Free Fall

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Authors: Robert Crais

BOOK: Free Fall
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“The dialogue’s clever, and the action’s lean and pictorial, with gunshots pinging like mad pinballs.”

—Voice Literary Supplement

“Cole delivers the goods in the kind of bravura performance only a pro can give.”

—Kirkus Reviews

“This novel shows why the Elvis Cole series has become one of crime fiction’s best.”

—Detroit Free Press

“Sue Grafton’s Kinsey Milhone has become a fixture in the genre [and] Robert Crais’s Elvis Cole ought to become one, too. Cole is fast replacing Spenser as the best of the intelligent but sensitive tough guys.”

—Detroit Free Press

“Elvis Cole is lean, mean and completely lovable.”


“Crais … flips a quick, cutting wit at Hollywood hucksters, and shows a keen ear for their inane industry prattle.”

—The New York Times Book Review

“The ghostly influence is Robert B. Parker, including the wisecracks and the incessant attention to food.… But once Crais gets past the mandatory wise-mouthing and sets his story in motion, forget influences; he is his own man.”

—Los Angeles Times Book Review

“Cole noshes like Spenser … and he views the world through the same darkly moral shades as Marlowe and Archer.”

—Chicago Tribune

“Elvis is the greatest.… [He’s] perhaps the best detective to come along since Travis McGee.”

—San Diego Tribune

“Crais is in a class by himself—he is quite simply the best.”

—Eric Van Lustbader


“Far and away the most satisfying private eye novel in years. Grab this one—it’s a winner!”

—Lawrence Block

“Cole is simply the most mesmerizing new PI. in years.”


“In Crais, a new star has appeared on the private eye scene—a dazzling first novel.”

—Tony Hillerman

By Robert Crais











Available from Bantam Books

This edition contains the complete text of the original hardcover edition.



A Bantam Book

Bantam hardcover edition June 1993
Bantam paperback edition / May 1994

All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1993 by Robert Crais.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 93-18361.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
For information address: Bantam Books.

eISBN: 978-0-307-78991-4

Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada

Bantam Books are published by Bantam Books, a division of Random House, Inc. Its trademark, consisting of the words “Bantam Books” and the portrayal of a rooster, is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. Marca Registrada. Bantam Books, New York, New York.


For my father,
called away before the show.
A seat remains empty.


ennifer Sheridan stood in the door to my office as if she were Fay Wray and I was King Kong and a bunch of black guys in sagebrush tutus were going to tie her down so that I could have my way. It’s a look I’ve seen before, on men as well as women. “I’m a detective, Ms. Sheridan. I’m not going to hurt you. You may even find that you like me.” I gave her my best Dudley Do-Right smile. The one with the twinkle.

Jennifer Sheridan said, “Is what we say privileged, Mr. Cole?”

“As in attorney-client?” I was holding the door, but Jennifer Sheridan couldn’t seem to make up her mind whether to come in or leave.


I shook my head. “No. My records and my testimony can be subpoenaed, and under California law, I must provide them.”

“Oh.” She didn’t like that.

“But there is latitude. I sometimes forget things.”

“Oh.” She liked that better, but she still wasn’t convinced. I guess there’s only so much you can do with the Dudley.

Jennifer Sheridan said, “This isn’t easy for me, Mr. Cole. I’m not sure I should be here and I don’t have much time. I’m on my lunch hour.”

“We could talk over sandwiches, downstairs.” There was a turkey and Swiss on a French baguette waiting for me in the deli on the ground floor. I had been thinking about it for most of the morning.

“Thank you, no. I’m engaged.”

“That wasn’t a sexual proposition, Ms. Sheridan. It was a simple offer to share lunch and perhaps more efficiently use both our times.”

“Oh.” Jennifer Sheridan turned as red as a beating heart.

“Also, Ms. Sheridan, I’m getting tired of holding the door.”

Jennifer Sheridan made up her mind and stepped past me into the office. She walked quickly and went to one of the two director’s chairs across from my desk. There’s a couch, but she didn’t even consider it.

Jennifer Sheridan had sounded young on the phone, but in person she looked younger, with a fresh-scrubbed face and clear healthy skin and dark auburn hair. Pretty. The kind of happy, innocent pretty that starts deep inside, and doesn’t stop on the way out. That kind of pretty. She was wearing a light blue cotton skirt with a white blouse and a matching light blue bolero jacket and low-heeled navy pumps. The clothes were neat and fit well, and the cuts were stylish but not expensive. She would have to shop and she would have to look for bargains, but she had found them. I liked that. She carried a black imitation leather purse the size of a Buick, and when she sat, she sat with her knees and her feet together, and her hands clutching the purse on her lap. Proper. I liked that, too. I made her for twenty-three but she looked eighteen and she’d still be carded in bars when she was thirty. I wondered if I looked old to her. Nah. Thirty-nine isn’t old.

I closed the door, went to my desk, sat, and smiled at her. “What do you do, Ms. Sheridan?”

“I’m a secretary for the law firm of Watkins, Okum, & Beale. We’re in Beverly Hills.”

“Is that how you found me?” I work for Marty Beale, time to time. A little skip-tracing, a little missing persons. That kind of thing.

“I peeked in Mr. Beale’s reference file. He thinks highly of you.”

“You don’t say.”

“They don’t know that I’m here and I would appreciate it if you didn’t say anything.”

I nodded. “On the phone you said something about your boyfriend.”

“My fiancé. I think that he’s mixed up in some kind of criminal thing. I’ve asked him, and he denies it, but I know that something’s going on. I think he’s scared, and that worries me. My fiancé is not scared of very much.”

I nodded again and tucked that away. Fearless Fiancé. “Okay. What kind of crime are we talking about?”

“I don’t know.”

“Is he stealing cars?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Is he embezzling?”

“No. It wouldn’t be that.”

“How about fraud?”

She shook her head.

“We’re running out of choices, Ms. Sheridan.”

She glanced into the big purse as if there were something inside it that she was hoping she wouldn’t have to show me, as if the purse were somehow a point of no return, and if she opened it and let out whatever was inside, she would never be able to close it again or return the elements of her life to a comfortable or
familiar order. Pandora’s Purse. Maybe if I had a purse like that, I’d be careful of it, too.

I said, “I know it’s hard, Ms. Sheridan. If it was easy, you wouldn’t need me. But if you don’t tell me about him, or what you think he is up to, I can’t help you. Do you see that?”

She nodded and held the purse tighter.

I took out a yellow legal pad, a black SenseMatic pencil, and made as if I were poised to copy the rush of information she was about to provide. I drew a couple of practice marks on the page. Subliminal prompting. “I’m ready. Fire away.”

She swallowed.


She stared at the floor.

I put the pad on the desk and the pencil on the pad. I put my fingertips together and looked at Jennifer Sheridan through the steeple, and then I looked at the Pinocchio clock that I’ve got on my wall. It has eyes that swing from side to side as it tocks, and it’s always smiling. Happiness is contagious. It was twelve twenty-two, and if I could get down to the deli fast enough, the turkey would still be moist and the baguette would still be edible. I said, “Maybe you should go to the police, Ms. Sheridan. I don’t think I can help you.”

She clutched the purse even tighter and gave miserable. “I can’t do that.”

I spread my hands and stood up. “If your fiancé is in danger, it is better to get in trouble with the police than it is to be hurt or killed.” Twelve twenty-three. “Try the police, Ms. Sheridan. The police can help you.”

“I can’t do that, Mr. Cole.” The misery turned into fear. “My fiancé
the police.”

“Oh.” Now it was my turn. I sat down.

Jennifer Sheridan opened the purse and took out a 3×5 color snapshot of herself and a tall good-looking kid in a navy blue LAPD summer-weight uniform leaning
against a squad car. They were smiling. “His name is Mark Thurman. He doesn’t work uniform anymore. Last year he was chosen for a plainclothes position at the Seventy-seventh Division in South Central Los Angeles.”

“What kind of plainclothes?”

“They call it a REACT team. They monitor career criminals and try to stop them before they hurt people. It’s an elite unit, and he was the youngest man chosen. He was very proud of that.” She seemed proud of it, too. “Everything was fine for the first few months, but then he changed. It happened almost overnight.”

“What kind of change?” I was thinking Kevin McCarthy.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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