Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (2 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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"Ok Skylar, I’m on for tonight." I let Sky know, I aced my interview, and I mean thank you step-monster for that great education! I start next Monday, the weekend is all mine and tonight the girls are going out to paint the new dance floor at Vogue and show everyone how we tear it up with our dancing.


As I’m heading out to the garage, Ryder runs up to me and lets me know that my car is fixed and ready to go. Today is my lucky day! Nothing ever this good happens for me in my world. I have seen some hot men today, my car has been repaired, I got a good job at Allen’s Web Design and now I’m going out with my sister and my best friend. What a wonderful day this is!


I head home to get ready, grab my sister, and have a wild night of dancing and drinking with my girls. Sadie comes into my room so we can get ready together. "Hey Riles, what do you feel like wearing? (She loves using my nickname.) Sexy and glamorous, slutty and easy or relaxed and fun but still with the right stuff looking good?" Sadie asks me. "Let’s stick with the latter and let you look like the easy one shall we Sadie," I say to my sister with a wink. "Hahaha! You’re too funny Riles." Sadie says dramatically. "Well, I can’t help it if it just comes naturally to you Sadie girl," I say looking over my shoulder. I knew I had about five seconds to runs before she got her hands on me.


As I predicted she would, I ran as she chased me, I jumped on my bed to get away. Unfortunately, that did not stop her from coming after me. We were having so much fun running around and laughing we missed our Mom trying to get our attention. "Ladies, I just wanted to let you know that Alexander just called, and he has business that is going to take him out of town for the weekend. Tomorrow let’s go celebrate Riley’s new job and Sadie’s new school year and internship acceptance. I thought we would have a shopping day and a lunch date. How does that sound to you girls?” Mom asked us.


"Oh, wow Mom that sounds wonderful it has been such a long time since we have spent a day just the three of us. It will be so much fun just us girls!" Sadie and I squealed at our Mom. (I also couldn’t help this nagging feeling that was haunting me, somewhere in the back of my mind something felt off and I couldn’t figure out what)


We spent the next hour primping ourselves. Just as soon as we were done managing to make ourselves look like supermodels, and then we went down the stairs to tell our Mom good night, there was a knock on the door. Sadie went and opened the door, and I heard her, as she was saying, “Kid what are you doing here, Skylar was supposed to come and get us. “It’s supposed to be the girls” I walked over to the door to see what was going on. Kid looked right at me smiling and said.


"Hey Riley, I was fixing to tell Sadie that Skylar and Ryder were in the middle of a “discussion.” (Kid said using the quotation symbol with his fingers), and she asked me to come and pick you, ladies, up and escort you to the clubhouse. Some of our Brothers were kind of hoping we could tag along with you. It sounds like Sadie would have a problem with it though." Kid was joking around with us as he was telling us the hopes of his Brothers and himself. “Well, I guess that answers that. (Sadie said), and no, I did not mean it like that Kid! Jeez, I just meant that we were not planning on it." Sadie dramatically rolled her eyes at him.


"Don’t be so damn sensitive would you, you’re a biker for fuck’s sake, you’re supposed to be tough and bad-ass. Don’t take things so personal would you? I just wanted to spend some time with my BFF and sister, but you guys always make things fun ya know." Sadie said to Kid trying to make up for offending him. It looked like it was working. "Sadie darlin’ shuts up would you? Besides Tumbler has been asking when he was going to get to see you again, I think the big guy misses you when you’re not around.” Kid said. “I wouldn’t mind taking a ride on that biker. He is such a hottie; I could spend hours with him." Sadie said winking at me. "Well then Sadie girl, I think we can make that happen." Kid said with a straight face.


"Oh no, the hell you’re, not tonight you’re not! I’m not going to be stuck out at a club by myself while you and Skylar are all getting felt up by hot as men! I’m not sitting and drinking shots as I watch the world pass me by!" I screamed. "Oh, my dear sexy Riley I promise that I will personally look after your worldly welfare and make sure you’re most definitely, not left on your drinking shots watching anything pass you by." Kid said to me. "Well that is very much appreciated Kid, thank you very much for taking such an interest in my well-being. Macho-man I don't want to be stepping on your toes where you can't pick anyone up." I can’t let Kid know that he has made me feel things for the last year. "Macho Man hush, I like that. Don't worry about me, I have no interest in picking up another woman tonight. "


"Care to explain yourself, macho man, because I’m not going to ruin your night so the girls can have a night of romance," I said to his back. "For one, I would “NOT” let Ryder hear you say he and Skylar are having a nightly romance! He has been in love with her nearly his entire life! He had to fight extremely hard to get her to accept that they were going to be together. For two, I’m not leaving your side because I’m kind of hoping for the opportunity for me to get to know you a little better. Maybe be your nightly pleasure and for many, future pleasures as well." He said over his shoulder. Winking at me as he keeps walking.  (Am I hearing this correctly is this gorgeous man seriously wanting to be with me?) This is insane; we have never been alone. "I’m sure I misunderstood you Kid; you seriously wish to spend time with me or am I some charity case for you? If you’re looking to go around and say, hey guys I got that girl who doesn’t generally give it up to anyone gave it up to me. You will be disappointed with what you get “I whispered to him.”


"What in the hell did you just say to me? Did you seriously just call yourself a charity case! Do I look like the kind of man that needs to find a charity fuck to you? I can get all the damn pussy I want at the clubhouse. If you haven’t noticed, the whores there would love me to fuck them until they couldn’t stand. Do not EVER, and I mean ever insult you or I like that again because I will personally bend you over my knee and wear your ass out. That is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard in my entire fucking life Riley." Kid said as he turned around to me so fast that I almost lost my balance. His face was bright red; I think I pissed him off. I just do not understand why. No one has ever wanted me before, for anything.


Just then, Sadie cleared her throat, damn I forgot she was there. “Ok then, Riley and Kid I think it’s time to go before Mom decides to call the cops and have you picked up. Because she looks like she is about to clobber you upside the head and tie you up. Either that or she is going to have an orgasm from the words you just said to my sister. She was looking at my Mom trying to get her to laugh. It wasn’t working Mom was not laughing at all." Sadie said attempting to brighten the atmosphere. “All right biker get us outta here!”


We arrived at the clubhouse twenty-five minutes later. Skylar and Ryder seem to have gotten over their “discussion” as some would call it and were currently trying to see whose tongues could reach whose tonsils first. It looked like Ryder was taking the lead to me, but I never count Skylar out. "Do you two ever give it a break?" Kid looked disgusted as he said this. "You realize she is my sister brother? I mean really, I should be taking you out back and making you prove that you’re good enough for her. You know I love you, but no one will ever be good enough for that girl, and you know it. Not even you!" Kid said looking at Ryder like he was sick to his stomach. To top it all off, Ryder said, "Yeah don’t I know it brother, best day of my life when your sister decided that I was worth taking a chance on?"


Ryder was smirking at Kid. "All right can we get this night started I’m  starving, between my internship and working out with Hitler over here,( as Sadie pointed at me,) I feel like I’m  about to float away. Starvation does nothing for my moods. So where is my hot studs muffin for the night, you promised Kid. Please do not say you played me." Sadie said with a raised eyebrow. “No of course not, let me go and tell him you agreed to let him take you." Kid said taking off up the stairs.


Ten minutes later Tumbler came out with the biggest smile on his face. (He's one of the twins in the MC. They look like they were perfected in a test tube they are so perfect) "All right, so is it just the six of us? Or is there a possibility there's more coming along" I asked? "Nope, just us let's hit the road I’m starving. Riley we are going to take the bikes I’m glad you ladies wore jeans, but I must say I’m going to be beating some ass tonight if anyone looks at your ass the wrong way. I kind of was hoping to be the one admiring how gorgeous your body is. That ass is spectacular," Kid said with his eyes glued to my ass, not even trying to hide it. (Is this fucking guy for real?)


The guys took us to the Texas Roadhouse, and it is one of my favorite places to order a steak. And I must say I loved every second on the back of Kid’s bike. I never knew the freedom you felt from the wind and speed; it was an adrenaline rush unlike any I had ever experienced before. It also helped that I had a self-induced orgasm from the vibrations the Harley was giving. It had been such a long time since I have had an orgasm that my body was looking for a release. I have to say for a bunch of tough bikers they sure took care of us. They were smooth and respectful, not only during our ride to the restaurant, but also assisting us getting on and off of the bikes. I felt like for the first time I had someone paying attention to me.


Maybe I was attractive to Kid. I’m hoping that he is feeling just a little of what I have been feeling for him for the last year. Each of them had their hands on our lower backs as they escorted us into the restaurant. I felt beautiful and wanted for the very first time in my life. Please don’t let anything ruin this night I prayed. Kid is a dream I would love to have for just one night. One night of pure bliss.





As we walked the girls into the steakhouse, I couldn’t keep my eyes off my prize. Damn, my pants get tight every time I look at that long blond hair, that tight ass, and those high perky tits that would overflow in my hands. She's starred in so many of my dreams this last year. It’s like my private porn on repeat. She's my dream girl; my wet dream in one package. "Riley" Damn those eyes are almost entirely silver in color. I would love to have her on her knees, my cock in her mouth looking up at me with those silver molten eyes. They melt you into a puddle with one of her innocent looks. She doesn't realize it yet, but she will be under me screaming my name. I’m not looking for anything serious now, and I hope she isn't either. I don't know if I could do serious yet. I've never tried and truthfully, I’m a little terrified to try. I wouldn’t mind exploring each other’s bodies for now. She could change me If I let her have my feelin's. She has that pull on me that I've never experienced; with any of the club Babes or bitches I pick up for a night of pleasure. Just by being around her, I want her to myself, and I'll have her, to what extent is where I’m weary. I’m still too young to be with just one pussy like a little bitch. I have too many women still willing to be with me, with no strings. I want to taste many women’s bodies, explore the sounds and looks of ecstasy on their faces. It does something for me knowing I did that for them. I also love to see what different women can do for me. I want to learn my bodies’ desires from being taught as well. Satisfaction is the key to a lifetime of sexual gratification.


Thinking about it has me so hard I can barely walk straight. It doesn’t help that my distraction is right here with me. I’m no idiot, I know I’m not getting her under me tonight. It's a shame though, I bet I could loosen her up. I guess I’m going to have to find easy pussy tonight. Damn that pisses me off! I would love a tight pussy to grip my cock as I pound her so hard that I put the bed through the wall. I need something new, not something, everyone at the clubhouse has had, and that shit is getting old. Maybe I can find someone at the club and discretely get a number and hook up after Riley is dropped off for the night. What is bad is that I know when I’m done with the whore she is going to go and be with one of my Brothers. This shit is tiring. Unless we take things to her place, she will be fair game with the Brothers. Who am I to stop it from happening? My Brothers are in the same mindset as me. Same old same old gets boring, fresh is unexpected and a treat. Who wants someone that knows everything about you in bed when it is not someone you want forever? There is no attraction it is just a release needed when you’re feeling stressed. Not to mention it seems fake, and the noises are faked you want to strangle the bitch!


 As we were sitting in the booth, I notice a redhead across the room that is eyeing me and licking her lips. I look her in the eyes and make sure she looks me in mine. I know that sign, I wink at her to find out if she is down with something quick, I could take care of her. In the meantime it would make it easier to be with Riley and not be rock hard and trying to pretend I’m not. It's hard to hold down a conversation when you want to throw her over the table and take her regardless of who watches you take what you desperately have been wanting. The redhead walks by our table and gives a quick head nod towards the women’s room. I’m not dumb, but I’m a man, a single man who has had a hard on all day thanks to this gorgeous blond sitting next to me. I’m going to have to make this smooth, so no one suspects what I’m about to do. I excuse myself to go to the restroom telling everyone my stomach is feeling upset, and I follow her into the ladies room. I check to make sure we are the only ones in the bathroom and lock the door. She starts to speak as if I want to hear anything she has to say. “Hi my name is Ma-" shuts up I tell her, I’m not here to get to know you, I do not plan on exchanging numbers or taking you to dinner. If you want a walk on the wild side, I’m your man. I’m here to have my cock sucked. Then I will bang the shit out of you. If you're looking for a boyfriend, do yourself a favor and haul your ass out of here now. If you want a hard fuck I’m your man but as I said if you want to get to know someone first, you need to go back out that door now." Next thing I know the bitch has dropped to her knees and had my belt unbuckled and pants down to my knees. In record time "Commando hush...mmm I like that” then she notices the Jacobs ladder I have on my cock. It was a dare that we made during my prospecting time; Smoke dared me and Ryder that we weren’t man enough to handle the pain. You don't test someone’s manhood in front of his Brothers or father who happens to be the Prez. “Mmm”...She licks her lips and jumps on my cock as if she needs it or is going to die of starvation. Son of a mother fucking bitch!  "Jesus," I say as she sucks my cock like a vacuum trying to suck the semen out of me.

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