Taming Texanna (34 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Bailey

BOOK: Taming Texanna
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“Yes,” finally added Nada quietly, “And Colton gave me the whole reward from his bounty and allowed my children and me to stay in his cabin.”

Finally, Colton sat in a newly constructed sweat lodge of twigs, brush and branches, as his ancestors had done for time immemorial. His Kaku said he needed cleansing after the spirit medicine was so powerful. After he had cleansed, peace came over him and he could put the whole incident behind him. He decided to keep the lodge. He just might need it more often now that he had his darling wife. Texanna wife seemed to attract trouble and of whom he never had quite tamed but he was working on it.

“It is time for bed, dear.”

“Mmm, in a moment,” answered Texanna.

Colton kissed his wife and reached a hand down to her as she accepted it with a sigh. “Do we need to continue doing this, Colton?”

“Until I am satisfied, we will continue.”

“But things are better now. I am better now.”

He walked her into the room and closed the door. “But you still get into trouble too often.” He sat on the end of the bed and reached to help his wife over his knee for her nightly taming spanking.

She sighed. He landed the first of her nightly ten swats. “I love you, Texanna Rae McFadden.”

“I know.” And she did. He kept her safe, happy, and she knew he always would. She grinned, finally, for the first time in the history of her marriage, she had a secret to tell. She wiggled her bottom as he methodically smacked it without any complaints from her. Soon, her husband would need to suspend these nightly tanning sessions whether he was ready or not.

“Texanna Rae McFadden, what is going on with you? No complaints? You have been acting strange lately. Do you have something you should be telling your husband?”

She smiled.
she thought,
just maybe I do.

The End


Alyssa Bailey

Alyssa Bailey is a dyed in the wool Texan living in the beauty of Southeast Alaska with her husband, her youngest four (of eleven) children, two dogs and two cats. Her first memory of books was when her mother read to her as a small child. She began writing as soon as she could put letters together to form words. Her first story at the age of six was about a performing horse that ran away from the circus. As she got older and read more of a variety of books, she would say, “I can do better than that” and then rewrite them in her head. She was writing fanfiction before fanfiction was a ‘thing’. 

In high school and college, she won journalism and special recognition for her academic and fictional writing. Alyssa is a firm believer in all things spanking. She loves writing about domestic discipline and power exchanges between strong, intelligent women who are not afraid to make a stand and men confident enough to give them their space but Alpha enough to keep his woman safe, in spite of herself. Her characters predominately live in Regency England amongst lords and ladies, in the contemporary realm amongst men and women of the world, and all things Cowboy.  Contact her, she loves to chat, and as always, have a Spankolicious day!


You can find Alyssa online:


Twitter: @blushingalyssa

Blog/web page: 

[email protected]



Also by Alyssa Bailey and Blushing Books!


Cowboy Welcome

Taming Texanna


Chase Abbey Series:

Lord Barrington’s Minx (book 1)

Becoming Lady Barrington (book 2)

Lady Caroline's Defiance (book 3)


The O’Connor Series:


Liam & Jocelyn’s Story

Her Sweet Complication, Liam O’Connor Book 1

Liam’s Lessons, Liam O’Connor Book 2

Loving Liam, Liam O’Connor Book 3


Ciaran and Katherine’s Story

His Gentle Persuasion, Ciaran O’Connor Book 1

Rancher’s Creed, Ciaran O’Connor Book 2

Katie Consents, Ciaran O’Connor Book 3






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