Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (20 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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She crossed the room and reached out her hands to him. All of her cares suddenly fled as he stood in front of her. She beamed a smile at him. “I’m glad to see you.”

Every muscle in his face relaxed as he cupped her cheek with his hand and brushed his lips against her forehead. “I was worried when I didn’t hear from you.”

“Why?” she asked staring up at him with her mouth open.

He laughed shaking his head. “I am not an easy man to deal with. Some young ladies have been known to be frightened of me. I thought you might have thought better of your answer.”

“Oh, Barrett, I have spent all last night and all this morning worrying you would change your mind.” She laughed with him

“Piper,” Aunt Lizzie called. “Piper, Mr. Maddox cannot be up there. Come down this instant.”

“We’d better go. After that champagne, she’s in a terrible mood.” Piper started to head out the door but he stopped her.

“When we are together, Piper, everything is right. It’s when we are apart…” he stopped talking, kissing her forehead again.

“I agree.” She winced as she spoke.

The corners of his mouth turned down. “I know what you are thinking. My trip to England is going to be a long separation.” He squeezed her. “We are going to have to figure something out.”

Hope filled her chest. “That would be wonderful. I don’t like being without you.”

“I don’t either.” He held her hand and then began pulling her down the hall.

They walked down the stairs hand in hand and then entered the study to find her aunt and another man waiting for them.

Piper looked at Barrett, who ushered her forward. “Piper, this is my lawyer, Mr. Eggerton. Mr. Eggerton, Miss Piper Baker.”

“How do you do?” Piper curtseyed and the other man smiled his greeting.

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you wouldn’t mind having a seat.” The man gestured to a chair.

Barrett turned to her. “There are some details we need to discuss before I leave for England.”

Piper swallowed a lump in her throat.

“I understand you cannot get married before his journey, Miss Baker. These are documents that entitle you to fifty percent of Mr. Maddox’s estate should anything happen to him.” Mr. Eggerton pushed some documents in front of her.

“Wait, what?” Piper looked up at Barrett. She couldn’t quite comprehend what he had just said but she heard her aunt gasp in the background.

“I told you, Piper, I won’t leave you uncared for. If something were to happen to me, you and my brother will split the estate.”

“Barrett you can’t possibly. Nothing is going to happen to you. Your family should…” Piper couldn’t seem to force the words out and she just babbled.

“Sign the papers, Piper, and we’ll talk about all of it later. I have to resolve our next issue which is how we get you to England so we don’t spend three months apart.”

Piper felt tears welling up in her eyes. His hand came down lightly on her shoulder and she leaned her cheek against it. Her hand trembled as she held the pen.

Her aunt came up on the other side of her and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Sign the paper, dear.”

Piper looked at the other woman and then scratched a shaky signature on the page.

Barrett gave her a relieved smile and then kissed her cheek. Her aunt patted her other shoulder. Piper tried to digest what she had just done.

Mr. Eggerton took the papers and placed them in a briefcase. “If there is anything else you need, don’t hesitate to ask.” He shook hands with Barrett and walked out of the study.

As he walked into the entry, Piper heard him greet Ethan, “Good day, Mr. Wright.”

“What brings you here, Eggerton?” Ethan’s tone was quizzical.

“Speak with Mr. Maddox.” Eggerton said no more and Piper heard the front door.

Ethan entered the study as he assessed each of them. Piper knew she looked worried. Her aunt looked radiant and Barrett looked satisfied.

“How is everyone?” Ethan raised his eyebrows as he asked the question.

“We are fine. Lady Vesser, could Mr. Wright and I use the study to discuss a few pertinent matters?” Barrett turned to her aunt.

“Of course.” Aunt Lizzie gave him a glowing smile. Piper cocked one eyebrow. When had Barrett become her aunt’s favorite person?


Piper and her aunt left the study and headed for the front living room. Once there, Piper sat heavily in a chair. “What did I just sign, Aunt Lizzie?”

“You know very well, dear, that Barrett has made you fifty percent heir should something happen to him. I knew the man was silly for you but I had no idea he was in love.”

“But we’re not even married yet. We’ve never even…” Piper stopped talking and blushed.

“Well thank goodness for that. Once you are married, you would inherit at least that much. He works in shipping; he knows how volatile ocean crossings can be. He wants to make sure you are cared for on the off chance something happens. I must admit, he has an eye for details. Your father loved your mother dearly but if he had been as careful, you wouldn’t be in this situation now.”

“Aunt Lizzie, father could not help the entire country sank into a depression,” Piper chastised her aunt.

“True dear, but mark my words. Mr. Maddox has taken measures to safeguard your future against even a depression.” Her aunt patted her hand again as Sybil walked into the room.

“What happens to me if he decides to marry someone else? Am I safeguarded against that?” Piper couldn’t quiet the other fear that kicked around her mind.

“Of course not. Put it out of your head. He has already agreed to marry you.” Her aunt’s voice had an edge. But Piper couldn’t put it out of her head. Barrett was still going to England. They were still going to be apart. And his family could still convince him he had made the wrong choice. Her aunt’s words that she had no protection against that sequence of events only strengthened her fear.

Sybil looked at her cousin. “Why do you worry so? Aunt Lizzie is right. He has asked you to marry him.”

“It is different for me, Sybil. You knew right away Ethan wanted you. Barrett held out against the idea of marriage to me. And I don’t have your title or your fortune. Barrett already has a family that is depending on him to make the money. What if he decides he should actually marry a woman who brings wealth to the table instead of just taking his? I shouldn’t have signed the form. I am one more person who needs something from him.”

Sybil’s brow furrowed. “I hope I bring fortune to the table. Ethan has asked me about my estate and I am embarrassed to admit I don’t know the first thing about it. I have let the estate manager take care of everything.”

Piper stood and crossed the room to her cousin, the two women embraced.


Barrett looked at his friend. There was a lot to say and he was deciding where to begin.

“I need to ask you a favor. Can you find out more about Asher Grey and the scarred man he was with? I think Asher just wants to marry Piper but I don’t know the other man’s motives. They will both be dealt with shortly.”

“Of course. You said Asher was already knocked out. Do you think Asher knows he was double-crossed?”

“I don’t know. Piper was clear he did double-cross Asher though. The question is why. Was it a spur of the moment decision?” Barrett sat down at the desk and ran his fingers through his hair.

“We will have to start looking for answers. How long do we have until you leave?”

“Not long. A week. I want to go so I can get back.”

“That doesn’t give us much time to figure out what is happening and then you will be gone and Piper will be here in New York without you.” Ethan’s brows furrowed. He looked worried.

“Damn. I can’t leave Piper here, unprotected.” Barrett rubbed his brow with his thumb and his forefinger.

“Why was Eggerton here?”

“You know the business goes to you should anything happen to me, but I have taken the estate and all my assets and divided them between my brother and Piper.” Barrett rubbed the back of his neck.

Ethan looked at him in surprise. “It will be Piper’s anyway when you marry.”

“I know but I have this ill feeling I can’t shake about this trip to England and I want to make sure she is taken care of no matter what.” Barrett’s fist tightened as he spoke and he forced it to relax again.

“No one wanted you to do right by Piper more than me but are you sure this is wise? What if while you’re gone, she marries someone else? What if Asher makes another attempt?” Ethan frowned.

Barrett shook his head. “There is no other choice. Piper has to come to England. I can’t bring her on the boat with me. I need a little time with my family before Piper arrives and there is no way I can keep my hands off of her for that…” Barrett stopped talking. He was acting like Piper, saying too much. He smiled despite himself thinking of the way she told him whatever was on her mind.

Ethan grinned back. “I understand. As usual you are lucky to have me because I have the perfect solution. I was planning to cross in a few weeks. Sybil would like to have the wedding in England and I want to start making inquiries about the business and checking on Sybil’s estate.”

Barrett’s eyes lit with approval. “Excellent idea. That will shorten the time we are apart considerably. I will also be able to help you with the business aspect. It always helps to have a duke in England.”

“How will your family take the news?” Ethan grimaced.

“My mother is satisfied with very little. If she didn’t choose my wife herself, she is unlikely to be happy. I will keep the family estate flush with money. My brother will manage it. My mother will have to be content with that.” Barrett meant it. He couldn’t imagine returning to his former life in England now. He and Piper would make their home here in New York.

Ethan nodded. “That only leaves Piper here in New York for a week without you.”

“You will have to make your inquiries before I go. After I leave, you should probably spend most of your time here at the house.”

A grin spread over Ethan’s face. “Somehow, I will have to make it through.”


Business attended to, Barrett and Ethan left to find their fiancées. Barrett walked in to find the two women hugging. “What’s wrong?”

Sybil jumped. Piper raised her eyebrows. She, as usual, wasn’t the least bit bothered by his gruff manner. He tried to discern what was different about Piper from the other women he had been involved with.

Her beauty, her grace, her spirit, her warmth jumped to the forefront of his mind. He never thought he would be in this situation. Twisting himself into knots to marry a woman.

“Nothing is wrong. We’re women, we hug.” Piper looked away and Barrett knew she was lying. That was another thing he liked about her. She couldn’t lie to him worth a damn. He’d known many women who could lie through their pretty lips.

He didn’t press though. He already knew what troubled her. The visit to England. She said she was worried he would change his mind. As his wife, she would learn it was terribly difficult to get him to do. Piper, herself, was the only one who had any luck at it at all. He supposed she would figure that out too. He grinned to himself.

He stepped up to her side. “I will be leaving in a week…” he started to tell her.

“That soon!” she cried. Her eyes were wide and troubled.

His hand came to the small of her back. “We have a cargo ship ready to set sail. If I don’t get on, it will be weeks before another is ready. But don’t worry, Ethan and Sybil will be sailing in a few weeks and Ethan has agreed to bring you with him. You will get a chance to meet my family and I will help Ethan set up the business in England. Then we can return home.”

“Couldn’t we all go together in a few weeks?” He watched Piper bite her lip. It made him smile. Every emotion was written on her face.

“I hope you understand but I need a little time to settle my affairs.” He kept his voice soft. He hoped she understood it wasn’t because he wasn’t committed. It was out of respect to his mother and brother.

Piper nodded but her eyes still held uncertainty. He couldn’t blame her. He was returning to the family that would not approve of his marriage to her. She must be so worried.

“Perhaps you would all join me for dinner tomorrow night?” Barrett asked.

“We would be delighted,” Aunt Lizzie answered.

“Of course,” Piper replied when Barrett walked up to her.

“Try not to worry. I will see you tomorrow.” He squeezed her hand.

He let go of her hand and she immediately began wringing her hands together, her mouth tight. She was worried. He’d give anything to take her home and comfort her. But he couldn’t, so he turned and walked out the door.

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