Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (11 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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Repeating the mantra in my head; I’m not going to cry. Other than Mom and Sadie, nobody has ever said that to me before. If this is the romantic side of Kid, I will take it. “Thank you, Kid, I want to work on my self-esteem. I don’t want the way I see myself affect the way we are together. I know my insecurities could potentially rosin our relationship. I want you to keep in mind; I have twenty years of verbal assault and being emotionally torn to shreds, it won't happen overnight. I won't give up, and I won't stop fighting if you promise not to judge me or get angry while I’m working on it.” He gives me a smile and nods his head in agreement, he has a tear sitting on his eyelash. I wonder how often he lets anyone see this part of himself. He gives me a sweet feather light kiss and rest his head on top of mine. He pulls me close to him and holds me I feel warm and happy. I close my eyes and savor this feeling, not many people in my life have shown me this kind of affection, and I want to keep this close to my heart.


*********** Sadie***********


This is a euphoric morning Riley and me. I have been holding back from Tumbler, I was positive he wanted more, but I couldn’t be away to have a relationship. My dad wouldn’t have allowed me to have a relationship with Tumbler, he controlled my relationships. Eventually, he would’ve broken us up and turned us against each other. That's the reason I kept my feelings hidden as much as possible. I tried to make everyone think that I just wanted to fuck Tumbler; I didn’t fool as many people as I thought I had. Tumbler and I can't seem to keep our hands off of each other since I’d jumped in his arms. It feels like I’m standing on clouds I’m so happy. I hear the parts of the conversation my sisters having and I feel sad for her. I always tried to make her feel loved and beautiful. I don’t understand how dad doesn't see her light up a dark room. Negative things never said about anyone, and she can joke and make me laugh line no one else. When he's treated her like a leper, she's been respectful to him. If it was me, I would’ve spit in his damn face. I will never claim him as my dad again, I say good riddance if I never see him again.


“Sadie girl, I lost you where'd you go, baby,” Tumbler asked, taking me away from the conclusion I came to. Taking the weight off of from my shoulders, it had weighed me down for years. I smiled up at him as I replied “I don’t have to hide things from my dad, I don’t have to be scared that he'll rosin our happiness. Tumbler I can be with you and not fear him manipulating you into hating me. No more worrying about what he’s going to do to Riley next. I don’t have to be home and play referee. I can be happy instead of pretending. Thank you for not giving up and finding someone else, I wanted to be with you so much. Now we can be more than friends, and I can touch you instead of dreaming about it. Kiss you, fall asleep in your arms, and call you on the phone just to hear your voice. I’m excited about just the two of us going for a ride or just sitting in a park getting to know each other. Do I sound crazy now?”


Tumbler starts laughing shaking his head no. He reaches out toward my face with his hands and cups my cheeks. Then he growls out. “I can’t wait to spend alone time with you either Sadie. I would love just to sit and hold you knowing that finally you’re mine. I don’t have to be worried and waiting for another man to try and snatch you away. I was prepared to beat the fuck out of some asshole. Tonight Sadie girl, I want some time for myself.” I smiled at him that sounded perfect to me.


I hear my Mom yelling for Riley and me wondering where we are, I know it’s time. Riley and I look at each other, and the guys give us a kiss and let us know they are going to leave the room, and make sure the guys know the room is taken. We will have privacy and they'll let Mom know where we are. We take a seat next to each other on the couch and wait to find out what Mom needs to tell us. We both hope it isn’t anything bad, we have had our fill of bad. We hope it's that Wasp is an old love or something like that. We wouldn’t mind her having a good man. He seemed so happy to see Mom last night. Riley reaches out and grabs my hand giving it a squeeze in silent support the way we always do for each other. I squeeze hers back letting her know I’m with her.*


Mom and Wasp walk in the room hand in hand. Mom looks happy and nervous, Wasp is looking at me and Riley, and he hasn't taken his eyes off us since he has entered the room. It's almost like he wants to reach out and give us hugs. He must care about Mom if he wants to make us like him. Good, Riley needs a man that will treat her like a daughter! That makes this feel even better, I have had it and will enjoy being away from his control. I want to give this guy a chance for Mom and Riles. I need to get to know him so I can give my approval.


Then my Mom tells a story that I will always be with me….






I’m sitting opposite of my daughters scared they will see me differently once they hear my story. Will they see me the same, or will their opinion change. Looking at them I see the beautiful women they are, I’m ashamed of how I'd had no choice but to allow Justin to treat Riley horrible. There's nothing I could do, he had me stuck between a rock and a hard place. I look at Wasp, and he's giving me encouragement to make it through a story made of nightmares. Last night we talked about how to tell the girls about the past. I hope they let me get through it, if they stop me, I may not have the nerve to keep going. “Girls, I have a story and I need your promise to let me get through it all and then ask questions if needed. If I’m stopped, I might not have the strength to continue.” They agree by nodding their heads, I notice they're holding hands. They've always been each other's rock. “When I was seven years old, my father caught my mother in the midst of an affair. He dragged her out of her car, after finding her in a parking lot. He brought her home, where he found me alone earlier in the day. I was a daddy’s girl, but that day his anger and betrayal controlled him. He dragged her through the garage and into the house.


Dragging her to the bedroom I heard them screaming while sitting in the living room watching cartoons. I went down the hall to check on my parents, I hated them fighting. I don't remember them raising their voices before that day. When I was close to their room, I heard Mom screaming “I never wanted a Kid and husband Jared! That was you the second pregnancy was confirmed. If we stay married, I want an open marriage, or not one at all.” That's where dad’s rage took control. I watched from the door as dad picked up his golf clubs and started beating Mom, he didn't stop until his arms couldn’t keep going. He didn’t even notice me crying over my Mom's lifeless body. I knew 911 was for emergencies, but also knew I would lose my dad. Dad was my everything, turns out the neighbor called after hearing screams. I sat on the couch by an officer as my father was led out in handcuffs. What hurt most was his eyes no longer had life, he was looking right through me, as he was taken from our home. Then two women informed me we were going to the hospital so I could be checked. Then I would be with other children for the night. I remember thinking it would be longer than a night. I had witnessed a tragic event it didn’t matter where I went. I spent my first year in an orphanage for girls, then the cycle of foster homes.


I was excited to get a home and out of the orphanage, I began to feel like a prisoner. I never stayed in a foster home longer than two years. I graduated high school three months before turning eighteen, I had no money to be on my own. Eighteen was when you aged out of the system and the state no longer paid for you. I'd been on the streets a very short amount of time, and I'd been looking for a job. I only had a backpack full of clothes, hygiene and women's products. I was sitting in the alley that turn away Kids from other foster homes had claimed and invited me the night before. I hadn't been paying attention when two men attacked me. I screamed loud enough that Wasp and his friends I had been watching, suddenly were there helping me. They had the guys off me and fought them. Wasp introduced himself, then we started talking and he was asking questioning me about why I was sitting in that alley. I had to tell him the trust and about my entire situation. After I had finished telling my story, he decided I wasn't going to stay there anymore. Even then he decided he knew what was best for me, I accepted because I was afraid to be there anymore. He'd just got out of the service and was staying in a garage studio apartment. That night, I had my first experience on a bike, it was so exciting! I'd never felt that type of excitement in my life. I remember squealing as the adrenaline was running through me, and I felt Wasp laughing. Enjoying life for the first time, I wanted to hold onto that feeling and to never let go. Making it to Wasp’s place, I was suddenly nervous. He only had one bed and no other furniture present. Having no experience with men because I wasn't allowed to in the homes I was in. I steered clear of boys and concentrated on school and chores to keep my foster parent's happy. He noticed my nervousness and assured me right away, he'd never do anything I didn’t want. I’m not gonna get into the details leading to me falling in love with Wasp. I will say that over time he proved he'd take care of me, showed me he'd fallen in love with me. We both had to adjust to each other’s needs and wants as well. We spent so much time together I think it was inevitable that we fell in love. He also became my best friend, I told him everything.


(I had to take a break, I looked at Wasp for support, and the hardest part was coming. He gave my knee an encouraging squeeze.)I took a deep breath and then continued. Girls this is going to confuse and possibly anger you. I pray you don’t hate me and understand what I went through to protect us all. Wasp and I married a year and three months after he rescued me. We were happy in Love, he made friends with the Rage Ryderz MC. He wanted to join but was concerned about safety. He'd done things for the military that couldn’t be publicized. Unsure if anything would happen while, with the MC that could affect our personal lives, we kept our family secure by not introducing me. The MC accepted it, but would have been there if needed. That was made clear to Wasp before they seriously talked about him becoming a prospect. If we had been aware of what was coming, we would have made different decisions. We'd been married for seven months when I discovered I was pregnant with Riley. Wasp became protective and excited over you. He started looking for a house for us right away, we wanted you to have room to play and have space. It was important to us that you have a happy childhood, I wanted you to have the fairy-tail ending of happily ever after. We weren’t aware Justin did not want Wasp happy. Wasp never told me of any family’s problems, so all I was aware of was the close relationship he shared with him Mom. She was always nice to me though I only met her a hand full of times. The day I gave birth to Riley, she called since she lived so far away. She had me hold the phone to your ear, and she sang a song that she sang to her sons when they were babies. She was extremely excited, there hadn't been a girl in their family in a long time.


Riley your birth name is Taylor Bates, your dad's last name. I was forced to tell you lies, to protect us I went along with the lies. We were a happy family Riley; you would light up when your dad talked to you, from the Moment you entered this world. You were his everything, I was a close second. (I looked at my girls seeing them both with streaks of tears running down their faces. They squeezed each other’s hands so tight their fingers were turning white) I’m sorry baby girls, the next part it is going to turn your world upside down. Then one night Justin came over saying he and his Mom had a fight, and he got in his car to calm down and started driving. He ended up in our area; which is about thirty minutes from here in a little town called Chesterville, it's West of where we are now. It was a long drive, he had been driving for at least six hours. I did what I thought was right. He's your dad's family, and I invited him in to sleep on the couch. We had a small house, with only two bedrooms, the couch was the only option. We had a journal notebook for when he came home late so I could leave him notes. Or, if he wanted to tell me something and I was out or still sleeping. That night I knew he would see Justin on the couch, but I wanted to let him know why he was there. We always put the book in a certain place where we knew the other would find it.


I’m not sure how long I'd been asleep, I woke and was in this dark room. Justin was sitting across from me on the phone. I looked around and I started screaming once I saw my baby asleep in the chair beside him. Justin gave me a dirty look and the last thing he said to whoever was on the other end was; he was going inform the bitch of the plan, and would be in touch. Once off the phone, the look he gave me was one that gave me chills. He showed me photos and documents that he should have never been able to get his hands on. Classified documents that no civilian should have had access to. If given to the wrong people Wasp could have been murdered and not a fast, easy death. He would’ve been tortured, his death would be brutal. I couldn’t let the man I loved and my daughters' father be murdered. I hoped that I could get us out somehow.” That is when Wasp jumped in. “I looked everywhere for you two. My friends from the service used their clearance, and my both my friends from the MC and the Corps used their resources, and you had just disappeared. The only proof you existed was your birth certificates and social security cards. Justin had not only stole my family, but he took everything from Mom as well. He left her penniless; with no way to eat, or pay any bills. I was sending her money and running down every lead I could get my hands on. I wanted my girls back I was miserable and felt as if I couldn’t breathe without you two.

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