Stay (5 page)

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Authors: S. Mulholland

BOOK: Stay
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“I’ll have a beer, sure. How do you guys have alcohol in here? Are you like a fifth year Senior or something?” I ask sarcastically.

He laughs. “No, smartass. My roommates’ sister comes to hang out all the time and she’s of age. She just happens to conveniently fill our fridge with refreshments when she visits,” he adds with a wink.

That wink only causes me to start thinking dirty slutty thoughts about what this man would do to me—all over.
Shit! Don’t think dirty thoughts…don’t think dirty thoughts,
I remind myself as I try to regain a little bit of clarity. Right now, all I’m thinking about is how his laugh alone is making me want to jump his bones.

Stop it. Say something
…“Nice. So you lucky guys are all ready when potential girlfriends come here, huh?” I ask, hoping it isn’t too obvious that I am trying to figure out if he has a girlfriend.

I take a seat on the blue couch facing the flat screen TV in the middle of the room.

“Umm, you could say that,” he says with a bit of uncertainty, while handing me the beer he got from the fridge.
Strange response.

I really don’t know how to feel about this guy. A minute ago, I wanted to maul him and now after that response I don’t’ know if he’s a player? Or if he has a girlfriend?
What’s with the mystery? And
hy do I even care that much anyway?
It’s weird, but for some reason, this just makes me want to figure him out even more.

I have to be careful, though, because this guy looks like he can really break my heart if I let him and I’ve only known him for less than an hour.
What is wrong with me?

Is this what love at first sight is?
I’m just crazy, right? I have to be to think that I’m in love with this guy. No way!
Stop yourself, Alex!

“Alexandra?” He waves his hand in front of my face.

Snapping back to reality, I say, “Oh…sorry. Did you ask me something?”

He obviously just caught me spacing out. I bet I had my mouth open. Real attractive. I sigh.

“I said…do you want to go ahead and take that Mario Kart challenge or what?” He asks standing in front of me, grinning.

The fog in my brain clears. “Right! Of course! Let’s hit it! Mario and I will kick your ass!”

He holds out his hand to help me stand lighting my body on fire when I take it.

We walk to the first room on the left, in front of the kitchen.

As I follow him in, I see that there is a bunk bed near the center of the room with a big closet on the far right corner. There are two desks on the left side of the room facing each other. Behind one desk is a big screen TV with every game system ever invented.

I let go of his hand and quickly make my way to the small brown couch that’s directly under the bedroom window and make myself comfortable.              

He says nothing throughout the whole exchange. I look up to find him still standing by the door seemingly unsure about something.
That’s odd

My eyebrows furrow as I take a swig of my beer. “Are we gonna do this or what?” I ask, looking at him all confused.

He shakes his head as if to shake out the cobwebs. “Yeah--sorry. It’s just weird that’s all.” He leaves the doorframe and walks towards me.

My body responds to his nearness almost instantaneously and I shiver.
Damn libido.

I look at him with a bit of concern. “What is?” I ask coming out of my lust haze.             

He clears his throat. “Nothing. Let me get the system set up.”

He bends down to get the game started which gives me a clear view of his nice tight ass which I was right about. It looks divine in those jeans that hang low on his waist.

Low enough for me to see the waistband of some Calvin Klein underwear.
Dear lord
this man is too gorgeous for his own good
. I may be a virgin, but I am still only human.

Once he sets everything up, we play Mario Kart the whole night and I learn a lot of things about mystery man, but it’s mostly just the basics.

He told me that he has an older brother named Bryan and a younger sister named Kelly. He’s from Chicago and his mother is a nurse at a city hospital. His dad was a different story. He didn’t want to talk about him that much. So I didn’t insist.

I also found out that his favorite sport team is the Chicago Cubs. He showed me his music collection which included a lot of hip hop, R&B, and some Rock.

As the night went on, we found out different things about one another. We actually had a lot in common which made it easier for me to be myself with him.

There weren’t any awkward silences because if we weren’t talking about our lives, we were joking around about the game and talking smack back and forth. I didn’t want the night to end because we were so in sync with each other, which is something new for me.

There were times when I felt as though he was holding back on me, like when I would ask more about his family, I could tell just by looking in his eyes. There just seemed to be a lot of hidden emotion there. It was pretty evident to me but I didn’t want to get into a serious conversation because then there would be questions about my life and there’s no way I’m telling him about my past—if I can’t even bring myself to tell Magda—there’s no way I’m spilling my guts to this Greek God.

At one point during the night, our legs were touching and rubbing together so I had to keep myself from straddling him and kissing him senseless.

I want this man, so bad. He’s making me feel like a hussy with my dirty thoughts
. Stop it!

“Wow! It’s 3am!” He says surprised, leaning closer to my side so he can see the clock on his messy desk.

I take my chance and smell his neck like a total creeper. I close my eyes at how good it smells. I find it so tempting to lick his neck but I snap myself out of it once I realize what he said.

“Oh my God! Are you serious? I have class in less than five hours!” I jump off the couch and scramble to put my heels back on. “I gotta go, I’m gonna be so tired, I’m gonna fall asleep in class.”

He leans back on the couch. “Umm, yeah you might…”

I see him start to rub the back of his neck with his right hand looking sheepish so I busy myself to avoid making him feel awkward for any reason.

I finish putting my heels on and look at him. “Well…Mr. Roberts I had fun beating your ass at Mario Kart. I hope you’ll remember that next time you challenge me.” I say with a wink making my way towards the doorway.

His voice stops me. “Alexandra…listen, do you—uh--you want to stay the night? My roommate obviously isn’t coming home tonight so it wouldn’t be a problem…” He shrugs. “It’s a little too late for you to be walking to your dorm right now, anyway. But only if you feel comfortable,” he finishes, keeping his gaze on the carpet and both hands deep in his pockets.

I blush.  My stomach starts doing flip flops because I wasn’t expecting him to
me to stay so I have to see if he’s serious.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude but I suppose it beats having to walk in the dark and chilly October air…” I ask looking down at my shoes, hoping he doesn’t change his mind.

I feel him walk towards me. I look up and he’s suddenly inches from my face.

“Yes, I’m sure.” He whispers.

My eyes flutter as I look into his eyes wishing him to kiss me. He takes his right hand and places it on my left cheek and I lean into his touch. He smiles and closes the gap between us to place a soft brief kiss on my lips.

I feel my lips tingling, wanting more when he pulls back to show me where the bathroom is.

We get into a comfortable silence as we both get ready to go to sleep.

It’s weird that everything feels so comfortable with him, like we have been doing it for years.

He hands me one of his shirts and I get changed in the bathroom.

Once we are both ready with our respective pajamas, we lay together on the bottom bunk. I get the inside and he gets the outside without any debate.

We lay there staring into each other’s eyes, not touching, not speaking. Just feeling this electricity between us.

Neither one of us takes it further than that.

When I start to drift off to sleep, I feel him tug me closer to his body until we are spooning. He buries his face in my hair and I close my eyes at how good that feels. After a while I feel his body relax and I know he has fallen into a deep sleep.

Listening to him breathe, I wonder what I’m going to do because I’m pretty sure that Jason Roberts owns every part of my being without even knowing it.

I slowly start falling asleep. My last thought is that I will forever remember him and this moment with us together.

As for the rest…well the rest is going to be history….then I succumb to the darkness.











Chapter Two




              The red timer says I’m about five minutes in when it feels like I’m starting to hyperventilate.

I look over at Magda next to me and she seems to be having no problems breathing. Like running at a steady 10.0 isn’t a struggle. I’m so out of shape that running at a 6.0 is deadly.

My mouth is dry as hell when I hit the emergency stop button because I can’t even think straight anymore.

Magda looks over at me and rolls her eyes when she sees I’m trying to catch my breath on the treadmill.

She takes her ear buds out while she’s still running, “Are you that out of shape, Alex?” She asks, appalled.

I make a lewd gesture that involves my hand under my chin instead of answering because to be honest, I just can’t right now. I’m too worried about being able to breathe again.

P.O.D’s ‘Alive’ plays on the loud speakers when I’m finally able to catch my breath and focus on my surroundings.

I wipe the sweat off my face with the white towel and turn to Magda. “I’m outta here…I almost collapsed on this piece of shit. I can’t believe I let you drag me here. I repel gyms.”

I wave goodbye, but only get a middle finger in return.

I get off the machine and make my way towards the exit. I open the door to leave when I almost run into Slutinez.

“Why hello there, Alex.” She says with a knowing smile.

I roll my eyes. “Hey,

Still holding the door open I say, “After you,” so that I can get by and not have to keep talking to her fake ass.

A smirk creeps up on her lips before she responds, “I don’t think so.”

Confused as to why she’s being so ‘knowing’ I ask, “Excuse me?”

I lean the left side of my body up against the door to open it further giving her more room to go inside. But it doesn’t leave me a lot of room to walk past her. The only way for me to get through is if I push her out of the way and I’m not about to put my hands on her nastiness.

She just stands in the middle of the doorway with her hands crossed across her fake chest. The only thing covering those things is a bright pink sports bra with thin ass straps.

I’m wondering how that tiny thing is holding her boobs in place without ripping when I hear her ask, “So, how’s Jason?”

My eyes immediately go from her boobs up to her face at the mention of Jason’s name.
Why would she know him?

From what I’ve learned in the last few weeks is that he’s very private and not a lot of people here know of him or about him.

It has seemed to me in the short time that we’ve been together that he doesn’t socialize with a lot of people and he’s always either with his roommates or me—so I thought.

“What’s it to you?” I question her.

She shrugs nonchalantly. “Nothing really…just wanted to see how you guys were doing. That’s all.”

I give her my best ‘I’m not stupid look’. “Spit it out, Melanie. You know you got something to say so just say it and quit the bullshit.”

Her head tilts back with laughter. “Relax, Princess--I’m just wondering how well you know Mr. Roberts…nothing to get bitchy about.”
Princess? This Bitch.

I’m about to rip her a new one when I feel someone come up next to me.

I turn to look and see Magda standing there with her hands on her hips looking very pissed off.

“What the fuck do you want Dick-Licker?” She asks annoyed.

I chuckle a bit when I see Melanie uncross her arms and place them on her hips as if she’s about to charge.

I point to Big Tits a as I speak, “Well, Magda, Melanie here has been asking me about Jason and she was just about to tell me why she was so interested.”

Magda takes a step back and crosses her arms in front of her sweaty chest. “How in the hell do you know Jason? Do you want to suck him off too like the rest of the campus or do you just do that to the poor pathetic losers of this school that can’t get laid?”

I vomit a little in my mouth at the image she just put in my head.

“Look here, Bitch, I’m just trying to tell your friend here that she needs to be careful with Mr. Jason, that’s all. Don’t kill the messenger.” She says acting like she’s doing me a favor.

Magda tenses beside me. “Who you callin’ a Bitch?--Bitch!” She yells as she charges towards Melanie.

Slutinez isn’t as stupid as she looks because she takes a step back to avoid the assault that’s coming for her.  I try to take control of the situation by taking that opportunity to step in between them to stop the cock fight happening in front of me.

“Knock it off! Both of you!” I reprimand before continuing, “Melanie…what the fuck are you talking about?”

She sighs heavily as if she’s annoyed by my question. “I’m simply asking if you know who he really is and what he does when he’s not with you.”

I scrunch my eyebrows together. “Listen, let’s get one thing straight—I have no need to do those things because I’m not insecure like other females I know—mainly, you. I know all there is to know about Jason so what is it that you feel the need to bring up right now?”

Most of that statement is true aside from knowing all there is to know about him. But there is no way I’m admitting that to her. He still is very private about his family especially his dad but there’s no need for this Bitch to know that.

“If you know so much about him…where is he from?” She challenges me with her lopsided smile.

“Illinois…Why?” I rebuke.

She cackles before she asks, “Good try…what part of Illinois?”

I don’t answer right away because I just want to sock her in the face with something. But also, it’s because I’m not sure how to approach her question without giving it away that I don’t know that much about Jason.

She starts tapping her bright green tennis shoes on the floor, like she’s impatiently waiting for me to answer.

It pisses me off that she’s got me on this one. I don’t know where he’s really from but I don’t see how that matters so I ask her, “Why?”

She raises one of her overly filled in eyebrows. “That’s what I thought…you don’t know. Do me a favor, would ya’? The next time you see him, which I’m assuming is going to be soon since Thanksgiving break is over tomorrow…ask him what he did for the holiday and WHO he spent it with?”

Now she’s really pissing me off but I control myself. “And I want to do that because?”

“Let’s just say you want to do that because you might want to know what kind of man you’re sleeping with.”

Her comment takes me by surprise but after a few seconds her insinuation hits me. That’s when I see red and I can no longer hold back.

I turn to look at Magda and her mouth is hanging open because she knows what’s about to happen.

“I’m gonna kill this Bitch...” I charge at Melanie but Magda holds me back by the arms before I reach her.

“Don’t! This cocksucker isn’t worth it,” she whispers directly in my ear before walking in front of me and asking, “And how would you know all of this, Slutinez?”

She taps her chin with her index finger. “You see…Jason and I happen to be from the same town of Cary, Illinois—and well…let’s just say that his many indiscretions are pretty well known. I say this only because it seems like your friend here doesn’t know who she’s
and she should. Roberts is known as the love them, leave them type of guy so she better not be thinking it’s going to be any different for her. If you don’t believe me, ask him. That is all,” she says with a devious smile on her Botox injected lips.

Her head tilts sideways so she can have a better look at me behind Magda. I meet her eyes but I’ve got nothing else to say besides, “I’m not fucking him!” Which is true, I’m not.

Aside from that, there’s nothing I can say to defend myself. She’s right. I have no idea where he is exactly from because he never wants to elaborate on the family subject or the “home” subject.

I sure as hell don’t know about his many acquaintances because I thought we were both being pretty open about our non-existent relationships. But I’m starting to see now, that maybe I just assumed he wasn’t seeing anyone.

She doesn’t respond to my clarification but I think it’s only because she doesn’t believe me. Because according to her information it’s more like who isn’t fucking him.

Before turning on her heel, she winks at me like she knows she just accomplished what she set out to do—piss me the fuck off. She walks down the hall and takes the stairs to exit the building.

When she’s out of sight, I take a step back and lean up against the wall behind me wanting to not believe a word she just spoke but that’s easier said than done.

Magda turns to look at me. “She’s a Bitch. You can’t go on believing anything that comes out of her Herpes infested mouth.”

I smile a little at her insult. “I don’t…” I assure her even though a little part of me does believe that venomous Hooker.

I’m just trying to figure out how she knows all that.
Has she been one of Jason’s acquaintances?
I gag mentally at the thought of him being with her.

“Listen…just because you think Jason is hiding something from you doesn’t necessarily mean that the secret is him being a man-whore. Lint-Licker over here is just a fucking hater. She can’t get anybody on this campus anymore so she hates to see you with someone she wants to suck off so bad but can’t.” She says squeezing my shoulder for reassurance but it doesn’t help.

I can’t stop thinking about them together and her little comment just now makes me want to projectile vomit all over the floor.

I tilt my head back to avoid eye contact. “I guess you’re right. I just wish I knew what he was hiding and why I haven’t been able to talk to him since he left a couple of days ago. I mean…what could he possibly be doing that--he can’t even call me back for a second or send me a text saying that he got home okay or some shit?…”

I had called him a couple of times since he left to make sure he got home safe and to wish him a Happy Thanksgiving, but I never got anything in return, just a few restricted calls that ended up being hang-ups.

Now, hearing the licker of all dicks say shit like that—makes me wonder if that’s really what he’s been doing home the whole time while I’m here worrying about him like an idiot.

Magda sighs heavily. “All you can really do is wait to see what he says about what he did for Thanksgiving and then ask him about what Fuckwad insinuated.”

I shrug nonchalantly to prove to her that I’m unaffected. “It’s fine…I’m fine. Let’s just go get something to eat downstairs at Phil’s before we go home.”

She nods and we take off down the stairs to Phil’s. We eat and pretend like Melanie didn’t ruin our night with her shit-talking.

I avoid talking about Jason, like he’s the last thing on my mind but I know that Magda somehow realizes that he’s the only one I’m thinking about.


              The next morning I wake up to the sound of loud knocking on our door. I take my pillow and place it over my head to quiet the noise but it just keeps getting louder and louder.

I relent after five minutes of persistent knocking even though I want to go back to sleep since I hardly got any because of Turd-Bucket Martinez.

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