Taming Texanna (10 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Bailey

BOOK: Taming Texanna
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Mr. Grant filled in the blanks as he saw them. “She said she needed air. She stayed to cook supper, but she was moody as usual. After supper, she got real uppity, and I set her down a peg or two. She was fixated on some pendant she said I had of her ma. Then she stormed out of the house like there weren’t things that had to get done.” It was obvious that Horace Grant was still steaming over the encounter.

“How long has she been gone?”

“Overnight. I told you, after supper.”

Colt grabbed the man by the shoulders and almost pulled his gun. “Who leaves their unprotected daughter out all night?”

Horace Grant shrugged his shoulders dismissingly. “I didn’t have any idea where she went so wouldn’t have known where to look. She’ll come back. I—”

“As God as my witness, if I do not find her well and unharmed, I may kill you.” Horace looked like he was going to say something but that shut his mouth sharply.

The night had been colder because the weather was turning and the autumn rains were fast coming in which made finding her, even more urgent. Colton looked up into the darkening heavens and wanted to spank her good and hard. She ignored his instructions to go to Mandy’s house. He wanted her to go because he knew she and her pa wouldn’t do well in the same house together. Especially now that he was sure she was leaving for good. Instead of going where he’d told her to go, she got upset and she went off into the night. The sky that was blue earlier was now edged in black and the wind was picking up as it began to show signs of gusting. He figured she had been out there for at least twelve hours.

“Dad-blasted girl has taken off on
now. Let’s see how you’re able to keep her in line. I wanted this all to be taken care of today. Then I would be done with the whole business of—well, the whole ugly business.”

Colton knew not to rush out when there might be more information to shorten the search.

There was a bolt of lightning and fast on its heels was a tremendous clap of thunder so close and so loud that the earth below their feet trembled.

“Sir, we have to go find her.” There was anxiety in his heart if not his manner.

“Nah, she stays gone a lot. She will find her way home. I wouldn’t even know where to look. The fool girl just takes off. It’d serve her right if she got wet.” He looked at Colton and shook his finger at him. “Now don’t you take off without her. I mean to have her married and gone to her own place today.”

Colton stared as he couldn’t believe a man would treat his daughter that way. He swore as another thunder and lightning duet tore through the sky and rumbled the ground. He took off at a dead run for his office to grab his drover oilskin slicker. He didn’t have his good stallion, just the wagon horses, so he went to the stables to borrow a horse and had them go grab his wagon and pair to keep until he got back. Colton certainly didn’t trust Mr. Grant to handle the job.

He tucked a blanket in his saddlebag and tried to put his tracking skills to good use. There were moments of lightning illuminating the sky dramatically and that combined with the rolling thunder kept his horse on high alert.  He knew if Texanna were on her horse when the first lightning and thunder crashed to the earth, she would have been thrown to the ground unless she was an exceptional horsewoman. Something deep inside told him she was good as most. Even then, the surprise of the strike would have been enough to spook the horse.

In his heart, he
she wasn’t hurt. Nonetheless, the pouring rain that had started made his work harder to find her. He examined the trail intently. In spite of the pounding rain, he finally found what he was looking for and followed the intermittent signs. He had to rely on his gut instincts because of the hard pounding rain. Coupled with what he could only describe as her essence, her spirit, which called to him, he discovered her in a thick copse of oaks. She was muddy from what appeared to be a fall, possibly off her horse, and sobbing when he came upon her. Scooping her into his arms, she screamed and kicked.

“Anna, baby, hush, it's Colton, I have you. Are you hurt?”

She immediately stilled when he spoke and sucked in a heavy breath before raising her puffy, red-rimmed eyes to him.

His hands firmly but tenderly touched her body to assure him that she was whole with no lasting effects of the experience. She was unharmed.

“The horse threw me, but it isn’t his fault, he was afraid like I was.”

She whispered, “Usually I can handle most anything but this weather just dropped on me. I’m sorry to make you come out here to look for me. I bet Pa is fit to be tied.”

Colt pulled her into his slicker with him to calm her down, rocking her soothingly. He didn’t want to tell her that her parent was not concerned that she had been gone overnight and was in this weather.

“Well, I won’t lie to you. He’s upset you left but more upset that it might mean that we won’t be married today. He still wants you married, and I think we had better get it done before you anger him anymore. Right now, you need out of these clothes and into something dry. I think it would be faster to wrap you in the blanket I brought and get you home.” He stood to get the blanket out of the saddlebag. “Texanna, we will deal with this little incident later today. You understand me?”

Texanna was showing signs of getting too cold even to argue, her teeth chattering enough for a brass band. Colton swore vehemently, cursing the man who claimed to be her father. He had once again pushed her away and all but turned her out at the first opportunity. Colt drew out the blanket to wrap her in. He would have liked to take her wet clothes off, and if she were his wife now, he would have no hesitation about doing that, but he thought maybe that would put paid to any relationship she might ever have with her father. Not that a lack of relationship was any significant heartache for him, but Colton knew it might be important to have that opportunity for her someday.

Besides, Mr. Grant wouldn’t understand that the need for the extra warmth she would get if she rode in naked but dry under the blanket to be the overriding reason for the irregular attire. When she was warm, dry, and calm, he would marry her. Then he would paddle that bottom raw for taking such a risk and not giving even a glance to the weather, a nod to obeying him or thinking of her safety. He would be remedying that issue before they went home today.

After reassuring himself that she was not hurt and that the horse most likely went home, he gathered this woman who had absconded with his heart and headed back to her father’s house. He knew she was as desperate to be loved, as he was to love. He knew the exact moment when she realized they were going to her father’s house because she stiffened and begged him not to take her there.

“I don’t want to go back, please don’t make me. Just take me to your home. I promise to be no trouble.” She began to wiggle her bottom into his crotch causing some disturbances he was not yet ready to address.

“Shush. You need clean, dry clothing and so do I. I’ll come back in less than two hours and we can talk about how things will be.” She whimpered and it tore at his heart. “I promise, sweet pea.”

He held her face up to his and placed a gentle kiss that turned hungry quickly. Colton was encouraged when she returned it with as much fervor an innocent young woman could. He could feel her inexperience and that thrilled him. He pulled back and smiled at her whimper of loss. He felt the same. They would most assuredly handle that at another more appropriate time later this evening, but it was coming up on ten in the morning, and he needed to get them married by afternoon if possible.

Colton pulled up outside and jumped down unseating Texanna after him. She stubbornly resisted his encouragement toward the entryway. The quilt moved aside. Her skirts shifted with the blanket, and her wet bottom was slapped hard several times. She squealed and bounced with the shock of the reverberating sting. The sudden downpour might have passed but her bottom was going to get a squall of its own soon.

“Texanna, we are going to address this after I have a ring on your finger and the vows said. You will have to answer to me then about this mess and your sass. Do you never do as you’re told?”

“You’re angry with me.” The tears welled up.

“I’m frustrated, honey. This whole morning has frustrated and irritated me for a number of reasons. Nevertheless, you’re going to need to learn to do as you’re told. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir, I understand but please don’t leave me here. Please may I go with you?” her tear stained cheeks and entreating eyes almost annihilated his resolve to have her gather her things, dry and warm up before setting the plan in motion.

He leaned down and kissed her again, lingering on her lips for a moment longer. “I’ll be back soon.”

“But he’s going to be so angry with me. I don’t want to face him alone.” That got Colton’s attention.

“Yes, I think I’ll see to that little bit of business now. Come along with me.”

He opened the door to allow her in before following into the kitchen through the mudroom. He stayed in the entryway to confine the water mess.

“Is that you, Texanna? Where the Sam Hill, have you been? You had that marshal out looking for you. Bet he’s wondering if he should keep you now. Well, it’s too late. I have created no other way out for him.” She sidled up closer to Colton and he could feel her tremors.

Horace rounded the corner continuing his tirade. When he looked up, his gaze collided first with Colton’s, sliding over to Texanna’s, and back again to Colton. The expression he encountered from his almost son-in-law was one of hard granite. Colt clenched his teeth and released a deep throaty rush of air to indicate his anger. It was not lost on Texanna or her pa.

“Mr. Grant,” Colt tossed his hat on the table next to him and started to speak before anything else damaging was said. “I need to get some dry clothes and set up a few things for this morning.”

“You mean you’re going to get it done today? You’re still going to marry her?”

“Yes, but your daughter needs warm, dry clothing after last night. Go on, sweetheart,” he directed her. “She needs to gather any last things, and she needs to wait for me. If she’s not here or if anything has happened to her while I am gone, I’ll hold you personally responsible. That means, Mr. Grant, that if you do anything to her or upset her at all, I promise to take care of the issue, man to man.”

“Well, she deserves a good switching.”

“What she does and doesn’t deserve isn’t for you to decide anymore. That is my responsibility. I’ll expect that you not lay one finger on her while she’s changing and waiting for me.”

“Yeah, well, that will give her time to start my dinner one last time.”

“She is not going to start your dinner. Might I suggest Mae’s Café and the washwoman down the road?” Colt turned to his drenched mouse, who had not left his side. Pushing the plastered hair out of her eyes and kissing her forehead, he encouraged her out of the room. He smiled when she shivered again.

“Get changed and dry. I’ll come for your things as soon as I am dry, be ready for me in less than two hours.”

She nodded her head and allowed him to push her from the room, but in her eyes, he could see she was finishing with the tears and was getting her spunk back. Her back straightened and her shoulders squared.
That’s my girl.

Colt turned deliberately in the direction of Mr. Grant after she left the room. “Sir, I feel confident she will be busy for the whole time I am gone. I assure you I’ll return, but in the meantime, let me make it crystal clear that if you lay one finger on her or disparage her in any way, I promise you will regret the act.”

  Mr. Grant looked outraged, opening his mouth to answer but closed it firmly instead.

“It seems to me as though you don’t care about your daughter, and I have to wonder why. She’s a smart, sensitive young woman with a good heart, and you have not said two words pleasant or kind about her. I’m to be her husband, and as such, I’m obligated to inform you that I won’t stand for that type of talk or behavior concerning my wife. I shouldn’t have to tell a father to treat his daughter well.” The chastising words and tone shone through his statements.

“Yeah, well, wait until you have had her for a bit. She’s like all women. She’ll complain, and change things, and do what they please and then look for greener pastures.”

Colton thought a moment before he answered. “I’m guessing that is what her ma did, but I don’t see that in Texanna.”

“She’s my daughter,” Mr. Grant sputtered as he started to take a step forward but stopped cold after looking into the marshal’s face.

“What you say is true, which is why this is such a wretched message that I need to leave with you. But mark my words as gospel, if you touch one hair on her head or make her cry once, I’ll rain all sorts of sorrow on you.”

“Now, see here—”

“Never mind.” Colton yelled into the other room, “Texanna, get your clothes on, I’m taking you to Mandy's.”

He saw she had started crying again when she ran out to him a couple of minutes later. She didn’t ask a word but grabbed her coat, her wet hat and went to the door wiping her eyes.

“I thought you were leaving her.”

“I changed my mind. She belongs to me now and what’s mine I protect.” Gathering his hat back off the table, Colton strode to the door and turned to look one last time at Mr. Grant before leading his girl outside. He dropped Texanna with Mandy and her mother, thanking them for being so available to her.

“Now, I’ll be back here in just under two hours. You make sure you’re here. Understood?”

“Yes, I understand.”

Colt nodded, kissed her forehead, and left.


Chapter Six

Colton cursed his shortsightedness for the hundredth time. He should always have clothes to change into or gear stuffed in his saddlebag, but Colton had gotten lax with the judge using him to help round up locals. Half a day was the longest it had taken in months to do what he needed to do. He was going to have to get back to his routine and put new habits in place because he was under no illusions that when he brought Texanna Rae home, things would stay the same. Life would change, drastically.

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