Take it Deep (Take 2) (10 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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I try to be as quiet as I could when I left
, so I didn’t disturb Michael.  I put the key in the door and gently pulled to lock it on my way out.  I get to the lift and press the button.  It soon comes as no one else is around at this time in the morning—only this fucked up twat of a woman whose body I have to endure living in.  I get in and it makes one floor before it opens again.  Who could be out this early?  To my pleasant surprise, it's Brian.  “Hey, Brian, how are you?”  I notice he is also wearing running gear.  Obviously two minds think alike. 

fine; I guess you’re going running, too?  Mind if we go together?” 

I was actually glad he asked.  It probably would be better if he came with me just in case.  I don’t want to give Alan a reason to think he can get to me that easily.  “Sure
thing that would be great, thanks.”

We head outside and we both decide to do some stretches. 

“So do you normally like to get up this early in the morning to run?” he asks. 

“Sometimes yes, but normally no.  I had a bad dream and couldn’t get back to sleep.  Also, if I’m brutally honest with you
, I need to let off some sexual tension.” 

He raises his eyebrows at me and smiles.
  “Well, I’m sorry.  I can’t help you out there as far as that’s concerned.  I can run with you, but don’t ask me to do that.” 

I start laughing and he laughs along with me. 

“So, what brought this on, was it the flowers yesterday?” 

I wish it was just the flowers, but the thought of having Jake near me and touching me this morning
, has just alighted fires I had buried deep within me for the last few days.  Now I’m hot and ready for him, and I don’t like it.  I’m angry with him as he betrayed me.  I can’t have my body let me down. 

“Sort of
, yes.  He really knows how to turn it on, in more ways than one.” 

“Well, he sounds just heavenly to me.  I would love to meet him.” 

We start laughing and head off on our journey.  I let Brian lead the way as he obviously does it on a regular basis.  “So do you normally run often?” 

He nods, “Yep, every other morning I drag myself out of bed and do this.  I like t
o keep in shape and I also feel that running sometimes helps me think—if you know what I mean?” 

Yes, I do know.  Sometimes I find myself in a world of my own when I run.  I always tend to find myself drifting off
into a daydream.  It’s amazing how I don’t end up getting lost at times. 

“Yes, I do know what you mean.  It is why I like to do it also.  So how long have you been dating your man?”

“About four months now.  We met through a mutual friend and just hit it off straight away.  I’ve never known anyone like him.  He makes me laugh so hard at times
, and I think you should always need someone like that in your life, don’t you think?” 

I wholeheartedly agreed.  “Yes, of course you should.  No sense
in being with a right old miserable bastard now, is there?”  He starts laughing again, but it’s becoming more difficult to talk now that we have been running a while.  We make the remainder of the run mostly in silence.


On the way back my heart nearly dropped at the sight of Jake’s Range Rover parked in the parking lot.  The thought of him being here and going upstairs to find Michael answering the door, has me in a panic.  As I get nearer to the car I let out a sudden breath, as I find him easing down from his seat.  He spots me, then quickly spots Brian and scowls.  Oh dear, this isn’t going to help with the alpha male tendencies.  Little does he know. 

“Jake, what are you doing here?”  I gently jog towards him and stop, trying to catch my breath a little. 

“I came to see you.”  The whole time he says it, he’s still staring at Brian.  If he was a lion, he would be bearing his teeth and roaring by now. 

I try to snap him out of it.  “Jake, this is Br
ian, my neighbor upstairs.  Brian, this is Jake.” 

ian puts his hand out to Jake.  “So you’re the Jake.  Nice to meet you.” 

Jake just looks at his hand, but doesn’t take it.  I roll my eyes and Jake notices.

, I’m the Jake and still am, so—” 

I quickly stop him before he does something he regrets.  “Jake, I think you’ve said enough.  Brian, thank you for the run and I’ll see you later.”  He gives me a sympathetic smile and runs off

who’s that jerk off?” 

Oh for goodness sake, t
his morning I wanted him to take me in every way possible and now, I’m just plain angry. 

Jake, why is it you seem to think you can just turn up here unannounced, and jump on every guy you spot me talking to?” 

The piercing green eyes are
back at me now with a vengeance. 

“Ana, ev
ery time I’ve come over here, you’ve not only been talking to guys, you’ve been out to the movies with one, and now out running with another.  What do you expect me to think?” 

I don’t know why, but I felt a litt
le guilty when he put it like that.  I suppose it does look a little bad, although in all purposes, they were completely innocent.  I’m not sure how he would take knowing Michael stayed the night with me last night.  The thought sends shivers down my spine.  Instead of being angry now, I feel I must placate him. 

“Jake, Brian is just a friend and not only t
hat, he’s gay.  He has a boyfriend.  I don’t know his name as I’ve yet to meet him, but I assure you there is no interest on his or my end as far as that’s concerned.” 

His posture softens a little and he tries to get closer.  My body reacts to it straight away.

“Did you get my flowers?” 

I nod my head, “Yes I did, and thank you for my Bon Jovi album.  That was thoughtful.  I couldn’t believe you remembered.”  He gets a little closer and my heart rate picks up a few notches. 

“Ana, don’t you
realize by now that there is nothing I could ever forget about you?  Everything you say and do is cemented into my head.  Every touch I have felt, every breath you have taken.  It’s right here, and in here.” 

He points to his head
and then his heart.  Why is he doing this to me?  I can’t take it.  “Jake, I have to go and get ready for work.”  I try to turn away and run before my body gives into him, but I’m yanked towards his car and pinned, his face inches away from mine.  He looks deep into my eyes and places a finger on my cheek.  Oh, how I’ve missed it when he did this to me.  I let out a little moan and Jake smiles. 

“Have you missed me touching you
, Ana?  Have you missed the way I stroke your hair and kiss your neck?” 

My breathing is becoming increasingly
erratic now and the familiar burn is back between my legs.  He places his hand down towards my wrists and squeezes gently to check my pulse. 

“You’ve been for a run, but your
pulse should be calm by now and it’s not.  What’s making your heart beat so powerfully like that, Ana?” 

He’s inches away from my ear
, and his breath makes me shudder.  I’m so lost in the moment, and I know he’s going to kiss me soon.  Am I strong enough to turn him away?  I’d like to think so.  Just as I’m trying to pluck up some courage he faces me and leans in.  Oh God, I don’t think I have the courage to say no to him.  I never did.  Any thought about what he did to me is just thrown aside now, and all I can think about is how much I want his lips on mine.

unately for me, two girls walk past us giggling and it breaks me out of my trance.  I take the interruption as an opportunity to break free from him and walk. 

“Ana, I haven’t finished with you yet, not by a long shot.” 

I wave my hands at him. “Goodbye, Jake, I have an appointment with Mr Brator, so I can’t be late.” 

“Mr W
ho?”  I hear him shout, but I’m long gone by the time he answers, and I’m laughing so hard now it hurts.


Chapter 11


I get in the door and find Michael up, dressed and eating breakfast.  Guilt washes over me as I grab myself a juice from the fridge.  “Sorry, I’m not being much of a host am I?  I just really needed a run this morning.” 

He smiles, “Do you feel better for it?” 

I nod my head, “Yes, much better, thanks.  Are you okay, do you need anything?” 

He shakes his head and hands me some toast.
  “I’m good thanks, found what I needed and helped myself.  Do you have Jessie back with you tonight?” 

“Yes, I believe Jerry’s taking her to work this morning and she’ll be coming back with me later.  Thank you again for last night.  You didn’t need to stay, but it was thoughtful.”
  He looked sad and I couldn’t help feeling the guilt ripping at my insides.  I really don’t want to hurt Michael.  He is such a kind-hearted man. 

“It was my pleasure
, Ana.  I didn’t think it was a good idea to go running by yourself this morning though.  You could have asked me, I would have gone with you.” 

The thou
ght just sent my insides out.  Jake was there when I came home.  I would dread to think what would have happened if Jake had seen me out running with Michael so early in the morning.  He would have put two and two together and quite rightly came up with four.  It would have been the wrong kind of four nonetheless, but still, it wouldn’t have gone down too well. 

“It was
okay; I had a running partner in the end so he kept me company.” 

Michael frowns, “Running partner?”

That’s two men I have
to explain myself to this morning. “His name is Brian, he’s a neighbor downstairs, and last time I checked he had a boyfriend so he’s completely harmless.”  He smiles and carries on eating his toast, and the thought of a shower is now screaming in my head.  “I’m going to go and get ready for work.  Thanks for the toast Michael.”


I had my shower and it was a bit longer than normal considering I still felt Jake on me from earlier.  I had to relieve myself, there was no other way.  It wasn’t the same as when Jake makes me come, but it had to do under the circumstances.  I went through the motions getting dressed and ready, and came out to find Michael sitting on the sofa waiting patiently for me. 

“Are you ready
to go?” 

I nod, “Yes, are you ok
ay for getting to work this morning?” 

“I’m not at work today.  I have a rest day
, so I’ll be making my way home.” 

I come up to him and give him a hug.  He stiffens a little
making me feel terrible for making him be this way, but he relaxes and hugs me back. 

“I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you being here for me, and I’m sorry I haven’t been a better friend to you.” 

Michael pulls away and looks at me.  He can see I’m upset and his face softens into a smile. 

“Ana, please don’t blame
yourself for what happened.  I know exactly what you’re referring to and its fine.  Please believe me.  I want to forget it as much as you do and just move on.  I don’t want it to ruin the friendship we have, okay?” 

I nod my head feeling a little better. 

“Besides, you’re a crap kisser and hated the way you grabbed at me, it was awful.” 

He starts laughing and I can’t help but join in with him.  “You’re too
much; do you know that, Michael Miller?” 

“Yes I do, but where would the fun be if
I wasn’t?” 

He winks at me, all awkwardness gone, and we make our way to the door to leave.


Michael goes back home and I quickly get to the office where there is an eagerly awaiting Jessie perched on her chair.  “Good morning
, Miss Lindsay, how are we today?  Freshly—” 

“Yes,” she interrupted, “And I have some good news on the night out front.” 

I place my bag by my desk and sit down to listen.  “Oh, please do tell?”  She looks really excited and it makes me wonder what she has up her sleeve. 

“Well, when I was
at Jerry’s house I told him about our proposed night out.  He told me that he has this rich client and one of the hotels that he runs has a hall he hires out, normally for Batchelor and Bachelorette parties.  Apparently it has poles there for dancing. I thought we could stay there the night, so we didn’t have to worry about getting home.  It’s in Fredericksburg so about an hour away.  That’s a bit too far to be getting home late from there.  What do you think?  I’ll tell the guys and we can all chip in.  Jerry says he knows the owner very well, so we should be able to get a good discount.” 

It seem
s as though Jessie has thought of it all.  Could be fun and I would like to have a night away from it all.  It sounds as though it would be a nice little break. 

“Sounds great, how much are we talking here?” 

She shakes her head, “You’re not chipping in, it’s your birthday bash.  That wouldn’t be right now would it?” 

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