Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (16 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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They arrived at the gardens, and Phillip pulled out a picnic basket for them to share. He was a gracious host.

“Oh!” Piper exclaimed as she looked around. “The Gardens are lovely.” People walked and sat amongst the botanical gardens, fountains, and gazebos on this beautiful spring day.

Sybil giggled. “They sell beer here too.” She squeezed Piper’s upper arm.

“Oh, Sybil. You shouldn’t.” Piper’s mouth hung open at her cousin.

Sybil giggled again. “I’m almost married. What does it matter?”

“I thought so. I’m so happy for you.” Piper kissed her cousin’s cheek.

“Thank you. I’ve felt adrift in the world since I lost Momma and Papa. It is so nice to have so much to look forward to.” Sybil beamed with happiness.

Piper felt her own joy deflate a little. She knew exactly what Sybil meant. Piper felt lost too. She wished she could find what Sybil had found in Ethan. Barrett flashed in her mind, but she pushed the thought away. He was not offering the life to her that Ethan was offering Sybil.

Her cousin peeled off to track down glasses of beer and Ethan vanished with her. She turned to chat with Phillip but he wasn’t there. Barrett would never leave her alone like this.

As if he knew she was thinking about him, Barrett was suddenly next to her. His hand came under her elbow. She had hoped with some time away he would have less of an effect on her. But the truth was, her reaction was even stronger. The time away from him had made her crave him much more.

“Why are you alone?” He growled.

She stiffened. “Phillip is here somewhere. Sybil and Ethan went to get…” she paused. She didn’t need to explain to him.

His face looked black. “You aren’t really considering that spineless twit, Stanford.”

“Hush, he might hear you.” She suddenly spied Phillip setting up a blanket for the picnic. He surely hadn’t realized Sybil and Ethan had gone off.

“There you are,” he called. He noticed Barrett. “Your Grace. How wonderful to have you join us. Would you care to picnic with us?” Phillip sounded sincerely delighted. Piper shook her head. Didn’t he see the way Barrett was holding her elbow?

“Wonderful idea.” Barrett plopped down on the blanket, pulling her down next to him. Piper’s insides fluttered. She hardly knew what to do. Barrett was making it hard to concentrate when she had planned to spend time with Phillip.

The two men made light conversation as Piper sat like a stone. How had this happened? When Sybil returned with several beverages, she took one because she didn’t know what else to do.

It was cool and bitter on her tongue but not unpleasant. She took a sip and then another. She stared at the group around her. Everyone seemed to find this arrangement completely normal. She saw Ethan give Barrett a withering look; one Barrett completely ignored.

Piper took another sip of her drink and then another. “Should we walk before we eat?” Phillip suggested.

“Absolutely, what a marvelous idea,” Barrett replied enthusiastically.

Piper was completely mystified by his enthusiasm until she heard Barrett’s next comment. “You are the most experienced. Why don’t you lead us on a little tour?”

Piper’s eye’s narrowed. Barrett knew how much Phillip liked to give tours. She took another sip of her beverage. A funny giddiness was spreading through her body. How curious. She went to stand and her legs wobbled. Barrett put his hand under her elbow again. “Watch your step. Have another drink. It’s delicious, isn’t it?” He grinned at her.

He was up to something. Piper knew it, but her brain was a little fuzzy and she couldn’t figure out what it was he was doing.

Philip was overjoyed to lead the way. He marched ahead pointing out various attractions. Piper took another sip of her drink, suddenly not understanding a word. Barrett’s hand was on her back and heat was seeping through her dress where he was touching her.

“You look ravishing,” he whispered in her ear.

“Stop it.” She gave him a little push.

“You’ve gotten much surlier since becoming an heiress.” He cocked one eyebrow as he gave her a sidelong glance.

“Very funny. You are as incorrigible as ever. And you’re not supposed to be here.” She sniffed. How had he heard about that?

“I can be at The Gardens whenever I want. Besides, Phillip invited me to join the group.” He was playing dumb.

“Phillip is a foo…” Piper clamped her mouth shut.

“I’m glad you think so.” Barrett pulled her off the path and around a hedge. He looked incredibly satisfied.

Piper allowed him to do so because she had a few things she wanted to say. “Is this your plan? You are not going to marry me. You’re just going to disparage every other candidate. Really. I don’t know why I talk to you at all.” She stamped her foot lightly huffing at him.

He only laughed. “I love how feisty you are.” Then he quickly grabbed her and pulled her towards him. She opened her mouth to object when his lips came down on hers, his tongue thrusting into her mouth.

Piper forgot every scathing thing she was about to say as her body lit on fire with that kiss. Her brain was foggy from the beer and she forgot to be indignant.

His tongue plundered her mouth. Piper wasn’t aware of anything else but Barrett raised his head. “Someone is coming. We should catch up to the group.”

Piper gave her head a shake. Just like that, they returned to the back of the group. Phillip was still talking; they hadn’t even moved far. Ethan looked back, eyeing Barrett with suspicion.

Barrett was smiling angelically and Piper looked at him bewildered. Realization slowly dawned. He was deliberately sabotaging her outing with Phillip. Her breath came in short gasps. “Why are you doing this?”

“He isn’t right for you. If you’re this affected by me then you shouldn’t marry him.” Barrett gave her a smug look.

Her eyes narrowed. She was going to give him a taste of his own medicine.

She unhooked her arm from Barrett’s and stomped to the front of the group. She put on her most winning smile as she laced her arm through Phillip’s. She let a husky laugh drift behind her. “Mr. Stanford, you are so knowledgeable. How could you possibly remember all of that?” She batted her eyelashes and Phillip beamed at her.

A little twinge of guilt twisted her insides. Phillip looked beside himself with joy. She would have slid back to the end of the group, but then she distinctly heard Barrett growl. She moved closer to Phillip. “Tell me, Mr. Stanford. What do you do when you’re not giving brilliant tours?”

“As I have told you, my passion is art collecting. But I am also fascinated with history.” He pointed to a statue and began to tell her the story of the hero it was based on.

She kept the smile plastered to her face. She had started this after all. The group finally made it back to the blanket and food was passed around. She sat next to Phillip. Barrett sat directly across from her. He glowered at her the entire time.

Phillip droned incessantly and she tried to pay attention. Twice she remembered her time with Barrett in the hall and her cheeks filled with heat. Once she thought about the way his skin would feel against her own. She turned bright red. Too many times to count she remembered their time in the carriage. The entire time Barrett watched her.

He had once told her some women found him intimidating. That had been her initial reaction. He had stood there on the docks assessing her with his intense stare. He had singlehandedly fended off four men. But after that moment, she felt safer with Barrett then she did anywhere else.

She turned to Phillip. Nothing about Phillip inspired a woman’s confidence. He would not fight off thieves or even notice if they stole her away. She sighed. Phillip did not melt her bones. Life with him would be completely predictable and utterly boring.

She thought about her feelings this morning. Her sudden desire to be settled. It was because of her mother’s illness but it was also because of Barrett. He brought that feeling out in her. How curious that a man could both excite her and make her wish to be a wife.

Her hand rose to her temple. She was tired of thinking in circles. She wanted a man she couldn’t have. He made her want marriage but he wouldn’t marry her.

As the beer wore off, her head began to throb. Ethan and Sybil sat with their heads bent together, lips close, talking quietly with one another. They brushed each other with their fingertips. Piper looked at her lap again.

Phillip was still talking, “You know the amazing thing about the French and Indian war was how much disease factored in…”

Piper cut him off, “Mr. Stanford, please forgive me. I find I have a terrible headache. Do you think we could continue this discussion another time?”

“Oh, of course. Yes. The sun is getting stronger. It can offend the eyes after a while.” He began packing up. Piper stood and shook out her skirts. Asher had been right. Five was a crowd.

Barrett stood as well. He moved to her side but she moved away. She helped Phillip fold the blanket and then the entire group began to move towards the carriage.

Barrett said goodbye to everyone, but Piper gave him a frosty farewell before climbing into Phillip’s carriage.

Back at the house, Phillip quickly said his goodbyes and Piper, Ethan, and Sybil retired to a sitting room. Piper laid on a settee and closed her eyes. As soon as her aunt arrived, she would retire upstairs.

“Do you really have a headache?” Sybil came to sit next to her, rubbing her temples.

“Yes,” she grumped.

“Who wouldn’t? That may be the most boring man I have ever heard speak and I have heard a lot of boring men. Why, I once had dinner with an earl who spent the entire evening talking about his musket collection.”

“Was it the Earl of Winthrop?” Barrett’s voice flowed over her like honey. When it wasn’t angry, it was such a rich baritone.

Sybil laughed. “Why yes. Clearly you have met him.”

Piper opened her eyes to glare at him. “What are you doing here?”

His eyebrows went up. “How are your recovering from your grief? It must have been so difficult to have lost your uncle.”

Piper glared harder. She hadn’t asked yet, but now she was more certain he was involved. “Somehow I am coping with the loss of an uncle I never knew existed. But I’m having a more difficult time with a duke who defies every social convention? Why must you walk in and out of my house as you please?”

“Piper, he does that with everyone. Being a duke, he thinks he can do whatever he wants.” Ethan stood, also glaring at Barrett.

Barrett did not respond to either of them but walked over to Sybil and Piper. “May I?” He gestured for Sybil to step away.

Sybil started to get up but Piper pulled her back down.

Barrett sighed. “My mother suffered from terrible headaches. I found I could soothe many of them away. Ethan, would you get Piper some tea?”

Sybil got up and Barrett took her spot. He placed his thumbs on her temples and began to rhythmically massage from her temples, across her brows to the bridge of her nose. His breath fanned her face and his hip pressed into hers.

She didn’t know how long it lasted, but she found herself relaxing from her head to the tips of her toes. It was so soothing. He finally lifted his fingers from her face. Her eyes fluttered open, and she realized Ethan was also standing over her with a cup of tea in his hands.

She sat up and took the tea. Barrett was still sitting with his hip pressed against hers.

“Better?” he asked gently.

“Mmmm,” she replied. The headache was completely gone, but she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of saying so.

“Good,” he brushed a piece of her hair back as he spoke.

Ethan stared intently at Barrett. Ethan’s handsome face was twisted and Piper didn’t know why.

“If you will excuse us, ladies, Barrett and I have some business to discuss.” Ethan crossed his arms staring at his friend.

“You’re not leaving already?” Sybil jumped up and skipped into his arms. He dropped his head to whisper in her ear. She smiled softly.

Piper looked away. Her expression pained. Barrett leaned over to whisper in her ear, “And to think we are responsible for introducing them.”

She continued to look away. “I am very happy for them.”

“Then why do you look so sad?” His voice was just a whisper.

Piper clamped her lips closed. She had this habit of telling Barrett the truth. “I’m not,” she mumbled.

“You don’t have feelings for him do you?” Piper almost laughed. He could growl even when he whispered.

“Don’t be absurd. I am very happy for Sybil. Before I came to New York I was worried about her finding someone. But it is me who should have been worried.” She shook her head.

“Piper,” he started.

“Thank you for all of your aid with my mother and all of the help you have given me. I will be forever grateful.” She kept her face turned away but he gently grasped her chin and turned her face towards his.

“You’re welcome,” he whispered again.

She scooted herself around him and got up from the settee. She began to walk away but he reached for the arm. Barrett leaned over and pressed his lips to her ear. “Wait, don’t you even want to talk about the picnic?”

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