Spies and Commissars: The Bolshevik Revolution and the West (77 page)

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Authors: Robert Service

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. J. Carswell,
The Exile: A Life of Ivy Litvinov
, pp. 190 and 203.
. M. Philips Price,
My Three Revolutions
. J. Reed,
Ten Days that Shook the World
(Boni & Liveright: New York, 1922).
. Dzh. Rid,
10 dnei, kotorye potryasli mir
(2nd corrected edn; Krasnaya nov’: Moscow, 1924).
. B. D. Wolfe, ‘Mr K’s Favorite Reporter’,
New York Times
, 5 June 1960.
. RGASPI, f. 89, op. 28, d. 5, p. 8: meeting with Komsomol delegation, 13 January 1961.
. M. E. Harrison,
Marooned in Moscow: The Story of an American Woman
Imprisoned in Russia
, pp. 193–4.
. A. Dunois, unpublished typescript introduction (May 1941) to an edition of Sadoul’s letters, p. 4: Jacques Sadoul Papers (HIA).
. M. E. Harrison,
Marooned in Moscow
, pp. 194–5.
. V. Serge,
Memoirs of a Revolutionary, 1901–1941
, p. 145.
. PFR.301/D.S.10: National Archives, KV/2/1904.
. R. Chambers,
The Last Englishman: The Double Life of Arthur Ransome
, p. 363.
. S. G. Reilly to P. Dukes, 23 October 1922: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 6, folder 22.
. P. Dukes,
Come Hammer, Come Sickle!
(Cassell: London, 1947).
. Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), boxes 1 and 2. On the accident, see the letter from Mrs Tina Forbes to Mr Lacy, 16 October 1969, in box 1.
. G. A. Hill, ‘Reminiscences of Four Years with the N.K.V.D.’, p. 121: draft typescript, George A. Hill Papers (HIA).
., p. 2.
, p. 158.
, pp. 137–43.
, pp. 156–7.
. Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder ‘George Hill Legal Documents’.
. A. Cook,
On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Sidney Reilly – Codename ST1
, pp. 96–7.
. Robin Bruce Lockhart’s notes taken from George Hill’s account to him, pp. 2–3: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers, box 11, folder 1.
. S. G. Reilly and Pepita Bobadilla,
The Adventures of Sidney Reilly, Britain’s Master Spy
(E. Mathews & Marrot: London, 1931); R. N. Bruce Lockhart,
Ace of Spies
Reilly – Ace of Spies
(Thames TV, 1983).
British Agent
(dir. M. Curtiz: Warner Brothers, 1934).
. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, notebooks (apparently 1938–1945): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 3.
. Cablegram (n.d.) to R. H. Bruce Lockhart at the
Daily Express
., box 10.
. R. H. Bruce Lockhart,
Friends, Foes and Foreigners
, p. 274.
. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Baroness Budberg’ (n.d. but after 1956), pp. 5–6: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 6, folder 14.
. T. Alexander,
An Estonian Childhood
, pp. 69–71 and 74.
., p. 122.
. R. H. Bruce Lockhart, ‘Baroness Budberg’, pp. 1–13: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 6, folder 14.
. D. Collingridge, ‘Aunt Moura’,
The Times
, 2 May 2010. Dmitri Collingridge is a great-great-nephew of Moura Budberg.
. Merian C. Cooper Papers (HIA).
. R. B. Spence, ‘The Tragic Fate of Kalamatiano: America’s Man in Moscow’,
International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
, no. 3 (1999), pp. 356–63.
. Robin Bruce Lockhart to G. A. Hill (n.d.), recounting what Paul Dukes had told him: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder G. A. Hill Correspondence with Robin Bruce Lockhart.
. B. V. Savinkov to S. G. Reilly, 7 October 1924: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 6, folder 24.
. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’,
, 30 August 1924, pp. 4–6.
Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov
, p. 592.






Arkhiv Prezidenta Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Moscow [APRF]

Bodleian Library, Oxford

Papers of Alfred Milner, Viscount Milner, 1824–1955

Gosudarstvenny Arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Moscow [GARF]

Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, CA [HIA]

American Relief Administration Russian Unit

Vladimir N. Bashkirov Papers

Communist International Instructions

Merian C. Cooper Papers

Theodore Draper Papers

Paul Dukes Papers

Arthur M. Free Papers

T. T. C. Gregory Papers

George Halonen Papers

George A. Hill Papers

Ronald Hilton Papers

Herbert Hoover Collection

Hungarian Subject Collection

N. A. Ioffe Papers

Henry James Papers

William J. Kelley Papers

Nicolai Koestner Papers

Aleksandr Vasil’evich Kolchak Papers

General A. A. von Lampe Papers

Robert Lansing Papers

M. J. Larsons Papers

Ivy Litvinov Papers

Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers

Jay Lovestone Papers

Gibbes Lykes Papers

L. K. Martens Papers

Frank E. Mason Papers

Russia. Posol’stvo

Russian Subject Collection

Jacques Sadoul Papers

Boris Savinkov Papers

US Consulate – Leningrad [

US Department of State: Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between Russia (and the Soviet Union) and Other States, 1910–29

Pëtr Vasil’evich Vologodskii Papers

P. N. Vrangel Papers

Nikolai Yudenich Papers

National Archives, Kew

HO = Home Office

FO = Foreign Office

KV = Security Service

Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Sotsial’no-Politicheskoi Istorii, Moscow [RSGASPI]

fond 2

fond 17
fond 46
fond 325

fond 5

fond 44
fond 89
fond 515

Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Voennyi Arkhiv, Moscow [RGVA]

Russian and Eurasian Studies Centre, St Antony’s College, Oxford [RESC]

Ivy Litvinov Papers

Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge

Churchill Papers

Contemporary Periodicals

Byulleten’ Narodnogo Komissariata Inostrannykh Del

Daily Express
Izvestiya Tsentral’nogo Komiteta KPSS
Daily Herald
Labour Leader
Daily Mail
Manchester Guardian
Daily News and Leader
New York Times
Le Figaro
The Times
Washington Post

Books and Articles


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(Hodder & Stoughton: London, 1963)
R. Albertson,
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V. V. Aldoshin, Yu. V. Ivanov, V. M. Semënov and V. A. Tarasov (eds),
Sovetsko–amerikanskie otnosheniya: gody nepriznaniya, 1918–1926
(Mezhdunarodnyi fond ‘Demokratiya’: Moscow, 2002)
T. Alexander,
An Estonian Childhood
(Heinemann: London, 1987)
C. Alston,
Russia’s Greatest Enemy?: Harold Williams and the Russian Revolutions
(I. B. Tauris: London, 2007)
C. Andrew,
The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5
(Allen Lane: London, 2009)
C. Andrew,
For the President’s Eyes Only: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush
(HarperCollins: New York, 1995)
C. Andrew,
Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community
(Heinemann: London, 1985)
C. Andrew and V. Mitrokhin,
The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West
(Allen Lane: London, 1999)
N. Andreyev,
A Moth on a Fence: Memoirs of Russia, Estonia, Czechoslovakia and Western Europe
(Hodgson: London, 2009)
C. Anet,
La Révolution russe: la terreur maximaliste; l’armistice – les pour-parlers de paix (Novembre 1917–Janvier 1918)
(Payot: Paris, 1919)
Arkhiv VChK. Sbornik dokumentov
, ed. V. Vinogradov, A. Litvin and V. Khristoforov (Kuchkovo Pole: Moscow, 2007)
Army: The Evacuation of North Russia
(War Office: London, 1920)
J. Aves,
Workers against Lenin: Labour Protest and the Bolshevik Dictatorship
(I. B. Tauris: London, 1996)
K. Baedeker,
Russia with Teheran, Port Arthur, and Peking
Handbook for Travellers
(T. Fisher Unwin: London, 1914)
V. Barnett,
A History of Russian Economic Thought
(Routledge: London, 2005)
B. F. Bears,
Vain Endeavor: Robert Lansing’s Attempts to End the American–Japanese Rivalry
(Duke University Press: Durham, NC, 1962)
B. Beatty,
A Political Primer for the New Voter
(Whitaker and Ray-Wiggin Company: San Francisco, 1912)
B. Beatty,
The Red Heart of Russia
(The Century Co.: New York, 1918)
C. Bechhofer,
Through Starving Russia, Being the Record of a Journey to Moscow and the Volga Provinces in August and September 1921
(Methuen: London, 1921)
D. Beer,
Renovating Russia: The Human Sciences and the Fate of Liberal Modernity, 1880–1930
(Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY, 2008)
A. di Biagio,
Coesistenza e isolazionismo. Mosca, il Comintern e l’Europa di Versailles (1918–1928)
(Carocci: Rome, 2004)
A. di Biagio,
Le origini dell’isolazionismo sovietico
(Franco Angeli: Milan, 1990)
R. Blobaum,
Feliks Dzierzynski and the SDKPiL: A Study of the Origins of Polish Communism
(East European Monographs: Boulder, CO, 1984)

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