Soul Mates: Magic (Soul Mates Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Soul Mates: Magic (Soul Mates Series)
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“Oh. I was just sort of hoping you’d help me with that assignment for English. You know the one for Mrs. Lancaster?”

I nodded. Mrs. Lancaster had been a fixture at our school for as long as I could remember. She’d been old when my brother had her, now she just seem
ed ancient. “Did you read the story yet?”

“Well, no. I couldn’t really get into it. That Shakespeare guy wrote all funny. I tried, I just don’t get it.”

Shakespeare was one of my favorite authors, and
Taming of the Shrew
was one of my favorite stories. “I’ll be home Sunday afternoon if you want to come over and I can help.”

“Sunday? Well the fo
otball game will be on at four…will you be home before that?”

I shrugged. “Yeah, I guess I can be home around three.”

“Do you think it will take longer than that to do the assignment?”

“I’ll try to make it earlier.”

“Thanks, babe. I knew you’d help me out,” Michael said kissing my cheek and walking me back to the truck.

He kissed me on the cheek again as we pulled up in fron
t of my house. “See ya Sunday, babe.”

I nodded and walked myself up to the door. He didn’t even bother to wait around to make sure I got inside all right. Boys. I knew he’d be dropping off Meagan next and I was positive that Daire would walk her to her door, wait until she was safely inside and then return to the truck. He’d probably have Michael drop him off at Max’s house and then flash himself back over here to lecture me.
Part of me didn’t really want to be here when he arrived. I thought about just flashing myself to Faerie, but I needed to tell Mom first, so I went inside quickly.

“Mom, I’m home!” I called.

“Hi honey, how was your date?” Mom asked, a twinkle in her eye.

“It was fine. Nothing major. Just dinner at Carter
’s and then we walked around down at the Lock and Dam.”

“Sounds nice. What’s wrong?” Mom asked studying me.

“It’s nothing. I’m just gonna grab a bag and go stay at Faerie tonight, if you don’t mind.”

“Okay honey. But if you want to talk, I’m always here,” Mom said pulling me into a hug.

“Thanks Mom.” I smiled.



I almost made it. I was stuffing my books into my bag just as Daire flashed into my room. “Damn it,” I said softly.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Where do you think?” I glared at him.

“Not yet, you aren’t. We are going to talk.”

“Daire I really don’t want to have this conversation with you. It’s none of your business who I kiss. I don’t belong to you. You have Meagan, if you recall. You know, the golden blonde goddess of cheerleading perfection?”
              “He’s just using you, can’t you see that?”

“Does it really matter? Maybe I’m using him right back.”

“You’re not, you’re better than that.”

“Am I?” I said raising a brow. “I’ve gotta go.” I picked up my bag and turned to leave when Daire grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

“Don’t. Don’t be like them,” he said softly, putting his forehead against mine, his lips millimeters from my own, so close I could feel his words whisper against me.

I closed my eyes and for a fourth of a second I considered giving in to
the impulse I had to lean in to his oh so kissable lips, but then I pulled away. “Let it go Daire. I’m not yours.”

Daire sighed and let go of my arms. “Forgive me
, Princess.”

I nodded. “I’m going to Faerie. I don’t want to see you this weekend,” I said as I turned away, ready to cry.

“As you wish, Princess.”

I turned back toward
him, but he was gone. I sighed and sank down on my bed. A few tears slipped down my cheeks and it was enough to open the floodgates. I could hear rain pelting against my windowpane in a soft comforting patter. I fell asleep curled up on my bed hugging my bag of books and toiletries to my chest.

Sometime during the night Mom must have come in and put a blanket over me, because when I woke my bag was across the room on my desk and I was underneath a warm fuzzy blanket that was normally kept in the linen closet for guests. My head hurt from my night of tears, so I took a quick shower and went downstairs to find some aspirin.

“Good morning, sweetheart. I made you some French toast and bacon,” Mom said as I entered the room and sat down at the table.

, Mom.”

“You want to talk about it?” s
he asked sitting across from me.

“Not really. There isn’t anything to talk about.”

“Did that boy do something that upset you?”

“Who? Michael? No, it’s not him,” I replied with a small smile. “He’s coming over Sunday afternoon to work on an English assignment.”

“Well if it’s not Michael and nothing happened last night, why were you crying?”

“It’s nothing
, Mom. Really, I’m over it,” I said avoiding her eyes. “I’d better go. I’m supposed to work with Tatiana today.”

“All right, H
oney. But remember I am here if you need to talk.”

, Mom.”

I ran back upstairs, grabbed my bag and flashed myself to the entrance of Faerie. Thane was once again on the door. “Morning
, Thane.”

“Good morning
, Princess,” Thane said opening the door for me.

“Auberon still has you on guard duty?”

Thane smiled. “You could say that. Have a nice day, Princess.”

I went to my chamber, tossed my bag on my bed and went in search of Tatiana. I found her in her rooms mixing oils into a small black pot. “Good morning
, Tatiana.” I very rarely called her Great Grandmother, she didn’t really care for it.

“Good morning, my dear, you’re early.”

“Not really.”

“How was your date?”

              “Fine,” I said hoping to avoid the rest of that conversation. “What are you working on?”

“Well, I thought today we might work on your beauty magic…” Tatiana said with a smile. “You know, as Queen of the Light, it will be your job to make sure the flowers and other plants bloom as beautiful as possible.”

“I know,” I replied touching a rosebud and watching it spring to life.

“And you still haven’t created the bloom
that will be your calling card. You will need to do that when you make your come-out.”

I frowned. I’d fo
rgotten all about that. My come-out as Tatiana called it was a large party with all of the Nobles, where Auberon and Tatiana introduce me as heir to the throne. Currently my brother was the heir, but it was only temporary until I could take over. He had his hands full with being King of the Felidae clan and didn’t want the throne of Light and Illusion. “How long do I have?” I asked frowning.

come-out ball is to be on Yuletide, December twenty second. It shall be a masked ball. I do so love masked balls, don’t you?”

“I’ve never been to one.”

“Oh I’d forgotten this will be your first ever ball with the Nobles,” Tatiana said with a smile. “You shall love it. As the ball will be in your honor, you will get to choose the leader of the Wild Hunt and ride with them as they go after the oath breakers. It’s so exciting.”

Wild Hunt? You still do that?”

“Yes dear, every year. Your brother has been the Huntsman for the last fifteen years
. I am surprised he never mentioned it.”

“Max keeps things pretty much to himself. And since I am never here for the balls, I suppose I just assumed that was a practice you no longer carried on.”

“It is the best part of Yuletide,” Tatiana said with a grin. “Never break an oath made to a Fae. You would think that humans would learn after a while, but no, there are always a few who think they can get away with it.”

“Who all goes on the hunt?” I asked curiously.

“Oh any Fae that has an oath breaker to seek out and punish, a few of the warriors, the hounds, too, love to go along as well.” Tatiana put a few more drops of peppermint oil into the bowl. “Now dear, let us work on creating you a divine bloom.”

“What kind should I create?”

“Hmm, well that depends. I chose a white rose with a pale pink tip. It signifies happy, joyful love. What kind of flower speaks to you?”

“I’ve always
had a love for Calla Lilies, they are so unique looking.”

“A beautiful flower, it’s true. Yes, I believe that will be just the thing…” Tatiana murmured. She moved about the room, pulling bulbs from various places and slicing pieces and fusing
them together. “Come, my dear…touch this one, give it life.”

I reached out
my finger, lovingly caressed the gentle bulb and watched it spark to life. It bloomed into a beautiful deep purple Calla Lily with white tips. I’d never seen one quite like it in my life. It was gorgeous. “Oh…” I breathed out with wonder.

“It’s lovely, and perfect, just like you. And it conveys just the right message I think.”

“Message?” I asked.

“Oh yes. Roses are not the only flowers that have significance. All of them do. Calla Lilies mean magnificent beauty, like you
, my dear. And the colors, well the deep purple is for passion and royalty, while the white tips show unity and commitment. It says a great deal about what kind of leader you will be to our people. Only you could touch that bulb and have it bloom in such a way. They truly do speak to you, you’ve chosen well.”

I smiled. “May I have a bouquet of these?”

“Oh not yet, we must breed them, make them hearty and strong. Here touch this one, I need another sample bloom to draw from,” Tatiana said gesturing at another fused together bulb. “We shall reveal your flower at your debut.”

I sighed. “All right. What can I do to help?”

I worked with Tatiana for a few hours creating hardier flowers, deepening the purple and brightening the white. They were gorgeous flowers and I was proud to have created such a beautiful thing.

It was late when I emerged from Tatiana’s room
s and I was quite hungry. Trinia was sure to have supper ready soon, so I went to my chambers to change. Suppers were usually formal and proper attire was required as well as the removal of the ring the kept my appearance human. I took a quick shower, washing my hair in lavender scent, and blowing it dry before I removed the ring. It was easier to care for that way.

I stared into the mirror as my shape changed. Not too drastically, but enough. My long strawberry hair lengthened to hang past my hips, my ears took on a slightly pointed shape. My chin too took on a slightly pointed appearance as my face thinned and my
cheekbones became more prominent. My skin turned more bronze and seemed to glow iridescently in the mirror. I’d gained a few inches as well, something I always appreciated.

I debated about what to wear and finally decided on a whimsical silvery gown. I twisted my hair up into an elegantly messy backwards
side-to-side hair-do. Sort of a modern take on the early nineteen hundreds look. I let Faerie do the rest, and I wasn’t disappointed. Silver holy adorned my head in the form of a tiara to match my dress. I applied glittery silver eye shadow to my eyes and a simple light gloss to my lips. I took one last look in the mirror before stepping out into the hall.

“Princess, you look lovely.”

“Thank you, Aurora,” I said with a smile.

“I was just coming to tell you supper is being served.”

“I was just on my way, thank you.”

Aurora bobbed a curtsy and headed back toward the kitchen. I slipped quietly into the dining hall and took my place to the right of Auberon. It was a small group this evening. Just Auberon, Tatiana, Cole and I. Normally Daire would have joined us, but apparently he was keeping his word to stay away from me this weekend. I sort of regretted telling him I didn’t want to see him.

“Princess, you look divine.”

“Thank you
, Cole. You look quite handsome yourself.” He was wearing a formal Fae suit, deep green in color. His long dark hair was braided with ivy and holy.

“Will you do the honors, my love?” Tatiana asked Auberon.

“Of course, my dearest,” Auberon replied picking up the knife and carving the pheasant. “Did you have a productive day?” he asked me.

“We did.
We’ve chosen my flower for my come-out ball.”

“I cannot wait to see it. Tell me, what flower did you choose?”

“Ah-ah-ah, my dear,” Tatiana said with a smile. “You know that would be telling, and it cannot be revealed until Yuletide.”

Auberon smiled, “Very well. Do you train with Jarlath this evening?”

“Yes, we are working on the waltz again.”

“You have to learn to let the gentleman lead
, my dear.”

I sighed. “I know. I’m working on it,” I said finishing up my last bite of supper and dreading the dance lesson.

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