Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (8 page)

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Panorama investigated a number of new, independent studies, some unpublished, which point inexorably towards the health risks of amalgam fillings. The first is a new study by Dr. Boyd Haley, professor of biochemistry at the University of Kentucky. He discovered that small quantities of mercury from amalgams can produce changes in the brain identical to those caused by Alzheimer's disease. Mercury inhibits the efficiency of tubulin, a protein vital to brain cells. According to Dr. Haley:

To the best that we can determine with these experiments, mercury is a time bomb in the brain. We need to have an effect—if it's not bothering someone when they are young, especially when they age, it could turn into something quite disastrous. I still have one amalgam filling. When I had the others replaced, I had them replaced with nonamalgam fillings. I would not make the statement that mercury causes Alzheimer's disease, hut there is no doubt in my mind that low levels of mercury, present in the brain, could cause normal cell death that could lead to a dementia which would be similar to Alzheimer's disease.

Panorama also reported on the unique, ongoing study of a group of nuns by Dr. William Markesbery, professor of pathology and neurology and director of the Sanders Brown Center for Aging at the University of Kentucky. He is investigating the link between mercury and Alzheimer's disease and told Panorama:

Mercury is a toxic substance. It is a neurotoxin—that is to say it causes nerve cells to degenerate if there is enough mercury present in the brain. The major problem in Alzheimer's disease is the degeneration of nerve cells. It is possible that mercury could add to the degeneration of nerve cells—to the death of nerve cells.

The reaction of the British Dental Association (BDA) to the 1994 Panorama program was predictable: It told Panorama it was unaware of the work of Haley and also unaware of the work of Professor Aposhian at the University of Arizona who discovered that 66 percent of the mercury deposits in the body come from fillings. In fact, John Hunt, chief executive of the BDA, told Panorama, "Amalgam is safe." The BDA fact sheet available to dentists states, "The scientific evidence available to the BDA does not justify banning the use of amalgam in young children."

Said Hunt, "I've treated my children with amalgam and have no doubt that when they have their own children, they will do the same." Asked about any link between Alzheimer's and mercury, he added:

As far as I know, there is no association with mercury and Alzheimer's. We rely on expert advice. There is no evidence to suggest that merely because mercury is found in the kidneys of the fetus and young children, that it is a hazard to health. I don't see why we should necessarily worry the population at large if there are no proven arguments one way or another. The fact that it is there and it is detectable doesn't mean to say that it's potentially doing any damage. You can probably find a whole lot of substances in the brain that perhaps should not be there.

Special thanks to Professor Murray Vimy for several of the above references and to the Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome (DAMS) consumer advocacy group. For more information contact DAMS at (800) 311-6265.


1. J.G. Baurer and H.A. First, California Dental Association Journal, 10:47-61, 1982.

2. E.W. Skinner and R.W Phillips, The Science of Dental Materials, 6th ed. (Philadelphia: W.B. Saundets Co., 1969), pp. 303, 332. 3. N. Paterson, British Dental Journal, 157:23-25, 1984.

4. R.W. Phillips, et al., Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 55:736-772, 1986.

5. The United States is exempt from the U.N. Genocide Treaty of March 1988, as it signed on the condition that "no nation shall sit in judgment of the United States." Technically, any form of genocidal activity is legal in the United States under U.N. mandates.

6. American Academy of Dental Science, A History of Dental and Oral Science in America (Philadelphia: Samuel White, 1876).

7. D.K. Bremmer, The Story of Dentistry, rev. 3rd ed. (Brooklyn: Dental Items of Interest Publishing, 1954).

8. "Representation of Care and Fees," Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct (American Dental Association, 211 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60611).

9. J.J. Vimy and F.L. Lorscheider, Journal of 64:1072-1075, 1985.

10. Ibid. pp. 1069-1071.
11. Ibid. pp. 1072-1075.

12. J.J. Vimy and F.L. Lorscheider, Journal Experimental Medicine, 3:111-123, 1990. Dental Restorations,

of Trace Element

13. Vimy and Lorscheider, Dental Restorations, pp. 1072-1075. 14. World Health Organization, "Recommended Health-based Limits in Occupational Exposure to Heavy Metals," 1980.

15. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (18 USC 1961 et seq.; 84 Stat 922).


Tom Warren

I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth, if it be such as would

oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught

to others, and which they have woven thread by thread into the fabric of their lives.
Leo Tolstoy

Suppose that you had dedicated your whole life to helping patients achieve better health. In time you were recognized as an eminent professional and became a board member of your medical association, one of the largest and, to the uninformed, most respected conglomerates in the world. Your associates produce a gross income of $50 million a day. Collectively, the board is a major economic-political power. If change were in the air, what would you be willing to do to protect your position?

Dominant members of society always resist change. The power structure looks at identical data disinterested parties see clearly, but filters out information that challenges its earning power.

A hundred and eighty years ago, when the problems we are talking about started, medical science was in its infancy. Technology to determine the efficacy of pharmaceuticals and treatment processes was, by today's standards, nonexistent.

During the Civil War, surgeons wiped blood off their knives onto their aprons to get ready for the next operation. Surgeons did not know that they needed to wash their hands before delivering a baby, so one in four mothers died from childbirth fever (Sepsis infection). Doctor Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian obstetrician from Vienna, observed that midwives regularly washed their hands before delivery. It was common knowledge that midwives had a significantly lower Sepsis infection rate than surgeons. Doctor Semmelweis installed a sink at the entrance to the delivery room and surgeons were not admitted into the operating room until they carefully washed their hands. Sepsis infection disappeared. Doctor Semmelweis informed the medical community and was driven insane by their ridicule and harassment.

In the United States, not less than seven thousand researchers, scientists, physicians and dentists are aware of at least part of the following information. Approximately half of that number, those that practice mercury-free dentistry and the physicians who support them feel threatened by their medical societies and state medical and dental boards. Scott McAdoo, D.D.S., of Denver, Colorado, who is one of the most skilled dentists I had the pleasure of going to said, "To advertise that you are a mercury-free dentist is like standing in a foxhole." The Colorado State Dental Board is after his license.

The only scientists and physicians that does not feel themselves at risk are our toxicologists, who have been trying for years to tell the public that mercury in "silver" fillings is a deadly poison. The Toxicology Society has published dozens of research papers about the toxicity of mercury. Unfortunately, the American Dental Association (ADA) has enough economic-political power to shut down the very doctors the public should be listening to.

Most medical research is funded by the pharmaceutical industry and researchers are disinclined to shoot their wallet in the toe. For example, a ten day cure for peptic ulcers was discovered over eleven years ago. Most ulcers are caused by H-pylori bacterial infection. I wrote about H-pylori in Beating Alzheimer's in December of 1989. The October 1995 issue of Readers Digest reports less than half of United States doctors know how to treat their 25 million ulcers patients correctly. "Doctors may be unwilling to try the new methods, while drug companies may be (are) reluctant to abandon the lucrative antacid market." Zantac and Tagamet are two of the fastest selling medications for ulcers in the United States.

Doctor Joel Wallach, M.D., D.V.M., who performed over 27 thousand autopsies on animals as well as 10 thousand autopsies on humans told me whatever disease the cadaver exhibited, malnutrition was the underlying cause of death. He discontinued practice and sells Body and Mineral Toddy, liquid vitamin and mineral supplements. I was introduced to Doctor Wallach's products several years ago. I did not try Body Toddy on myself, I gave it to our house plants. They grew so huge during the summer that I had to cut them down to dirt and start over. I use both products now.

Malnutrition is a sub-clinical symptom evolved in the Alzheimer's disease process. I have heard physicians say people waste their money on vitamins and minerals, that we just piss them down the drain. What do they think happens to pharmaceuticals? I prefer to piss fifty cents worth of vitamins and minerals every day than die from Alzheimer's, or to have wasted more than a hundred thousand dollars going to doctors who did not have the slightest idea of how to reverse Alzheimer's, or any other chronic disease. All the traditional doctors did was waste my time and take my money. None of them—not one—had the slightest idea of what to do. In addition, the traditional medical community harassed every doctor I went to who knew anything about reversing chronic disease. If a physician cures patients other doctors cannot, his peers shun him, and medical boards do their damnedest to ruin his reputation, his practice and take his license. The bottom line is arrogance, ignorance and money. Mostly, it's the money.

I have a friend who was perhaps, the most informed physician within his area of expertise, in America. He wrote more than eight hundred research papers that were published in peer review medical journals. He was personal physician to some of the most powerful men in the world. He is in Who's Who in the United States and Who's Who of the world. At the university where he taught, doctors have large practices. My friend was not bringing in as much money as the good old boys wanted so they started directing indigent patients his way. His patients had a higher recovery rate than his colleagues who were charging significantly higher fees. Their patients learned of this, and dropped their physicians to go to my friend. The university fired him. He sued and won $300 thousand. But he is out of the circle; he is not considered one of the good old boys anymore. The traditional medical community pretends he does not exist. He is shunned. The pressure caused his marriage to fall apart. He has taken to drugs and is very ill. His license has been revoked. All his tomorrows are yesterdays.


Suppose that you were a foreign intelligence officer looking for the perfect undetectable poison to destroy an enemy in a way that brought no repercussions to yourself. Suppose that your research scientists discovered a low-level, slow-acting poison, a liquid metal, that is the most lethal non-radioactive element in the Periodic Table. This toxin has an affinity for brain and neurological tissue, especially the sheath surrounding neurons that transmit thought process w i t h i n the brain.

The onset of clinical symptoms are so insidious physicians are unable to detect the etiology of the patient's distress. One person may develop schizophrenia, another tremors, or Alzheimer's, because the poison always heads for the weakest organ and weakest gene. If you could induce your enemy's dentists to insert this diabolical toxin into their patient's oral cavity "two inches from the brain" in 85 percent of your enemy's population, you would wreak havoc on the whole fabric of their society. You could put hundreds of thousands of their citizenry in mental hospitals. You could destroy whole families. Sick people are inefficient, troublesome workers. They fill the welfare rolls. They fill the prisons. You could cause hundreds of billions of dollars of taxes to be spent supporting institutionalized mental patients and imprisoned no-accounts. You could cause your enemy to spend trillions of dollars on unnecessary medical bills before poisoned patients expire. In addition, sick under-employed workers cannot pay taxes. The best part is that the last person anyone would suspect of poisoning them is their dentist.

If the above parody were true, if it was discovered that any nation caused tens of millions
of our population the devastation I just described, we would declare war. This discovery would be considered "A Day in Infamy." Unfortunately, the only incongruity in the above scenario is that there is no foreign intelligence officer. I wish there were. It would make the following information more palatable.

This is what has been covered up:

1. The primary cause of Alzheimer's is iatrogenic disease, doctor-induced disease, from so-called "silver" dental fillings that poison the brain and nervous system. Mercury in silver dental fillings has an affinity for brain tissue and easily passes through the blood-brain barrier. Mercury vapor ions are too miniscule to be recognized by the autoimmune system until enough mercury accumulates upon the nerve sheath that surrounds the synapses. At that point our autoimmune system does not recognize the tissue as self and attacks the nerve sheath as if it were a foreign invader.

2. If an Alzheimer's sufferer can carry on a half-way reasonable conversation for five minutes, do not let uninformed physicians persuade you that Alzheimer's is not reversible. An anesthesiologist who read Beating Alzheimer's checked and rechecked my information with dentists and physicians for six months, then removed thirteen root canals. He recovered from Alzheimer's disease in two hours flat. Every once in a while someone tugs on my sleeve in a store, a restaurant or after a speaking engagement and tells me that I have saved their life.

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