Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (9 page)

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It is impossible to estimate how many millions of people died from neurological diseases of unknown etiology. The correct name for Alzheimer's should be "Chronic Low-Level Mercurial Poisoning." Mercury poisoning from silver dental fillings is a causative factor in the majority of people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. And I charge that the ADA has covered up their culpability in the same way cigarette manufacturers and Dow Chemical, who produced silicone breast implants, denied their products' connection to disease.

Those of us who have had our lives turned upside down by mercury poisoning could live with the fact our dentists made an appalling mistake in not recognizing the toxicity of mercury sooner. What we will not tolerate is the fact that the ADA did everything within its power to stonewall the fact that silver fillings were poisoning their patients. They allowed over ten million silver amalgam fillings to be placed into our mouths, two inches from our brain, after there was evidence pointing to serious problems due to mercury poisoning from silver amalgam. The ADA tried to protect their profits and their reputations, not their patients. In the meantime thousands of dental patients have unnecessarily suffered catastrophic diseases. If it seems impossible to believe that our dentists would coverup the fact that they have poisoned a minimum of 12 percent of our population, read the inset on page 47.

If physicians knew mercury was poisonous, dentists had to know mercury was poisonous. It's that simple. Since 1830, the hierarchy—the good old boys in the ADA and our dental professors, must have known that dentists were placing poison into their patients' mouths. They lied to their dental students. They lied to us. In polite company another name for a lie is a "misnomer." Dentists called mercury-amalgam, silver-amalgam. Silver filling is a misnomer. That is a cover-up by any definition of "cover-up" that I understand. And that's fraud.

The ADA admitted that five percent of dental patients were allergic to silver amalgam. There is no such thing as allergy here. The ADA is trying to argue that a poison is not a poison. Goodman and Gilman's 1990 edition of The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics says, "With very few exceptions, mercury poisoning is most often not diagnosed in patients because of the insidious onset of the affliction, vagueness of early clinical signs, and the medical profession's unfamiliarity with the disease."

It is impossible to estimate how many millions of people died from chronic diseases due to mercury poisoning. The ADA claimed only 5 percent
(13 million) of dental patients were allergic to silver amalgam—that is, until the Center for Disease Control pointed out that by definition: that's an epidemic. Then the ADA changed their tune to one percent. Even so, that figure is 2,600,000 denial patients they admitted poisoning. The last I heard the ADA was saying it is just a miniscule amount—less than a hundred.

Finally even mainstream media had enough. A CBS 60 Minutes special entitled "Is There Poison in Your Mouth?" ran nationwide December 16, 1990 that included fantastic recoveries when mercury-amalgam fillings were replaced. "Is There Poison in Your Mouth?" was the most highly viewed television program 60 Minutes ever produced. CBC's Panorama followed up with "The Poison In Your Mouth" that aired in London. These two programs destroyed the credibility of the dental industry. The ADA knew that if they could not put a spin on the revelations exposed in those two television news stories their days were numbered.


In two states, Colorado and Minnesota, the dental boards have used the Attorney General's Office and millions of dollars of public tax money to take away licenses of dentists and physicians who inform their patients that mercury-amalgam is the etiology of the disease they are suffering. The Colorado Attorney General's Office spent $4 million over a twentytwo year period investigating Doctor Hal Huggins and eventually revoked his license. Before Hal decided the fight was not worth the effort anymore he had spent over $700 thousand in legal fees. The AMA took Doctor Sandra Denton's Colorado medical license because she was associated with Doctor Huggins. Sandra Denton is one of the smartest, most dedicated physicians that I have ever known. She was set up. Sandy did not do anything wrong. The Colorado Medical Board took her license to undermine Doctor Huggins' support within the medical community.

I know many critically ill patients that Doctor Denton helped. One young woman was dying by the hour. Other physicians offered no explanation for, or understanding of her illness. Doctor Denton correctly diagnosed the woman's condition and canceled half of her appointments over a two week period to care for this one indigent patient. She had her nurses watch over the young woman constantly. Area surgeons refused to operate because the woman was so close to death. Doctor Denton found a corporate jet to fly her patient from Seattle to Colorado Springs. Two oral surgeons removed titanium implants within the lower jaw and all of her silver fillings. Both surgeons laughed at Doctor Denton. They told Sandra the patient would die on the table.

The young woman started to recover two hours after surgery. Six months later she had two titanium posts reimplanted into her lower jaw to anchor her lower dentures in place and rapidly became schizophrenic. Doctor Denton pleaded with her surgeons to remove the implants, and [the patient] quickly recovered. Several years have gone by and the woman leads a normal life.

volume of Dental Students' Magazine, What I read gave me new insight into amalgam and its intimate relationship with organized dentistry.

Dentistry in the U.S. did not develop as a separate profession until the period of 1780 to 1800. There were two types of "dentists" at
training and
this time. There were those who had medical practiced both professions. These were medicaldentists. Then there were those who were
and engaged in some other trade, such as
of wood, ivory, and metals . . . among them
tooth pullers. These were called craftsmen-dentists.
merely craftsmen barbering, carving were the itinerant

Dentistry: Stepping Out of the 1830s

James E. Hardy, D.M.D.

Mercury's use in dentistry has been the subject of my studies for the past 14 years. I thought I knew the history of the mercuryamalgam controversy well, but yesterday I pulled a book down from my shelf that a patient of mine had given me. It was a bound

dated 1942 and 1943. the history of mercury

There were no American national dental dental schools in existence before 1840. self taught by "trial and error" on patients under a practicing medical-dentist.

The first dental school was chartered in the United States [on] February 1, 1840. It was called the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. It is of interest to note that the Board of the College of Dental Surgery was composed of nine physicians and five Clergymen; no dentists. Originally, the school was to be a graduate program for medical
session long and did not include
But as it turns out, this was the
separating itself from medical education.
schools as it was only one any chemistry or pathology.

beginning of dental training organizations and no Dentists were either

or were apprenticed

Also founded in 1840 was the first national dental organization. It was called the American Society

were medical-dentists, not

of Dental Surgeons. Its barbers, carpenters, or members sculptors. medical,

The medical-dentists were vitally concerned with the biological and mechanical aspects of dentistry. The

mechanical aspects craftsmen-dentists were concerned with the and did not consider medical questions.

Mercury-amalgam was first brought into the U.S. from Europe by the Crawcour brothers in effective advertising campaign teeth by filling them without were considered unethical charlatans by many medical-dentists. They removed gold fillings
amalgams. They did not dry
decay before they packed
and replaced them with mercurydecayed teeth or even remove the

the hole. There were even some reports of their packing amalgam between teeth when there were no cavities at all. This began the first amalgam war.

The amalgam war was the war between the craftsman idea of ease of manipulation and the medical intent to avoid the danger of systemic mercurial poisoning. Mercury was clearly known to be poisonous by the physicians in the 1830s.

In 1845, the American Society of Dental Surgeons banned the use of (mercury) silver-amalgams, making the members sign a pledge of non-use and promise to oppose its use under any circumstances or be expelled from the Society. Remember, this Society was restricted to medical-dentists.

A great number of craftsmen-dentists picked up the use of silver-amalgam. They were
ramifications of mercury in
chemistry, histology, pathology
not concerned with the medical the human system. Anatomy, and physiology were considered

irrelevant to the craftsmen-dentists. So many dentists began using amalgam (because it was easy to use and very profitable) that membership growth in the American Surgeons (ASDS) was curtailed. The ASDS their anti-amalgam resolution in 1850 in hopes of gaining more members. But the craftsmen-dentists had already decided to organize and associate with each other.

In 1859, a new dental organization arose composed largely of craftsmen-dentists. It was called the American Dental Association. The average dentist in the newly-formed ADA was no longer one who
physicians adopted
was in sympathy with medicine. As a result,

an extremely adverse
attitude toward the

dropped courses in profession. During this time, dental physiology, pathology, and materia except head and neck.

In Dental Students' Magazine, states hopefully, "The dental profession eagerly awaits . . . their legitimate rights as members of the healing arts." To this day, these feelings linger.

For dentistry to step out of the 1830s and fully acknowledge its responsibility as a healing art, it must prohibit the current use 1833. They had a very strong, that promised to save decayed pain in minutes. The Crawcours

Society of Dental decided to rescind

medica and did no anatomy

October 1942, an editorial of mercury. The use of mercury in dentistry has only recently been banned in Germany. (Austria, Sweden, Denmark and Canada have either banned, or curtailed the use of silver amalgam fillings. Switzerland has stopped dental schools from teaching about silver amalgam.) Some day it will be banned in the United States. We've known the truth all along. Mercury is poisonous.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self evident.


All quotations and background information for Dentistry was taken from Dental Students' Magazine, November 1942 and September 1942.

Doctor Denton moved to Anchorage, Alaska, where she was instrumental in getting the state law changed so it is more difficult for medical boards to revoke a non-traditional physician's license. Several years ago, I thought enough of her expertise to drive the Alcan highway from Seattle, Washington to Anchorage, Alaska in December to participate in her allergy desensitivity program. I have not needed to see any physician for allergies or short term memory loss since that time. Cerebral allergic reactions to favorite foods and chemical sensitivities environmental physicians call brain-fag and brain-fog are involved in the Alzheimer's disease process?

There have been so many doctors in trouble with their medical boards for exposing chronic low level mercurial poisoning as the etiology of their patient's distress it would fill several volumes of books to narrate their stories. It would take more volumes of writing to tell the stories of poisoned dental patients who have recovered after removing their silver fillings. A past-president of the Toxicology Society told me, "We know mercury is a poison. We teach it out to students. The use of silver dental fillings is an economic-political decision. Don't blame the doctors."


l. To the uninformed, "tens of millions" probably seems ridiculously high. For the 18 decades that dentists have used mercury silver-amalgam dental fillings the above estimate is in fact, conservative. Seven percent of our population is hospitalized in a mental institution at some time during their life. Seven percent of our present population would be approximately 18 million people. The number one sub-clinical sign of mercury poisoning is endogenous depression. Mercury-amalgam has very recently, irrefutably, been connected to many neurological diseases. If mercury-amalgam is the direct cause of only half of the mental patients being committed to mental hospitals that figure is 9 million dental patients whose lives have been devastated by their family dentist. In addition, there are 4 million Alzheimer's sufferers in the United States. From past experience we expect that the ADA will do everything within its power to discredit the Adolph Coors Human Study Results, that will be released in 1997. This study, the first of its kind in the world, covers amalgam removal, replacement and removal again and silver-amalgam's effect on body blood chemistries. This research prove, beyond speculation, that chronic low level mercurial poisoning from so-called silver dental fillings is the root cause of many chronic diseases for which, until now, our physicians have had no explanation.

2. Doctor Alfred Zamm says a more accurate figure is 12 percent. Twelve percent is more than 30 million Americans whose autoimmune system is adversely affected by mercury poisoning. Alfred V. Zamm, MD, "Dental Mercury: A Factor that Aggravates and Induces Xenobiotic Intolerance," Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Second Quarter, 1991, Volume 6 Number 2.

3. Cerebral allergic reactions to favorite foods and chemical sensitivities causing brain-fag and brain-fog are part of the pathology of the Alzheimer's disease process. Brain-fag feels like a cranky sleep child that needs a nap. Brain-fog is best described as being spaced out.


Hahn et. al. "Dental Silver Tooth Fillings: A Source of Mercury Exposure Revealed by Whole-body Image Scan and Tissue Analysis," University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 3, 1990, 2641-2646.

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