Stay (8 page)

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Authors: S. Mulholland

BOOK: Stay
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“Holy shit! There!” She points out hysterically.

I immediately follow her finger and see that she’s pointing at the door we just came in from a few minutes ago.

My body goes cold and motionless when I see the person that’s just walking into the party…Jason.

I look at him up and down. He’s wearing a black suit and tie with a white collar shirt.

He looks to die for, but this isn’t the time for me to notice how unbelievably sexy he looks in those clothes.

His hands are in both his pant pockets and he’s staring straight ahead. He has no idea that I’m standing here in shock at the sight of him.

He lied to me is all I can think when Magda says, “Alex, let’s get out of here…this was a bad idea.”

Anger engulfs me once again. “No! This is what we’re here for. Let’s see what he’s doing here,” I say through clenched teeth.

“But—“I raise my hand to let her know I mean business.

She takes the hint and steps closer to me while I watch Jason walk straight through the living room and into the dining room.

My heart rate escalates when we follow him directly to where we saw Melanie sitting. Magda and I are walking side by side in silence as we watch all this unfold before our eyes.

I contemplate closing my eyes and just turning around and making a run for it but I know I can’t. If this is what he’s been hiding from me the whole time, I need to know. I cannot keep putting myself through this with him. I can’t allow this to go on when I’m the one getting hurt in the process. I will not be someone’s play thing. He might’ve fooled me up until now, but not anymore.

I love him so much it hurts but if he doesn’t feel the same and has been playing me—there’s nothing left for him and I.

I grind my teeth until they hurt in order to keep the tears forming in my eyes to spill over.

Standing there motionless, I see Melanie light up when she finally notices Jason walking towards her. I try to keep my eyes focused on her so that I can see her full reaction but I can’t. I look away and watch Jason approach her with no emotion on his face.

When he reaches her, everyone around disappears, leaving them alone. I’m too far away to hear anything that they’re saying so I try to step closer to them but Magda stops me.

“Don’t! They’ll see you….let’s just watch what they do.” She says softly.

I don’t respond because I know she’s probably right so I just keep my eyes focused on the scene in front of me.

I look at Melanie this time and I see her flashing her flirtatious smile at him the whole time he’s talking to her. My stomach churns when I see her hand come up and grab his tie.

I want to close my eyes so bad but it’s like watching a train wreck—I can’t look away.              

He immediately grabs her hand and takes it off his tie while saying something to her sternly.

That move makes me think that maybe just maybe there’s nothing going on but then it happens. It all feels like it’s in slow motion for me but in reality it’s not.

She says something in return and then puts her arms around his neck pulling him towards her disgustingly overly lip glossed mouth.

“Oh…shiiiit…it’s about to go down!” I hear Magda say excitedly next to me.

My feet are moving at lightning speed without me even knowing it but I don’t care at this point. I need to confront him. I need him to know that I found out about his little game and that I don’t intend on being one of the players anymore.

His back is towards me when I approach them. All I can see are his hands on top of hers around his neck making me feel nauseous at the fact that those hands have been on me. The whole time he’s been with her, he’s been with me…
I’m gonna be sick…

I compose myself when I’m finally standing behind him. Magda is still by my side not saying a word. I take a deep breath before I tap on his shoulder.

He roughly grabs Melanie’s hands and pushes her off of him so he can turn around.
Rub it in, Toolbox!

When he comes face to face with me I see his eyes slide down my body and his body becomes rigid.

His eyes come back up to find me glaring at him.

I see his jaw start to tick like he’s angry about something.
I’m the one that needs to angry! What the fuck is he angry about?
He’s the one kissing fart-mouth.

His lips thin out, “Alexan—“

My hand connects with his face immediately so he’s not able to finish saying my name. His head goes sideways at the sudden impact but his eyes don’t waver from mine.

Magda gasps but I don’t care enough to look at her. I just glare at Jason and hope that the hurt and disappointment that I feel right now is visible in my eyes because no words are coming out of my mouth.

I finally turn to face Magda. “Let’s go. I’ve got nothing left to “take care of” here,” I say through gritted teeth.

Her only response is a nod.

I turn on my heel and start walking away with Magda behind me. I only hear loud voices as I get further away. I don’t have the control to turn around and see what’s happening so I just keep walking as fast as I can.

When I make my way into the living room someone grabs my ass out of nowhere.

Not having the patience for Magda’s stupid jokes, I turn around ready to knock her out but stop dead in my tracks when she’s not the one behind me. There’s a tall ass guy standing there with a beer in his hand and she’s nowhere near me.

“Hey, baby…” He slurs as he gets closer to me.

I take a step back to get away from him but he puts an arm around my waist to stop me.

“Where you going, sweetheart? Dance with me…” He says with his yellow-teeth smile, pulling me close to his body.

My body shudders with disgust at the smell of his nasty drunken breath on my face.

I try to pull away but his grip gets tighter.

“Let me go, douche bag!” I yell, hitting him in the chest to no avail.

He starts laughing and grinding his erection on me. I try to wiggle out of his hold but I can’t.

I look around for help but nobody’s watching us. That’s when I realize that everybody around us probably thinks we’re just having a good time because this is the way everyone in here is dancing.

I could get raped right here, right now, and nobody would notice.
Son of a bitch!

This is what I’m thinking when douche bag all of a sudden turns around for some reason and lets me go. 

I instantly look down because I can feel my dress barely covering my ass from struggling with him. I’m fixing my dress when I hear what sounds like a loud crash happen right in front of me.

I look up just in time to see the guy that was grinding on me hit the floor right by my feet. 

My hand flies to my mouth as I gasp loudly when I see him lying on the floor knocked out. I’m paralyzed on the spot until I see Jason grabbing the guy off the floor and making him stand up.

There’s only the sound of the music playing loudly because everyone is silent just watching the show.

I’m baffled by Jason’s reaction because I’ve never seen him act like this before.

“Don’t you ever fucking touch her! You understand me?!” He yells in the guys’ now bloody face.

My eyes go wide at the rage I hear in his voice for this drunken asshole that probably won’t remember anything that happened, tomorrow.

“Oh my God, Alexandra are you okay?” Magda asks appearing at my side once again and grabbing my arm.

I don’t’ respond because I panic when I see Jason make a fist like he’s going to punch this guy again.

I pull away from Magda’s grasp and step in to grab his fist before he strikes the half conscious man. I may be livid with him right now, but I refuse to let him get in trouble for beating somebody up at his girlfriends’ party.

“Stop it, Jason!” I yell holding his scraped, swollen fist in place.

His attention turns to me but his mouth stays in a thin line. “Don’t do this. It’s not worth it…” I continue barely above a whisper so that only he can hear me.

I can only hope that he’ll realize the double meaning of my words.

Tears threaten to spill over but I refuse to let them go in front of him.

A flash of sadness crosses his face but he doesn’t say anything.

I look away and shake my head disappointed at what has transpired tonight.

I sigh as I let go of his hand and turn back around to leave this suffocating house. I walk past Magda and soon after I feel her by my side as I walk out into the driveway where she parked the car.

I know that she understands how much I don’t want to talk about everything that just happened because we reach the car in silence.

I’m about to grab the handle to the passenger side when a hand covers it.

“Dammit, Alexandra! Why in the fuck are you here dressed like that? Are you trying to get me to kill someone?” Jason scolds me.

I whip my head up. “Excuse me?” I ask incredulously.

From the corner of my eye I see Magda standing by the driver side. She quickly makes her way inside the car to avoid the drama or to have a front row seat to it, not sure which one.

He grabs my arm roughly. “You’re barely fucking covered. You shouldn’t be leaving the house dressed like that.”

Confused I say, “I’m sorry, but you must be speaking to the wrong girl because I know for sure you mean to say this to your girlfriend—you know? The one who had one of her dingle-berry sniffers tell me to come here and see for myself who
really are--“

“Let’s get some things straight here, Alexandra.” He interrupts me mid-sentence, his face dark with fury.  “First, I don’t want you dressing like that if I’m not around. It’s not safe. Next…Melanie is not my girlfriend, she never has been. I have never slept with the girl nor have I had any other type of interaction with her outside of what you just saw—which was business—she was messing with something that belongs to me but I took care of that,” he finishes.

My mouth hangs open at what he’s trying to get me to believe so nonchalantly but I find my voice soon enough.

“You know what, Jason? I can dress however the fuck I want—I don’t need your permission…I’m not yours!” I say exasperated, throwing my hands up in the air annoyed. “I’m not gonna do this with you anymore. I know everything now…I’m not playing your games. You can go back to Melanie.” I finish, looking directly into his piercing blue eyes. 

I get a whiff of his sexy ‘jump my bones’ cologne when he moves closer to me.

His hand remains on the handle so I try to take a step back to move around him but he grabs me by the waist with his free one.

He pulls me close up against his body.

My eyes close involuntarily at his nearness.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Alexandra …You.
. Mine. It’s not a game.” He whispers.

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