Tank Fallen Angel's MC 2 (4 page)

BOOK: Tank Fallen Angel's MC 2
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“To convenient. No one knows this road brother. It’s well hidden. Inside job?” Glancing over at Torch, he nods his head. I knew he was on the same page as me, I can see it all over his face.

“How many clubs know this route?” Torch looks at me now. My eyes connect with his as I think that one over.

“3 that I know of. Griff never handed out information brother.” Torch looks around shaking his head before looking back at me. I know who the one that doesn’t play well with others is.

“Fuckin’ Shadows.” I growl out between my teeth. The Shadows knew briefly about this road. It was a meet and greet many fucking years ago. What doesn’t make sense is what the hell Dougie was doing out here to begin with. He should have never taken this road, let alone taken it alone. Hell, there isn’t a reason for anyone to be out here.

“Let’s get the fuck back.” Torch nods as we start our bikes up.

Riding back home, I can’t stop the thoughts running wild in my head. How the hell did Shadows know that Dougie would be on that road? Why was he on that road?

Who the fuck do they have shooting? All these unanswered questions storm my mind at once. We try to be diligent about keeping up with new recruits. We always know or make it a point to know who the hell they have prospecting for them. It’s just a basic survival skill in this lifestyle. Nothing we know about anyone around has anything to do with a military style shooter.

Shadows are too close to home for my liking. What the hell would they have been doing up this way? None of this sits well. It eats at me and it will keep on until we figure it out.

I try to focus on the road and getting my ass back home in one piece but now that we know there is a fucking sharp shooter out there it makes me uneasy.

Knowing Bella is safe is the one thing that means the most to me but this changes shit. A lot.

We are up against a fucking sharp shooter that can take people out from a fucking distance. I don’t like the sound of that.



                Chapter 10


Pulling into the clubhouse parking lot is a bittersweet feeling. I hate the news that I came back with but I’m glad as hell to actually be back. As much as I needed the break the news that I was handed wasn’t worth it. Not only did I find out that we are facing a sharp shooter but I learned that someone really important to me is dying. The thought of not being able to talk to him or see him again hurts me.

My hearts heavy with everything that I’ve learned the last few days.

Climbing off of my bike I notice Cher’s car is parked alongside the building. I smile to myself knowing that she’s here. One less headache and worry for me right now.

I head inside to find almost all of the guys goofing around and having a good time. I wonder if Creed kept this shit to himself. There really isn’t a need to get everyone pissed off at the new information until we have something more concrete.

“Where’s Pres.?” I walk past the bar asking anyone that will listen to me. Timmy’s the only one that looks up.


“In the back.” Nodding at him, I head towards the back to find him. I need to talk to him about this shit and I need to do it now. I can’t handle holding this much knowledge about what happened and not sharing it with him.

“You’re back.” Cher walks out from the hallway stopping in front of me. As glad as I am to see her, I need to handle the shit that rolls around in my head before I can deal with her. This shit takes top priority.

“Talk later.” I try to step around her but she just side steps and looks up at me.

“I haven’t seen you in days. You’re just going to walk off?”  I hate being this way but this is who I am. When I have something in my head, I need to get it out. There is no in between.

“Not now Cher! Club business comes first.” Growling slightly she takes a step back.  Her eyes fill with tears but I don’t have time to baby her.

“Fine. Have your fucking club.” Shoving me in the chest, she walks off. I let out a breath, scrubbing my hand across my face I head towards Creed’s door.

Standing there about to knock I hear Jada crying. I hate to interrupt but this shit is more important. I don’t know what’s going on with her but we need to fix this problem.

Knocking, I wait for the door to open.

“Hey brother.” Creed leans out and pulls me into a hug.


“Hey, we need to talk. Private.” Creed nods before he turns back to Jada inside.

“I’ll be back in a while.” Creed turns and walks towards the main room scrubbing his hand over his face. I can tell he’s stressed out about something too and I hate to add to that but this is club business and he is the president.

“Rough day?” I follow behind him as he shakes his head looking over his shoulder.

“Just fuckin’ life brother.” I let out a huff as I follow him into the office closing the door behind me not sure I’m ready to unleash this shit on him.

I drop down on the couch stretching my legs out in front of me crossing them at the ankle. Shit feels good after being on the bike all day.

“What’s up? Find somethin’ new?” Creed sits in the chair across from me as I blow out a breath.

“Not gonna like this brother. The more I thought about shit and looked around I realized somethin’. You know there’s only 3 clubs that know that access road is back there right?” I look at Creed as he shakes his head. Thinking about it he wasn’t here when all that shit went down. I can’t say that I’m sorry he wasn’t. That was a rough time.

“I never knew there was a third club that knew about that road.” Running my hand over my face in an aggravated motion, I look back at him.


“Yeah, well I know. Shadows. They’re the only other ones that know about. Long time ago there was a meet and greet set up there. Either one of the older members know or the old pres. told them. Either way they are the third.” Creed runs his hand through his hair as he mumbles under his breath. I knew this would piss him off but that doesn’t change the facts that this needs to be handled.

“Who do they have that can shoot like that?” Shaking my head, I am clueless on that one. I’ve been through every fucking club around that I can think of and their members.

“No one that I know of. Haven’t heard about anyone new either.”  Creed tips his head back letting out a breath as I push to stand up. This is going to ride the club hard.

“Just wanted to give you that heads up brother.” Heading towards the door, I need to check on Bella. She is my priority now.

“Thanks Tank.” Nodding I head through the door and out to find my baby girl. I need some kind of goodness in my life tonight.










             Chapter 11


Walking the halls of this place my mind continues to wander. I hate that this shit is getting closer to home. It sets off too many emotions that I don’t want to deal with.

Adding to the fact that one my best friends told me he was dying and my night is basically shit.

Shoving through my bedroom door, I find Bella and Cher siting on the bed watching TV.

When Bella turns to see it’s me she jumps off the bed and runs into my arms.

“You’re back.” I hold her against me, hugging her tightly. I don’t know what’s gotten into her but I think I might like it. She isn’t usually the hugging type so I’ll take it while I can get it. Besides, after the rounds of bad news we have been given I need this right now.

“You ok?” Pulling back, she smiles up at me. Like I said the girl isn’t usually the hugging type so this is throwing me off.


“Yeah, just glad you’re back.” Kissing her forehead, she runs back jumping on the bed. I haven’t seen her act like a child since she’s been here. I remind myself to have a talk with Piper about what he did to fix that. Shit maybe it was all his board games.

“What are you two watchin'?” Walking closer to the bed, Cher won’t even look up at me. I can’t say that I blame her. I was being an asshole but I am the way I always am.

“It’s called Juggles. It’s so damn funny dad. Come watch it.” Bella scoots to the side as I watch Cher. She still won’t look at me but that doesn’t stop me from joining them.

I pull my cut off tossing it on the chair before pulling my boots off next.

Climbing up I get under the blanket with Cher while Bella sits on top.

“Want to talk about it?” Glancing over at Cher, she shakes her head. I know she’s pissed but that had to be done. At least I offered to talk about it. Shit, that’s more than I’m used to doing.

I lay my head back and sigh looking at the TV. I don’t see anything funny about this shit but Bella laughs. As long as she’s happy so am I so I try to force myself to at least try and enjoy it.

I do like being here with these two. It’s quiet and calm. Something settles slightly inside of me as I relax into my spot.


I slide my hand over to Cher’s leg and she doesn’t try to stop me so I slide it a little higher. I have to control the groan when I feel that she only has on a tiny ass pair of shorts under this blanket.

My dick is fucking rock hard and I’m uncomfortable as I slide my fingers into the leg of those shorts.

“What did you do to Piper?” Bella giggles but doesn’t look over. I don’t know why the thought just occurred to me to ask when I’m so close to what I want to have my hands on.

“He was getting some pizza.” She has that man wrapped already. He doesn’t order food for anyone. This girl is good.

Bella laughs at her movie as my fingers find some wetness. I can’t believe Cher acts all pissed but is this fucking wet for me. I want so bad to call her on it but not with Bella sitting her. That doesn’t stop me from touching though.

Turning my head, I look at her but she doesn’t move at all. I can see the color creep into her cheeks though, she likes it. She can try to deny it and act mad all she wants but she fucking wants me right now. Hell, by the feel of it she might want me more.

The door flies open and Cher tries to move before I grip her thigh in my hand. She isn’t getting off that easily.

“Pizzas here.” Piper looks in and sees me.


“Shit, sorry Tank. Didn’t know you were back.” Nodding my head at him, Bella jumps off the bed rushing towards the door.

“Come on Cher.” She stops and turns back but I keep my hold on her thigh. She isn’t leaving this room just yet.

“She’ll be out in a few minutes. Go ahead.” I nod at Bella as she smiles and pulls the door closed. Cher sits there not saying a word.

Ripping the blankets back, I get on my knees dragging Cher’s body down the bed until she’s lying under me.

“You ever put your hands on me like you did in that hallway it better be in a sexual way.” Growling I lean in closer to her, so close I can feel her breath mingling with mine. My heart rate picks up the closer I get to her.

“You ever talk to me like that again and I will walk the fuck out of here.” I don’t miss the attitude behind her words either. I love the way she tries to act all tough with me. It actually makes me harder.

“You’re mine sweetheart. I will talk to you any way I want.” Dragging my teeth along her neck her body shudders beneath me. My dick likes when it does that.

“I don’t belong to you Tank.” Her breathing is sporadic. There’s no way she can argue with me when I’m this close to her and she knows it. I affect her the same way she affects me. When we are this close to each other there is nothing else.


“Oh darlin’ you do belong to me.” Sliding my hand down her stomach, I grab her sweet wet mound in my hand, gripping roughly.

“This is mine.” Biting her bottom lip between my teeth she moans. Yeah, I knew it would be my way.

“You can’t just fuck me into submission.” I never thought of her submitting but that does have my dick throbbing more.

Thinking about that, I slide down her body taking her shorts with me. I want to tease her, to own her in ways she never thought possible.

“I will make you beg for it baby.” The little chuckle that leaves her just makes me smile. She will beg me she just doesn’t realize it yet.

Shoving her legs open, I slide in between them. Popping those sweet wet lips open, I lean in and flick my tongue over her clit. Cher’s body shakes and her back arches. I love seeing her like this. At my fucking mercy.

I slide my other hand up her thigh and straight in between her legs. Toying with her clit a little, she moans again. Yeah, I know how to make her hot.

“You want it baby?” I look up but she shakes her head. She wants to play that game I’m all in. She isn’t going to win this round as much as she thinks she is.

Sliding a finger inside of her, she tightens up around it.


“Mmmm. Keep it like that.” Before she can respond, I slam my mouth down over her clit. Flicking my tongue and slamming my finger inside of her has my dick painfully hard now.

I suck and lick as Cher writhes around throwing her head from side to side, gripping the sheets next to her. I get her as close to the edge as I can before I pull back. Yeah, I’m that kind of asshole.

“Tank, you son of a bitch!” She nearly jumps off the bed glaring at me. I sit up on my knees looking at her as I lick my lips savoring the taste of her.

“What?” Acting as if I’m all innocent, I watch her face redden. Oh, she is getting pissed. I fucking love it.

“Why did you just stop?” I don’t miss the whine in her voice, hell it turns me on. I knew I could get her all wound up.

“You want me to keep goin’? Make you cum hard?” I drag my dick out of the top of my jeans and stroke it while she watches me.

“I won’t beg you.” Her eyes widen as I stroke harder, faster. The moans and groans she hears coming from me has her licking her lips. She likes what she sees, I can see it all over her face. She is going to beg, I know it.

“Fuck Cher.” I watch her eyes as they go crazy with lust. She’s going to break any second now. I see her panting.


“Please Tank. God I want to feel you.” Throwing herself into my arms, I pull her onto my dick as quickly as possible.

With her body sliding up and down on my dick, I have to refrain from being a smartass and throwing it in her face.

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