Authors: Alyssa Bailey
“Mr. McFadden, Colton, I don’t belong to you or anyone. But just so you know, I like to walk by the water when I’m confused or angry.” Her voice lowered but she wouldn’t look him in the face for long.
He nodded. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry that what happened yesterday has turned into this. I can’t fix it nor would I be so inclined. All I can do now is agree to keep your reputation intact. I’m not forcing you to marry me, but I’m sincerely begging you to consider the alternative. I know he’s your pa, and I don’t mean any disrespect, but he doesn’t know you at all. And I’m sure to you it seems like he is willing to give you away like old news to the first one he can get to take you, but that’s not how I see it. I would be honored to look after you, make life better for you.” He caught her eye and looked earnestly into them.
“I know there are things that a woman needs and I want to give you those things. I’m not a rich man but I am not poor, either. I have a good reputation. I have a good life but it would be complete with you. Mandy has told me a few things and I can figure a few more. You’d have a home, a place to call your own, and security. I would treat you well. I care about you and hope you could come to care about me.”
He could hear the ragged breaths she was taking and the pure pain it caused her for him to say the words but they had to be said. He was a man who often just said the hard stuff so they could openly deal with the issues. She would learn that about him and, with any luck, appreciate it.
To her credit, her strength of character came through. “That may be, and I see you mean what you say, but I have no intentions of getting married to a man I do not love.”
“Do not or could not?” the words were spoken softly but they made a big sound.
“Do not,” was the quiet response.
“See there, we have some ground to work on. It means you could love me if we worked at it. I don’t know as I love you properly yet, but I have strong feelings toward you. Kaku says people don’t really love in the beginning and I can see that. Love grows as you learn each other. We haven’t had that chance yet. I would sure like that chance. Can we give it a try?”
“My grandmother. She lives with me as well as my mother, Pia. I give them security and a home, they take care of me.”
She nodded thoughtfully. “I don’t want to throw my whole self away for a maybe.”
“Texanna, honey, life is a maybe, but I’d like to take those maybes, those chances with you. Can you take that risk, that big leap of faith with me? I know you don’t really know what a good relationship is, but you saw Mandy’s parents. They were loving. I can give you that.”
“But I have things to get accomplished. I need to find my ma. I need to know why she left me. I can’t just take off with you. I have been thinking about finding my brother, too.”
“I understand you’ve been wondering about your ma and Ben too. I can help. I am not too bad at locating people, especially when they don’t want to be found.” Colt waited a moment and then sat straight up in the chair.
“Well, I think that the chores you have to do here are just about over. Your obligations are complete. Your pa is ready to be done with you here, and I don’t believe it would be a good idea to stay. You mentioned an aunt, would you rather go there?”
“No! No, I cannot go there. I can’t even imagine living there. Living with that woman would be a death sentence. I have a life outside of this house, community and church obligations that I would not want to neglect.”
“Well, then I’m your best bet, I would not stop you from your obligations. I would like it if you kept up with those and I would be honored to marry you.”
Texanna looked up with tears in her eyes. Frustrated she pushed off the railing hard.
“Don’t go anywhere, young lady. You need to talk this out with me. I think I’m doing pretty well in the patience department, but I don’t know how long that is going to last, honey.”
The tears were rolling down her cheeks as she looked up at him. She shrugged her shoulders. Colton took it as capitulation. She stifled a sob.
“Come here, baby.”
He put out his arms to gather her close, and she walked across the porch and into his embrace. Colton drew her to his chest and onto his lap as she carefully found a comfortable spot in which to sit on his hard thigh. He leaned down to kiss the top of her head, not caring who happened to see them.
“Let us do this thing, okay?” She nodded her head, and he pulled her even tighter to him. “It’s going to be all right. Don’t you worry.” He held her for a bit before continuing. “I know you haven’t had time to settle your affairs really, but you aren’t going far. You can spend the night at Mandy’s house. I’ll be back at nine in the morning, and we will get married. Afterward, I’ll take you to our home. I have a good sized house. Three women in a house might be a crazy thing to do, but I won’t put them out, and I’m most definitely bringing you in.”
She snuggled in closer. “But, there must be other options.”
He stroked her hair and smiled. “You’re out of options, baby.”
Texanna sat a few moments, content in the feel of Colton. Doubt assailed her again. She stood up briskly. She paced around the large porch.
“Are you sure?” Colton nodded in response.
“Well, let’s look at this a moment. It seems to me, little lady, that this whole thing, pleasant though it is to me, is all your doing and if you had listened to me yesterday, this wouldn’t be a problem today.”
She had been lusting after Colton McFadden for quite a while. She thought he just saw her as a kid. She wondered if she could get him to at least lust after her. Oh, that was probably wrong too, but she had to get something out of this ordeal, and a man who wanted her, as a husband should want his wife, was a good start.
Colton stood and snagged her as she made yet another round of pacing on the porch, placing his large warm hand on her neck as he had yesterday, guiding her to sit next to him. He left his hand there, thumb rubbing along her neck. When she resisted and immediately stood up, he reached behind her and landed two noticeable swats on her bottom. She knocked the oil lamp they kept on the porch for evening visiting, in an effort to get away from the paddle-like hands. If Colt had not grabbed it quickly, it would have been another reason that her pa would have used to chastise her over and, he didn’t need any more reasons.
“Texanna, please sit down with me. Honey, I know you’re upset, but we need to finish this. Now, what’s wrong?”
When she did sit again, it was obvious she was having trouble sitting easily.
“That can’t be my handiwork you’re still babying, did your pa get to you? Or maybe it was your wandering?”
She listened to his concern, and she relaxed a moment. It was unusual for her to hear the worry in a voice in response to a need she had and confusing to understand but she decided to take him at face value.
“I fell walking.”
“Ahh, another reason you shouldn’t have gone alone or without letting someone know where you were. Anything could have happened.” Colton’s eyebrow rose in chastisement.
“But it doesn’t. It never does. Besides, I don’t need a keeper. I do just fine without one.”
Colton looked at her a second longer before he leaned back in the chair. “Texanna, your pa has the right to ask me to save your reputation. I might have been able to look past it but to tell the truth, I don’t want to. I can’t get you out of my mind. I couldn’t work yesterday after, the, um, unfortunate incident. I couldn’t sleep and frankly, I was relieved that he brought you in and demanded I marry you. My world is right when you are in it.”
She tried to keep the irritation in her voice but was unsuccessful. He wanted her. He didn’t think she was being dumped on him. She spoke with much less vehemence. “I don’t need you to save my reputation. I can say my pa was wrong, it would be the truth.”
“You could, but no pa will say things that will ruin his daughter if they aren’t true, and that is what people will believe. I won’t have your reputation hurt like that.”
“You don’t believe that I wanted to trick you into marriage?”
“I don’t.”
“Why do you care, because it will look bad for you if he tells his story?”
“Me? I couldn’t care less what people say about me. My job will not go away, I will still have my home and family, but I care about you and don’t want that stigma over you. Our children might have enough to battle. I would do my best to save your reputation, but better a choice to marry than a shotgun wedding.”
“Children?” she screeched as a warm, tummy-churning feeling suffused her. Her face flushed. She continued quietly, “I don’t want to be unhappy for the rest of my life, Colton.”
“Honey, I can’t honestly say that I’m in love with you yet, nor can you say that about me, but I’m sure going in that direction and hope you can meet me half way. Can’t we make your pa happy, save your reputation and keep my gut settled? I promise you won’t be unhappy, and I’ll do all that I can to give you a life you can enjoy, full of love and happiness.”
“I’m not happy about this, but I could be all right with it if you promise to treat me well. Colton, I’m going to tell you right now that you don’t get to leave me like my mother left me or treat me like I don’t have value, as my pa. If you don’t think we can do this well, I don’t want to do it at all. I’m not saying you have to fall in love with me, just be kind, and if you can’t, then I’m refusing.”
“I will never leave you. Now, your habit of leaving off the drawers will suit me just fine so long as you don’t leave the property.” Colt chuckled but then became serious. “Texanna, I want to be clear. If we marry, we are married and I expect to have my wife in whichever way I need her like a man needs his woman. Work beside me, play beside me, have my children and share my bed. I want you to know that I’ll protect you and won’t allow anyone to speak ill of you or hurt you if I can help it, and I’ll do my best not to hurt you, either.” There was a twinkle in his eye. “Except when I spank that rebellious bottom.”
“Oh, Colton, you won’t spank me when I’m your wife, surely.”
“Oh, yes. I have no doubt that you will need a spanking here and there, but it is up to you. If you decide to behave, you will be sitting pretty. If not, well…”
She reached back as though she could rub her bottom that she was sitting on.
“But not as hard.”
“Hah or harder. I’ll do what is needed, but I hope the fun kind will be what you need more often. You will most definitely like those, I promise.”
“There is no such thing as a fun spanking.”
“Marry me and find out just what a wonder a fun spanking is.”
His smile made her roll her eyes, and he knew he had her. Colt didn’t know what he was in for, but he knew that if he didn’t bring her home, he was going to think of her, worry about her, and shoot the man who laid a hand on her. His grandfather, after bringing in his own wife into the same situation, often said,
the Lord helps the fool who has three generations of women under his roof
. Colton was counting on it.
Colt kissed the top of Texanna’s head. He could feel her breath hitch, and he knew she was worried but he would take great care of her. His Pia and Kaku would make sure of it. She leaned into his kiss, and he tightened his hold just slightly to give her the added reassurance he felt certain she needed.
“All right then. What about I come and get you later on? I can take you over to Mandy’s I’m not content that you stay here tonight with your pa being what he is in his treatment of you.”
She shook her head. “No, I’ll do fine.”
“Texanna Rae, are we going to have trouble already? You need to trust I will always do what is best for you.”
“I guess I have to trust that this will be all right. No, I can’t go over to Mandy’s now. I have too much still to do. Colton, can you call me Anna? Texanna is so formal.”
“Well, I’m thinking I like Texanna just fine but will try to call you Anna a bit more often, except when you’re in trouble.” He stopped to lift his eyebrow in a stern message. “You might get your whole name called out then. I’ll bring the buckboard then to load it all up in the morning. Are you sure you don’t want to go to supper with me at Mae’s Cafe? I’ll be pleased to take you.” She shook her head.
“You gather your things then. Get them all now because I have plenty of room for anything you bring. When you’re done, young lady, I want you to go to Mandy’s house. I don’t aim to worry about you all night with your pa having trouble dealing well with you.” He watched, as she didn’t answer. “Texanna Rae, do I need to take you over my knee right now to impress upon you that I mean business?”
Wide eyes met his. “No, no, I’ll go over there when I’m done here.”
She looked up at Colton and something told him she was not going to go but if she didn’t then he would deal with that as well as the other things piling up after they said their ‘I do’s’. She couldn’t get away with her disrespect in the office earlier, nor taking off when she was to stay and wait for him.
Colton picked up the small pile of switches. “You know you’re getting a spanking, right? I figure it can wait until we are married if you mind me from now on. If I have to talk to you again, nothing is going to save that tail end from a spanking, married or not.”
He looked at her a little longer and noticed when she had to drop her gaze. Yep, he was going to have to tan her hide one good time before she would believe he was serious. That was okay with him. He liked the sight of her bottom, and he wanted to slap his hand on her bared, milky white behind. His cock was shifting just thinking about it.
He left her complaining about being bossed around at her age. The volume in his house was going to get louder he was sure, and those quiet evenings were soon to be a distant memory. He knew was going to love every moment of it.
The next morning, just as he promised Colton had the buckboard outside of Mandy’s only to be redirected to the Grant’s home. He knew he was going to have to set her straight before they did anything else. When he walked to the door, he was met and informed that she was not there either. The smile he was sporting at his spirited woman was quickly erased because she was nowhere to be found. His gut clenched. Not for the first time, Colton thought of the taming his woman needed. That woman was going to get her spanking before her vows, she was asking for it loud and clear. She must need it and he sure needed to give her one. Good thing he still had those willows he’d prepared yesterday. He’d need those.