Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (85 page)

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Gravity Defying Gyroscopes

Edwin Rickman, an English electrical engineer, had recurring dreams about an anti-gravity device in the early 70s. After a patent was obtained on the basic principles, it came to the attention of Prof. Eric Laithwaite of London's Imperial College of Science and Technology. With certain modifications, this scientist declared in 1974 in press releases that this antigravity motor should enable us to travel to other solar systems.

Laithwaite Anti-Gravity Machine

Prof. Eric Laithwaite of the Imperial College of Science and Technology in England invented an anti-gravity machine in 1975. Defying the laws of Newton, it depended upon the fact that no energy was required to return its two gyroscopes arms to their starting position.

Flying Suits

The Asian conflicts prodded the development of one man flying suits in the 60s. In his "Gold of the Gods," Von Daniken points out numerous earlier models depicted on monuments, tablets, pots, and even as Polynesian ritual objects.


Many strange stories have circulated about the flying saucers being built by various governments on our planet. While there is good reason to believe that alien saucers do exist and do visit our planet, there is a surprising amount of evidence concerning the models of local origin.

Several ancient manuscripts give details on building craft that would fit into the flying saucer category. However, in recent times, the most authentic reports come from records concerning the work of Hitler's scientists. In the few short years that Hitler gave his scientists free rein to develop technology, there was astonishing progress. Allied teams who rushed into the secret underground bases and projects after the War were dumbfounded by the technological advancement they found. A small plant in central Germany (M-Werke) was on the verge of producing missiles which could destroy entire U.S. cities. Co-operation between G-Works and various other installations produced the "Kugelblitz." This was an advanced lens-shaped craft that destroyed Allied bombers by Electrostatic firing systems. It could travel by remote control, seek a target by infrared detection, and remain undetectable on radar screens. According to a number of later Allied intelligence reports, there were super turbine engines capable of running on liquid oxygen or hydrogen peroxide, a gelatinous, organic-metallic fuel - and on even the atmosphere.

More theoretical was a design based upon the "Lense-Therring effect." Here a torus wrapped in a tube of accelerating dense matter should create a gravity field strong enough to overcome the gravity of Earth. Another device possible under the present accepted laws of physics is built of a thin disc of nuclear matter. Such a device is lightly covered in an August 1975 Analog-Science Fact Magazine.

In this issue Dr. Forwards mentioned another system. Because any mass with velocity and acceleration can create force (according to accepted laws), a round torus rotating outward on itself should cancel Earth's gravity. Unfortunately, these machines would require quantities of dense matter.

Because many can't accept the current gravitational theories, there are many theoretical designs which use what we could call negative matter. Because an object of negative would repel an object of positive matter, we would get a principle of great potential. This, of course, would be similar to the "Day and Night" energies supposedly used by the ancients, mentioned elsewhere.

In a similar vein, one could theoretically use the polarity of inertia. By changing inertia from positive to negative—or even redistributing it, one might thus overcome gravity.

Einstein observed that if the UFO occupants had mastered gravity, they would also have overcome inertia. Saucers with anti-gravity screens could ignore both gravity and inertia. They can instantly change direction and speed. Anyone who has observed the darting movements of some UFOs must concede that something is breaking the laws of inertia.

There are those who maintain that we live in a contracting and expanding universe of many dimensions. By using technology which can contract a space craft, for example, the craft cannot only pass into the other dimensions, but pass through less dense materials. Because light rays would be less rapid than the event itself, distortions would result—which seem to be well recorded in documented encounters.

Will our leaders continue to assume that we are too dense to understand? It wouldn't surprise some persons to see the "leaders" looking down from advanced craft, in event there were a major disaster.

Exactly how many Government rooms are filled with data on UFOs could be anyone's speculation. What is well remembered by many is the fact that many samples of strange materials and machinery have been handed over to Government authorities. In all of these cases, the samples have simply disappeared and have been denied to later inquirers. A typical case in 1969 involved a material found by Professor R. Bracewell, the man who solved our spinning satellite problem. Absorbing heat and releasing it slowly by over a period of several days, this material could not be analyzed nor duplicated by our best procedures,

Is there actually an organised force to stamp out rational data on UFOs? An Argosy magazine article mentioned dozens of saucer researchers who mysteriously disappeared. Albert Bender, a well-know researcher, told of seven visitations by mysterious "men in black." He felt that with such powers to cloud men's minds as those visitors seemed to possess, they could be of alien origin.

Another well-known UFO researcher with a similar feeling is Laura Mundo. She felt that the "man in black" who contacted her were "front men" for aliens who wished to frighten her out of the work.

Grey Barker wrote his They Know Too Much About Flying Saucers during the period when the "men in black" were most active.
What occurs to many persons of open minds in this area is that there are not only UFOs of Earth origin, but there are very sophisticated craft of extraterrestrial "alien" origin as well. With literally hundreds of UFO publications and groups and thousands of sightings, the evidence is pretty overwhelming for either or both craft.

The Charles
Pogue Story


Manitoba, Canada, Jan. 24, 1936—If a car weighing a ton and a half will run a mile and a half on a drop and a half of gasoline, people are very likely to forget the famous hen and a half who laid an egg and a half in a day and a half.

Evidence that a Winnipeg inventor's new carburetor gets over 200 miles to the gallon has caused many pencils to be sharpened by amateur physicists. Where and how does he get the miles?

"Gas savers" galore crowd the electric belts and the muscle-builders among the sucker ads in cheap magazines. It is not much of a trick, by getting the motor hot, skinning [leaning] the mixture and holding the car at its most economical speed—about 22 miles an hour—to get 50 or 60 miles out of an old boiler that usually turns in only 18 or 20 miles to the gallon.

But this 200-mile gadget is no gas saver. It is an economizer. It reminds one of the story about the fellow who cascaded two gas savers and had to stop every twenty miles to siphon some gas out of the tank.

In an imperial gallon of gasoline there are 145,000 British thermal units, more or less. This is the equivalent of 113 million foot-pounds, or 57 horsepower-hours. This would lift a 3,000 pound car 37,660 feet straight up in the air; or a little over seven miles—from the bottom of the Dead Sea to the top of Mount Everest, and then some. How far it would pull the same car along a level road depends on how fast you want to go, and how much friction there is in the wheel bearings. A man capable of generating only one-eighth horsepower can keep a car rolling, if he likes that kind of exercise. He will get there sometime: Say you choose to exert a continuous pull of 60 pounds—with a 3,000 pound car that is equivalant to a two-percent grade, a rough approximation of friction-loss plus wind resistance at a moderate speed. At that rate she will roll 356 miles for your gallon of liquid calorics.

So, here's luck to a grand new idea. Long may she perk, and far may she fly!

Patents Block Thieves Taking Gas Economizer
Inventor Thinks Theft Is Attempt to Force

Invention's Sale

Loss of three models of his 200-mile-per-gallon carburetor sometime Wednesday, was reported today by C. N. Pogue, local inventor. Thieves broke into his workshop, located in the Amphitheatre rink, through a hole in the roof, and escaped undetected.

The thieves will gain nothing Tribune today. The invention is fully protected by patents in all principal countries of the world, and its theft will result only in delaying Mr. Pogue somewhat in his work of improvement and perfection.

Mr. Pogue believes that the robbers, to whom he gave credit for exceptionally smooth work, did not take the three carburetors they stole for any financial gain. He is of the opinion that their object was to discourage the inventor and his backer, W. J. Holmes, to such an extent that they would be willing to sell their rights.

Offers Turned Down

To date, Mr. Pogue said, he had turned down countless offers to buy the invention, into which they have put thousands of dollars and Mr. Pogue almost twenty years of work. They prefer to bring it to perfection themselves before placing it on the market.

Mr. Pogue described the manner in which the thieves accomplished their purpose, as he sees it.
"There must have been two or three of them, and they probably spent several days in their operations. How they could work here for that time, while the place was guarded day and night, I don't know. I am convinced that they were outsiders, but that they had help from someone who knew the ground here well."

Kept In Workshop

Mr. Pogue kept his carburetors and the car with which tests had been made, in a large workshop inside the Amphitheatre rink. The thieves entered, perhaps through the rink, then climbed to the top of the shop.

Here there were traces indicating a prolonged stay by the raiders. There were footprints in the shavings on the roof, and remains of meals. The raiders gained entrance to the shop through an opening in a switchbox on by their raid, the inventor told The

Breen Motor Company Limited, Winnepeg

To whom it may concern:

I made a test today of the Pogue Carburettor [sic] installed on a Ford eight-cylinder coupe. The speedometer showed that this car had already run over 9,000 miles. I drove this car 23.2 miles on one pint of gasoline The temperature was averaging round zero with a strong north wind blowing. I drove for 15 miles and back on the same road, and the distance shown by the speedometer mileage was 23.2 miles when the gasoline was exhausted and the car stopped.

The performance of the car was 100 percent in every way. I tested for acceleration, get-away from a standing start and at all speeds, and it performed equal to, if not better, than any car with a standard carburettor.

At very low speeds, under 10 miles per hour, it was smoother in operation than a standard car. In fact, below 5 miles per hour it pulled up a slight grade without labouring of any kind. I stepped on accelerator when the speedometer was below 5 miles per hour and the car got away without a falter.

(signed) T.G. Breen, President [Breen Motor Co. Ltd.]

the roof, dropping down and removing the carburetors while Mr. Pogue was away for lunch on Wednesday.

Previous Theft Attempted

A previous attempt to steal the carburetor in April of this year was unsuccessful. At that time thieves stole a car in which the invention had been demonstrated from a garage at the rear of the Amphitheatre. Fortunately, the carburetor had been removed from the car some time before.

The invention was tested officially last December. In below-zero weather, two prominent Winnipeg automobile men, W. S. Kickley and T. G. Breen, reported 209.6 miles to the gallon.

In another test made by Mr. Pogue himself, in February, a car equipped with this carburetor is said to have travelled from Winnipeg to Vancouver on less than 15 gallons of gasoline.


Toronto, Dec. 5—Somewhere within 40 miles of Toronto, generally in a north to northeast direction, engineers are now trying out the new carburetor, invention of John [sic] Pogue, 38-year-old Winnipeg man, which has become the main gossip of engineering and motor car circles throughout the continent.

That was the message imparted to The Tribune by John E. Hammell, millionaire mining official and prospector.
Mr. Hammell confirmed the report that a car using the new carburetor traveled 200 miles on a gallon of gasoline.
Just where the old residence and plant at which the carburetor is being tested is located will not be divulged. Gordon Lefebvre, of Toronto, formerly automotive engineer with General Motors, is the personal representative of Mr. Hammell in the final stages of perfecting the carburetor.
"I have not placed any big stake in this invention and won't until it is perfected 100 percent," Mr. Hammell said. "After it is perfected it will take time and it must be proved as an engineering principle."
To date the sum of $150,000 has been expended on the invention, states Mr. Hammell. "I have hardly started to do anything yet—they've got to show me."
W. J. Holmes, Winnipeg sportsman, has backed Pogue.
"But if it clicks," said Mr. Hammell, "there will be all the money required to put it across. I have been approached by some of the biggest oil and motor men on the continent already. They laughed at Pogue when he needed help and now they can talk to me. I have signed up the entire undertaking and have made agreements with both Pogue and Holmes.
"Certainly we have armed guards at the plant where the carburetor is being perfected. Somebody broke into Pogue's shop at Winnipeg months ago, but even if things were stolen now it wouldn't affect matters."
"The carburetor has been tried out on Pogue's own 1934 Ford 8-cylinder car. We have driven the car and got surprising performance—running over 200 miles on a gallon of gasoline. But that doesn't yet prove the thing. It is being installed on one of my own cars of the same make as the inventor's—then it will be tried on larger cars," declared Mr. Hammell.
As yet the invention is crudely made and entirely by hand. It is also costly. It is a slow process in developing. The trying out of the instrument on new cars will proceed under Mr. Hammell's engineers. Then other engineers, a chemist and designers will be called on as part of the undertaking with all the moneys required, states Mr. Hammell.
"I have no illusions in this matter," he remarked. "The principle must

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