowledge her. No, my eyes are trained on that motherfucker. The one that has taken so much from my girls, instilled a fear in them.

“So you’re the one that messed with my family huh?” I walk closer to Thomas as I take in the man that has caused so much pain to the two women I love.

Creed hands me his gun, which I point at Candy first. Yeah bitch didn’t see that coming.

“You stole my daughter from me. You took her away and let this piece of shit hurt her!” Pressing the gun into her temple, I want nothing more than to pull the trigger.

“Fuck you Candy. I hate you . You will never see your daughter again.” She tries to start talking but I wave Torch over to handle her.

With her quiet, I turn to Thomas.

“As much as I’d like to torture the fuck out of you, I’m not in the best shape tonight. You hurt Cher, you hurt Bella. I think that qualifies for a bullet.” I wait for Thomas to say something, anything but he doesn’t. He sits there ready to meet his fate. I respect that.  You know how bad you fucked up I don’t think now will be the time to talk.

I place the gun to his temple and pull the trigger. Candy tries to scream but it’s muffled by Torch’s hand.

“What are we doin’ with this bitch?” My eyes lock onto Candy’s and for a second I see the slight glimpse of the girl I used to know.

“Whatever you want. I don’t want her found.” Walking out of the warehouse I feel like this all ended too quickly.

“I should have drug that out.” Creed looks over at me shaking his head.

“You were just shot 3 times brother. I’d say you did what was needed.” Nodding my head, I guess he’s right. At least it’s finally over.










           Chapter 46


Climbing back into the truck l lay my head back and close my eyes.

It was all over so damn quickly. I wanted to drag it out and let him feel all the pain he caused my girls but in this condition Creed was right. There is no way in hell that I could torture the son of a bitch as much as I wanted to.

“It’s over brother.” Creed slaps his hand down on my knee before starting the truck.

“Yeah, it’s over. We lost some good people though.” Creed grunts as he starts driving.

“That we did but we gained too. You have Cher and a new baby. Bella will never have anythin’ else to worry about in her life. I’d say it all played out the way it should have in the end.” Laying here I think about that.

He’s right. I might have lost a father figure but what I gained in Cher and my new baby is a lot more than I ever thought I’d have.

“You’re right. She has nothin’ left to fear. I just hope she can overcome her past. She had a tough life.” Looking out the window, I hate knowing just how tough.

“We got some of the toughest girls I have ever seen brother. I have no doubt in my mind that Bella is like Cher and Jada. Life kicked her ass but we are here to make it better. That’s our goal in life now. We need to make this shit work as the family we were supposed to be since the beginning. We got side tracked on that shit, not anymore.” I look over at Creed and smile. He’s right about that.

“I think that is the best shit I’ve heard in a long time brother.”  Creed smiles and nods before looking straight again.

“It’s truth. I speak the fuckin’ truth. I don’t think Joey is goin’ to make a bad son in law either.” Creed starts to laugh and I want nothing more than to punch him but I hurt too much.

“You just wait you asshole. When you have kids you will get it.”  Creed chuckles some more as I turn my head and look back out the window.

The nights calm now and the moon sits high in the sky. My world feels like it’s finally falling into place.

It feels like this is where I was meant to be in life. I lost Griff but I am gaining a new child. That’s the way the world works right? We live and we die. I’m just happy as hell that I got to know Griff as a man, as a person before he left this earth.

He’s bound for greater things.

I watch the trees as they blow in the wind as we make our way back to the clubhouse.

Pulling into the parking lot a sense of peace fills my heart. My soul is finally at peace within me. Whether or not it will stay this way all the time, it is right now and that’s what I’ve chosen to focus on.


              Chapter 47



9 months later

“Get the fuck over here!” Hollering at Bella as she wanders around with her little brother in her arms, Cher laughs.

“It ain’t funny. That little shit’s goin’ to get ideas if she keeps takin’ him over there.” Bella smiles as she walks back over and hands me my son.

“Here. You don’t have to be such an ass.” Looking down at my little boy, I smile.

“Watch it Bella. Don’t go givin’ that boy ideas.” Nodding towards Joey Bella laughs.

“Not anytime soon dad.” She leans in kissing my cheek before walking away.

“Can you believe that Griff? Your sister isn’t goin’ to be like daddy.” I look at my son and I couldn’t be any happier.

Cher and I talked and talked the whole time she was pregnant. I told her stories that will never leave our bedroom. I let her in on the other part of my life. The part that I kept hidden for so long.

She came up with the idea to name our little man Griff. When the words left her mouth, I couldn’t have been any happier.

“You know he’s perfect, yeah?” I sit down next to Cher as she scoots closer.

“He looks just like you. Bald and everything.” I glare over at her as she laughs that perfect laugh.

“He’s the perfect mix. When can we have another one?” Cher jumps out of her chair and stares down at me with her hands plastered to her hips.

“Have you lost your mind? No. We have two. No more.” She points at me with a serious look on her face but I just laugh. She’ll give me whatever I want and I know it.

Cher turns and walks off when I look down at my son.

“You want a brother Griff?” He looks so peaceful in his sleep. I remember back when Bella was born.

She was amazing to say the least. She hardly cried and when she did, she was just hungry.

I look up and watch my not so little girl as she dances around smiling. My hearts as full as it ever has been.

Looking around at everyone that’s out here I realize just how lucky I am.

I’m lucky to be alive for one thing. Sometimes blood isn’t what makes you family. It’s the  people that are always by your side. The ones that would take a bullet for you. Family are the people that come together in your time of need and that’s exactly what I have in this club.

Every single person standing in this yard are my family. It doesn’t matter how that came to be, it only matters that it happened and I couldn’t be prouder.

Cher has given me the best thing in the world and I hold it in my heart. Without her love I don’t think any of this would be possible.

This right here is what life is all about and I’m going to cherish every second I have of it.



                               The End














Acknowledgements To EVERYONE: Thank you so much for taking time to read one of my books.

   You guys mean the world to me. You’re always supportive but kick my butt when need be.

   To my Erin’s Crazy Ladies group: I love you all!!! You ladies keep me going and I can’t thank you enough. You’re always there for me in every way possible.

    If you have pimped me, shared me, beta read, ARC read, came to a takeover or just visited my page, YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME. I appreciate every single one of you!!!


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The Bad Boy Billionaire’s   http://tinyurl.com/opemfyx

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