Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (17 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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She shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“On Saturday you said it was only me,” his voice was rough with emotion.

“How can it be only you when it isn’t only me? You will go back to England and marry whoever you are promised to. You think you can have it both ways. You can’t have me and her. Stop trying.” Hurt laced her voice and Barrett’s face mirrored her pain.

He really did care for her. That somehow made it worse.

She turned to leave the room. Her aunt was standing in the doorway. As she passed, her aunt whispered, “Playing hard to get is how you get a man.”

“Oh, I don’t think there is any chance of that.” Piper shook her head.

“We’ll see, dear.” Aunt Lizzie patted her arm as she walked into the room with Sybil. “Your mother may have been right all along.”


Ethan climbed into Barrett’s carriage with him. Barrett knew another lecture was coming his way. It had been completely outrageous that he had shown up at the picnic uninvited. Though Stanford didn’t seem to notice. It had been even more outrageous that he had kissed Piper. He didn’t have a right to be jealous. Piper was correct on that front, but he couldn’t seem to help himself.

He ran his fingers through his hair. Maybe he should return home. Settle into the title and take a wife. Perhaps if they both moved on, he could forget her.

“I’m getting married.” Ethan’s words broke him out of his thoughts.

“Congratulations.” Barrett reached over a shook his friend’s hand.

“Thank you. We have a few details we will have to work out. The first is our business. I will have to spend at least part of the year in England. Sybil has duties there.” Ethan was giving Barrett a level stare. Barrett had to appreciate his friend. Ethan could match him in intensity when it was required.

“We already do business in Europe. This is an opportunity to expand. Perhaps we can slowly transition our base to England for both of us.” Barrett returned his friend’s stare. This couldn’t be why Ethan was being so cryptic.

“There is something else. You and I are partners and Sybil and Piper are cousins. Is that going to be a problem?” Ethan leaned forward, his eyes even more intense.

“Why would it be a problem?” Barrett shrugged.

“You’ve made it clear you won’t marry her. She will marry someone else. You will marry someone else. Because you are both so close to Sybil and me, you will have to socialize with Piper and her husband on occasion.” Ethan sat back in his seat.

Barrett felt like a weight had been dropped on his chest. The thought of another man touching Piper, holding her hand, putting his arm around her waist, it was more than he could bare. “Bloody hell,” he muttered. He squeezed his eyes tight.

“When I saw you kissing her at your house last week, I knew you were mad for her. But when I saw you massage her head today…my friend, you are completely and utterly in love. You touch her like she is the most precious thing in the world. I already told you my thoughts on your relationship with Piper but I know how I feel about Sybil. I can’t believe you are going to give that up.” Ethan’s voice was quiet.

Barrett didn’t respond. He stared out the window. His entire body was clenched into a knot. He wanted to fight with someone. The faceless man who took Piper to bed was the most likely candidate.

His carriage pulled up to his home. He turned to Ethan who was still staring at him and probably had been this entire time. “I’d like to be alone,” he grunted.

“Do you mind if your driver drops me back at Sybil’s? I left my carriage there.” Barrett nodded. Ethan could have had his carriage follow them. He had intentionally left the carriage behind so he had an excuse to spend more time with Sybil. Jealousy rose up in Barrett’s chest. He suddenly and painfully understood Piper’s sad expression when she watched Ethan and Sybil.



Two days later
, Piper danced at the next ball of the season. She had not seen Barrett since the day of the picnic. She was relieved in a hollow sort of way. It truly made it easier to concentrate on the business of finding a husband but her life felt empty without him.

Phillip had called earlier in the day. He hinted he had real feelings for her. Piper had smiled and thanked him but her insides had clenched. If he offered marriage, would she take it? She had the inheritance so she could take her time. But she was losing hope that another man would ever make her feel the way Barrett did. In light of that, she wondered if she should just take Phillip’s offer. He would provide a comfortable life for her and her mother.

Thankfully, Phillip had not been able to attend tonight. She had time to consider the matter.

She danced with several men. As the evening wore on, she found herself growing tired. Actually, she had been tired of the ball from the beginning. Another reason to just marry. She was fed up with the social scene of a single woman. She didn’t want to dance or laugh with men she barely liked.

As a handsome gentleman named Leif Hendricks twirled her around, she looked up to see Barrett staring intently at her. She quickly looked away, her cheeks filling with heat. She wanted to curse herself for reacting so.

As the dance ended, Leif began escorting her back to her family, asking to see her again. She was distracted and attempting to escape when Asher stepped in front of her.

“I’d like the next dance,” he said by way of greeting.

Piper could have stomped her foot. She would not dance with him. She mumbled an excuse about needing a rest and darted for the patio doors. She needed a few minutes to collect herself. She stepped outside and the cool night air hit her face. She took a deep breath. She never stepped outside alone but tonight had rattled her. She would stay for one more minute and then she would go back inside.

She walked to edge of the patio; it was a beautiful night with a full moon. Piper sighed. Every part of her wanted to stay here and not go back in. Another part of her wanted Barrett to join her.

As if on cue she heard the door to the patio open. She smiled to herself. She would start ignoring Barrett again tomorrow. Today, she wanted to feel his arms.

Instead another man stood between her and the door. He had a large scar down the side of his face and a hard look about him. Something in the way his eyes locked on her made her very uncomfortable.

He circled around her and whispered, “Aren’t you a pretty little thing.”

Piper’s heart pounded in her chest as she tried to decide what to do. She was alone outside and he was blocking the door. It was a gaff she shouldn’t have made in the first place.

He circled her again, his hand reaching out to touch her hair. She turned to look at him as she took a step back. It moved her closer to the door. His eyes were devouring her in a way that made her skin crawl. She took another step backwards and ran into a solid form. She turned her head quickly to see Barrett behind her. Relief swept through making her almost limp.

“Your aunt is looking for you,” he said, eyeing the other man.

“Oh…I…yes…Would you do me the honor of escorting me back?” She reached for his arm feeling even safer at the contact.

He cocked one eyebrow. “Of course.”

She thread her arm through his and practically pulled him towards the door.

Barrett, on the other hand, hesitated. He eyed the scarred man with a great deal of malice before he turned with Piper and began walking her back. “What were you thinking?” he gritted out.

Rather than being upset by his anger, Piper was comforted by his presence. She pressed herself a little closer and whispered, “I’m so glad you came to get me.”

She felt the air rush out of his lungs. “Me too. Be more careful.”

“I will,” she assured him, giving him a dazzling smile.

His expression turned dark with hunger and Piper looked down again. She could see her Aunt Lizzie sitting with Sybil and Ethan up ahead.

Barrett walked her over to them and then unhooked her hand from his arm. He bowed once and said, “Good night,” before he turned on his heel and left.

Piper’s eyebrows drew together. She was disappointed he had left so soon. He made her feel safe in a world that could be so uncertain. She straightened her shoulders and reminded herself this was what she had wanted. For Barrett Maddox to leave her alone.

“Piper, you can’t wander off like that,” her aunt chastised.

“I just wanted a little air. I was in full view of the room the entire time.” She hated to admit her aunt was right. It had been a mistake.

Her aunt glared in response but then asked, “Do you want to stay?”

She shook her head. “Nothing more will come out of this evening. We have another party tomorrow, perhaps that one will be more fruitful.”

She returned home and sat in the parlor for some time with Sybil and Ethan. Their engagement notice had gone out in the paper the day before and wedding plans were under way. Ethan finally took his leave and Piper headed upstairs.

She could hear voices drifting from her mother’s room. She moved closer to hear what they were saying. “Piper is going to be the death of me. Thank goodness Sybil is engaged. Every man who shows interest in Piper is worse than the last. And Barrett Maddox continues to hang around.”

“Well he does seem to be keeping her safe,” her mother responded easily.

“What were you thinking, trying to marry your daughter to a duke?” Her aunt sniffed.

“They had a connection, I could feel it. It is what I felt for Tom.”

“Well it is a mess now and it has completely clouded Piper’s judgement,” her aunt huffed.

“What is Mr. Maddox doing?” her mother asked.

“Lurking,” Aunt Lizzie responded.

She didn’t hear her mother’s response and she turned to leave. Of course her aunt was pleased with Sybil and angry with her. Sybil had chosen a man who was handsome and wealthy and returned Sybil’s feelings.

She headed to her room and her maid helped her undress. Piper climbed in bed and tried to sleep. Her mother would be well soon and then Piper would have her mother’s advice and help in this process. Her aunt was right. Piper just wasn’t acting like herself. After what seemed like hours, she fell asleep.

The next day Piper woke late. She got herself dressed and headed out her door for breakfast. Her aunt and Dr. Thompson were in the hall whispering furiously to one another.

“What is wrong?” Piper approached them.

Dr. Thompson winced, then cleared his throat, then winced again. “Your mother had a low grade fever this morning. It could be nothing; she could have just over done it.” He didn’t make eye contact.

Piper found herself holding her breath. Sybil came up behind her and wrapped her arms around Piper. Finally, Piper pushed out, “Or?”

“It could be a relapse.” Dr. Thompson looked directly at her this time, and Piper knew he thought this was the truth.

“I see.” She felt her insides clench in fear. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She went to her mother’s room and sat in the corner, watching her beloved parent sleep restlessly with the fever raging in her body.

A tray of tea and cakes was brought in for Piper but she barely touched it. As the afternoon wore on, her Aunt came into the room. “Piper you have to get ready for tonight.”

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