Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (26 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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He was having trouble concentrating today. Scenes from the night before kept playing over in his mind. Even he hadn’t imagined how lovely Piper was or how perfect lovemaking would be. He should be sorry they didn’t wait but he wasn’t. A stolen night in the garden had been utterly perfect.

But he had to make this marriage happen quickly. He sighed as he realized he had lost his place again. He was about to start over when a knock sounded at the door.

“Come in,” he called.

Tom poked his head through the door. “Have you got a minute?”

“Of course.”

“I want to talk to you about my future.” Tom sat in the seat across from his brother. “Is Ethan moving to England?”

Barrett’s eyebrows raised up. “I thought we were talking about your future. And yes, part of the year, Ethan will live in England.”

Tom took a deep breath. “I appreciate you offering to buy out the Earl but if I am going to be a worthy husband, I need to have a place in the world. I want to help you with your business. I don’t want to just take money.”

Barrett assessed his brother. Tom was far more grown than he had been a few years ago. “What did you have in mind?”

“Start me at the bottom. I am willing to learn and I am willing to work.”

“Very well, you can start with these ledgers. I need them balanced. I will check them tonight.” Barrett wasn’t about to put his brother on the ships. His mother would never forgive him. But they could use someone to do the administrative work while he and Ethan managed the business.

“You should check on Piper while I am working. Mother went to visit them this morning.” Tom came around the desk to sit in front of the books.

“What?” Barrett’s voice growled out.

Tom gave his brother a sideways glance. “Just go.”

Without another word, Barrett headed for the door.



Saddling his horse
, he rode to Piper’s rather than taking a carriage. It was faster and he needed to be doing something as he grew more restless with each passing minute. His mother was meddling, that much he knew for certain. And while he didn’t know how bad it would be, he sensed something was wrong.

He didn’t even bother to tether his horse when he made it up the drive. He simply vaulted off the beast and dashed up the stairs. He didn’t bother to knock. He launched himself into the house.

The butler came rushing out but stopped short at the sight of Barrett. “What are you doing here?”

Barrett’s eyes narrowed. The butler didn’t like him because he came and went as he pleased but the question was beyond rude. He sensed surprise rather than annoyance in the man’s voice. Something was wrong.

“Where is Piper?” His mother came down the stairs. Barrett didn’t even look at her. The Butler opened his mouth then closed it again. Then, without a word, he walked into the study.

Barrett was about to lose control when the man returned with a piece of paper in hand.

Barrett quickly scanned the words, a knot forming in his chest. His mother called to him. “I need to speak with you.”

He ignored her and turned to the butler instead. “I didn’t send this. How long ago did she leave?”

“Not ten minutes ago.” The butler had gone pale.

“Barrett,” his mother’s voice was more insistent.

“Explain to my mother what has happened.” He addressed the butler. He had given the poor man a terrible job but there was nothing to be done for it now. He couldn’t waste precious time. “We’ll talk later, Mother.” He walked out the door. He would deal with her, and whatever she was scheming, after. Right now, Piper was in trouble.

He climbed back on his horse and kicked the beast into motion. At least he knew where to go. And he would travel much faster by horse than she would in the carriage. It was so like Piper to think he was in trouble and go rushing head long into a situation without thinking it through. If he caught her in time, he would ring her neck after he was done kissing her silly.

He weaved around carriages and people through lower Manhattan, heading for the docks. Twice he thought he saw her carriage but it turned out to be the wrong one.

He picked up speed trying not to think about what could be happening to Piper. Who was luring her to the docks? Why were they doing it? Asher and the man with the scar came to mind. Ethan had asked around about him and found out his name was Ian Durby. He was a criminal for hire but he had a bad reputation with women.

Barrett had planned to track him down and make sure he paid for his role in Piper’s first abduction, but he hadn’t had the chance. His family, his fiancée, and his business had kept him occupied. With Asher, he would take different tactics. He would squeeze that man out of New York. If either was involved today, they would pay dearly.

He frowned as he urged the horse faster. He should have taken care of that man sooner. The docks loomed in front of him and he took a sharp right to where The Destiny was docked. It was nearly noon and the wharf thrummed with activity. Sailors walked about and carriages full of goods blocked the streets. Barrett tried to move faster. Suddenly a woman’s scream rent the air. Barrett kicked the horse and nearly ran a man over as pushed towards the sound of the scream.


Piper sat in the carriage twisting her hands together. She was nearly at the ship. She didn’t know what to think. It was out of character for Barrett to call her to the docks. Normally he would storm into her house scowling.

Even his note was strange. He had sent her more than one and they had never been so short or so shaky.

Something must be really wrong.

She thought back to the first night she met him. Four men hadn’t scared him in the least. He had yelled at her for being on the docks alone. That was another odd thing, would he actually call for her to come to the docks by herself?

Like a flash of lightening, Piper suddenly realized she shouldn’t be here. Something was wrong but not with Barrett. Barrett would never have called her here. If she hadn’t been so distraught about his mother and her mother conspiring, she would have seen it sooner.

She grabbed an umbrella and banged on the front of the carriage. “Turn around! Go back!”

The carriage stopped. It started than stopped again. Piper felt a knot of fear twisting in her stomach. She peeked out the window. The wharf was very busy and the driver was trying to get the carriage turned around.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Asher Grey and the scar-faced man approaching the carriage. She snapped the shade closed and banged on the carriage again. “Go now! Hurry!”

The carriage leapt forward and began rolling but stopped a third time. Piper gripped the umbrella tighter as the door snapped open and Asher Grey stepped inside.

She didn’t stop to find out his intentions. She let out a piercing scream on the busy wharf. Surely someone would come to her aid.

She heard a male cry and then the sound of something heavy dropping to the ground. She had a split second to register it was the driver before Asher closed the door and waved a knife in her face. “We’re not messing around this time. You be quiet and do as you’re told.”

She nodded once, her eyes wide with fear. The carriage began rolling again, but she had no way to know where they were going. To abduct her in such a busy place was brazen indeed. Surely Barrett would find out and come for her. But Asher looked dangerous today and she didn’t say any of it out loud.

“That damned Duke won’t save you today. Gave me a nasty bump on the head.” He waved the knife again.

Piper gulped. “But Mr. Grey, His Grace didn’t knock you out. The man with the scar—“ She stopped because he was leaning his face very close to hers, and he pushed the tip of the knife into her skin just below her jaw.

Piper trembled with fear. He pushed the knife a little further. Her skin burned. “Careful what you say now, girl. I want a beautiful wife but I want an obedient one too.”

“Mr. Grey, p-p-please. I am telling you the truth. He knocked you out. We both fell then he threw me in the carriage. He called me a tasty treat and then he ripped my dress. Only then did His Grace come and knock him out. I’ve no reason to lie.”

Asher’s mouth drew into a thin line. “You could be pitting us against each other. Playing me for a fool.”

Piper’s lips parted to speak but she didn’t know what to say. She closed them again and a tear slipped down her cheek.

She was frightened this time. The noise outside the carriage had quieted and Piper shook harder. He pulled the knife away from her throat. Piper could see her blood on the tip and she raised her hand to cover the wound. Another tear slipped down her cheek.

Asher handed her a handkerchief and she accepted it, pressing it against the wound. “Is what you are telling me the truth?”

“Yes,” she whispered meeting his eyes. She tried to take a deep breath to steady her nerves.

“Come sit on this seat. No shenanigans this time or there will be hell to pay.” She did as she was told and he sat her between him and the door.

He was using her as a human shield. This was the man who wanted her as a wife? She would never marry a man like him. Her future husband would protect her.

The carriage slowed down and Piper started trembling again. He poked her with his finger but she jumped. She had been afraid it was the knife. “You keep quiet now.”

She gave a single nod.

“Come on out. We’re here.” She heard another voice call. It was not her driver and she bit her lip to think what had happened to that man.

Asher pulled the curtain back slightly and peeked out the window. He immediately let it fall back into place. “Dammit all to hell,” he muttered under his breath.

Piper kept silent but she turned to look at him with wide eyes.

“Not a word,” He mumbled again. “Lay down on the seat.” He moved off the bench and squatted on the floor.

“Keep still. If you think you’re getting away from me, you ain’t. Trust me when I say you would rather be with me than with him.” He didn’t have to say it twice. Piper knew he was right. As much as she hated Asher Grey, she knew his intentions were far purer than that other man’s. “Close your eyes and pretend like you passed out.”

“What the hell is going on in there?” The door opened and Piper felt a blast of heat from the sun outside.

“She passed out. I was trying to revive her.”

“Could be more fun this way.” She felt the man’s breath on her face. She told herself to keep still.

“I told you already. I am marrying this woman. She’s high society. She ain’t for your fun.” Asher’s voice was rising in volume and Piper felt her heart beating faster. If they had a confrontation in the carriage, there was nowhere for her to go to get out of the fray. Asher’s voice broke her thoughts. “Pick her up and get her on the boat.”

The other man’s arms wrapped around her and he hauled her up against his chest. One of his hands liberally fondled her breast and Piper could barely keep still. She wanted to kick and scream with everything she had. She wanted to be sick.

He turned toward the door, pressing her closer. The feel of his body made her jerk involuntarily. Piper couldn’t keep this up. Any second she was going to be sick. “Hey, she have seizures? She’s actin’ funny—”

In a split second she was dropped out of the other man’s arms. Her head cracked on the cushion bench. Her bottom hit the floor. She sprang up and launched herself out of the open door. She turned her head for a split second to see blood spurting out of the man’s side.

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