
Read Obsession Online

Authors: Brooke Page

BOOK: Obsession
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Part One in the Obsession Series


By: Brooke Page


Part One of the Obsession



Copyright 2016 by Brooke




All Rights Reserved. This book may not
be re-produced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or
electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not
participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in
violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are
the property of the author and your support and respect is
appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are
fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is
coincidental and not intended by the author.



The following story contains mature
themes and sexual situations.

It is intended for adult




Edited By: Jennifer Hall

Cover Design By: Designs By

Proofed By Stacy Leir




Contact Brooke Page






[email protected]

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve



Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen





I had been sitting in this diner for
three hours, my gaze fixated on the apartment building across the

“Do you need anything else, sugar?”
the plump older woman asked as she held a coffee pot in one hand
and a cloth in the other.

“No, thank you,” I rasped without
meeting her eyes. It was 12 am, and my heart raced faster with each
passing moment.

I was waiting for the girl who’d
stolen my heart. When she’d left earlier, her caramel hair was
curled, floating over her perfect breasts; breasts that should have
been covered up, but instead were on full display under her black
halter top.

Anger fueled me as I
pictured her leaving her apartment. She had looked confident and
sexy, her head held high as though she were about to take over the
world. Thankfully, her midriff wasn

t showing
tonight, but her skirt was too short, revealing her toned thighs;
thighs that needed to be wrapped around my waist, the sky-high
black heels digging into my back.

I shifted in my seat, my arousal
trying to overpower my anger. That was always my problem. I mixed
the two together in a dangerous way. It was why she no longer
wanted me.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled my
phone from my hoodie pocket. The agony of not knowing where she was
tortured me. I needed to distract myself until she came home. I
pulled up the most recent background check on her, divulging
nothing new since she’d moved out of her apartment a month ago into
a new one.

I should have followed her
tonight, but I knew my emotions would overtake me, blowing my
cover. I wasn

t ready to swoon her back into my
life, not yet. I still had a few things to take care of; a few
thing to make


want me if I could provide for her. She

d want me
again if she knew I got help. She

d want me again
once all those other assholes were out of her system.

I knew this was true
because she never stayed with them, and if it seemed like
starting to stick, I reminded
her I was still here by sending her my love notes.

I pulled my hood down
farther over my head, trying to count to ten before

d explode. Then I saw her through
the glass of the diner, smiling and giggling with her roommate. My
heart fluttered at the sight of her happiness.

used to make her happy.

I could
make her

Only a few more things
needed to be done.

But then all those warm feelings
turned to stone as I watched the two douche bags walking behind
Jamie and her roommate. The smiles on their faces were ones I knew
well. Their shirts were too tight, stretching over their muscles.
They were about to get some—at least they thought they were… I
glanced down at my arms; I could stand to increase my weight on the
bench press again.

“Sure you don’t need anything else?”
the waitress asked again. Now she was hovering, which only
irritated me more.

My breathing increased as the
meatheads followed them inside.

“Can I get another coffee, please? And
a grilled cheese with bacon,” I demanded, squeezing packets of
sugar in between my palms.






A few more hours had gone
by, and controlling my sanity was getting harder and harder. What
was she doing with those men
inside her apartment
? Was
she with one while her roommate was with the other? Maybe they were
just playing cards or watching a movie?

watching a movie
. The last time

d watched a movie with Jamie our
pants were around our ankles.

Just as I was about to storm out of
the diner, there was activity in front of her apartment

It was Jamie, disheveled and wearing a
tank top and little shorts; her ass would hang out if she bent over
far enough. And that meathead was there, behind her, a smug grin
plastered on his face.

I wanted to rip his jaw in

Standing from my seat, I
paced the diner, my eyes glued to the interactions I feared

d begin to share.

Then it happened.

She stepped toward him,
wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands moved around her
waist, reaching for her butt. I saw red when he grabbed it as
though it were his, and that little slut let him. In fact, by the
way she pressed into him, moving to kiss his lips,

d say she enjoyed it.

I gripped my hair, willing
myself not to do what my head was telling me, but there was no use.
Watching them say goodbye tore me apart, fueling my rage for what I
was about to do. She gently pushed him away, the one good thing

d done since that meathead was in
her presence.

She closed the door with a satisfied
grin on her face while that fucker practically skipped down the


t be skipping for

Follow him.

Make him pay.

Make him realize he can
never fucking touch her again.



Chapter One



“I told you no.”

I spun in my chair, releasing a heavy
breath into the phone. “Why not? When’s the last time you’ve been

Nathan groaned. “You’re killin’ me,
Jamie. I don’t have time to go out. Our meeting with Kobiashi is
Friday, and I’ve got a feeling that what he wants us to build will
be a game changer.”

My eyes rolled to the back of my head.
Nathan, my friend and ‘boss’, was a workaholic. There was no such
thing as a weekend or a vacation in his schedule. He craved success
and money. It was one of the qualities I admired about him. “Good.
It’ll be a reason for us to celebrate.”

I could already picture Nathan
standing in front of the floor to ceiling window in his
ultra-modern office in Chicago wearing a pristine charcoal Prada
suit with a splash of color in his tie. I’m sure his eyebrows were
crinkled as his hand would be at his temple, his finger running
along the length of his designer glasses, making a path to his ear
as he thought.

“All right, fine,” he snapped,
surrendering under the peer pressure. “Only if our meeting goes
smoothly, and I get to pick the club.”

My long caramel hair whipped through
the air as I leaped triumphantly from my office chair. “Thank God!
I haven’t been out in forever. I don’t even care if we go to the
gay bar.” Getting Nathan to relax and live a little outside of work
was a difficult task, but I loved seeing him let loose.

Nathan gasped. “Well, no shit. You
really think I’d go to a straight bar?”

A smile escaped my lips.

You know, we’re going to
have to go to a straight bar for Tyler and Becca’s
bachelor/bachelorette party, right?”

Becca, my best friend, was marrying
Tyler, Nathan’s brother and co-owner of Conklin Architecture
Construction and Design. I was the maid of honor and Nathan was the
best man. I’d originally wanted to throw a rocking weekend in Las
Vegas, but Becca and Tyler weren’t into that. If it were up to the
two of them, they’d completely skip the party altogether. The fact
that they lived in Grand Rapids, Michigan, while I was currently
tied down in Miami, didn’t help with planning.

“Mitch wants to do them separately—no
women. Well, none that we know,” Nathan mumbled.

I narrowed my eyes.

Screw Mitch. Tyler won’t
want strippers. You know that as well as anyone.”

“Probably not, but Mitch has the
horrible quality of overriding plans.” Nathan’s voice was laced
with disappointment.

I understood his frustration with his
younger brother.

He was arrogant, self-centered, and
thought he was God’s gift to woman.

Mitch was a grade-A douche.

Every day he’d walk into my office
with a shit-eating grin in place, and some cheesy line coming from
his mouth. His pick-up lines were the lamest I’d ever

I was feeling a little off
today, but you definitely turned me on.

You look cold. Want to use
me as a blanket?

Did you clean your pants
with Windex? I can practically see myself in them.
Nathan was oh so kind to give Mitch my cell phone
number, and every day I was graced with a new line.

Mitch used to rarely make an
appearance in Miami, and only manned the construction sites in
Grand Rapids or Chicago, but what did Nathan and Tyler do? They
relocated him.

“Speaking of Mitch, why has he been in
Miami for so long?” I groaned irritably.

Nathan chuckled. “Because he needs to
stay out of Grand Rapids, that’s why. I’ve got an inkling he’s
involved with Chino.”

I sighed. Chino was a major client for
the Conklin’s in Grand Rapids and he was intense. He had his own
side drug business and wanted the properties as a place to stash
his drugs.

“We can talk more about Tyler and
Becca’s party at the bar this Friday.”

My face brightened as I remembered our
plans. “You almost sound excited now.”

“Well, I realize it has been a long
time,” he admitted.

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