Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (84 page)

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Using more conventional research methods, the Argonne National Labs (Atomic Energy Comm.) spent millions in the early 70s developing numerous "Super Batteries." Somehow, as usual, the public gained little benefit from these breakthroughs.

Anti-Gravity Propulsion

A number of researchers contend that if the isoles of the atomic fields in matter are arranged in a linear polarity, they can produce an anti-gravity effect. This is the principal a magnet works under when its molecules are in alignment. The perfect example of this principle in application is the bumblebee. Flying against all aerodynamic principles, the wings purportedly produce enough electrostatic polarity bands around the bee's body to carry it aloft.

According to some theories anti-gravity can actually come from creating any system which will use the confusion of matter against the orderly flow of energy. In designing a system to use positive and negative (night and day, the Ancients called it) polarities against each other, a Toroid coil with a caduceus winding can be used to separate these fields—and play them against each other. By orienting the poles of the atomic structure of matter instead of the molecular structure (magnet), even nonferrous metals can gain attraction-repulsion qualities.

We should shortly be using propulsion uni t s which are little more than diaphragms of matter sending out discordant vibrations—out of harmony to the resonance of space. (Further data on the working of matter from works by Walter Russell and Geo Van Tassel).

While the electrical resistance of various metals has long been affected by super cold temperatures, it was not until the mid-60s that scientists found a "breakthrough."

Niobium with tin zirconium or titanium were found to produce superconducting magnets ten times as strong as ordinary magnets.
As with the "live" metals mentioned elsewhere, such super-conductive characteristics could allow a super magnetic shield for space ships. This would, in effect, act as a force field protector against dangerous protons and radiation. Super-conductive wire, of course, could allow frictionless gyros, and ultra small computers and electrical circuits.
When larger super-conductive metals act to repel magnetic fields, we have an actual "levitation."


Besides the well-known oracle caves of antiquity such as Delphi, there were lesser-known objects used for the same purpose. At Dodona there were vases fashioned of metal that supposedly would ring for hours when struck. It would seem logical that certain tonal ranges or octaves would, indeed, assist some to blank out unwanted thought patterns.

Pythagoras was the first person history records as working out a reasonably sound harmonic musical scale. He was also convinced that certain modes or keys had profound effects upon emotions. The "Hard Rock" music of the 70s then was probably far worse on the listener's well being than the less chaotic music he warned his disciples against.

The early Greeks had great knowledge on the use of vibrations, and the priests were able to build highly unique sound chambers to use in their rituals and religious ceremonies.

Many persons have felt that all elements have certain keynotes and, if such a keynote is duplicated, it can disintegrate the compounds into their various parts. The mystical principle that two exact things cannot occupy the same space at the same time is valid whether applied to a mind system or to a wall of Jericho.

According to a number of ancient records, round metal discs of certain shapes and resonance could lift men and objects if sounded. Two such discs were made for the king and queen of Spain by the Aztec ruler Montezuma. About the size of phonograph records, one of these gold discs was said to be thicker than the other. Numerous myths spoke of persons flying when they struck or made songs on plates, Indian Sanskrit records are usually more detailed and indicate a science of acoustics far ahead of ours. The 716 ancient stone discs found in China by the Russians in the 60s were said to vibrate in a peculiar manner when struck.

In a work called Secrets of the Andes mention is made of a large disc from ancient Lemuria which was used by the Incas in a sacred temple. If struck in a certain manner it could supposedly cause earthquakes; if tuned to an individual vibrational rate it could transport the person to a distant place. The Spaniards found this disc gone when they finally located the temple.

Well-known occult writer, Annie Basant, explained in some of her works, that the gigantic stones moved by the ancients were rendered weightless by a simple application of natural magnetic law. Legends of almost every continent give accounts of persons striking objects or singing songs to move themselves or other objects around.

In 1971 the conventional spinning gyroscope used in navigation was threatened by a tiny two inch Beryllium copper wire held between the magnetic flux of two electro-magnets. This vibrating wire created a major breakthrough in this field. (Honeywell).

Throughout the ages there have been a certain few who have had the ability to match odours to vibratory levels. Even in the present age there are certain perfumes that are said to use a scale of odours just as a musician uses a harmonic scale of notes.

The mystics of the world have used chants to vibrate areas of the body to fuller efficiency. A typical chant has a mental, love, and power tone, ranging from higher to lower.

Early work by Dr. Oscar Brunler found a direct relationship between the output frequency of the brain and intelligence.
The Energies Science has yet to understand what we could call the "other energies." These energies—or let's say, "this energy" can be operated at great distance without any "grounding" actions by physical bodies. It can even be reflected by mirrors and transported, concentrated, and increased by sound.
The mystics referred to this other energy as "life force," and "Prana." Eeman called it the X force. Reichenbach called it "Odic Force," Paracelsus called it "the mumia," and the ancients referred to it in various ways as the "binding force." Frankly, I suspect it is all a part of "Mind."

UFOs and Propulsion Systems

Back in the 20s a former classmate of Einstein, Townsend Brown, teamed up and discovered a new principal of propulsion. It started with a charged condenser on a string and led into miniature flying saucers.
It was found that the closer the condenser plates, the wider the area they covered, and the more voltage difference between them, the greater the resistance to the effects of gravitation.

Brown continued this propulsion work into the 50s and is thought to have concluded that three large condensers under a saucer (120 degree control) would be sufficient to make practical flight possible. Theoretically, the condensers act in creating a modification of the gravitational field around a craft and, by using a caduceus coil to change field polarity, directional guidance can be attained.

As late as the early 1970s one inventor in the Northwest demonstrated similar anti-gravity discus before Portland TV Channel 8 viewers. His "Sicorsci Aviation" spent seven million dollars on the project before it all faded away.

These and other propulsion systems were all but ignored, officially. They went against the notions of gravity, for one thing, and for another, how would the powers that be make money from them? Jets cost millions . . . these systems were too simple.

A saucer developed by Germany about 1940 consisted of a wing wheel design in which a dozen variable wings acted in principle like a helicopter. The perfect balance required on this design was very difficult to attain, but with jet propulsion it was said to be capable of almost 2,000 kilometers per hour. [1,240 miles per hour].

One of the more advanced German designs was said to be powered by a "Schauberger" flameless, smokeless implosion motor. These power plants ringed the craft and tilted at angles necessary to give direction and speed. By incorporating suction openings at the top of the craft, an added boost in speed came from the vacuum created.

Incredible as it may seem, there were many documentations of all this in various reports at the time. A friend of mine told of tons of Germanium he found in one such plant. It was in some way connected with the drive system of one saucer design. Renato Vesco told an Argosy author (issue of August 1969) that most of the data on the German saucers was taken by British "T" teams to Bedford, England, to various secret facilities in Australia, and to British Columbia, Canada. After continued work on the better projects, various British sources let it be known in 1946 that Britain would soon have aircraft that would be capable of thousands of miles per hour and need no fuel. By 1960 the Canadians had set aside 125,000 acres of very remote land in BC for "experimental aircraft" and the word sifted through that "Canada had some very advanced aeronautical technology."

Because the U.S. was unwilling to share the nuclear data she came away with after Germany's fall, Britain and Canada were not about to share their aeronautical data with us. It was their ace in the hole. Huge RAF budgets along with continued sightings of slower and more "solid" UFO's has led many persons to suspect that our pilots are ordered not to fire upon such craft with good reason. They are our friends—or maybe even us.

A certain Hefferlin manuscript entitled "Rainbow City" explains that the hero developed a very advanced space ship and offered it to the Hungarians just before Hitler took the country over. Because the Hungarians lacked funds to continue and Germany was closing in, Emery flew two ships to the U.S. and stored them here.

After offering them to the U.S. Government, Emery was rebuffed for a second time; he eventually flew, according to the manuscript, to a small secret protected valley in the Antarctic. Mention is made in this work of a fuelless motor which utilizes water electrolysis.

It is also pointed out that other alien UFOs, having no connection with these projects, commonly exist.* As an example, in unofficial conversations with the various astronauts, certain reports stated that all the early "moon shots" had alien visitors following them for a time. But then, this work is not large enough to go into data on such alien craft.

Alien Triad Propulsion Systems

A number of UFO reports have these crafts' propulsion systems using a triad configuration. A typical case involved a Sgt. Moody who was shown a system which used what appeared to be three large crystals joined by sloping rods. According to Moody the alien had told him that "with a little thought on your own, this could be developed by your people."

Electrostatic Anti-Gravity

With the help of two electrodes charged with 200 kilovolts of direct current, a piece of aluminium foil with a bead of mercury on it can be reportedly suspended between the posts. Mercury engines are described in ancient manuscripts from India.


Henry William Wallace patented an anti-gravity generator in 1971, and many experimenters in this field were given encouragement and help by the new ideas.

Wallace's device uses rotors travelling from 10 to 20 thousand revolutions per minute and the inventor suggests that the intensity of weightlessness can be increased by using mercury—just as is mentioned in the ancient Indian manuscripts.

* When Will Our Government Confide In Us? As the space projects of earth pushed ahead in the 1960s very few persons were aware of the fact that some of our most sophisticated advances came from duplicating the equipment on "alien" craft. A number of wrecked craft of this period reportedly got rushed to the Wright Patterson installation and thoroughly dissected. As stacks of UFO documents became de-classified in the 70s, it was still almost impossible to obtain them
from the responsible sources.

Dean Space Drive

Norman L. Dean was an amateur experimenter who made modifications to a harmonic drive mechanism known as a "Buehler Drive." Consisting of two counter rotating eccentric masses, the Buehler Drive is used by industry in generating oscillatory motion or vibrations. Because of various complicated circumstances and the death of the persons involved, nothing ever came out of this invention. No government agency ever showed an interest in it, of course.

Early Plight

Surprisingly, a number of legends and records exist concerning pre-historic flight. A number of these stories concern men who learned the art of flying from their more able "Gods." Emperor Shun in China, for instance, allegedly was able to fly after such instruction, and medieval drawings from such early periods are pretty convincing. Hindu writings are filled with "celestial" vehicles which transported the kings and gods. Other accounts of flying machines are recorded in various ancient records and myths including, it would seem, the Bible.

The more mystical works of Phylos and James Churchward tell of how some of these ancient airships worked. One design mentioned by Churchward took power from the atmosphere in what could correspond to a turbine running on atmosphere gases. He claimed that temple records he saw gave specific instructions for building not only a very advanced airship but its power supply as well.

In A Dweller on Two Planets, Phylos explains how some early airships ran by a balancing of the day and night sides of nature—anti-gravitational forces were matched against gravity to manoeuvre such ships perfectly. Some feel that such forces are beyond our present grasp because of certain energies unavailable to the Power Sources (Xtals), but that is a story told elsewhere.

The Vedic manuscript, The Samarangana Sutrachara, gives no less than forty-nine types of "propulsive fire" used in the wingless flying vehicles of India. This work devoted over 200 pages to describing how to build and fly these advanced ships. Some of the propulsion systems used the power of heated mercury, others that of electrical or magnetic forces.

The "Mahabharata," "Drone Parva," and "Ramayana" also give accounts of these "Vimanas" and their remarkable abilities.
According to Dr. Ruth Reyna, there are Sanskrit texts in the University of the Punjab that tell of space flights 3,000 B.C. Commissioned by U.S. Space authorities Reyna found that these flights were considered imperative due to the threat of a deluge on earth.

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