Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (14 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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I roll over on my back and pull Riley with me laying her head on my chest. I push her hair over her shoulder so I can look at her face, I want to see if I can tell if she is happy after being with me. She looks happy and sated, I can make her happy and keep her safe. That stupid fucking asshole step-dad will never put his hands on her again! I will personally put a 9mm bullet between his eyes. We have sister clubs that takes care of our dirty work, but this is my girl and I will protect her. I’ll be damned the consequences. I love my clubs and I love my Brothers, but they can take care of themselves. Riley needs me to make sure she's safe. Uncle Jed better hurry and get here to take out the trash. If not I’m sure Wasp, I, and possibly Tumbler will gladly take care of the dumb fuck ourselves? We can make sure it doesn’t backlash on the clubs.


I look back at my girl and she has fallen asleep with a smile on her face. I can’t help but smile back at her even knowing she is asleep. I’m not sure how long I lay looking at her before I fall asleep myself.





I wake up with sunlight shining in my face from the window I’m facing. Feeling warm all over I notice that Kid and I are entwined like two pieces of a puzzle. We're hugging each other; holding each other close, chest to chest, hip to hip. Other than my mother and Sadie there has been no one who has made me feel like I’m wanted. I'll hold on to this for however long it last. I don't believe he'll keep his word of being only mine. I know how the Babes are around him, they will tempt him every chance they get. I 'm going to enjoy this while I have him. I will treat him right and show him love like I have always dreamed of. None of my past relationships or lovers has ever measured up to Kid. This feels like a dream I haven’t woken from yet. If it is a dream, I don’t ever want to wake up. I have a dad who wants me, my Mom and sister and now Kid and friends who are amazing. When I was a child being damaged by vile words coming from Justin's mouth, I never thought I would have this. The Kids who grew up with love and acceptance I was always envious of. Now that I have it I’m excited and want to shout out to the world, "I finally have people who care about me and I’m stronger." From finding out I have a dad who wants me, a man I have crushed on who currently wants me as much as I want him.


I’m deep in thought when I’m rolled over on my back and Kid slides himself inside of me. It feels so good! He is taking me hard this time and I love it. I have had orgasms before but nothing like he gave me last night. I’m so excited and willing to give time to him for more of that feeling. He's not kind and gentle like last night and he's not whispering sweet nothings into my ear. He's nipping at my neck and licking my ear as he is slamming that huge cock of his into me. He is thrusting hard and fast and I’m on the verge of having an amazing orgasm. I didn’t want to have one yet, I feel like we just started. I can feel him hitting my sensitive spot over and over moving his hips around with his hard thrust. I’m fixing to scream out my orgasm and he suddenly stops. I’m fixing to slap the shit out of him until he gets off the bed then pulls me off with him. He posts my hands on the edge of the bed, pulls me back by my hips where my back is straight aligned with my arms as they stretch out. He posts my feet together where my legs touch, all this without saying a word to me. I’m so turned on and that confuses me a little, why am I turned on when he won’t even talk to me? Was last night a fluke? Does he really not want me the same way he did last night? Maybe after having I he changed his mind? Then he pushes his hard cock inside me again and he groans out “Damn baby, I will never get enough of being with you. I’m going to remind you of what I said last night. Ours first time was slow and sweet, I wanted that memory special for you. I also told you all bets were off that afterward I would take you how I wanted. So, baby, I’m taking care of our needs?” What could I say, he was behind me with his cock buried deep inside me. He was standing there waiting for my reply. “Yes baby, please don’t stand there, please move I need you to fuck me!”


My wish was his command and fulfill my request he did. I screamed in pleasure over and over as he slammed that big cock inside of me. We were moaning each other’s names as he continued to take care of our needs. Once we reached our climax and cleaned up, we decided to join the others. Walking down the hallway we witnessed a tense looking conversation between Tumbler and Ryder. I immediately looked for Skylar and Sadie to see how they were handling this tense situation. They were sitting on the bar stools they seemed to be smirking at the situation. Apparently they found it entertaining, Tumbler looked anything but amused and Ryder looked irritated. When I heard Tumbler scream, I knew right away I was going to have to hold Kid back. “Why the fuck do you think it's alright to fuck Skylar in the living room where any of us can walk in and see. My girl does not need to walk into this house and see your cock and ass sliding in and out of her best friend!” I felt Kid tense behind me and knew shit just got more dramatic. Just how I wanted my morning to go after last night and my amazing wake up call. I leaned back into Kid then we heard Ryder say to Tumbler. “I’m so sorry that I ruined your night! Oh, that’s right I didn’t. You still got your night with your girl, so stop acting like I ruined it! You know as well as I do that there are times when you just can’t wait any longer, the wrong head is thinking for you. My girl had me so turned on I forgot where I was. I needed her, and I needed her then. I will be more cautious from this point on. Tumbler, seriously I wasn’t tryin' to rosin or mess with anyone’s night.”


Kid cleared his throat and both of the guys turned their heads to face him. They both had a shocked look on their faces, I guess neither had realized that we'd been standing there for the last part of their altercation. Then Kid sarcastically said. “If we're done talking about my sister fucking my best- friend can we move on with the day? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for puttin' that image in my head. That's disgusting'! I might need to take my girl back to our room and remove those pictures from my head.” That broke the tension in the room and everyone started laughing and I saw Tumbler shaking his head as he walked to Sadie.


The women decided to make the men a huge biker breakfast. We made waffles, scrambled eggs, sausage, and coffee. The guys were in breakfast heaven. They wolfed down their food in record breaking time. I couldn’t figure out why they ate so fast. Until they put their dishes in the sink, then looked at us and let us know they needed to be at the clubs for a meet. Kid came up to me and informed me he would return later. He would be staying with me until we knew I was safe from the wrath of Justin. In case he still wanted to get his hands on me. I told him “I just want you and the boys to be careful. I need to tell you something it slipped my mind until now. Do you remember that car that tried to hit us?" He shook his head yes, so I continued. "It wasn’t Justin, but I've seen it around the house. I don’t know how, but it is connected with him somehow.” He looks at me and then says. “Thanks for the heads up baby, I'll be sure the guys and your dad know.” I give him a big hugs and kiss and then us walk our men out to their bikes. We watch them drive down the street, we turn to walk back to the house and Skylar stops us and says “I say we have a girl’s day, pedi, and Mani and shopping day." Sadie and I smile big and agree immediately. We run into the house to get everything we need for our day of adventure. I clean up my room and make the bed.


We make it into the living room at the same time which throws us into a giggling fit. We lock up the house and head for Skylar’s Tahoe and start our girl’s day. It takes us thirty minutes to hit Dallas we wouldn’t dare go to one of the little salons in our town. They gossip and know everyone else's business. We decided long ago that it wasn’t worth the gossip to come our way. The craziest things were said about us, the three of us had admitted to being involved with each other, to us having venereal diseases. Not that we really cared about what the idiots of our town thought. Except, we were going to be building careers in the next town over and wanted to make sure our reputations weren’t damaged. Plus it helped that Dallas had cheaper prices and better quality than our town. We had a tradition at this deli on our way that we stopped at every time. Since we'd already eaten breakfast, we decided to stop on the way back home.


While gossiping during our pedi's we hear the news. It catches our attention when they announce a couple of older ladies have disappeared from El Paso and haven’t been heard from since last night. That couldn’t be too bad, maybe they went to visit friends. Then they announce her son had kidnapped her daughter in law and granddaughter twenty years prior. That caught our attention, I don’t even know my grandmother’s name! I never thought to ask, what kind of person doesn’t ask their grandmother’s name. I grab the phone out of my purse and call my Mom. There's no answer so I call Kid, I don’t really have anyone else’s number. “What’s up baby, you miss me already?” Kid jokes as he answers the phone. I can’t help but smile at hearing his voice. “Hi baby, I need to talk to my dad, but I don’t have a number for him. Is there any way you could send me his number or have he give me a call?” I hear Kid yell out to dad that I need to speak to him. “Hang on baby girl, he’s coming to the phone now.” “Alright baby thank you, I can’t wait to see you tonight,” I say. “Yeah, baby I will be there around five or six. Here comes your Dad so I will let you go. See you tonight.” I hear him hand over the phone to Wasp. “Hey, everything okay Taylor, shit I mean Riley? Sorry sweetie, you have always been Taylor to me so this is going to get some takin’ use to for me.” I smile knowing that my dad loves me, but I can’t help being a little sad for him at the same time. I'll never become accustomed to answering to Taylor, I'll always be Riley. It hurts me that he will never have his Taylor again. “I’m sorry Dad, I know it must hurt you that I don’t use Taylor. I just don’t think I could ever get used to it after all this time. Listen the reason I called you....” I tell him about the news story I had seen on the television in the nail salon, he promised to look into it and get back with me. Hanging up the phone with him I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I turn and look at the girls and they both have the same look. Needless to say, our girl’s day out was cut short with all our worrying.


We leave the salon paying our bill and head for the Tahoe. We get buckled up and start heading home. We take our normal route and when we get to the town before ours and we exit the highway. There's construction on the highway in our town so we have to exit in the town before ours. It's scary to drive at nighttime since the exit is nothing but country for the first three or so miles. No lights to light up our roads, so we have to depend on our headlights. It gets dark in the country faster than the city, still haven't figured that one out. We decide on some eighties music to lighten up our moods. Bon Jovi is turned on and we listen to our favorite ballads from the band.


We were the only ones out on the road, I remember singing at the top of our lungs, and then this crash sound and unbearable pain. Including my head as it hit the passenger side of the back window. I remember hearing Skylar screaming Sadie's and my name. I think I heard her scream that the Rage Ryderz would kill them if they touched us. Then I remember hearing a shot and then, nothing…




Hours later...................


It hurts! Everything hurts so badly. My head is pounding like someone is taking a pickax and shoving it through my brain. My entire right side feels like one solid bruise. I try to open my eyes and realize only my left eye opens fully, my right eye will only partially open. I’m in a bedroom, it's a very nice well-kept room. It's full of brass antiques furniture. There's a homemade quilt that I’m lying on. I notice there're no pictures or decorations of any type in the room. Just your basic bedroom furniture a bed, dresser, nightstand and a vanity. They're all old and well taken care of. I try to sit up too fast and the room starts to spin, I slow down and move an inch at a time until I’m sitting up and look around for a better view. I still see no signs of living in this room, all of a sudden feel a very cold draft. I look down and notice I’m wearing nothing but my bra and underwear. Someone has undressed me, I feel uncomfortable not knowing who had their hands on me while I was unconscious. I use the bed as a crutch and stand up. I noticed a window across from the bed so I head toward it hoping me to see where I am. I’m extremely irritated when I open the curtains, there are steel bars outside of the window. I guess whoever brought me here didn’t want to take the chance of me jumping out of a second-story window. I look out to see if there's any hint of where I am. I see nothing but a wheat field from my part of the house. I turn to my left and see a door, there are three in this bedroom, might as well try them all and see if one lets me out of this fucking room!


I try the one closest to the window and it opens, I realize it’s the bathroom. I look in the bathroom and notice it is stocked with my favorite toiletries. WTF...do I have a stalker? That’s weird, I close the door and head to the one by the dresser and try to open it, no luck it’s locked. Fuck! That must be my way out of here. I hope to find something to help me through that door. I need to find out if Sadie and Skylar are safe and unharmed. I will go after anyone who has hurt my baby sister. "You can’t think like this Riley, you have to get out of here" I mumble to myself to get motivated. I go to the door that sits next to the bed and open it, its dark inside. I search for a light on the wall and finally find the switch, once there is light I look inside and when I see what's in there I scream and everything goes black again.

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