Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (8 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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Oh shit, things are going to get a lot worse once Wasp gets here. He will kill Justin aka Justin. I really hope that Wasp and Elizabeth can help the girls through this. Riley could really do some good in her life. Hopefully, I become one of those good things. I’m aware I will have to take things slow which is a good thing considering I’m extremely unsure of this relationship thing. I know I was feeling so sure of myself when I was with my ma and dad earlier. Now, those feelings of being unsure have creeped their way back up into my head! Fuck, what do I do?






It isn’t very often I wake up to a 911 text from my VP. I guess I slept through the ten missed phone calls. I stretch out on the bed and go take care of business on my throne and then go and check on Momma. She hasn’t been the same since Justin robbed her blind and his dad disappeared. I couldn’t just leave her with no one. Though everything in me was screaming to go find Justin and get my family back. I want to hang his ass on the nearest tree. Or to make him bleed out and leave him in the wilderness, let all the wild animals take care of his remains. There isn’t a day that goes by that Ashton and Taylor aren't on my mind. I have to drink their memory away just to survive the day and to sleep at least once a week. My mind is always on my girls praying that they are alive, and Justin didn’t kill them to hurt me. Was their always evil lurking inside of him, I always tried to be a good big brother to him. I will never forget the first time I brought Ashton home to meet Momma. Justin couldn’t keep his eyes off of Ashton, and my beautiful girl kept saying, “baby he is just a boy with a crush. He will find himself the right woman and never look at me again.” One day he did stop looking, and I thought maybe he had found his own girl.


I wish I had trusted my instincts, Ashton and Taylor were my life. The day Taylor was born a piece of me became all hers, and making sure she was safe and happy. Protecting her from everything I did while serving my country and taking those jobs that were classified, no one could ever find out about. Or everyone and everything I held dear could be ripped from me. I changed my name joined the MC and kept my girls Anonymous from everyone, thinking I could have my happily ever after. Only it wasn’t my enemies or other M.C.’s needed to protect them from. It was my blood brother that was the biggest threat to them all. I will never forget the day I came home from that runs. It was a shipment of parts for extremely rare and expensive bikes.



 I walked into the house and knew right away something was not right. Ashton always left the kitchen light on for me so that I wouldn’t stumble on anything. I noticed there were a blanket and pillow on the couch, that was rare, didn’t no motherfucker stay at my house when I wasn’t home. I silently took the hallway to the back of the house and found the notepad we left each other notes on. I picked it up needing to know what was going on. Ours bed was messed up and her clothes were on the chair where she always took them off at night.


Hello my love,

 I tried waiting up for you, but I just couldn’t seem to stay awake any longer. I had just laid Taylor down when Justin stopped by claiming he had an argument with your mother and was in need of a place to sleep for the night. I didn't want to call you as I worry about you losing concentration on your runs. I knew with our conversation last night you would be home tonight or in the morning. I figured you and your brother could have your conversation then. I just didn't have the heart to tell him no seeing as he is your brother, and I would do anything for your family. I love you with all of my heart. Make sure you give your daughter a kiss from her daddy before you join me in bed. Please wake me up, I’m looking forward to a welcome home kiss from my man.

With all of my Love,



And that is the note that I read and knew that my brother had done something to my Ol’ lady. I dropped our journal and ran for my daughter’s room her crib was also empty. I called my Prez and VP knowing they were exhausted from the runs and begging them to come to my house. I needed help, and I never asked for help for myself. Those knowing that knew that they knew something was terribly wrong. While waiting for my Brothers to show I placed a call to my Momma. I asked her if she knew where Justin could be heading, that is when she broke down in tears and told me what my piece of shit little brother had done to her. When my MC Brothers showed up, I showed them the note and broke down and told them everything from my military background, to my Ol’ lady, and my baby girl, to what my brother had done. Next thing I knew an all bulletin went out to every chapter we were affiliated with, and we called in all of the markers we had. We searched everywhere for two years with no leads; it was like they never even existed. My world was shattered, and it was about to broken once more when I received a phone call from my Momma’s doctor informing me of her medical and emotional well-being. I told my Brothers I didn’t want to leave the brotherhood,( I was beginning to feel anger and resentment towards them), but they offered me some time off until they needed me again. The deal was though when they called me home I had to go. (Inside I was grateful, being here was full of so many painful memories. And I had no luck finding Justin.)


It looks like that time has come. I let Momma know that I was needed back at the compound, and she could either come with me or we could put her into an assisted living program with her best friend, Calliope. She chose to stay in her town with her friends so she could enjoy what time she had left. She could do the things older people enjoyed doing, and she could stay close with her buddies. I called Sniper and King (as the Prez went by). I knew one of them were at the clubhouse, one is always there for emergencies. King answered the clubhouse phone. Telling me I was needed back home, like yesterday. I let him know I was at a facility signing my mother in and if all went as expected I would be on the road tomorrow morning. Putting me there in one days’ time.


King sighed “Brother I really don’t want to tell you this over the phone. But you really should get on a plane and be here tonight.” My Prez said which had the hair on the back of my neck standing straight up, “Ok Prez you’re very vague here. If I’m not riding my girl home, I need to know what’s up.” I said. “Wasp, we have your family, we found them Justin has had them this whole time and it’s not a pretty story.” “What the fuck did you just say to me Prez, could you repeat that and when you do explain what the fuck you mean by it's not pretty!” I screamed over the phone to my Prez. “Wasp, I know this is hard for you, so I’m going to ignore the disrespect you’re showing me right now. We have known your family for around a year now, unaware that it was them until Justin blew up tonight and attacked Ashton and Taylor. And my boy, Skylar, Ryder and some of the rest of us stopped by to help move Riley out. Which is what Taylor's name is now. Ashton has been going by Elizabeth, and Justin has been going by Alexander. They are safe, but when you get here we need to meet. You and Ashton or Elizabeth, whatever she is comfortable going by now. You need to have a conversation regarding the girls. Before you blow up at me, yes I said girls because your Ol’ lady was pregnant when she was kidnapped from your home. At that time, she was unaware that she was.” I can’t believe what all just came out of my Prez’s mouth.



Did he really say I have another Daughter? I want my fucking family! “I’m on my way Prez but please have my girls I need to see them, I need to see her. I know you want to speak to me privately, and we will I promise. It has been so long though since I have seen my girls.” King cleared his throat then said, “Alright Wasp call us with details and I will go speak with her now. She is pretty roughed up, and Doc gave her some pain pills so we will see if I can get her up. If not before we talk I will make sure you get to lay your eyes on her. Deal?” "Prez, my daughters are they ok?” “Your girls are ok Wasp, be prepared they don’t know who you’re. We took a vote, even though, two Brothers are in love with your daughters, and we believe this should come from their parents. Sadie thinks Justin aka Alexander is her father. She has been programmed by him, but I will say she really despises him, and her loyalties are with her sister.” I grunted my response unaware of how I should respond to this news. “I will send you my arrival info Prez and thank you for the heads up. And not letting me walk into an ambush, not sure if I would recover my rep if I cried like a pussy in front of my Brothers knowing my family is alive.”


Before he could say anything, I hung up to shocked to notice I had done so. I rushed to the facility and told the administrator they would have to rush the paperwork. I had an emergency and needed to be on the next flight out. The HR lady made a call and had Momma a case worker. Who was to take care of everything for me including a call to the local church and having Momma’s house cleared out. Giving me the opportunity to call a Realtors and having it placed on the market. Once papers were signed, I ran out of the building. I jumped in Momma’s car and started making plane reservations. I found a storage for my girl. It gave me about four hours to get packed, get her to the storage and take a bus to the airport. It sounds like a lot of time, but I had been living with Momma for eighteen years give or take a few months. During that time, I had to call my girlfriend of five years, I had to let her know my family had been rescued. I knew that was a conversation that was going to be painful.


Calling Cassidy was something that I kept trying to put off. I was not looking forward to hurting her, but with just a couple hours left. I called her to see if I could stop by and talk with her. There was no more time to stall. This was going to be hard, but I will never give Ashton and my girls up. Ever!


When Cassidy opened the front door and looked at my face, she knew this wasn't a good visit. “Wasp baby, what is wrong you look like your world has been ripped apart? Sit down and talk to me.” I rubbed my hands down my face before finding the courage to hurt her. "Cassidy I care about you and I always will but I’m leaving, and I will not be returning here for anything.” Her jaw dropped as she was trying to grasp what I was saying. “Wait a minute Wasp, slow down and explain this a hell of a lot more than what you just did!” I’m getting impatient, I want to get on to the airport. “My wife and my daughters have been found; they have been rescued from their Kidnapper, and I’m on my way home to reclaim my girls. I know this hurts you, and I’m so sorry for that. You have been amazing for me, but they were and have always been my reason for living. I will be fighting for them with everything I am.”


Cassidy looks like she has seen a Ghost. Then she says. “I have so much running through my mind right now; first I’m happy they are alive and well Wasp I really and truly am. How do you know you still love her? She has been through a horrible ordeal I’m sure, and she may not be the same person anymore. I can understand you going to your daughter, but why her. I just don’t understand she may not want you Wasp!” Now my frustration is turning into anger. ”I have to try Cassidy I still have nightmares about her being taken away from me, I still cry for her and I miss her every fucking day! I’m sorry if this hurts you, but she and those girls are mine, and I’m going back to fight for my family and I will not give up until they are mine again!” I don’t give a fuck if she understands or not. The love Ashton and I shared can be found again if it has been lost I will get my family back one way or another.


Cassidy stands up, and I can tell she is fighting her tears. She is being strong for herself not wanting to give me the satisfaction of seeing her tears. She walks to the door opens it and nods with her head for me to make my exit. I walk past her and do not even look at her or kiss her forehead like I usually do. I don’t want her to think that any of those things that came out of her mouth are in any way possible when it comes to me and Ashton. I will not give up on her I don’t give a fuck if it takes another twenty years! Women like Ashton do not drop in your lap more than once in a lifetime, so I’m taking my second chance and keeping it. I had kept in my head during our conversation, to let her have her say so. I hate letting people talk to me like that! If I hadn’t been breaking up with her, I would have punished her for the insult and way she spoke to me.


I make it to the airport with enough time to spare to check in my luggage and call my VP and Shooter answers on the first ring. “Wasp, do you know when you will be in?” “Plane leaves in thirty VP, how are Ashton and my girls?” "Ashton is sitting right here looking at me with tears in her eyes scared to talk to you thinking you’re going to blame her for being gone so long.” “VP could you put your phone on speaker so my girl can hear.” I listen to the sound of speaker phone coming to life as I hear activity going on all around and then I hear the most beautiful sound in the world. It is a sob that I will never forget in my lifetime. “Ashton my girl, please do not be afraid. I’m coming home for you and our family. I have never stopped loving, you and I have never given up hope that one day I would find you. Say that's good Ashton girl?”


“Oh Wasp, I have never stopped loving you! I stayed away to protect you and our girls. The things he had and the things he threatened to do to you and your Brothers. I would rather die than ever see you hurt. I just wish he would have left our daughter with you. She deserved you and not him! I hate him Wasp, and I want my love back. Wasp, please say you think we can still have us. Everything I did by staying away, I did for you!” Oh, my Ashton girl I can hear her breaking and she's sobbing again. I don’t know what that son of a bitch did to my girl or my daughter. Once I found out, and I find him he will be begging for mercy, he will never find any from me. “Ashton girl I’m on my way to you, we will find our way back and then build it stronger from what we have had to survive. Keep your head up for me baby I’m on my way home. All of you including my Brothers and together we will all protect you.”

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