Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries

BOOK: Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries
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Acknowledgments, ix

Preface, xi

Introduction, 1

Section I The Suppression of Alternative Medical Therapies

1. Does Medicine Have a Bad Attitude? 7
2. The Great Fluoridation Hoax, 19
3. Deadly Mercury: How It Became Your Dentist's Darling, 31
4. The Alzheimer's Cover-Up, 41
5. Vaccinations: Adverse Reactions Cover-Up? 52
6. AIDS and Ebola: Where Did They Really Come From? 55
7. Polio Vaccines and the Origin of AIDS, 73
8. Oxygen Therapies, The Virus Destroyers, 86
9. Oxygen Therapy: The Empire Strikes Back, 91
10. The FDA, 104
11. Harry Hoxsey, 114
12. The AMA's Successful Attempt to Suppress My Cure for Cancer, 117 13. Royal Raymond Rife and the Cancer Cure That Worked! 126 14. The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens, 144

15. Dr. Max Gerson's Nutritional Therapy for Cancer

and Other Diseases, 169

Section II The Suppression of Unorthodox Science
16. Science as Credo, 179

17. Sigmund Freud and the Cover-Up of "The Aetiology

of Hysteria," 186

18. The Burial of Living Technology, 191
19. Egyptian History and Cosmic Catastrophe, 207
20. Archaeological Cover-Ups? 215
21. Introduction to Bread From Stones, 227
22. Scientist With an Attitude: Wilhelm Reich, 233
23. The AMA's Charge on the Light Brigade, 247
24. The Neurophone, 263

Section III The Suppression of UFO Technologies and Extraterrestrial Contact

25. Breakthrough as Boffins Beat Gravity, 275
26. Antigravity on the Rocks: The T. T. Brown Story, 277
27. Did NASA Sabotage Its Own Space Capsule? 286
28. Extraterrestrial Exposure Law Already Passed by Congress, 309
29. The Stonewalling of High Strangeness, 311
30. UFOs and the U.S. Air Force, 334
31. UFOs and the CIA: Anatomy of a Cover-Up, 347
32. NASA, 353
33. UFO Phenomena and the Self-Censorship of Science, 374
34. Mars—The Telescopic Evidence, 382

35. Never a Straight Answer: A Book Review of

NASA Mooned America! 397

Section IV The Suppression of Fuel Savers and Alternate Energy Resources

36. Nikola Tesla: A Brief Introduction, 410
37. Tesla's Controversial Life and Death, 412
38. Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires, 428
39. From the Archives of Lester J. Hendershot, 438

40. Gunfire in the Laboratory: T. Henry Moray

and the Free Energy Machine, 446

41. Sunbeams From Cucumbers, 459
42. Archie Blue, 472
43. The Story of Francisco Pacheo, 476

44. Amazing Locomotion and Energy Super Technology and Carburetors, 480

45. The Charles Pogue Story, 508
46. News Clips on Suppressed Fuel Savers, 515 Conclusion, 521
Permissions, 523

A. A Selection of Alternative Energy Patents, 526
B. A Selection of Antigravity Patents, 531
C. Recommended Reading, 538

Index, 541


I would like to thank Duncan Roads, the editor and publisher of Nexus magazine, for his tireless efforts to bring to light many of the stories of suppression and chicanery that have inhibited the progress of the human race and endangered the very survival of the planet. Nexus, in the company of other great magazines like Exposure, Probe, Steamshovel Press, and Perceptions, is essential reading for anyone concerned with exposing the Big Lies . . . and the little ones. In a world where common sense is considered radical, Nexus continues to publish information about the development of new and non-polluting technologies, and bravely champions independent thinking, provocative ideas, and feasible solutions. Many of the articles in this book were either first published or reprinted in Nexus.

I would also like to thank the good people at the Auckland Institute of Technology in New Zealand for granting me the resources to research, edit and publish an early "trial" version of this book for the New Zealand market. Without their help and encouragement, their financial support, and their willingness to entertain controversy in the interests of getting the truth out, this book would not have been published.

Much thanks to my publisher, Rudy Shur, for his patience, and his faith in this project. There are very few publishers—if any—in the world today with a list as consistently good and as consistently helpful as his, and it is an honor to be counted among his authors and his friends.

There are literally hundreds of people who helped to bring this book into existence, directly or indirectly. They know who they are and that I am eternally grateful for the work they've done. I would like to publicly remember my teachers, Charles Shulman, Richard Alpert, Sy Jacobi and Leonard Orr, as well as my friends, my first grade teacher Mrs. Poole, my father, whose 1948 discovery linking smoking and heart disease was ignored by the AMA, Stuart Troy, and Wilf Brinsbury. Wilf's encyclopedic knowledge of alt ernati ve energy is matched only by his enthusiasm. x

selfless sharing, and McLaughlin, publisher of the unique free energy catalogue, Lost Tech Files.

Most important, I would like to express my deepest and undying gratitude to my wife. Thank you, Katherine . . . for the lot.

Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries creativity. I also appreciate the help of Alan


We live in an age of marvels. Electronics has made us a global village; the Hubble can enable us to see to the beginning of time itself; we can pinpoint our location through satellite navigation systems and hold encyclopedias on a microchip.

We can do all these things, and yet something is radically wrong, terribly wrong. We keep polluting our magnificent home with the rancid waste from our chemical and petroleum industries, despoiling our planet and ourselves for the evanescent glory of the bottom line. We imbalance the most delicate of balances to conform with the logic of a system that is, to put it charitably, horribly out of whack.

Face it: Our entire global immune system is breaking down before our very eyes. Cancer, the defining disease of our time, inexorably increases in virulence, claiming millions of people every year; our climate is becoming more extreme with each passing season; and we seem to be losing the battle with the mighty virus as we breed it into our foodstuffs, our vaccines, and ourselves. Our antibiotics have helped to breed new super strains of bacteria that eat antibiotics for breakfast. Our vaunted educational systems produce graduates with great erudition in inconsequential matters, while illiteracy rises and the incompetent prevail.

And all the while nations become increasingly violent to each other as well as to themselves. The very worst role models are emulated, as some vestigial third brain reptile territoriality takes hold of our collective consciousness, selling itself as "free market economics" or some such nonsense.

In the immortal words of the Chinese curse, we have all been born into "interesting times."
Looking back over the past 100 years or so, when the industrial engine really began to get serious about eating the planet, it is tempting to ask whether or not the results really needed to have happened. Is there something fundamentally wrong with the human experiment, some genetic flaw, some cosmic misunderstanding that has made all this somehow xii Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries

inevitable? Or is it more mundanely political, that we have been taken over and overtaken by a materialist elite whose interests have overridden the common good so often as to be mistaken for the way it has to be? Perhaps there is just an unwritten conservatism that replenishes a reality construct over and over again until it becomes the paradigm which the culture as a whole accepts automatically, condemning alternatives to limbo, sublimely unconscious to the looming icebergs on the port bow.

People seem to know in their bones that that pouring good money after bad is not the way to save the earth. But through rewards and punishments from infancy on we are encouraged to kneel at the alter of denial, to negate our creativity except when that creativity is enlisted to support the system. We are told that this is all there is, that it was meant to be, and that we can't change anything fundamentally.

We seem to need the comfort of predictability, to be thankful when the next moment closely resembles the last, even if both bolster the common dysfunctionality. The "devil you know" kind of thing. And never mind that it has never really worked very well... and it is not likely to work now.

We all want acceptance, and to limit that cognitive dissonance between us and the people that matter and the system that really matters. But somewhere is that place where we know that all this is wrong, that it doesn't really have to be like this, doesn't really have to continue like this until we are all dead on a dead planet. Somewhere we know that within the human spirit is a place of creativity so powerful and so encompassing, that given half a chance we can change this course, change this moment and change history.

And that is what this book is about. It concerns itself with those inventions and ideas that have been developed over the last 100 years or so which, given enough encouragement, might well have led to a radically different culture and economics than the one in which we find ourselves today. Good—indeed, great—ideas have arisen and have been rejected by a society so mired in the dominant paradigm that it could not bestir itself to support its own survival.

Nevertheless, one perseveres in the often vain but necessary hope that success will eventuate. There really isn't any choice. The inventions and discoveries described and explored in this book may one day be developed for all to use and share. But in the meantime I believe that the first step may rest with the dissemination of the knowledge of what was, what might have been, and what may yet be.

Jonathan Eisen October, 1998


In 1979 a New Zealand inventor by the name of Archie Blue astounded the world—or at least that part of the world that was paying attention—with an invention that would allow any car with a gasoline engine to be fueled solely by water. He was awarded a patent for his work, and although he kept certain vital secrets out of his patent diagrams, he did demonstrate his device on numerous public and private occasions. Witnesses from England's Royal Automobile Club announced that the car did indeed run on water, and was in fact getting one hundred miles per gallon.

A group of English investors in the Channel Islands supported Blue. They brought him to the United Kingdom and tested the device, but then, mysteriously, progress was halted. Blue returned to New Zealand and stopped publicizing his invention. Immediately upon his death in 1991, his daughter and son-in-law cleaned out his laboratory, and brought what they described as "junk" to the garbage dump. Thus, Archie Blue's secrets died with him.

In 1996, I was invited to Australia to witness a demonstration of another mechanism that reputedly allowed a car to run on water. The inventor (who understandably wishes to remain anonymous) had received threats after having conversed with a magazine editor. He was told never to try to put his invention on the market or to write about it in a public media. However, no one stopped him from showing several of us how the device worked in a Ford Cortina.

Running on gasoline, the old Ford could barely manage 4,500 revolutions per minute before it screamed in obvious pain and blue smoke billowed out from the exhaust pipe. However, after the water device was connected, the engine went to 10,500 rpm with nothing but water vapor coming out of the pipe, and no smoke evident at all. Its acceleration was phenomenal. The engine still screamed, but it was obviously happier running on water. Unfortunately, the inventor's garage was later raided, and his equipment destroyed, making further development impossible.

Archie Blue and the aforementioned Australian inventor were not alone in developing their water-fueled automobiles. The first report of such an event was recorded in Dallas, Texas in 1934. Another version of the same idea turned up in 1936, witnessed by hundreds of spectators in England. In the 1950s, Guido Franch astounded automotive engineers with a chemical that allowed water to be burned in exactly the same manner as gasoline. The performance of a car running on this fuel was fantastic.

But despite the obvious successes of such prototypes, not one of these devices is on the market today. Countless inventors have been not-so-gently persuaded to abandon their projects through intimidation tactics such as sabotage and blackmail. Some have even been coerced into surrender by death threats. And should any inventor persist in making his work known, orthodox science can be counted on to intervene and effectively kill the project with rhetoric. Obtaining greater than 100-percent efficiency is, as any sensible scientist knows, impossible. Orthodox engineers would like to have you believe that these inventions somehow violate the "immutable" laws of physics by apparently producing more energy than they are consuming.

For the true innovator there is only theory, and so there are no laws that cannot be broken. Everything in Nature is a catalyst for wonder and discovery, and the authentic inventor welcomes the next moment as an opportunity for creation. Really significant advances have always grown out of the revelations of independent thinkers and tinkerers who were not learned enough to know that they were violating the laws or physics or any other branch of science. Or perhaps, in the pursuit to improve mankind's quality of life, they simply didn't care.

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