Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (87 page)

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From Modern Mechanix and Inventions
200 MILES 35 CENTS. Burn stove distillate in your car. Get parts any junk yard. Detailed information and blueprint 50c. Cecil Carmichael, 5013 2nd Ave, Los Angeles Calif.

SEMI-DIESELIZE TO ECONOMIZE. Convert your car for $2.75 to $5.00 and burn cheap Diesel Oil. Works on any car. No major changes made in motor. Anyone of average mechanical ability can install. Parts available everywhere. 6 big (8 1/2" x 11") pages of Copyrighted drawing and instructions show 2 different, tested, methods of conversion $1.00. Free booklet, stamp apprectiated. Order your copy today. Earl J. Behling, Box 944 Los Angeles, California.

AUTO OWNERS! Adapt your Automobile for cheap Diesel fuel. No radical change. Increased mileage, perfect performance. Parts $4.00 anywhere. Guaranteed satisfaction with our superior plans $1.00 postpaid. Particulars Dime (refundable) Research, 126 Lexington, New York.


From the Wellington newspaper, New Zealand
A 30-year-old New Zealand mechanic who says he has developed a car engine fueled by water was reported today to have sold his invention for $25.6 mi lli on to an international research group.

The Sunday News of Auckland, said that M. Malcolm Vincent, of Nelson, had sold the rights to his water-powered rotary engine to the Club of Rome, through its Melbourne representatives.

"They're paying me $NZ600,000 down and $1 million a year for 25 years," Mr. Vincent is reported to have said.
Before the newspaper broke the story today there had been several reports that Mr. Vincent had perfected his water-powered engine, but apart from a television report which showed his car moving down a slight hill the reports had never been substantiated.
After the television film the NZ Government sent Ministry of Transport automotive engineers to appraise the invention.

"No Chance to See It"

"But he never gave us a chance to see it," the chief automotive engineer, Mr. F. D. McWha, said today.
"He hasn't disclosed to us the principle of his engine and he didn't want any help."
Mr. McWha said he understood Mr. Vincent had not patented his invention and had allowed nobody to see it for fear his secret would be stolen.
The Sunday News said Mr. Vincent flew to Melbourne with a crated prototype of his engine a few days ago.
The newspaper quoted Mr. Vincent as saying before he left for Melbourne that, "It didn't take long to negotiate the sale. The first production engine we will be trying to build will be for a car."
Mr. Vincent told the newspaper that in trials round the Nelson district in the South Island, "the best run we had with the engine so far has been in a Holden. We did 150 miles in it around the Nelson area."
According to Mr. Vincent, two manufacturing units will be set up by the Club of Rome: one in Australia and one in New Zealand.

Mr. Vincent died under mysterious circumstances in 1989.


It's conceivable that the next car you buy may be fueled by water. Perhaps, at that time, your income will no longer be eaten up by the electric bill, because free energy will have hastened the extinction of mighty power monopolies. In fact, years from now, your children (or your children's children) may awaken to find their planet Earth unspoiled by toxic wastes, and maybe even fully recovered from the havoc that we have wreaked continuously through the centuries.

However, if we continue along the course that we have mapped out for ourselves, it's not very likely that we'll benefit from these developments any time soon. Too many people have become accustomed to our current state of affairs, accepting the imbalance of our ecosystem as the inevitable byproduct of progress. Too few have questioned the wisdom of this learned helplessness.

What we must ask ourselves, then, is whether or not the bleak outlook that we have constructed really is unavoidable. I believe that our species has the capacity to deviate from the path that we have set out on, and to chart a new course for ourselves, and for future generations. Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries has highlighted many inventions and ideas that have been developed in the last century of this millennium—the innovations of researchers and inventors who refused to resign themselves to fate. But what has been presented here is only a fraction of what actually exists, because each breakthrough that you have read about actually represents dozens of others that remain obscured.

The suppression of new paradigms and creative thinking in science, technology, and medicine affects us all, and we can no longer afford to ignore the overwhelming evidence that it does exist. What the world could have been and still could be if we encouraged and nurtured non-polluting technologies like hydrogen or free energy is worthy of our deepest consideration. We simply must stop ki l l i n g the planet, each other, and ourselves and devote our best efforts to repairing the damage that is the legacy of a system devoted to exploitation, greed, and personal aggrandizement.

In my continuing efforts to disclose valuable information, I'm always eager to hear about inventions and discoveries that have been hidden from the public for any number of possible motives. If you, as an informed reader, have proof of a breakthrough that has been ignored or denied, please contact me care of Avery Publishing Group.

Remember to keep your eyes and ears open. An inquisitive mind, coupled with ceaseless determination, is the remedy for the suppression syndrome.



1. From the book Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives by James P. Carter, M.D. Reprinted by permission of Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 134 Burgess Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22902.

2. "The Great Fluoridation Hoax" (October/November 1991). Reprinted by permission of Nexus.
3. "Deadly Mercury: How it Became Your Dentist's Darling" Perceptions, March/April 1996). Reprinted by permission of Nexus.

4. Reprinted by permission of Tom Warren.
5. First appeared in the Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical (as it appeared in

Research Newsletter, 19. "Egyptian History and Cosmic Catastrophe." Reprinted by permission of Nexus.

Vol. 2, No. 2, spring/summer 1994. Reprinted by permission of the Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical Research, P.O. Box 234, Lawson, NSW 2783, Australia. 6. From the book Emerging Viruses. Reprinted by permission of Leonard G. Horowitz. 7. First appeared in the Townsend Letter for Doctors, no. 126, January 1994, pages 97-100. Reprinted by permission of Brian Martin, Ph.D.

8. Copyright © 1996 by Ed McCabe. Reprinted by permission.
9. "Oxygen Therapy: The Empire Strikes Back" (December 1993/January 1994). Reprinted by permission of Nexus.

10. From the book, Naked Empress, published by Ciris Publishing, Via Motta 51, 6900 Massagno, Switzerland. Reprinted by permission of Hans Ruesch.
11. and 15. Reprinted by permission of Katherine Smith.
13. From The Cancer Cure That Worked! by Barry Lynes. Reprinted by permission of Marcus Books, P.O. Box 327, Queensville, Ontario, Canada, LOGIRO. 13. Inset "Bacilli Revealed by New Microscope." Copyright © 1931 by The New York Times Co. Reprinted by permission.

14. From the book The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens © 1990 and 1991 by Christopher Bird. Reprinted with permission of HJ Kramer, Inc., P.O. Box 1082, Tiburon, CA 94920. All rights reserved.

16. Reprinted by permission of Roy Lisker.


18., 22., 26., 37.. and 40. Reprinted by permission of Jeane Manning.


20. First appeared in the April-May 1993 issue of Nexus. Reprinted by permission of David Hatcher Childress.
23. Reprinted by permission of Stuart H. Troy.
24. First appeared in the February/March 1994 issue of Nexus. Reprinted by permission of Patrick Flanagan, 1109 S. Plaza Way, Suite 399, Flagstaff, AZ 86901. 27. From the book NASA Mooned America! Reprinted by permission from Rene. 28. "Extraterrestrial Exposure Law Already Passed by Congress" (August/September 1993). Reprinted by permission of Nexus.
29., 33. From the book Extra-terrestrial Friends and Foes, published by Illuminet Press, P.O. Box 2808, Lilburn, GA 30226. Reprinted by permission of George C. Andrews.

30. "UFOs and the U.S. Air Force" (July/August 1991; October/November 1991). Taken verbatim from the United States Air Forces Academy textbook, Introductory Space Science, Volume II, Department of Physics, USAF. This volume was being used by the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO. The Air Force Academy has since pulled this volume from the curriculum in the early 70s because of the controversy it generated. Reprinted by permission of Nexus.

31. "UFOs and the CIA: Anatomy of a Cover-Up" (No. 36, May/June 1996, pp. 23-25). Reprinted by permission of New Dawn Magazine, GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia.

32. From the book Above Top Secret by Timothy Good. Reprinted by permission of Macmillan Publishers, Ltd., London.
34. From the book UFOs and the Complete Evidence From Space, published by Pintado Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA 94598. Reprinted by permission of Daniel Ross. 35. Reprinted by permission of Thomas J. Brown, aereon.
39. Compiled, published, and reprinted by permission of Mark M. Hendershot, P.O. Box 135, Okanogan, WA 98840.
41. From the book Forbidden Science by Richard Milton. Reprinted by permission of Fourth Estate Ltd., United Kingdom.
43. First appeared in the June/July 1992 issue of Nexus. Reprinted by permission of Karin Westdyk.
44. From Suppressed and Incredible Inventions by John Freeman. Reprinted by permission of Health Research, P.O. Box 850, Pomeroy, WA 99347.

46. "Inventor's Mysterious Motor Runs on Power Drawn From Atmosphere" (October 1952). Copyright © 1952 by Popular Science, Times Mirror Magazines, Inc. Reprinted by permission.

"A Selection of Alternative Energy Patents" from the book Exotic Patents, edited and published by Biagio Conti, P.O. Box 1014, Carmel, NY 10512. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

The author and publisher's intention was to contact all of the above copyright holders. In certain cases, however, we were not able to do so. Therefore, we invite the copyright holders we could not locate to contact us, so that we can give them proper credit in future editions.

Appendix A;
A Selection of
Energy Patents

Several inventors have been selected that may be of interest. All inventors listed below carry one or more patents in the United States patent office.


Brown conducted gravity research for over thirty years. He has postulated that there is a definite link between gravity and electricity. There are many other patents listed that involve gravity and electricity and their peculiar relationship (electro-gravities research). See Ether-Technology: A Rational Approach to Gravity Control by Rho Sigma and High Energy Electrostatics Research publications. See patents (1,974,483) (2,949,550) (3,018,394) (3,022,430) (3,187,206) (3,223,887) (3,518,462).


In Return of the Dove by Margaret Storm, O. T. Carr is mentioned having developed an "anti-gravity flying saucer" and actually started a company which dealt with "free energy." Supposedly, certain secrets of his "free energy" device were incorporated in his "Amusement Device" patent (2,912,244) which resembles a conventional disc-shaped flying saucer. A few years ago, Carr was advertising his model A-Xl energy system that produced 15,000 watts from an input of only 500 watts. Return of the Dove can be obtained from Health Research. An article also appeared in TRUE, January 1961 titled "Otis T. Carr and the OTC-X1" by Richard Gehrman. Patent and article available from Biago Conti, RO. Box 1014, Carmel, NY 10512.


This is the famous Fish carburetor which guaranteed at least 20 percent better gas mileage than old-style carburetors. Iti can also be easily

From the book Exotic Patents,. available from Biagio Conti, P.O. Box 1014, Carmel, NY 10512.

switched for alcohol. Our sources indicate that the unit was last being sold by Fuel Systems of America, Box 9333, Tacoma, Washington 98401 (206) 922-2228. See patents (2,214,273) (2,236,595) (2,775,818) (2,801,086).


Authored an excellent book titled Pyramid Power, one of the first on the market researching pyramid energy. His patent (3,393,279) is a device that claims to transmit sound directly to the brain by-passing the audio-neural system. Not only would this be a benefit to the handicapped, but one would be able to communicate with another in a very high noise environment. One could still wear noise mufflers which would not interfere with this type of communication. See patents (3,393,279) (3,647,970). Send inquiries to: 1109 S. Plaza Way, Suite 399, Flagstaff, AZ, 86001.


Patented a motor that requires no fuel and produces no waste. An article appeared in the June 1973 issue of Probe the Unknown, titled "The Engine That Runs Itself published by Rainbow Publications, 1845 Empire Avenue, Burbank, CA 91504. Unique Technologies, PO Box 56, Richland, MI 49083 also sells "Energy Creation" that describes this invention in layman's terms. See patent (3,890,548).


This is the well known patent which uses the force that Hieronymus calls "eloptic energy." This energy has characteristics of both light and electricity. Many radionic units are fashioned after this basic design. Articles written by Hieronymus can be found in the United States Psychotronics Newsletter, available at P.O. Box 22697, Louisville, KY, 40252 and also in Advanced Sciences Advisory published by Advanced Sciences Research and Development Corporation Inc., PO Box 109, Lakemont, Georgia 30552. See patent (2,482,773).

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