Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (5 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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Riley lets out a sigh and then says. “Well, you know Alexander is going to blame me for this right? Not that it matters. Sure, why not? I would love to live with my sisters and best friends. I just hope I get over the stupid crush I have on Kid! The bathroom scene should help. I know I'll be seeing him, and it will be hard seeing him with those tramps. I’m always hearing about the Babes from the Brothers, about being with them. It's like sharing a hooker! They are just skanky Sadie! I do not understand how the guys could be with someone who will give them some STD they will have to live with the rest of their lives. I pray they don’t fall in love and bring any of that nasty snatch, diseased bullshit home. That right there might just be what keeps me from ever wanting to date or fuck one of the Rage Ryderz” I probably look like a fish out of the water now. I have never heard my sister talk about anyone like that! My sister loves everyone; she is always telling me not to Judge. Wow, did my sister really say “hooker” and “tramp”? Kid is going to influence my sister; this is gonna be so much fun when he realizes, that he and Riles belong together. If he hasn’t fucked it up! I have a feeling when that day comes we'll all feel the fireworks going off all around them. I will be damned if I don’t stick around to watch that show. Kid needs to be put down a notch or two, and it would be hilarious to watch Riley bring that man-whore to his fucking knees. I hope she makes him suffer and chase her. Kid Rage needs to learn what it's like to have to work for something. Too much has been given to him in his life, and he hasn’t had to work for much. Leaving those thoughts behind I know our rooms need to be packed. Deciding what we want to take with us knowing we won't come back and get anything else, we get busy.


“Well, Sadie, what room do we want to start in?" Riley's thinking. “Sades, you have a ton more things than I do, so maybe we should start with your room. Your closet will take us at least four hours to box up, then your bathroom stuff. Now that I’m thinking about it, Sadie girl why don’t you pack your stuff and I will work on mine? It only seems fair to me.” Riley says with a huge smile on her face. I knew Riley was kidding, but I mean seriously! I have a passion for clothes, she has a passion for her computer. So, I give my sister a look letting her know that I’m not impressed. Riley looks at me, and I can tell she's trying to keep a straight face it's not working. Her smirk turns into a full blown laughter. Riley has this laugh that you can’t help but join in, it's contagious.


That is how we spent the day. Waiting for Sky to finish up what she had to do. We worked and laughed, listened to music, and we had our rooms packed in a matter of 6 hours. Then it is moving time. Once, we are completely moved out of my father’s house and settled, my dad and I are going to talk. If he can't deal, he'll be out of my life. I just hope we don't lose our Mom. As we were pulling ours stuff down the stairs to be ready for our help to show up, we hear the garage door open. Thinking it's Mom I called out to her "meet us in the living room." You can imagine ours surprise as dad walks in, and immediately he screams at Riley for an explanation for the mess. This wasn't going to end well. I send my Mom a text, she replies immediately. She's on her way and will be home in five minutes. I ask dad "Please have a seat in the living room, and calm down I will get you and drink, and would like to have a conversation with you."


My dad, of course, couldn’t wait for Mom to get home, Riley explains to him that she has an opportunity to move out. My dad looks ok with that until my Mom walks in and I take that as a sign. I say, "I’m going with her, I’m unhappy living at home. I feel that you aren’t happy unless you're controlling me and don’t care about my happiness."


Then all hell broke loose….






Thank God! That text with Sadie just made my day. I’m so excited to help get them out of that house! I cannot believe my brother! Does he know how Riley has been hurt by every man that has ever entered her life? (How it is that one person! One can bring up every one of her insecurities out in one damn dinner? I thought that my brother might be good for her, he ruins good things that come to him.) I just do not understand, I have seen the way his eyes follow her. The past year if she is around him never lets her out of sight. Kid says he is not ready for a serious relationship, he's letting fears of what happened with Vapor effect his decisions. I see the look on his face when he is watching Mom and dad, and even Ryder and me. He has a longing; he thinks he hides it from us, but he isn't, and the restaurant bitch! I don’t even know what to make of that. That's the first time I've seen him with a woman in a long time. He has been keeping to himself only hanging out if Riley is around. I’m not stupid, I know what this is about, and Kid wants to talk about how he messed up at dinner last night. What I’m trying to figure out is, if I’m going to play with him, or be serious. Do I just let him get to the point and let him get off his chest? He and I are due a serious conversation. I’m not sure how much he knows about Riley’s home life, but I’m going to tell him how she is to be treated. If he thinks he can do that, I hope she can give Kid a second chance. He really is a good guy beneath the sarcasm and the impression he gave her last night. There is not a Judgmental bone in Riley’s body. Thinking about things, I’m going through the bags of food Mom had dad bring to me at the clubhouse. Surely, there is something here I can put together for Kid.


I turn my thoughts to my sisters. I feel anger toward Alexander. I hate the way the Dumb-ass treats them. The only person who can stand him is Elizabeth. He is the worst as far as stuck up rich people go. Women are usually the nasty ones at charity functions. Once Alexander and Elizabeth were together with my Mom at a function needing donations for the physical therapy department. My Mom accidentally called Elizabeth by a nickname "Liz" trying to make her feel welcome. We were all sitting at ours assigned dinner table. Sadie, my boss, and I were sitting there and I know we were both humiliated and ashamed. Ours boss Keith witnessed Alexander's horrible behavior. My god, Alexander's ears, turned red as he gave my Mom a go-to-hell look and said. “We are not low-class Lina, we go by ours given names. We do not need trashy nicknames that is for people of your lifestyle, not ours.” I remember Sadie gasping and Elizabeth's head go down in shame.


I thought I was going to have to hold my Mom back. I know it took everything in me not to kick the son of a bitch myself. I will say my Mom surprised me, as she smiled very sweetly at Alexander and said, “I will have to keep that in mind Alex” and turned and walked away. I nearly choked on my water as Sadie was hiding a laugh through her hand. I was stunned and turned to look at Alexander I thought his heart was going to explode, he looked downright livid. Have I mentioned how amazing my family is? They never let anyone put us down for the life we have chosen to live. That is why I know if my brother gets his head out of his ass, he will be a good man for Riley. Due to his slutty ways, he will never let anyone hurt her for the path she chooses to take in life. Aha, I found some mac and cheese, the kind with the creamy sauce already in the packet, so I do not need any milk. Along with that I found a package of hot dogs, I will cut those up and put in with the mac. It is not the perfect meal for Kid, but at least it is better than takeout. I’m lost in my thoughts of when someone grabs me by my waist and swings me around.


My gut reaction being raised by my dad and tormented by my brother was to go into defense mode. They both wanted to make sure if I was ever taken or attacked I at least knew how to defend myself. I just happened to make contact with Kid’s right knee as he screamed “Fuuuckk!” It took a minute for it to register who the fuck I just kicked and then I got pissed. I slapped him upside his head “What the god damn hell were you fucking doing you stupid son of a bitch!”


“Wow, sis Ryder kiss you with that mouth of yours?" He better watch it or he is going to be tasting that fucking tabasco sauce. "I’m fixing to shove some down your throat” Showing him the Tobasco sauce. I gave him my evil bitch eye, it usually works with the Brothers, but it did nothing to my brother. I’m so glad right now that I’m a girl; my brother would never put his hands on a woman, or he would suffer the hands of every Rage Ryderz Brother. Honestly though not sure that I would tell them considering I’m the one who attacked him first. I will have to say that If any member is caught hitting a woman old lady or not they are in trouble. That is one of dad’s no-no’s, and he will take you to the shed. My dad saw some pretty bad shit when he was younger. He would call my Uncle Jed. (My Uncle Jed use to be with us in the Rage Ryderz MC.) Uncle Jed takes men out to the wood shed. Literally! My Uncle Jed always came back with a pissed off look on his face.


This day was not turning out the way I wanted it to. Whenever I bring up my Uncle Jed, I become depressed. I’m missing my Uncle Jed and the ““Lost Devils Outlaws””. (That is my Uncle Jed's 1% MC he started) I need to check up on him; it has been two years since I have seen him. I hope he is planning on coming to town sometime soon. He always makes me want to come up with a reason to keep him here with me. I have tried so many ways to talk him into staying. Even our love for him can’t keep him still.


“So tell me big brother what has you coming by tonight?” He looked at me, and at that Moment, the look he gave me was the look he used to use as a little boy. He would give it to Mom after she accidentally left him with old lady Chambers. She use to make him clean out her pantry and watch soap operas. He was so miserable while he was over there. My brother was an extremely strong man whom never showed anyone his emotions. Not even with me and we were more like best friends than siblings. With a smile, I reminded him he can tell me anything. I will never give up on my big brother no matter how stupid his decisions are. “Sis I really screwed up didn’t I? My heart broke last night when I heard you talking to Ryder. I was walking down the hall heading to my room with a bottle of Jack looking for a way to relax. He must not like the evil look I’m sending his way because he carries on. "No, do not look at me like that I was not eavesdropping I was simply walking down the hall. You do realize when you’re screaming your voice travels in that old building. You were screaming, and it is not as if I could help hearing what you were saying. I slept on it last night, and I was pissed as hell! I mean you’re my best friend. I know you have loyalties to others, but I would have never jumped to conclusions without coming to you first. I feel like I should be mad at you for trying to rosin my future, and I meant future as in down the road. Like I said I thought that I knew she would be mine at some point just not now. I need to know she will not be emotionally hurt by me."


“I was supposed to meet dad this morning for coffee. Of course wouldn’t you know he and Mom were both there together wanting to have brunch. Did you know that she and Elizabeth had one drunken night where Elizabeth let some things slip out? By that look, I’m going to guess no. Their conversation is private and I will let Mom tell you. If I do I’m just going to lose it I can't talk about it again. The only thing conclusion that kept coming mind was Riley is mine. I’m the one who is going to protect her, love her and she will be my old lady and at some point my wife! How fucked up is that?”


I knew something would happen to make him see that she is the one. Now we have to figure out how to get Riley give him a chance. I slapped my hand on my forehead and gave Kid a look of (oh shit we might be in trouble). “Kid you do know after last night you’re going to have a lot to prove to her, right? I also wanted to say to you that I’m sorry that you heard me. I was just upset, and I’m so tired of watching Riley be hurt by Alexander. You didn't know it, you did the same thing. I was worried about my friend, but you’re very special to me."


“I love you, but you we've had a good life, she hasn’t. I will talk to her, but you will have to put in the work yourself. I will tell you one thing though, if you fuck it up again I will not help you. I can’t I won’t, be part of her getting hurt again.” I looked at my brother and until that Moment, I hadn't noticed how tense he was. His shoulders relaxed, and the lines around his eyes relaxed. If I hadn't believed him before that he was serious about Riley, there was no doubt in my mind now.


“Just some help to you. Sadie and Riley are moving in with me tonight, and I was about to call dad and see if he would be willing to give me a hand. Do you think you and a few of the Brothers would like to provide us a hand? That would be of course if I did not mess your knee up to bad. You know if it hurts I can have one of the Brothers help Riley out. Soldier had his eyes on her at the clubhouse. She is a gorgeous woman you know. You know it could give you more time since you aren’t ready to settle down yet. Maybe he can keep her warm while you’re keeping the whores busy until you’re ready.” I know that look, and it is one that is promising retribution for my teasing. Uhhh, I think I had better make a run for it now. He chases me out the back door and through the garage. I try to make it past him and into the house through the front door, I forget how fast he is. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. He carried me to the house and started spanking my ass as he was yelling at me. “No motherfucker is touching what was mine. You better keep that in mind." I was having a blast with my brother; I can't wait until it is all six of us.

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