Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (20 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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Once I made it back to the bedroom, Riley was already dressed with the exception of shoes and her hair was still wrapped. She smiled a shy smile at me and walked towards the bathroom removing the towel from her head. I love how she can still be a little shy with me. It gives me a thrill to know there is more to crack when it comes to her. I have a feeling the excitement will never end with us, not a dull day in my future to come. I quickly pulled on my jeans and shirt followed up with my boots and shook my hair out. I never did much with my hair, what’s the point? I just shake it out all day long anyway. When Riley comes out of the bathroom, she throws on a pair of shoes and I grab her hand pulling her to me for a kiss. I pull back and walk her to the kitchen to see what's up with all the noise.


When we finally made it to the kitchen, I was amazed at what I saw. The gang had gotten up and cooked breakfast for us. Waffles, scrambled eggs, link sausage, coffee and orange juice. They were trying to show Riley how much she meant to them. I knew they were hurting while she was missing. I feel bad that I couldn’t help them unable to look past my pain. I stumble to try and put it into words, “I’m sorry to all of ya, for not bein’ a good friend. I know you were hurtin’ like I was and I couldn’t get past my own to help my friends. I really missed my girl, I had just started to notice my feelins’ and then they were thrown into unknown territory for me. I love ya all, you’re my family.” I don’t know if I said the right thing or even if I said enough. I’m not a touchy, feely type person, who uses feelin's to express himself.


When my family, all five of them, including my girl put their arms around me. I felt for the first time like I wasn’t isolating myself. I was willing to open up and allow them to get to see and know the real me. It has me freaked the fuck out! I liked not letting anyone in until she broke through and now even the ones who were closest to me are breaking in as well. What the fuck! Damn, how did I let this happen? In my life the more people you give a damn about, the more there is to be taken from you. Shit! Now I have to be on guard with all five of them! Isn't this a real shitty day at the park, the rides are fucking me up the ass. Let me tell you it isn’t as fun, as they say, I’m scared shitless. Let the fun begin motherfuckers! From this point on; to get to these two assholes, and these three beauties, you will have to go through my stupid ass!




As soon as we let Kid go I noticed a calm in him and then I felt him tense in my arms. It feels like the calm before a storm. Something was going on in his mind and I’m worried maybe he's beginning to feel I wasn’t worth the trouble. I mean what else could I compare it to. Everyone's managed to give me that feeling my entire life. Why should I find happiness after everything I'd been through? Maybe I was just too broken for him. Deep down I know he deserves better, I was hoping that he wouldn’t care and love me anyway once the sun rose. I was scared of this which is why I had to have one more night of his hands on my body and his cock buried deep within my core.


Feeling him tense I move myself away from his hold and sit with the others putting myself between Sadie and Skylar. I know without a shadow of doubt these two will always be here. I will never be too broken inside for them. I refused to look at any of the men to ashamed. I'd just been rescued and already couldn’t keep my man happy. I was looking at my lap contemplating the best way to escape without having to go between the guys when out of nowhere my body went flying out of the chair. I lost my breath for a Moment and let out a startled gasp. I was over someone's shoulders looking at a male’s tight ass. Wait a minute I know that ass!

What is he doing? He better not have any damn ideas about taking me to "MY" room to pack "MY" stuff! I was asked to move into this room, not him, he can’t make me leave. I started to scream for Sadie or Skylar afraid of him making me leave when I went flying again. This time I landed on the bed with Kid on top of me. We ended up nose to nose. He looked extremely upset, pissed even if I was to go by the look in his eyes and the wrinkles between his eyebrows. If I was going to lose the man I loved, I at least wanted it done on my terms so I cleared my throat ready to speak, but Kid beat me to it. “I don’t know what happened in there, but I don’t like it. I know you have been through somethin’ horrible darlin’, but I need you to stay with me and work on this. I was miserable without ya and I’m not gonna go through it again. So talk to me. Please?” Oh, so I guess him tensing up in the kitchen wasn’t about leaving me. How do I fix this without sounding like a loser? “I got scared for a minute. I felt a sort of peace come over you when we were all holding each other. Then when everyone left, I felt you go tense. These crazy thoughts started running through my head. You have to understand that for weeks they took my life and twisted it. Telling me about the reason people in my life dealt with me, about how everyone was placed in my life strategically to train me for my future placement. When you stiffened up, I was worried that maybe you saw me as broken. Maybe too broke this time to try and put up with. That maybe after my rescues the novelty of finding me and holding me for a night put your guilty conscience at ease. With the rising sun, your feelings were suddenly apparent. I don’t know, I don’t know if I know what the hell I’m talking about anymore. Am I fucked up?”


If we could have gotten any closer, I wouldn’t have believed it until we did. He was practically laying on top of me and our eyes were connected as well as our noses. He was trying to control his breathing, I could see his lips counting from one to ten over and over until his breathing wasn’t radical anymore. Then he closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them they were glassy, which left me feeling odd and confused. I have known Kid for over a year and never seen emotions from him. Next thing I knew he was kissing me. Not hard or passionate as all our other kisses had been since we had gotten together. This one was slow and intimate and full of love and understanding. When he finished kissing me, he moved his head to the side of mine. That's when he told me about his feelings in the kitchen and how he'd never had those feelings before. Telling me about the reason for him tensing up, and for the first time I completely felt at one with my biker. The love of my life didn’t feel I was broken. He was healing the broken within himself. We were just helping him do that, and now he was suffering from feeling a protective streak. He still felt it with his sister, it's just more pronounced now with the rest of us added to it. We spent the next few minutes comforting each other and him telling me I have never been broken. That I needed to look inside myself and see what everyone else saw. When I asked what that was, he told me when I figured it out to tell him. That really is such a guy thing to say, how the hell I am supposed to know what he sees in me. Really?


Next thing I know Ryder is banging on the door screaming for Kid to remember they had a meeting with the club and how the other charters were going to be there. Kid looked at me, smiled then gave me one of his magical kisses. I will treasure those kisses for the rest of my life. Little did I know I would be fighting for that life and for our family.


I enjoyed the ride on the back of Kid’s Harley going to the clubhouse. I felt free again like I could let the weight of my troubles fly away with the wind. It was a feeling I was growing to love and felt truly home sitting behind my biker. When I was a little girl dreaming of my perfect life this wasn’t it, I’m so happy now that fantasies don't come true, it has nothing on this man between my legs. I could sit behind him and breath him in for the rest of my life and let the rest of the world melt away and it would be perfection.


I looked to my left and saw my sister with the same smile on her face, then to the right Skylar winked at me. I know she is not supposed to be on that bike, I also know Ryder wouldn’t let her on it if he felt she would be hurt in any way. I returned her wink and gave her the biggest smile I could come up with. I still was having a few issues with some of my Muscles, not too bad, but I didn’t have complete control. I wasn’t fixing to tell anyone though, they were already treating me like I was breakable. I want to start being strong, not breakable like some damn china doll.


When we pulled up the clubhouse, I was speechless.  Never seen it so packed before. There were nine extra men that I counted in the lot where visitor’s bikes parked that I'd never seen before. I heard Skylar yell "Uncle Jed" an older man came up walking fast. He was extremely handsome for his age, although you could tell he'd lived a rough one. His hair was a golden brown color with gray at his temples and in his mustache. He had dark brown eyes that looked like a bullshit meter, in other words, he could look straight through you and know if you were lying. Reminded me of King and Sniper, you can never get away with anything around those two. He pulled Skylar in his arms and I realized that this man was the tallest, and most muscular man I'd ever seen in my life!


He was holding her and speaking to her in a hushed voice. She replied back to him and he smiled giving her a peck on the cheek. To which Ryder gave him a warning look which had Uncle Jed laughing his ass off. He turned toward Kid and they knocked knuckles, did the manly hugs and slap on the back thing that I will never understand. If you care for someone, why are you going to slap them on the back? It must be a bad boy, biker alpha male thing. It must be one of those mysteries that women will never solve about men. Kid brought Jed over and introduced him to me. I gave my award winning smile and he smiled back at me saying something sweet in a biker kind of way. “You’re goddamn beautiful, what the fuck are you doing with this nitwit. You do know with your looks and brains you could do so much better doncha? I would even be willing to sacrifice my travelin' ways and settle down for a beauty like ya. This little shit doesn’t know what he’s got. He’s one lucky son of a bitch. He doesn’t treat you right gorgeous, you give Uncle Jed a call and I will make sure you never want for anything ever again. I will make sure you have all the attention and fine things a man like me can offer ya. Make sure you get my number before I leave ya? Damn, I sure am glad your back where ya belong sweet thing. I woulda killed a man for a woman like ya back in my day. You hear that Kid? You treat her good or I’m coming for her boy.” With that, he turned and walked back to the other guys. King and Sniper caught my attention near the door of the compound entrance. They were laughing so hard they were bent over holding their stomach with tears running down their faces. They kept trying to talk but couldn’t seem to get the words out. Once again, they kept slapping each other when they couldn’t talk. MEN! And they say women are crazy and unable to read and understand. Whatever.


Kid didn’t seem to be amused by the events surrounding us. He gave his dad and Sniper a go to hell look and turned to see Tumbler and Ryder both giving Uncle Jed and the guys the same look. I looked at Skylar and Sadie and they both were rolling their eyes. I couldn’t help but giggle at the situation. Never before has anyone gotten upset over another man flirting with me and claim me. I know in hindsight it’s not funny in a ha-ha kinda way, but it made me feel wanted and beautiful. A woman never can get too much of that. We love to feel beautiful and wanted, it doesn’t matter what type of body shape we have or if our features are model worthy. Which hello, not me that’s for sure, we like to feel desirable never-less.


Kid grabbed me and pulled me to him and laid a breathtaking kiss on me. This altogether a different kind of kiss. This was a claiming kiss, he was letting everyone here know that I was off limits. I was his and I was officially off the market. Hmmm….I wonder if that means I can claim him in front of these two-bit sluts that hang around to fuck these guys in attempts to worm their way into having an Ol’ man. When we broke the kiss, I relayed that question to him exactly as I thought it in my head. His reply was “Baby, you can claim me anywhere, anytime and anyway you want. I’m no longer available for anyone’s pussy but yours. I told you I love you that means no one touches me but you.” Good fucking answer. This day needs to be written down in a diary, I will most likely never have this many sweet words from this man again. I couldn’t help it I smiled and he picked me up, naturally I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me in the clubhouse past the two laughing hyenas. It wasn’t that funny, seriously are these two the leaders or not?


I looked over Kids shoulder to see my sisters smiling big and holding their man’s hands. As we made our way inside, I heard my dad yell for me and my sister to come give him his hugs. We both smiled so big, when Kid put me down Sadie grabbed my hand and we walked to my dad. DAD, Sadie and I have the same dad. A dad who wants us, who loves us. I’m still getting used to saying it and believing it’s real. As we make it to him, he pulls us into him and holds us tight. As he does every time we're in his arms, he puts his nose to our heads and breaths us in. I’m not sure why he does this, but I think he is memorizing as much about us as he can. He missed so much he's trying to make up for so many lost memories he will never have. That is the conclusion we have come up with. Sadie and I look at each other and at the same time we say, “We love you, Dad.” He doesn’t say it back. Instead, he says something that brings up some type of memory that I can’t quite grab. “To the moon and back that love will always live in your heart and mine. It's too strong to ever die or leave one of us behind.”

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