Read Take it Deep (Take 2) Online

Authors: Jaimie Roberts

Take it Deep (Take 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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“Straight after I left
and went back to my office.  Although I must say, I wasn’t too thrilled about the idea.  You always know where to find me if you need me,” he said with a cheeky grin.

, Ana, remember our conversation?” Jessie said, laughing again.

“Please shut up,” I say
, through gritted teeth.

ay, I’m sorry.  Where would you like these?” he said, motioning to the presents.

I was
about to ask him to leave them in the corner of the room when Jessie interrupts, yet again. 

“If you go down the hall
, the last door to your left is Ana’s bedroom.  You can stick them in there.” 

He turns
to leave and I mouth the words “I hate you,” as he does. 

“Ana, whereabouts in your room do you want it?” 

My eyes are now bulging and Jessie motions for me to go.  I start shaking my head and she just pushes me to my bedroom door.  I thought there was no way this was going to happen, but Jessie is determined to back me into a corner.  She is so in so much trouble later.  It is plainly obvious she is on team Jake.

I’m practically thrown in my room before Jessie slams the door shut.  Ja
ke stands there smiling, clearly happy about what is transpiring here.  I motion for him to leave the items on the floor by my bed and wedge myself up against the door as much as possible.  I need air.  Where’s the oxygen in this room gone?

He walks over to me and my
breathing becomes erratic.  He leans in, and I think he’s going to kiss me when he places his hand on the door.  I stand there frozen, looking into those deep green eyes of his.  He lingers for a moment inches away from my lips, and all I can do is wait for that rush of bliss he sends through me every time he kisses me.  I look at his lips and wet my own in sweet anticipation. 


He simply purrs my name and it heads straight to my groin.  “Yes?” I ask, barely able to get that simple word together and out of my mouth. 

“You have your body pressed up against the door and I can’t get out.” 

Oh no, double and triple shit.  Way to go, Ana! 

I shout as I jump out of the way.  He heads out of the door and Jessie is sitting on the sofa watching the TV. 

“That was qu
ick,” she shouts. 

“Jessie, shu
t up please.”  I was still mad at her.

“Listen, I’m goin
g to have to go as I promised I’d take Matthew out to a game tonight.  Listen, I want you to promise me you will call if ever you need me, okay?” 

I look into those imploring eyes of his and nod my head.  How can I ever say no to
him.  I’m trying, but it’s just so hard.

It is only when he leaves that I let my breath go.  I’m about to walk back to the li
ving room when the doorbell buzzes.  I’m thinking it must be Jake, but instead I find the guy from the flower store again. 

, Ana.  I feel I know you by now considering I’ve been turning up every day with some flowers for you.  Someone obviously loves you very much.” 

He beams at
me and I take the clipboard to sign it. 

He seems to have an eclectic taste in flowers.  Today we have Star of Bethlehem.” 

I smile and say thank you. 

“No problems, I’ll see you tomorrow.” 

I stop in my tracks, “What do you mean
, see me tomorrow?” 

He smiles and turns round. 
“We have an order for everyday flowers for you.  The guy is determined to win your heart.  He’s given us an order for this week and said that he will ring the following week with another order.” 

I can’t believe this, he isn’t going to stop. 

“Okay, thank you.” 

He smiles and heads down the hall to the lift.  I’ve never seen these types of flowers before.  They’re rich in an orange
color and look absolutely beautiful.  I quickly move towards Jessie in the living room and her eyes bulge when she sees them. 

“I definitely think we need to go vase shopping.” 

I start laughing and open the first of two envelopes.

‘My beautiful
, Ana, these are the Star of Bethlehem.  They represent hope.  I have hope for us still.  Please say you’ll be mine again, and I’ll make you happy for the rest of your life.  Yours, Jake.’

The tears spring again. 
“Oh, I hate you, Jake Bennett!” I shout. 

Jessie reads the note and smiles.  “He’s trying so hard for you.” 

It is then I remember what she did. 

, Miss Team Jake, I know exactly what you’re thinking.  Why did you do that to me just then?”  She looks a little embarrassed and so she should be. 

“I thought maybe I could give you a gentle nudge in the right direction.” 

I huffed, “Nudge!  You practically threw me in the room with him.  Not clever, Jessie.” 

She looked down. 
“Sorry, Ana.  I was just trying to help.  What happened in there anyway?  You weren’t in there long at all for anything to happen I suppose.” 

I shake my head, “No, I just completely made a fool of myself.  I was practically heaving at the door
, and all he was doing was trying to get to the doorknob.  It was highly embarrassing.” 

Come to think of it I was starting to feel a little neglected.  Why didn’t he want to kiss me or make any kind of moves?  I was suddenly very disappointed and worried.

“Uh-oh, I know that look.  You’re wondering why he didn’t make his play aren’t

I look at her biting my lip and she starts laughing. 

“You’re so easy to read at times.  So come on, show me what the other envelope has inside it.” 

I open it up to reveal a pair of diamond star studded earrings.  They look
ed beautiful. 

“What is it with Jake and stars?” 

I start smiling my best cheeky grin and she says, “Ah, does he make you see stars when you come?” 

shocked that she instantly knew.  I can’t believe how clever this girl is.  She is never one to be underestimated. 

“Jessie, how could you possibly—

“Know?” s
he interrupts.  “It’s a gift I think.”


I try to find another vase and all I could come up with at such short notice was a jug, so I had to put them in there.  I took them in my room and sat down looking at the car seats.  I could still smell Jake everywhere and it was making my head spin. 

I give a thought for Matthew and how he’s getting on.  It sends a pang to my stomach
, and I realize this is my body’s way of saying that I miss him.  I pick up the phone deciding to text him.

‘Hi Matthew, how
are you?  Fancy a meal tomorrow night with Cindy?’

I’m not sure if he’ll answer straight away if he’s going out with Jake, but he quickly does. 

‘Sure thing.  Looking forward to it.  Pick you up at 7pm.’ 

I text back ‘
Great,’ and I head back to Jessie. 

Suddenly my stomach was complaining and I thought a take away might be in order.  I need t
o get some wrapping paper while I’m out anyway.  Jessie agrees and we pick a local Chinese a few blocks away.


Chapter 14


Saturday night came very quickly considering I had a lie in all morning and did some housework.   I felt better that I was doing something to show how grateful I was to Jessie for letting me stay here.  Jessie was at a loss for the weekend as Jerry was away in New York until Sunday, so I asked her to come out with me tonight.  She seemed pleased and we quickly got ready.  We weren’t sure where to go, so I suggested Dino’s which Jessie was ecstatic about.  She really likes it there, I can tell.

We sa
t in the same restaurant seats as last time and the same waitress comes to serve us.  After our orders, I turn my head to spy Matthew who was sitting opposite me. 

“I must say, you’re looking rather dapper this evening
, Matthew, and you get bigger every time I see you.  Are you working out or something?” 

He does look great.  He’s wearing a pink polo
shirt and his well defined muscles are now slightly bulging.  Pink seems to be the rage with men these days.  Sometimes some of them wear pink so bright it hurts your eyes, but power to them.  Some look really good in it. 

“Yeah, I have been working dad’s gym out a bit.  Sometimes I need to let off some steam.” 

It reminded me of the conversation Jake and I had in his car.  I must talk with him about this, but I can’t in front of Jessie and Cindy.  It wouldn’t be right.  I try to change the subject by talking to Cindy.  “How are you getting on, Cindy?” 

She smiles sweetly and replies, “Fine thanks.  School is back on and it sucks, but I had a great summer with Matthew, so I can’t really complain.” 

She looks over to him and smiles.  I can tell straight away they’re in love.  I’m not sure if the ‘L’ word has been mentioned, but I will be sure to find out later. 

“You two are just so damn cute togethe
r.  How long has it been now?” Jessie asks. 

“About six months,” Cindy said. 

“Well, make sure you invite me to your wedding when it happens.” 

I look at Jessie in shock. 

“What?  It’s going to happen, I can tell.” 

Matthew’s eyes bulge and Cindy just smiles.  Oh dear.  “I think it’s a little too soon to be talking about that
, Jessie. They’re only seventeen and not even left school yet.” 

Our meals arriv
e and we quickly get tucked in as we’re all super hungry. 

“You see, you’re wrong there
, Ana.  My mom and dad met in high school and have been together ever since.” 

I feel a little pang for Jessie as I know how much she misses her parents.  They live in Kansas and she thought it would be better if she pursued he
r career in Virginia, so that’s why she left.  She loves it here, but I know she misses her family a lot. 

“Jessie, that’s a once in a lifetime thing.  Very rarely happens.” 

She smiles cheekily and my stomach churns.  I know she’s just itching to go for the kill. 

“You mean like you and Jake?” 

And there it is.  Matthew stops chewing his food and looks at me expectantly.  This is not the sort of conversation to be having in front of his son. 

please drop it.  This isn’t the time or the place, okay?”  She shrugs her shoulders and carries on eating. Matthew is still looking at me, his eyes pleading.  I didn’t want this to happen and I certainly didn’t want it happening in the middle of the restaurant.

After all the food is cleared
, Cindy gets up to use the restroom and Jessie follows.  I thought now was as good an opportunity as ever to bring up Jake’s heartache. 

Matthew, I spoke to your dad the other day.  He’s hurting.  I think you need to be a little easier on him, okay?  He loves you so much and he’s really trying hard.” 

He wipes his mouth and puts his napkin down.  “You see that’s the thing
, Ana, he’s trying so hard with me, but what about you?  He hurt you badly and now you’re sitting here defending him.” 

Oh boy, I didn’t want an argu
ment with him. I grab his hand.  “Matthew, I love you and you know that right?”  He nods his head.  “Well, believe it or not, your father has been fighting for me.  He’s been a pain in the ass about it to be honest.”  I chuckle and Matthew joins me.  “Despite what has happened, I also love your father, too, and I don’t like to see him in pain.  Could you try to be more gentle with him in future?  I want to ask you as a request from me.  Can you do that for me?” 

He nods his head again and squeezes my hand.  I notice his eyes watering and it quickly sets me off.

“I just miss you so m
uch.  I always wanted a sister—well a little sister to be honest—and you and I have always been so close.  When you left it was like I lost my right arm and I’ve been hating dad for making me feel this way.  I admit, I have been hard on him.  I do feel guilty about it, but I just get so angry when I think about what happened.  Now it turns out your mom’s not really your mom, and she never even carried his baby.  I hate her for that.  She ruined everything and dad just went along with it.  I just get so mad, but I will ease off him a bit.  I’ll do it, especially for you.” 

He tries to wink at me
, but he is obviously finding it hard with the tears still there. 

He wipes his eyes and laughs.  “Sorry, I’m such a wuss.” 

I tug at his hand, “Listen you big lummox, you’re anything but, okay?  I won’t have you putting yourself down.  It’s okay to get upset; it shows that you’re human after all.”  I beam at him trying to make a joke, which seems to work. 

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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